The attempt to tell the Commanders in the field and Mr. Bush when to end the war is resulting in increased deaths in Iraq. This is due to the simple FACT that is being ignored by the press and the public.
EVERY TIME there is press coverage of America getting out of Iraq the death toll goes up. the terrorists are using our own News Media to get their message of death and destruction out. The news media should be ashamed of itself. It is promoting the very kind of news that Ossama Bin Laden has said would cause the defeat of this country by Militant Islam.
Democrats like John Yarmuth, Ted Kennedy, John Kerry, are personally responsible for the deaths of Iraqi Citizens with their attempts to get the United States Out of Iraq.
IF we lose in Iraq, we will be fighting for a hundred years, against the terrorists.
We must defeat them NOW. Losing will mean economic chaos, and destruction of society as we know it. The terrorists will be emboldened, and able to recruit more people to blow themselves up. If they get Nuclear Capability they are willing to destroy themselves as well as us to promote Islam.
What part of this do you not get?
Jim Dicken
Friday, March 30, 2007
Tuesday, March 27, 2007
IF you love your pet.. you need to read this...
Pennsylvania is presenting a new law to the public for a vote.
The law is directly sponsored by the HSUS.
Human Society of the United States.. The HSUS for those of you who are not aware of it are Animal Segregationists.. They want NO contact between man and any animal. this goes beyond research and cruelty issues. IT goes to the heart of PET OWNERSHIP.
Want more proof.. Here is the law that HSUS sponsored in the State Of Pennsylvania. The law is specifically targeting Hunting animals and Show Dogs. It makes it almost impossible to comply with and extremely expensive in any case.. The object of this legislation is Total Segregation of Animals from man. To end pet ownership.. and if you are laughing at this.. HSUS leaders have targeted ONE GENERATION For the end of pet ownership of ANY KIND. WE MUST STOP THIS LAW FROM BEING PASSED.
Concerns of the
Sporting Dog Community about Proposed Pennsylvania Dog Regulations
These regulations represent the most comprehensive set of dog care regulations ever foisted upon the sporting dog community. If enacted, these regulations will cost dog owners thousands of dollars individually; over burden them with a myriad of complicated and sometimes contradictory requirements and open them up to potential prosecution.
The regulations are unnecessarily specific, many times contradictory and often burdensome. While ostensibly aimed at puppy mills, the regulations are an over reach of state authority that would set a new precedent for other states to follow. If enacted these regulations represent a real threat to the future of hunting, field trialing and training of sporting dogs.
Kennel License Requirement
Any person that houses 26 or more dogs at one facility on one calendar year must be licensed as a kennel. This applies to temporary housing such as at a field trial or fox hunt.
Dog Cages and Quarters
• There must be a wall that separates each dog cage from the adjacent
• Dog must be able to lie down on its side, stand or turn without touching the walls of the entire cage.
Each dog cage shall be at least 5 square feet for a dog weighing 25 pounds or less, 8 square feet for a dog weighing more than 25 pounds but not more than 45 pounds, and 12 square feet for a dog weighing more than 45 pounds.
Shelter size for specific dog must be approved in writing in advance by attending veterinarian.
Whether indoor or outdoor, a fan must be provided anytime the temperature reaches 85 degrees or higher.
The floor temperature of an indoor facility may not be below 35 degrees or above 55 degrees.
Outdoor Dog Shelters
Dogs that are not acclimated to the temperatures prevalent in the area or region where they are being maintained, breeds of dogs that cannot tolerate the prevalent temperatures of the area without stress or discomfort (such as short-haired breeds in cold climate or cold climate breeds--such as huskies--in warm climates), and sick, infirmed, aged or young dogs, may not be kept in outdoor facilities. When a dog's acclimation status is unknown, it may not be kept in an outdoor facility when the ambient temperature is less than 50° F.
Outdoor dog shelters must have a dry shaded area outside the shelter itself so the dog may stay dry before entering the shelter.
The shade must be at least 4 feet deep and at least as wide as the primary shelter itself.
The shelter and run must be flat and level. Conversely the regulation requires that the shelter and run must also have a grade that is more than 1/8 inch per foot and less than 6 inches per 10 feet.
The run associated with each dog box of an outdoor facility must be at least five times the length of the largest dog in that run and two times as wide as the length of the largest dog in that run, as measured from the tip of its nose to the base of its tail.
There cannot be any rust on the fences of dog runs.
Drainage must flow away from the dog run and enclosure and any adjacent run or enclosure.
If a dog run is constructed of concrete and becomes chipped or cracked, it must be repaired as soon as the weather permits.
If a dog run is constructed using gravel, it must be constructed in the following manner: The first layer of gravel or stone must be a course layer of number 2, 3 or 4 crushed durable rock and the top layer of gravel or stone must be a fine layer which fills in the courser layer of stone or gravel and results in an even surface. The first layer must be of a thickness adequate to provide proper drainage (approximately 4--5 inches) and the top layer must be of a thickness adequate to assure none of the bottom layer stones are protruding (approximately 2--5 inches). The surfaces shall be kept in good repair at all times.
Outdoor facilities must be constructed and maintained in a manner and in an area that assures adequate and proper drainage and elimination of standing water, pooled water and mud--even in times of severe weather conditions.
Outdoor facilities, including runs and exercise areas shall be kept free of grass and weeds.
Exercise Requirements
Each dog must be exercised 20 minutes each day while supervised.
Exercise area must prevent dogs from getting muddy or wet, even in inclement weather.
A dog may only miss required exercise with the consent of the Department of Agriculture upon the written determination of the attending licensed veterinarian that the exercise would be detrimental to the health of the dog. The time period for the exemption from exercise shall be defined in the exemption.
There must be daily records maintained of each dog’s exercise. The record shall include the breed, color, markings, sex, approximate weight and age of each dog or when applicable, the microchip number of each dog, and the date and the time period each dog was exercised and whether the exercise was on a leash or in an exercise area.
Dogs must be exercised while segregated by size: less than 35 pounds, 36-60 pounds, 61-90 pounds and 91+pounds.
Dogs must be exercised while segregated by sex unless spayed and neutered.
Cleaning Records
Daily cleaning records must be maintained that contain the date and time of day following conditions were met: The housing facility was cleaned, the housing facility was sanitized, each individual cage, dog box or primary enclosure was cleaned, each food and water bowl was sanitized, and new food and potable water was provided to each dog.
Cleaning must be done with potable water, which is defined as suitable for human consumption.
The facilities shall be cleaned and sanitized every 24 hours.
Tethers must be a minimum of 6 feet long or at least five times the length of the dog as measured from the tip of its nose to the base of its tail, whichever is longer.
Any puppies brought into a facility must be quarantined separate from any other new group of puppies for 14 days.
Big Brother will be wathing you in Pennsylvania. Do not miss a day of excercise with your dog.. IF YOU can find a place to do it where there is no other dog..
OR if you can find a place to keep him.
While all hunters and dog owners want the best for their dogs, this law is nothing more than HSUS making it as impossible as they can to own a dog or other animal.
Jim Dicken
The law is directly sponsored by the HSUS.
Human Society of the United States.. The HSUS for those of you who are not aware of it are Animal Segregationists.. They want NO contact between man and any animal. this goes beyond research and cruelty issues. IT goes to the heart of PET OWNERSHIP.
Want more proof.. Here is the law that HSUS sponsored in the State Of Pennsylvania. The law is specifically targeting Hunting animals and Show Dogs. It makes it almost impossible to comply with and extremely expensive in any case.. The object of this legislation is Total Segregation of Animals from man. To end pet ownership.. and if you are laughing at this.. HSUS leaders have targeted ONE GENERATION For the end of pet ownership of ANY KIND. WE MUST STOP THIS LAW FROM BEING PASSED.
Concerns of the
Sporting Dog Community about Proposed Pennsylvania Dog Regulations
These regulations represent the most comprehensive set of dog care regulations ever foisted upon the sporting dog community. If enacted, these regulations will cost dog owners thousands of dollars individually; over burden them with a myriad of complicated and sometimes contradictory requirements and open them up to potential prosecution.
The regulations are unnecessarily specific, many times contradictory and often burdensome. While ostensibly aimed at puppy mills, the regulations are an over reach of state authority that would set a new precedent for other states to follow. If enacted these regulations represent a real threat to the future of hunting, field trialing and training of sporting dogs.
Kennel License Requirement
Any person that houses 26 or more dogs at one facility on one calendar year must be licensed as a kennel. This applies to temporary housing such as at a field trial or fox hunt.
Dog Cages and Quarters
• There must be a wall that separates each dog cage from the adjacent
• Dog must be able to lie down on its side, stand or turn without touching the walls of the entire cage.
Each dog cage shall be at least 5 square feet for a dog weighing 25 pounds or less, 8 square feet for a dog weighing more than 25 pounds but not more than 45 pounds, and 12 square feet for a dog weighing more than 45 pounds.
Shelter size for specific dog must be approved in writing in advance by attending veterinarian.
Whether indoor or outdoor, a fan must be provided anytime the temperature reaches 85 degrees or higher.
The floor temperature of an indoor facility may not be below 35 degrees or above 55 degrees.
Outdoor Dog Shelters
Dogs that are not acclimated to the temperatures prevalent in the area or region where they are being maintained, breeds of dogs that cannot tolerate the prevalent temperatures of the area without stress or discomfort (such as short-haired breeds in cold climate or cold climate breeds--such as huskies--in warm climates), and sick, infirmed, aged or young dogs, may not be kept in outdoor facilities. When a dog's acclimation status is unknown, it may not be kept in an outdoor facility when the ambient temperature is less than 50° F.
Outdoor dog shelters must have a dry shaded area outside the shelter itself so the dog may stay dry before entering the shelter.
The shade must be at least 4 feet deep and at least as wide as the primary shelter itself.
The shelter and run must be flat and level. Conversely the regulation requires that the shelter and run must also have a grade that is more than 1/8 inch per foot and less than 6 inches per 10 feet.
The run associated with each dog box of an outdoor facility must be at least five times the length of the largest dog in that run and two times as wide as the length of the largest dog in that run, as measured from the tip of its nose to the base of its tail.
There cannot be any rust on the fences of dog runs.
Drainage must flow away from the dog run and enclosure and any adjacent run or enclosure.
If a dog run is constructed of concrete and becomes chipped or cracked, it must be repaired as soon as the weather permits.
If a dog run is constructed using gravel, it must be constructed in the following manner: The first layer of gravel or stone must be a course layer of number 2, 3 or 4 crushed durable rock and the top layer of gravel or stone must be a fine layer which fills in the courser layer of stone or gravel and results in an even surface. The first layer must be of a thickness adequate to provide proper drainage (approximately 4--5 inches) and the top layer must be of a thickness adequate to assure none of the bottom layer stones are protruding (approximately 2--5 inches). The surfaces shall be kept in good repair at all times.
Outdoor facilities must be constructed and maintained in a manner and in an area that assures adequate and proper drainage and elimination of standing water, pooled water and mud--even in times of severe weather conditions.
Outdoor facilities, including runs and exercise areas shall be kept free of grass and weeds.
Exercise Requirements
Each dog must be exercised 20 minutes each day while supervised.
Exercise area must prevent dogs from getting muddy or wet, even in inclement weather.
A dog may only miss required exercise with the consent of the Department of Agriculture upon the written determination of the attending licensed veterinarian that the exercise would be detrimental to the health of the dog. The time period for the exemption from exercise shall be defined in the exemption.
There must be daily records maintained of each dog’s exercise. The record shall include the breed, color, markings, sex, approximate weight and age of each dog or when applicable, the microchip number of each dog, and the date and the time period each dog was exercised and whether the exercise was on a leash or in an exercise area.
Dogs must be exercised while segregated by size: less than 35 pounds, 36-60 pounds, 61-90 pounds and 91+pounds.
Dogs must be exercised while segregated by sex unless spayed and neutered.
Cleaning Records
Daily cleaning records must be maintained that contain the date and time of day following conditions were met: The housing facility was cleaned, the housing facility was sanitized, each individual cage, dog box or primary enclosure was cleaned, each food and water bowl was sanitized, and new food and potable water was provided to each dog.
Cleaning must be done with potable water, which is defined as suitable for human consumption.
The facilities shall be cleaned and sanitized every 24 hours.
Tethers must be a minimum of 6 feet long or at least five times the length of the dog as measured from the tip of its nose to the base of its tail, whichever is longer.
Any puppies brought into a facility must be quarantined separate from any other new group of puppies for 14 days.
Big Brother will be wathing you in Pennsylvania. Do not miss a day of excercise with your dog.. IF YOU can find a place to do it where there is no other dog..
OR if you can find a place to keep him.
While all hunters and dog owners want the best for their dogs, this law is nothing more than HSUS making it as impossible as they can to own a dog or other animal.
Jim Dicken
Friday, March 23, 2007
What Democrats REALLY want from our Military

While the images are funny, you must realize that this is how the Democrats would prefer we fight a war. America has too much power, does not fight fair, overpowers its enemies and inflicts too much damage.
Democrats resent the power, the ability, the technical superiority of our beloved country.
All should be equal.
What Democrats (THE LIBERAL ONES)believe is that all people should be equal.
What they fail to realize is that most dictators and third world religious fanatics depend on the inequality and fight to keep it.
When faced with death and destruction we Democrats RUN.
We ran from Mogadishu, We failed to act in several African countries, we failed to create equality when we have had the chance...
IN the end the Democrats want the pictures above to be tru.
Jim Dicken
Democrat for the war.
Tuesday, March 20, 2007
Blame it on Jerry AGAIN
Well the Marshall's have caught more fugitives in Louisville. Why do fugitives come to Louisville? Cause the mayor has turned the Police Department into a group of incompentents.
Experienced detectives were encouraged to retire leaving the city with NO EXPERIENCED INVESTIGATORS for murder, robbery, arson, etc.
Why do they come here? Because they can commit crimes with less worry about being caught. You voted for this bum.. now you are going to have to live with the extra crime and the extra nonsense..
OH and while I am at it.
There will never be an EAST END BRIDGE built. John Yarmuth will make sure of that.
You idiots that voted for him failed to realize he was part of the board of directors of the ANTI bridge committee, lives next door to the president of the Anti Bridge committee, and he has been against EVERY SINGLE civic improvement in Louisville in the last 25 years. (PJ Cardinal Stadium, Improvements to Freedom Hall, The downtown arena, and the Bridge Walkway on the riverfront.. not to sure he was for the Riverfront park either.)
Experienced detectives were encouraged to retire leaving the city with NO EXPERIENCED INVESTIGATORS for murder, robbery, arson, etc.
Why do they come here? Because they can commit crimes with less worry about being caught. You voted for this bum.. now you are going to have to live with the extra crime and the extra nonsense..
OH and while I am at it.
There will never be an EAST END BRIDGE built. John Yarmuth will make sure of that.
You idiots that voted for him failed to realize he was part of the board of directors of the ANTI bridge committee, lives next door to the president of the Anti Bridge committee, and he has been against EVERY SINGLE civic improvement in Louisville in the last 25 years. (PJ Cardinal Stadium, Improvements to Freedom Hall, The downtown arena, and the Bridge Walkway on the riverfront.. not to sure he was for the Riverfront park either.)
Saturday, March 10, 2007
Slippery Slope
You know the country is headed down a slippery slope when the presidential candidates start identifying networks and news agencies as either liberal or conservative.
The shame is that NONE of the networks presents the news any more.
They present opinions and ignore what ever news might point in a different direction.
Neither side is right or wrong. The problem is that the media is now running the country by proxy.
We are winning in Iraq.
How do I know this?
We have killed the head of Al Queda in the Phillipines.
Our allies in Somalia have destroyed the entire Al Queda Network in Somalia and either killed all the members or run them off.
How was this possible?
Al Queda has the same problems as anyone else. With their troops tied up in Iraq, they can no longer help in other areas. Al Queda is too busy with Iraq and Afghanistan to bother with the United States, and with Europe, which in case you have not looked lately has a very large Muslim Population which has rioted in Paris..
Blown up the trains in Spain and caused damage in London...
Has the war gone perfectly no.
Here is how NBC, CBS or ABC would have covered D-Day if WW2 were happening today...
Headline: D-day is Disaster Day
2000 die on Omaha Beach Alone. US Suffers worst one day losses since the Civil War.
Major flaws in the invasion plan blamed on deaths at Omaha Beach.
Tanks were off loaded in to 30 feet of water short of the beach leaving soldiers with no cover.
Luck prevailed though as the battle was won when elements of one battalion managed to flank the enemy on one side saving tens of thousands more soldiers who were landing on the beach.
German forces believing that the invasion was a fake one to draw them away were encouraged to believe this by the sheer incompetence of the invasion.
The news is supposed to be FACTS.. and the people hearing the FACTS are supposed to analyze it for themselves. Today though with the speed of life we listen to the news media and believe THEIR opinions. Did you ever stop to think who these people are. Some of the experts they parade on any and all networks have their own agendas...
So Mr. Edwards.. if you can not answer questions because FOX is the mouthpiece of the Conservative Movement then you should not be the president of ALL of the people, cause conservatives are part of the country... and you may need us one day since we make up the majority of the armed forces...
Jim Dicken
The shame is that NONE of the networks presents the news any more.
They present opinions and ignore what ever news might point in a different direction.
Neither side is right or wrong. The problem is that the media is now running the country by proxy.
We are winning in Iraq.
How do I know this?
We have killed the head of Al Queda in the Phillipines.
Our allies in Somalia have destroyed the entire Al Queda Network in Somalia and either killed all the members or run them off.
How was this possible?
Al Queda has the same problems as anyone else. With their troops tied up in Iraq, they can no longer help in other areas. Al Queda is too busy with Iraq and Afghanistan to bother with the United States, and with Europe, which in case you have not looked lately has a very large Muslim Population which has rioted in Paris..
Blown up the trains in Spain and caused damage in London...
Has the war gone perfectly no.
Here is how NBC, CBS or ABC would have covered D-Day if WW2 were happening today...
Headline: D-day is Disaster Day
2000 die on Omaha Beach Alone. US Suffers worst one day losses since the Civil War.
Major flaws in the invasion plan blamed on deaths at Omaha Beach.
Tanks were off loaded in to 30 feet of water short of the beach leaving soldiers with no cover.
Luck prevailed though as the battle was won when elements of one battalion managed to flank the enemy on one side saving tens of thousands more soldiers who were landing on the beach.
German forces believing that the invasion was a fake one to draw them away were encouraged to believe this by the sheer incompetence of the invasion.
The news is supposed to be FACTS.. and the people hearing the FACTS are supposed to analyze it for themselves. Today though with the speed of life we listen to the news media and believe THEIR opinions. Did you ever stop to think who these people are. Some of the experts they parade on any and all networks have their own agendas...
So Mr. Edwards.. if you can not answer questions because FOX is the mouthpiece of the Conservative Movement then you should not be the president of ALL of the people, cause conservatives are part of the country... and you may need us one day since we make up the majority of the armed forces...
Jim Dicken
Friday, March 09, 2007
The 300 and todays democracy....
I went to see the movie 300 tonite.
I have to wonder if anyone there really understood that it was TRUE History, although Hollywood surely did dramatize it.
The story is about King Leonidas of Sparta, who took 300 Spartan Soldiers to the pass at Thermopolae in Greece. Along with several hundred Acadians they held the pass until the Persians led by a traitor got behind them. The Acadians left the field of battle, but the Spartans by duty and honor would not retreat. They did battle with by some accounts over a million persians.. (Today that would be Iranians, who by the way still call themselves Persians.) of course they died, but in doing so bought time for Greeks to rally and defeat the army of Xerxes.
I wonder if the liberals in Hollywood and in the press understand what this movie really says.
Democracy only stands when good men die for it. Democracy must be defended and good men will volunteer to fight the fight and the people must stand behind them.
We stand at a crossroads as a nation.
Will we defend freedom and democracy?
Or will we ignore the legacy of King Leonidas and the 300... who we owe so much too?
Truly, had Xerxes and his armies won in Greece, Democracy would have died there.
Will we ignore the lessons of history and the lives of 300 souls who died for our freedom.
Will we fail to renew freedom with our blood?
How strange for Hollywood to make this movie at THIS time.
Jim Dicken
I have to wonder if anyone there really understood that it was TRUE History, although Hollywood surely did dramatize it.
The story is about King Leonidas of Sparta, who took 300 Spartan Soldiers to the pass at Thermopolae in Greece. Along with several hundred Acadians they held the pass until the Persians led by a traitor got behind them. The Acadians left the field of battle, but the Spartans by duty and honor would not retreat. They did battle with by some accounts over a million persians.. (Today that would be Iranians, who by the way still call themselves Persians.) of course they died, but in doing so bought time for Greeks to rally and defeat the army of Xerxes.
I wonder if the liberals in Hollywood and in the press understand what this movie really says.
Democracy only stands when good men die for it. Democracy must be defended and good men will volunteer to fight the fight and the people must stand behind them.
We stand at a crossroads as a nation.
Will we defend freedom and democracy?
Or will we ignore the legacy of King Leonidas and the 300... who we owe so much too?
Truly, had Xerxes and his armies won in Greece, Democracy would have died there.
Will we ignore the lessons of history and the lives of 300 souls who died for our freedom.
Will we fail to renew freedom with our blood?
How strange for Hollywood to make this movie at THIS time.
Jim Dicken
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