In every war mistakes are made.
The United States made mistakes in the invasion of Iraq. Other nations contributed to the disaster that is Iraq.
We should have invaded with more men.
We should have invaded with better equipment.
We should have left the Iraqi Military in tact.
Hindsight is ALWAYS 20/20.
IN World War 2 Thousands of men died in a practice for the D-day invasion.
Elements of the D-day invasion were mishandled killing thousands more.
We still won. We went past the mistakes, we learned from them, and we WON.
Every day lately we hear about more pending attacks by Al Queda from the Press. The same press that wants us out of Iraq, but is telling us that Al Queda is more of a threat. Germany, France, Spain, Italy, and England are all reporting more Al Queda activity. If this comes about what will be the result?
Will the world fold. Demand we leave Iraq and give Al Queda a victory?
Yes Al Queda.. not Iraq, Not the Sunni's Not the Shiite's but Al Queda.
There is no civil war. What there is, is anarchy that is centered on attacks by Al Queda on both sides in order to foment more anarchy.
This is how Al Queda will take the world. They will create anarchy and hatred.
They are dividing the world and the United States.
Ossama must have been a student of Abraham Lincoln. A nation divided against itself can not stand. A nation that does not stand for the war it is fighting will not win.
We have forgotten 9-11, we have forgotten the terrible price or terror around the world and all of it started by Islamic Fundamentalists over the last 35 years.
It is not Un Patriotic to be against a war. It is UN-Patriotic to stand up in congress and state unequivocally that the war is lost. There is a difference between free speech and un-patriotic speech. Mr. Ried has no clue what the difference is an neither does Mr. Horne.
Thats my take on it.
Jim Dicken