Now the TOP 10 Things a GREAT AMERICAN does NOT do!!!
10. Play a part in a rather raunchy soft core porn movie.
9. Does not pose for pictures with enemy soldiers and equipment in a time of war.
8. Write a tell all book about her sex life.
7. Grow up with privilege and everything they ever needed, including a father to smooth the way in the "Industry."
6. Call American POW's Liars and Hypocrites.
5. Does not heap praise on a form of government that enslaves peoples and commits genocide
4. Does not call enemy soldiers liberators
3. Does not give Bill Clinton praise for getting a blow job in the Oval Office
2. Does not praise the efforts of Murdering terrorists in a second war.
1. Does not accept illegitimate praise on the Letterman show for being a GREAT American.
Dear David..
I have watched the last Letterman show.
I know I am breaking your heart. After all I am sure one less viewer in 40 million will not harm your millions of dollars.. Rich is rich after all. You are set for life.. but the soldiers who fight and die for you are not. They are embarrassed by the actions of a misguided criminal zealot.
However while I accept you are a Liberal, find you funny, I can not believe being a former liberal myself that you would stain your stage with a woman who has used such vitriol against the very men who have fought and died for this country.
Against the SAME GOVERMENT and government agencies that saved your child from kidnapping.
Apparently our form of government is fine when it serves YOU or HER, but when it takes the leadership to stop criminal murderers, you get all bent out of shape and feel sorry for the murderers.
Mr. Letterman a pox on your show.
That is my take on it.
Jim Dicken