The U.S. House Judiciary Committee plans to meet on Tuesday, May 15, to consider so-called "lobbying reform" legislation, including the "Meehan Amendment," which is strongly opposed by The American Conservative Union (ACU).
This amendment, sponsored by Rep. Martin Meehan (an ultraliberal from Massachusetts who scored “ZERO” in 2006 and 2005 on ACU’s Ratings of Congress), would establish, for the first time, federal regulatory authority over efforts aimed at motivating citizens to communicate with their elected representatives about bills pending in Congress. That’s right, the liberals now want to regulate – and silence – our efforts to keep you informed about what they are doing in Washington.
The Meehan amendment is part of a broader effort by ultraliberal politicians and their special interest cronies to regulate and ultimately discourage ACU’s action messages like this one that keep conservatives like you informed about important legislation moving through Congress.
The groups that are pushing for controls over so-called 'grassroots lobbying' really want lawmakers and other government officials to be more responsive to pressure from certain elites, including liberal special-interest groups and their fat-cat financial backers, the mainstream news media, and powerful congressional committee chairmen.
The full House of Representatives is expected to act on the "lobbying reform" bill (S. 1) on Tuesday, May 22. Depending on what happens in the Judiciary Committee, the full House may also vote on whether to include the Meehan provision in the bill.
Members of the full House, and especially the 40 members of the Judiciary Committee, need to hear from you now in opposition to the Meehan Amendment to S. 1!
On the ACU website's Legislative Action Center, an easy tool will use your zip code to tell you the direct phone number of your representative. The tool will also tell you whether your representative is a Judiciary Committee member, and will suggest an appropriate phone message for you to work from when you call his or her office.
Using this tool, the call will take you just a few minutes -- please act now! To go to the Legislative Action Center tool, just click here, or copy and paste this Internet address into your browser address bar:, just enter your zip code and follow the instructions.
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