Tuesday, June 19, 2007

To my Youtube Friends...


Well, Jim, I don't know about you, but I love this country. That's why I am so concerned about what the combination of neo-cons, Christian fundies, corporations, and flag-waving, goose-stepping thugs have done with it.

It scares me that people really believe that there are goose stepping thugs in this country. I would like for you to Identify who you think this is. Conservatives like myself and the Christian Fundamentalists, apparently are BAD. Why? We believe in God. We believe in Freedom, and in what this country stands for. What we do not believe in is creating special classes and special rules for special groups. The Christian Religion preaches love of EVEN the sinner. While some Fundies as you call them do not believe that this country should seperate Church beliefs from Freedom beliefs I do. I do not care if 2 men or 2 women co-habitate, I think you are free to choose. God gave us free choice so I do not care what you do in the privacy of your home..
Beyond that I do not see the problem with Corporations. (Well not most) Corporations provide jobs, profits, investment, research things that individuals can not due because of the problems of Litigation this country has.. and that is a LIBERAL Deal.. not a conservative one.
If an individual were to invent a drug doing the research and all the work and it saved lives.. ONLY to be found to have dire side effects for which he was sued? End of the individual. That is why corporations began and were allowed to exist. Corporations have deep pockets and can at least survive.
As for your view that this country is an Empire? How do you figure that?
Because we are trying to set up a FREE Government in Iraq?
If we had gone into Somalia and done this or to Africa during the great rampages of the 90's where millions died would you feel the same way?
It was the Democrats that ignored the death and destruction in Africa because there was no oil there. It was Clinton who allowed Ossama Bin Laden to get started and the to grow as a threat.
You talk like we are fighting in Iraq for the oil companies, but the oil will be turned over to the new Iraqi Government and to the people IF we defeat Al Queda. Iraq will have its own government and its own chosen freedoms. How does that make the US an Empire?
Our men are fighting TERROR not for corporations and if you were to suggest to a soldier that he was fighting for oil he would most likely tell you YES.. we are fighting for oil, so that the Iraqi People can have it and use it to recreate a FREE country where women can walk down the street with no fear of being raped by the dictators sons.
Shame on you for your insults. I do not insult Liberals. I try to understand. You see I voted straight democratic party up until Clinton. I hated conservatives.. but I finally realized the reality of Todays world.. Anarchy will mean the growth of Al Queda and other fundamentalist wacko ideas.
IF we allow anarchy and hate to continue in the Middle East there will NEVER be any peace. This is a war that must be won for there to be peace in the world.
We can not continue to allow these nut job Wahabi Sect Mullahs to exist in the world.
Their reign of terror must stop NOW.
If it does not the attacks on major targets will continue until a target is finally hit that destroys the world economy, turning the world upside down and making the Fundamentalist Promises of Heaven and Virgins appealing to people who will have nothing.
Wake up.
Your views will end with this country on fire. Europe in ruins.
You are not getting the full story from the news. Do you really believe that CBS, NBC, ABC or CNN can cover the real story in 20 minutes ever night on the World News?
The problem is NOT A sound bite.
Stop believing that Corporations are bad because they say so..
Stop believing that this war is about profit for American Corportations..
Stop believing that our soldiers are dying for nothing..
START BELIEVING that this country can do what is right in Iraq and then you might understand why we fight and why our soldiers die.
Thats my take on it..
Jim Dicken
No handles here.