While I did not necessarily like the Reverend Jerry Fallwell, I did respect his zealous defense of his beliefs. Beliefs he was entitled to by the Constitution of the United States.
Today Rosie O'Donnel called the death of Reverend Fallwell, no great loss except maybe to his own family, and made a face.
Dear Rosie,
If only it had been you instead?
Ms. O'Donnel is very outspoken but has no tolerance for anyone who does not believe EXACTLY as she feels they should.
While Reverend Fallwell may have had rather conservative views and may not have represented the BEST ideas of conservatism, he did LIVE his values and work his values. His Liberty college was a testament to this.
Shame on Ms. O'Donnel and not for the first time.
Imagine a Liberal being intolerant of the beliefs of others.. what a 2 faced BITCH.
What a Big Fricking surprise.
While I do not wish death on any one, Ms.O'Donnel would have been a far better choice than Reverend Fallwell in my opinion.
That is my take on it.
Jim Dicken