You know the country is headed down a slippery slope when the presidential candidates start identifying networks and news agencies as either liberal or conservative.
The shame is that NONE of the networks presents the news any more.
They present opinions and ignore what ever news might point in a different direction.
Neither side is right or wrong. The problem is that the media is now running the country by proxy.
We are winning in Iraq.
How do I know this?
We have killed the head of Al Queda in the Phillipines.
Our allies in Somalia have destroyed the entire Al Queda Network in Somalia and either killed all the members or run them off.
How was this possible?
Al Queda has the same problems as anyone else. With their troops tied up in Iraq, they can no longer help in other areas. Al Queda is too busy with Iraq and Afghanistan to bother with the United States, and with Europe, which in case you have not looked lately has a very large Muslim Population which has rioted in Paris..
Blown up the trains in Spain and caused damage in London...
Has the war gone perfectly no.
Here is how NBC, CBS or ABC would have covered D-Day if WW2 were happening today...
Headline: D-day is Disaster Day
2000 die on Omaha Beach Alone. US Suffers worst one day losses since the Civil War.
Major flaws in the invasion plan blamed on deaths at Omaha Beach.
Tanks were off loaded in to 30 feet of water short of the beach leaving soldiers with no cover.
Luck prevailed though as the battle was won when elements of one battalion managed to flank the enemy on one side saving tens of thousands more soldiers who were landing on the beach.
German forces believing that the invasion was a fake one to draw them away were encouraged to believe this by the sheer incompetence of the invasion.
The news is supposed to be FACTS.. and the people hearing the FACTS are supposed to analyze it for themselves. Today though with the speed of life we listen to the news media and believe THEIR opinions. Did you ever stop to think who these people are. Some of the experts they parade on any and all networks have their own agendas...
So Mr. Edwards.. if you can not answer questions because FOX is the mouthpiece of the Conservative Movement then you should not be the president of ALL of the people, cause conservatives are part of the country... and you may need us one day since we make up the majority of the armed forces...
Jim Dicken