Well as is the norm, there is not enough money apparently in Commercials on the Super Bowl at 2.6 million per minute, now the National Felony League has decided that church parties and possibly parties at your house are illegal. After all they own the broadcast... HOWEVER since they chose to put it on PUBLIC Airwaves to make money, I suggest that all the churches and organizations that planned to have BIG superbowl parties go right ahead and do it.. Tell the National Felony League to go F**k themselves.
If you do not want people to party then why the damn Beer Commercials and Pepsi and Coke Commercials, party mix, Doritos, Cheetos etc..
Get over yourself NFL. PUBLIC Airwaves means that the people who pay for them get to use them. I doubt that the NFL can really get enough people into the field to even think about taking someone to court and what do you think the public reaction to this will be if they take some church to court over a damn Superbowl Party. The darn parties have been part of the Superbowl since the I st Superbowl and it will be no different for Supervowl XVI or is it XXXXI
Any way they are making ENOUGH and we are paying for it in higher consumer prices so tell the NFL to go F##k itself and have your cotton pickin party.
Jim Dicken
OH I hate football and will be watching anything BUT the Superbowl.
F##k Janet Jackson and the whole bunch illiterate immoral bunch at NFL Central.