Wednesday, January 31, 2007
Gun Bans do not work.. Look at England.
“The number of robberies involving firearms jumped 10% last year, including a 9% rise in street robberies at gunpoint, official figures have revealed. Home Office statistics also showed a 46% leap in residential robberies involving a firearm in 2005/06. Criminals used guns in a record 645 cases of residential robbery in England and Wales – up 204 on the previous year and four times the level recorded in 2000/01.The number of street robberies at gunpoint increased from 1,311 in 2004/05 to 1,439 last year. The overall number of gun robberies - including those which took place outdoors or targeted shops, garages, post offices, banks and homes - was 4,120 compared with 3,674 in the previous 12 months. Handguns were the most commonly used firearm in robberies, reported in 2,888 cases.” For more info, visit:,,-6370387,00.html (Source: The Guardian)
Monday, January 22, 2007
I might have been wrong about Rosie!
Could Rosie be taking on the Conservative Fox Network trying to discredit Conservative Values?
OK lets get the elephant out in the room.
Rosie gets a certain amount of "CRED" from being Gay. Bash Rosie and you are a Homophobe.. NO not the case. Do not care what she does in the privacy of her home, do not care if some idiot in the Government allows her and her house mate to raise adopted children.
What I care about is the continuing decline of responsibility in this country, yet the continual LIBERAL anti God rants.
This is a Christian Nation.
Freedom of Religion means Christian Religion.
Seperation of Church and State is based on a CHURCH not a RELIGION. This was based on the Church of England being the center of persecution in England and why many Americans came from England and other countries.
The country can not recognize ONE Church as the THE CHURCH of the country.
NO WHERE in the Constitution does it say that there should be a seperation of RELIGION and the State. Our laws are built on Christian Principles. Our Court System is built on Christian Ideals.
NOW lets move on to the Muslim Religion and the recent use of a Koran (Quran) by a Muslim official. The Koran that he used was owned by Thomas Jefferson. WHY did Jefferson own a Koran? Was it due to his unending belief in the rights of all men to believe as they chose? NO.
A History Lesson.
From the Shores of Montezuma to the shores of Tripoli... Part of the Marine Hymn.
The Shores of Tripoli references Thomas Jefferson's war on Islamic Fundamentalists in Africa. Why did we have a war?
Here is the story.. (Gee I am all over the place today.. ramble on Jim)
IN the late 1700's and Early 1800's in Tripoli there was a very strict Wahabi Led government. (Wahabi being new at the time and moving across the Islamic World)
The Mullah's of Tripoli believed that all infidels should die.
The United States was paying these people $10 million Dollars a year.. (YES $10Mill in those days money) to leave our ships and people alone. We did this because they were burning all ships passing Tripoli, killing the men, raping and killing women, kidnapping and holding young women and making slaves of young men.
Jefferson asked the diplomats (Who brought him a copy of the Koran, ergo the Koran used to swear in the Muslim elected to congress) why they were attacking our people and what was the Justification?
The Diplomats pointed to the Koran and told Jefferson that since they were infidels that the Koran gave them justification to do anything they wanted since Infidels were not people of God.
Jefferson sent the Diplomats on their way and shortly there after stopped paying the $10Million to the Tripoli Government. Instead he sent them a note.. I will spend 10 Times $10 Million to defeat you before I will pay one dime of tribute to your God.
Thus the attack on Tripoli by the Marines and a short lesson on why Thomas Jefferson owned a Koran. It was NOT because he sought enlightenment and insight into a religion, it was because it was given to him by men trying to convert him and who were killing Americans.
Jim Dicken
Help a Soldier make a donation to
This organization uses 100% of all money to help soldiers. They have no costs to take out of your donation.
Blame it on Jerry... I do!
Lets see under Jerry Abramson:
More Homeless
More Murders
No closer to the bridges
Police and EMS can not communicate and Louisville got a D from Homeland Security.
Police are in near riot mode over Mr. Abramson's handling of the Police Administration.
How long does the list have to get before we get rid of this guy?
I admit the guy is likable, lots of charisma, great recruiter for Louisville should be Ambassador for Life Jerry..but Geez Louise what does he have to do to make you people in Louisville understand he is no longer running this city with any intelligence or competence?
Again I say the word Incompetent should have a picture of Jerry Abramson next to it.
Jim Dicken
Saturday, January 20, 2007
Another Win in the War on Terror
Somalia and now the Phillipines are running Al Queda out of their countries and the war in Iraq is partially responsible for this. The failure of any one to draw this conclusion is amazing. Operations like Al Queda when brought to conflict in one central area, unable to refinance and reman forces spread out over the Middle East and Southeast Asia can not sustain themselves and the war in Iraq is taking its toll on Al Queda funds and manpower.
George W. Bush and the current administration took the proper actions by invading Iraq and Afghanistan after 9-11.
Jim Dicken
Answer to juncasantiago/
george w. bush is more than just a bad talker... he's undeserving of his position as president and more deserving of getting his head chopped off. he has us in an unjustified war thats causing more anger towards the u.s. and therefore more terrorism. in my opinion bush deserves the death penalty.
Mr. Bush has made the hard decisions. It is easy to make everyone happy. Just do what the majority wants and you will never go wrong.. OOOPS.. that mentality is what caused 9-11. Failure to make the hard decisions during the Clinton Administration are why we are at war. Had Clinton not cut the Intelligence Budget after the FIRST ATTACK on the World Trade Center. Had Clinton not tried to prosecute the terrorists instead of KILL THEM. Had Clinton not done the popular and done the hard things 9-11 might not have happened. There is a direct correlation to the Clinton Years and the attempts to be Politically Correct and the ending result which was the death of almost 3000 Americans and world citizens on 9-11.
WE the US, tried to appease the terrorists for years. Chamberlain tried to appease Hitler.. it did not work. In the end every dictator and ever war that was averted, ended up being fought against a stronger enemy, and killed more people. Had we eliminated Sadam 10 years prior during the Clinton Administration when Sadam showed his true intents by attempting the Murder of George Bush Sr. we would not be here.
Mr. Bush has shown a strength of character that is much like that of Churchill. You remember Churchill, he wanted to go to war with Germany and was defeated by Chamberlain who appeased him. We had WWII any way. "Peace in our time" will never come as long as we negotiate with Tyrants.
Mr. Bush understands this. He may not be the enigmatic speaker that Churchill was, but he is right. WE the US can not afford to lose in Iraq, or in Afghanistan. Losing would mean more terror, would strengthen the power of the Wahabi Sect Mullah's and in the end mean the end of our civilization since we have allowed these fanatics to infiltrate most of Europe, Canada, Australia and our own country.
Jim Dicken
Friday, January 19, 2007
America Taken for a Ride....
ROSIE is doing favors for friends. Want better ratings? Call Rosie and ask her to bitch slap you on TV. Does not matter if it is called for or not, it raises your ratings and helps your TV show.
Donald Trump? Yep helped his ratings.
Grey's Anatomy? Yep helped their ratings.
Paula Abdul? YEP helped the ratings of American Idol.
America at its manipulated finest.
First who the HELL is Rosie to give Donald Trump shit over giving Ms America a second chance... then turn around yesterday and talk about how great it was for Whitney Houston to get a second chance.. DUH... Rosie she has had more than one second chance. Makes you a hypocrite to even talk about Donald..
Rosie O'Donnell is a PIMP in my opinion.She is pimping TV Shows and personalities.
She talks about other peoples morals while having questionable ethics of her own.
Jim Dicken
Thursday, January 18, 2007
Our Culture or Self Loathing and Defeat.
I am however a son of World War II. The war of our greatest generation. The generation that lost over 250,000 killed in action in a war that lasted from Dec. 7, 1941 to August of 1945 .. just over 3 years.
We fought a terrible man who killed well in excess of 10 million people not on the battle field but in Concentration Camps. 6 Million Jews, 2 Million Gypsy's and reportedly 1.5 Million Catholics. ( Working from memory here )
He killed the handicapped, the deformed, anyone who would dirty the gene pool. He was a Eugenics Believer. (A silly science that actually had its beginnings in the early 1900's in the United States.)
Now we are engaged in a war with people who would do the same thing. Yes, the SAME exact thing that Hitler would do, Ossama Bin Laden and his Wahabi Sect Believers would kill all Jews, Christians, anyone who would not believe in Islam.
Liberals do not understand the enemy. They think that this enemy was born from the mistreatment of Arab nations and peoples in the 20th Century. This is not the case. Our actions in Iraq, Iran, and the rest of the Middle East are not why they "Hate" the United States. WE are not responsible for this hate.
This hatred has its roots in late 1700's Politics and is rooted even further in the history of the middle east.
Here is the description of the Wahabi Sect from the Google Dictionary..
Puritanical Saudi Islamic sect founded by Muhammad ibn-Abd-al-Wahab (1703–1792), which regards all other sects as heretical. By the early 20th century it had spread throughout the Arabian peninsula; it still remains the official ideology of the Saudi Arabian kingdom.
Our self hate and loathing is a waste.
We are winning in Iraq. We are winning the war on terror. While the war has not been fought perfectly is has been fought to win. Al Queda is on the run in Somalia, due in part to the Iraq war. Al Queda is in Iraq, it is pinned down. It has put all of its resources into this war in order to prove its point that the Wahabi Sect of Islam is capable of defeating the Infidels. Failure to realize this will mean terrible destruction and a continuation of the terror attacks on the world. We have no choice but to defeat Al Queda IN Iraq.
I have to wonder if we had fought the Second World War now if we would have won. Would we have bailed over 3100 casualties. We lost 250,000 in World War 2 and we are willing to pull out over 3100 deaths. WHAT MESSAGE ARE WE SENDING to the Wahabi Sect Believers if we leave. Just because there is no ARMY does not mean we are not in danger. The war will come to this country.
Pulling out of the Middle East, Independence from Oil, nothing short of conversion to Islam will end this terror.
Ossama has bet the house and the movement on THIS war.
The press is misreporting and spinning this. The press was against the war and is ONLY looking for information to back their own view. Occasionally they goof and show a soldier or his family supporting the war and what it is about and allow these people to say why. My guess is to say that we need to protect these poor misguided people.
President Bush made a statement the other day. He is not doing his job to be popular. This was a courageous statement. It is easy to rule by popularity and by having some kind of poll taken each week like Clinton did. It is harder to govern and do the right thing when the majority believe you are wrong and your message will not get out.
IF this were World War 2 I suggest that the people of this country would have shut down the New York Times, and the Washingtong Post and lynched many of the current News Media talking heads. Today we just believe we are wrong. WE BLAME ourselves for this.
Sadam Hussein was actively seeking ways to attack the United States. (Soviet Union backs this up)
He was harboring terrorists who had killed American Citizens.
There were 2 Al Queda Training Camps in the country, one was a MOCK AIRPORT set up to train operatives how to take over a plane. It was so good we had planned on taking it in the first day of the war to have a base for our planes. When Turkey would not let us over fly it was discarded and taken several weeks into the invasion.
There were WMD's found in Iraq. The press has ignored this, in order to perpetuate the LIE. (See this blog and information previously reported about WMD)
Sadam had killed hundreds of thousands of his own people and his sons had run RAPE rooms where they kidnapped, raped and murdered women.
Sadam was actively funding terror bombers in Palestine.
Sadam had thumbed his nose at the UN for 9 years.
Al Queda is IN IRAQ.
One more time, they are there because they BELIEVE that if they can defeat our army they can start a movement to destroy Western Nations. WE MUST WIN IN IRAQ, or our children and their children will be fighting for their lives for another Century.
Jim Dicken
Thursday, January 11, 2007
When the Majority is WRONG!
We look back on Churchill with reverence. Still the truth is that Churchill foresaw the Nazi threat and warned that appeasement would never stop the Nazi's or quench their thirst for world domination.
George Bush has this vision. He sees that this country and many of its citizens are JUST LIKE what Ossama Bin Laden says is true.. we are weak, we are cowards, we value life above our values.
I will admit that mistakes have been made in Iraq, but the plain truth is the Invasion of Iraq was necessary to stop a man who was murdering millions and had visions of ruling the Arab world, taking control of the Majority of the worlds energy sources and destroying the United States.
Beyond that was the simple fact that Iraq was TRYING to find a way to attack the United States. EVEN the Russian Intelligence community backs President Bush on this and the press and the media ignored this and still do.
We are winning the war in Iraq. We can see it in Somalia. Islamic Fascists have been thrown out of Somalia and the terror of Islamic Warlords is basically over. This would have been impossible if NOT for the war in Iraq. The pressure put on the Al Queda system has damaged them and made it impossible to send reinforcements to places like Somalia.
We have to continue this pressure and to expand out mission.
WE HAVE to help the people of Iraq to build business and to provide jobs and education to prevent the growth of the Wahabi Sect (Al Queda's Religious Belief System) and the type of Islamic Fundamentalism that is rampant in poor countries.
We have to give hope where there is none. To make Life worth more than death.
Failure to do so will mean our children and grandchildren are still fighting this war.
Great Article on Winning the War on Terror
The U.S. military is studying small companies such as 24-employee Craigslist to see how the online bulletin board has all but terrorized the newspaper industry by siphoning classified advertising.
Such research may unearth ideas that will help the United States fight the war on terror.
It may seem a stretch that within the chaos of capitalism are the secrets to fighting al-Qaeda. But the military and business have long borrowed leadership lessons and competitive tactics from each other.
In the past, sharing between military and business has been largely a one-way street. The Art of War by the ancient Chinese general Sun-Tzu remains a must-read for corporate CEOs, and most great lessons have been learned the hard way on the battleground before migrating into commerce. For example, CEOs have come to embrace the idea that it's better to act quickly on an imperfect plan than to introduce a perfect plan too late, a lesson first learned the hard way in the fog of war.
But now the military is paying closer attention to business than business is paying to the military, because the world of geopolitics has discovered itself to be on the same road that business has been on for some time. That road is flatter, more networked and more decentralized than ever.
Click HERE for rest of article.
Wednesday, January 10, 2007
Amazing ABC does it again... well sort of..
Then of course they went to a soldier who just came back.. a Captain I believe, who did not believe the troop surge would help. Too bad she did not follow up with the Captain and ask HIM if there were good things happening that were NOT being reported by the Liberal Media.. YEAH I SAID IT.. Liberal Media. They have an agenda and it is getting into the reporting and anyone who is too stupid to see that should not be able to vote..
Little O'l ME
Jimmy D.
What part of WINNING do we not GET!!!!!??????
Because the United States has kept Al Queda busy in Iraq and Afghanistan.
Because they have not been resupplied.
Because Al Queda is STUCK in Iraq and Afghanistan JUST like the United States....
NOW, I like our chances more than Al Queda's. We have the ability in the next 3 to 4 years of putting these BASTARDS out of business. Pulling out now, getting out of Iraq, will accomplish EXACTLY what Ossama Bin Laden needs. DEFEAT of the GREAT SATAN the United States which will make him into another Saladin of the Arab Nations. The poor of the Arab world will swamp to his cause to his teachings and in the end to Iranian Militant Control.
We have lost lives in Iraq. Too many for most of you. Too many at ANY TIME.. but in the end our losses have been miniscule compared to past wars, and even to minor conflicts.
World War 2 cost over 200,000 American Lives and this enemy is even more hideous and even more dedicated.
Pull out of Iraq before the country is able to sustain itself and we can start preparing for war in our streets. There is NO negotiation with these people. They will not stop until we are MUSLIM, or they ARE DEAD.
What part of that do you NOT get?
Jim Dicken
Dear Rosie O'Donnell
You know, I do not like Donald Trump, but the TRUTH be told, YOU WERE OUT OF LINE, in talking about him and Miss USA. Giving her a second chance was HIS choice, and I am sure that in YOUR pitiful America Hating life you have been given second chances. HOW DARE you criticize anyone for giving a person a second chance.
I am more than sure you were on the side of the Gangster out in California who killed several people and was executed despite the HOLLYWOOD outcry.
You were looking for a way to create controversy for the show and to increase the ratings of the VIEW because it was going down the tubes with you in the Driver Seat instead of Meredith Viera .. a Woman of Class rather than a classless woman.
Donald Trump may not be a Saint, but you are not one either and I am sure people could find problems with YOUR life and YOUR mates over the years.
Jim Dicken
Gun Owning Kentuckian
WHO LOVES Russell Springs
Tuesday, January 09, 2007
Read Rest of Story HERE:
We are winning the war.. but the media is not telling the people about it or drawing the conclusion.
Look Up Incompetent in the Dictionary.....

Jerry Abramson Mayor of Louisville....
Accomplishments -
Increased Murder Rate during latest administration
60% of Murders in Metro Louisville Unsolved.
HIRED Giles Meloche as Animal Director - MR. Meloche's Accomplishments?
Reporter Stephen George of the Louisville Eccentric Observer summarized Meloche's professional low points:Guilty administrative plea in Canada for improper record keeping of a controlled substance (anabolic steroids) at his veterinary clinic
Fired after 10 months on the job as animal control administrator for the city of Durham, NC for insubordination
Resigned from a position as Director of the Tallahassee-Leon Community Animal Control Services amid accusations of veterinary malpractice, aggravating shelter over-crowding and increasing euthanasia figures, inexperience with the public sector, and more.
IN Previous Administration - Moved Thousands of people from their homes illegally costing the city Millions of Dollars in LEGAL fees. Gave the land to PUBLICLY HELD companies.
Jerry also signed into law a New Ordinance that gives Mr. Meloche total control over the Animals in Jefferson County..
NOW We know the definition of INCOMPETENT, and why Jerry's Picture should appear in the Dictionary along with the definition.
Jim Dicken
Article By Joe Arnold on Yarmuth and the Bridge....
I spoke to him by phone.
“We're not going to be able to pay for this project if we drag it out over 20 years and rely on tax revenue only,” he says.
Read rest of article here!!
More proof the Mayor and City council are morons...
Rabbits and rabid dogsIf angry dog owners concerned about the city's new ordinance weren't enough, now there is another group that's worried about the law: rabbit owners and breeders.
Pamela Alley, director of the Rabbit Industry Council, wrote to say that breeders and people who participate in animal shows are worried about coming to Louisville in 2008 for the American Rabbit Breeders Association national convention.
In an interview, Alley said the members fear that "overzealous animal-control officers" will come into their hotel rooms and seize their pets because the new ordinance puts restrictions on animal sales.
So, So far we have the Louisville Dog Show in danger, the Rabbit Breeders Show in danger, will there be a problem with the Louisville Sport Boat and Vacation show? They have in the past had animal acts? How much more damage to the cities economic welfare will the "Mayor For Life" tolerate before dumping this idiotic dog ordinance..
Worse yet he says the it is a "Work in Progress". He also asked Meloche a HSUS supported administrator to NOTIFY him of problems...????? Now would Meloche find putting an animal show out of business a problem? Would HSUS find it a problem? HELL NO. Basically the Cat is in charge of watching the mouse...?
Jim Dicken
Mayor Abramson, Why can't police find evidence?
NOW, I want to know why police could not find this evidence.
I know of at least 1 other case where evidence was compromised and the murder is unsolved.
Mayor Abramson and Chief White have decimated the ranks of our police. With merger of city and county we lost experienced detectives who KNOW how to solve these crimes. It is time for Mayor Abramson to replace Chief White and to ask former Detectives to come back to assist in training their replacements and to look at unsolved cases with fresh eyes. It will cost, and the Mayor is responsible for this so the Mayor should give up his salary for at least the next year until the unsolved rate on murders in the city decreases to less than 10%, and that number is still unacceptable. There should NOT be more than one murder per year in this city that is unsolved.
Chief White must go.
His incompetence in getting training for new detectives is part of the problem that is endemic in the department and the rise of murder in this city.
The finding of new evidence in the Highlands Murder Case is outrageous. NO Evidence less than 3 feet from a murder should ever be found 3 months later. There is now doubt about the evidence that any criminal lawyer could exploit. This is UNACCEPTABLE and definitely reason for firing some detective and his boss.
Jim Dicken
Monday, January 08, 2007
Rosie Vs. The Donald.. ALL HYPE
Still I have to say I LOVE 2 Liberals both with no clue about the real world going after each other.
Neither of these people knows what REAL life is like any more.
Both are making personal attacks on each other a sure sign of personal moral Bankruptcy.
Donald is a great Realestate Mogul and Rosie, seems to entertain at least a few people. Both are smart enough to make it to the top of their profession.
So the only explanation is a RUSE to fool the stupid people into watching the Donald's TV show.
So if your dumb enough to watch either of them, and make them both richer... have at it.
Jim Dicken
Saturday, January 06, 2007
Category 5 Snowstorm VS... Category 4 Hurricane..
Hopefully some of my fellow Democrats will get the point... Americans DO KNOW how to survive without help from FEME etc...
This from the Denver Post:
This text is from a county emergency manager out in the central part
of Colorado after today's snowstorm.
Up here, in the Northern Plains, we just recovered from a Historic
event--- may I even say a "Weather Event" of "Biblical Proportions" ---
with a historic blizzard of up to 44" inches of snow and winds to 90 MPH
that broke trees in half, knocked down utility poles, stranded hundreds
of motorists in lethal snow banks, closed ALL roads, isolated scores of
communities and cut power to 10's of thousands.
George Bush did not come.
FEMA did nothing.
No one howled for the government.
No one blamed the government.
No one even uttered an expletive on TV
Jesse Jackson or Al Sharpton did not visit.
Our Mayor did not blame Bush or anyone else.
Our Governor did not blame Bush or anyone else, either.
CNN, ABC, CBS, FOX or NBC did not visit - or report on this category 5
Nobody demanded $2,000 debit cards.
No one asked for a FEMA Trailer House.
No one looted.
Nobody - I mean Nobody demanded the government do something.
Nobody expected the government to do anything, either.
No Larry King, No Bill O'Rielly, No Oprah, No Chris Mathews and No Geraldo Rivera.
No Shaun Penn, No Barbara Striesand, No Hollywood types to be found.
Nope, we just melted the snow for water.
Sent out caravans of SUV's to pluck people out of snow engulfed cars.
The truck drivers pulled people out of snow banks and didn't ask for a
Local restaurants made food and the police and fire departments delivered
it to the snowbound families.
Families took in the stranded people - total strangers.
We fired up wood stoves, broke out coal oil lanterns or Coleman lanterns.
We put on extra layers of clothes because up here it is "Work or Die".
We did not wait for some affirmative action government to get us out of a
mess created by being immobilized by a welfare program that trades votes
for 'sittin at home' checks.
Even though a Category "5" blizzard of this scale has never fallen this
early, we know it can happen and how to deal with it ourselves.
"In my many travels, I have noticed that once one gets north of about 48
degrees North Latitude, 90% of the world's social problems evaporate."
It does seem that way, at least to me.
I hope this gets passed on.
Hopefully, SOME people will get the message. The world does Not owe you a
Friday, January 05, 2007
HEY, World Press.. WE are WINNING....IRAQ is the reason.
Figure it out.. Al Queda is too busy in Iraq to help its allies in other countries. The War in Iraq is continuing to drain the forces of Al Queda and allow victories over Al Queda in other countries.
Jim Dicken
MOGADISHU, Somalia (AP) - Somali troops backed by Ethiopians prepared to launch a major assault Friday on the last stronghold of Islamic movement militiamen. U.S. Navy warships were patrolling off the Somali coast to prevent the militiamen from escaping by sea.
The Somali and Ethiopian forces captured a southern town near the Kenyan border Thursday evening. Col. Barre "Hirale" Aden Shire, the Somali defense minister, said Islamic militiamen were dug in with their backs to the sea at Ras Kamboni at the southernmost tip of Somalia.
"Today we will launch a massive assault on the Islamic courts militias. We will use infantry troops and fighter jets," said Shire, who left for the battle zone Friday. "They have dug huge trenches around Ras Kamboni but have only two options: to drown in the sea or to fight and die."
Somali government and Ethiopian troops routed the Council of Islamic Courts militia last week, driving them out of the capital and their strongholds in southern Somalia.
Thursday, January 04, 2007
Abramson is a Disaster for Louisville.
Problem is they had the HSUS help them to write the ordinance. Well 9 REVISIONS, and several votes later the city passed an ordinace RIFE with problems and denial or rights, which punishes LAW ABIDING citizens.
The worst part of the Ordinance is the Mandatory Spay rule.
If your dog manages to get out and get picked up by the Dog Warden, then to get the dog back you must have the dog spayed or neutered.. NO EXCEPTIONS. The ordinance also targets the annual Louisville Dog Show with rules and regulations that targeted the dogs. While the portions of the ordinance that SPECIFICALLY targeted the dogs from outside the city was removed, the council has a bad reputation for coming back later to add MORE to an ordinance. Louisville passed a smoking ordinance that allowed restaurants to add EXPENSIVE smoking rooms then came back a year later to ban even special ventilation, costing some restaurants Thousands of Dollars for investing in the smoking rooms.
This Louisville Dog ordinance was so important that Wayne Chapell of the HSUS came to the city on 2 occasions to promote it.
The end result is an ordinance that takes the rights of Pet Owners in the City.
Mayor Abramson was at one time one of the best Mayors in the country. His latest reign as the Mayor though has been a disaster.
While he is an awesome recruiter of business to the city, the cities infrastructure, police, and emergency services have suffered greatly, and worse the murder rate in the city has sky rocketed as have UNSOLVED HOMICIDES with almost 60% of Homicides in the City NOT being prosecuted within a year, and Cold Cases, languishing.
The "Mayor for Life" as some call him, is becoming more and more liberal. His actions have denied rights to people in the city, and he is more and more making decisions like he is KING. An ineffective Republican Party in Jefferson County has been unable to mount any significant attack on the man who Illegally used Imminent Domain to move thousands of families to double the size of Louisville's Airport.
While the airport has helped to make Louisville more attractive to business, it destroyed entire neighborhoods and Court Decisions later agreed with residents whose land was taken for Private Business that they should not have been forced to leave.
Jim Dicken
Spanish PM Tells a FUNNY ONE
"It will achieve nothing," Prime Minister Jose Luis Rodriguez Zapatero said after his tour of the shattered concrete structure. "It is not going to intimidate anyone."
ETA has not claimed responsibility, but the armed group is the only suspect in the bombing, which left one man dead, another missing and the nine-month-old peace process in ruins.
My response to this is:
Ummm Mr. Prime Minister, your country caved in to Muslim Terrorists when they bombed a train station. What would ever make you think that your comments would deter bombers from attacking you AGAIN! You basically said when you pulled your troops out of Iraq that you WOULD CAVE IN to terror. WILL NOT be "INTIMIDATED" yeah right and the sun rises in the South too.
Your country ran from Iraq when muslim extremists bombed your train station and now you "Think" you can disuade these guys.. Yeah right. Mr. PM I have some land just off the coast of Florida I would like to sell you.
Jim Dicken
Cowards die a thousand deaths,Coward Nations hundreds of thousands.
Wednesday, January 03, 2007
Conservative Humor....
Many will recall that on July 8, 1947, witnesses claimed that an unidentified object with five aliens aboard crashed onto a sheep and cattle ranch just outside Roswell, New Mexico. This is a well-known incident that many say has long been covered up by the U.S. Air Force and the federal government.
However, you may NOT know that in the month of March 1948, exactly nine months after that historic day, Albert Arnold Gore, Jr., Hillary Rodham, John F. Kerry, William
Jefferson Clinton, Howard Dean, Nancy Pelosi, Dianne Feinstein, Charles E. Schumer, and Barbara Boxer were born.
See what happens when aliens breed with sheep. This piece of information may clear up a lot of things.
This information has not been verified and its veracity is in question.. HOWEVER, it would explain a LOT!