demidogma: THE SURGE WAS GOING TO SHOW RESULTS, or not, by September. Now we learn that Gen. Petraeus may be aiming for September, 2017. Eight or ten years is the typical timeframe for success or failure with an insurgency.
Imagine ten more years, at 800 to 1,000 KIA per year, and $100 billion per year. What insanity these people have.
I would deny your time line. Still what would you do?
If we leave Al Queda has a new country with Billions of Dollars in Oil Revenue to use to Acquire weapons of mass destruction to kill us. They have a place to train and to get ready for world domination. IF I MUST CHOSE who will dominate the future of this world I would chose the United States.
You are naive at best to believe that this war is not going to cost lives and money. That is what Al Queda wants. Bankrupt the world putting it into anarchy so that they can recruit from every sector of society.
Al Queda depends on death and destruction.
The United States depends of Freedom.
Were YOU in Iran or Syria or even Saudi Arabia and to talk the way you do..??
Well let us just say that you and your ilk are the people that Al Queda depends on and will be the first they kill.
Has this war been fought perfectly ? HELL NO.. no war is.
World War 2 was a major disaster. D-Day was so incompetent that Hitler believed for 2 days that the Americans and English really were going to hit another part of the coast of France. Over 2500 died on Omaha Beach due to total chaos and confusion. Tanks were dumped into 30 feet of water that were meant to provide cover to the men on the beach.
Yet we scream of the TERRIBLE cost of invading Iraq in the deaths of our yound soldiers.. Yes I cry ever time I see a name, yet I remember too the grandfathers of some of these men. 250,000 Killed in World War 2. 20 Million Europeans, Africans, Australians, Asians and Americans who died in WW2 because we failed to stop a dictator whom Sadam took lessons from in horrifying death and destruction.
A man who Sadam and others of the Wahabi Sect look to as a hero because he wanted the end of all Jews.
What is the solution if not continuing to fight and give Iraq a FREE government?
What would you do?
Instead of talking about our country like it is so terrible for taking out a man who would have killed millions tell me what YOU would do different to stop the terrorists who are using our FREEDOMS against us. Who abuse their rights in this country to plot and to plan to attack us.
You talk a good hatred, but what would you do to STOP the US EMPIRE from helping poor people who are being murdered by horrible people?
What is the solution o brilliant soothsayer who hates corporations and profit and oil and money and oh yeah the very things that give you your podium to toss out this drek of hatred and self loathing of this country.
YOU ASSUME that everything we stand for now is bad.. yet what is the solution to terror?
America did nothing to Al Queda.
Matter of fact we helped them to fight the oppression of the Russians.. and the reward for that was that WE were attacked.
How do we deal with people who have fundamentalist beliefs that say KILL ALL NON BELIEVERS?
What is your solution to death and destruction driven by hatred?
My solution is to take out the haters and to rebuild the countries infrastructure so that the people can live normal lives. We are doing that in Iraq and in return Al Queda kills not only Sunni's but Shiite's. Why? Because they depend on Poor, Stupid, Uneducated and deprived people to continue their hate.
We are attempting to restart a country and while the campaign was not run properly from the beginning the alternative to staying and continuing to rebuild is to leave Iraq in chaos and to give Al Queda a new country to restart their terror from.
IF Iraq goes, Europe will be in flames within 5 years.
In 10 years the United States will be isolated and bankrupt. No military to defend us. Open to invasion by ill equipped and ill prepared Al Queda militants who will kill indiscriminately. Communities will be isolated and will be forced to defend themselves.
This is what happens if we fail in Iraq.
I promise.
Thats my belief
Jim Dicken
No Handles here.