War was declared on the United States in 1992 by Ossama Bin Laden. The first attack occurred in 1993 when the first attack on the World Trade Center occurred. Since then there have been attacks by local Al Queda Cells on this country and its citizens on every continent but South America, and the Antartic.
Problem is that the people in this country do not understand and have not had to sacrifice for like the "Greatest Generation" that lost 250,000 in its fight to stop Hitler.
We are at war with an enemy who will NEVER surrender, will NOT negotiate, and who sees negotiation as a weakness. They may sign an agreement, agree to peace but in the end they will try to kill each and every person who is not part and parcel in line with the Wahabi Beliefs of Islam.
These beliefs demand the extinction of all non-believers.
We can not leave Iraq. If we do the Wahabi Sect Mullahs, and the Al Queda nut jobs will take over. There will be plenty of oil revenue to allow them to purchase if not develop Nuclear Weapons with which they can attack this country.
Sadly they will use OUR OWN Freedoms against us.
They are using our own technology against us now. Do you really believe that all of the conspiracies you see on the internet are not helped along by small tidbits of misinformation that is being sent out by Al Queda and the Wahabi Sect?
This whole 9-11 was a Bush Attack nonsense? This is Al Queda trying to tear us apart from within using our own internet to provide the impetus for this dissent.
ONE GUY even says that the planes that hit the WTC were not big enough to be the Boeing Planes.. that they were drones that hit the towers..
PEOPLE, People, People, do you really believe those were drones?
Do you think anyone would allow a plane to land and then have OUR OWN MILITARY kill the people in the planes? Is there a soldier in this army that would kill innocent Men, Women and CHILDREN in order to cover up the Quote "9-11" conspiracy?
We are at war. This country has lost fewer people in the last 10 years than in 5 years of WW2. 20 Million died in Europe, and Asia and the South Pacific. Stopping Sadam was a good thing. We have to finish the job.
Democrats will not do that. At least not the ones I have seen. MAYBE Joe Lieberman could do it.. but he is the ONLY conservative Democrat I have seen who could do the job of President.
Thats my take on it.
Jim Dicken
No Handles Here!