The media is driving the deaths of our soldiers in Iraq.
WHAT? How can I say that?
Ok, I will make this very easy for you. The media was against the war in Iraq from the beginning. Despite the facts depsite the truths they could not see that getting Sadam Hussein out of Iraq was as important as putting Ossama Bin Laden out of business.
The war at one point was basically won. Within days of our invasion, the people of Iraq WERE happy to see us, at least the majority were. Sunni supporters of Sadam were not because they would now again be in the Minority and not have the army to hold the rest of the country at bay.
Still the war was basically won. Then Al Queda shows up. What Al Queda? YES, Al Queda, only they did not show up they were already there. Al Queda was using Iraq as a new training base. 2 bases were found IN IRAQ. The media covered the discovery for about 3.5 minutes then went back to the WMD's we were not finding.. (See previous post about WMD's that WERE found in Iraq.)
At one point the United States had rebuilt Iraq to a point where more people had running water and electricity and phone service than they had had under Sadam for years. Still the press ignored the positives and enhanced the negatives and with each polling point the attacks by Al Queda in Iraq increased. All in an attempt to start a Civil War which Al Queda knew would further decrease American approval numbers for the war.
The Media blitz against the war, the minor losses which we have suffered in the 4 years since the start of the war have been played up as terrible and terrific losses. Al Queda is a more terrible enemy than the Nazi's and we lost 250,000 killed in World War 2. Today we are upset at 3100 deaths. Ossama Bin Laden is right, the United States no longer has the will to win a war. We are not willing to pay the price to defeat this enemy, to insure our freedom and that of our European brothers with one small victory in a country that is central to the Arab Culture.
It is cowardice and it is killing our young men and women. With every point the war loses in popularity, the attacks increase. With every election Al Queda votes for us, by killing more of our young men and women so that we will elect MORE COWARDS, who are unwilling to defeat the Islamic Terrorists.
This is a winnable war.
However, it will not be won as long as the people in this country are not willing to accept some loss of life. We have lost only 3100 people in Iraq. Fewer still in Afghanistan. WAR is HELL for those who fight it. We have a volunteer army willing to fight in this war, but you can not fight if your country is not behind you.
We will fail in Iraq. Islamic Terrorists will begin to dismantle the European countries and in the end, the United States will be isolated from the rest of the world. We can fight now, while these countries do not have the terrible nuclear weapons or we can fight later when the whole planet will be destroyed and willingly so, so that all can meet Allah. These people hate life and crave death so that they can go to heaven.
The next war will be fought with spears and arrows.
Jim Dicken