MADRID, Spain (AP) - The prime minister on Thursday toured the wreckage of Madrid's airport parking garage, hit by a bomb, and he warned the Basque separatist group ETA that neither the Spanish government nor its citizens will be intimidated.
"It will achieve nothing," Prime Minister Jose Luis Rodriguez Zapatero said after his tour of the shattered concrete structure. "It is not going to intimidate anyone."
ETA has not claimed responsibility, but the armed group is the only suspect in the bombing, which left one man dead, another missing and the nine-month-old peace process in ruins.
My response to this is:
Ummm Mr. Prime Minister, your country caved in to Muslim Terrorists when they bombed a train station. What would ever make you think that your comments would deter bombers from attacking you AGAIN! You basically said when you pulled your troops out of Iraq that you WOULD CAVE IN to terror. WILL NOT be "INTIMIDATED" yeah right and the sun rises in the South too.
Your country ran from Iraq when muslim extremists bombed your train station and now you "Think" you can disuade these guys.. Yeah right. Mr. PM I have some land just off the coast of Florida I would like to sell you.
Jim Dicken
Cowards die a thousand deaths,Coward Nations hundreds of thousands.