I just heard that View Host Rosie O'Donnell will be leaving for good.. that she will NOT be on any more shows. Now whether she quit over the blow up with Elizabeth or she she got fired, I don't know as yet.. Still I had intended to take her to task over her comments concerning Jerry Fallwell.
Rosie said on the view that she had a hard time believing that any one but his family felt sorrow for his loss.
This is typical of the Ultra Liberal. If they do not think like you they are better off dead.
Ultra Conservatives though will mourn the loss of any person as well as the loss of their soul.
While I did not like Mr. Fallwell I did respect him, what he created, and his Christian beliefs. Mr. Falwell while not happy with the Homosexual lifestyle and did not want it displayed or given privilege, did not hate Homosexuals. Yes he was overly judgemental. Still he would not have walked away from a Liberal and had any person asked for help Mr. Falwell would have helped them.
You can not say that about a liberal.
I should know I was once a liberal and I had that High and Mighty attitude and find myself fighting it every now and then.
America will be better off with Rosie off the view.
America will not be better off with Rosie off the view.
Hard to chose. Get her obnoxious self centered view off the air, or keep her on so that we can see the attitude on a daily basis and have a knowledge of what liberals are up to..
I will admit I took joy in the news that Rosie is GONE! I even rejoiced.. but the difference between me and Rosie is.. I KNOW I AM WRONG TO TAKE JOY IN HER LEAVING.. just like she was wrong to take joy in the leaving of Reverend Fallwell.
That is my take on it.
Jim Dicken