How do you win a war when the Press, Media, and the Liberal Politicians declare it lost?
How do soldiers fight and die knowing that at home they have lost the war?
This is the mind boggling problem I see in this country today.
Sadly we have lost approximately 3500 men in the war on terror just in Iraq.
Yet for some reason this seems to the liberal mind to be a terrrible toll of lost souls. Yes, I said it.. seems to be a terrible toll when in fact this war has had fewer casualties than most of the battles of the civil war.
We are soft. We are weak when 3500 men killed in action causes us to declare a war lost.
We are not willing as a nation any more to make the sacrifices needed to remain free and to remain safe.
I hear the libs saying "America does not attack first"! Where has that gotten us in the past? The sinking of the Lusitania? The Sinking of the Maine? Pearl Harbor? and of course 9-11? Revenge is sweet, but preventing the deaths of 2900 individuals on 9-11 seems to me to be a great reason to attack an enemy. Israel waited to be attacked and lost hundreds of soldiers in 1968. We do not attack our enemies is a STUPID policy that gets people killed.
Sadam Hussein was a Weapon of Mass Destruction in and of himself. He was a ticking time bomg waiting to go off and to start a major world conflict. He was looking for ways to attack this country and had the money thanks to the Oil for Food Program that was run by the son of Khofi Anan. Thanks to the end of the Soviet Empire there are plenty of nukes on the market and it was a matter of time till Sadam found one. Millions of American Dollars were found in Iraq. Were they REAL or counterfeit? Was Sadam able to counterfeit enough money to turn the US Economy into mush through the dumping of Billions in counterfeit money? No one will answer that question, yet the billions of dollars that were found were destroyed.
This nation can no longer wait to be attacked. Doing so is tantamount to suicide when the right attack on the right target could criple the entire nation, its economy and its infrastructure.
To the "America does not attack crowd" I say YOUR F-ing nuts if you think that this country can live by this kind of motto. NO nation in this age of Nuclear weapons can afford to give the enemy the first punch. Its like Muhammed Ali giving George Frazier a free shot in a Heavy Weight bout. Chances are that George is going to knock Ali out with one freebie... yes if he does not then Ali is going to come back and clean his clock, but I would rather NOT be reeling from the first punch when I am trying to take out my enemy.
Shame on the "We do not attack crowd" you are short sited and suicidal.
LOSING in Iraq will be the end of this country. Failure to win will mean that we are at risk from every 2 bit dictator and wanna be terrorist in the world. They will know that the United States will not prevent them from attacking and when attacked will back off rather than piss off the European Community.
Failure to stand up to the Muslim Extremists will end with Europe under attack.
Thats My Take on it.
Jim Dicken