Thursday, November 30, 2006
ABC's Strange Report Tonite
Maybe the rest of us should learn from the men and their families.
Jim Dicken
How to STOP the war on Terror and Fix IRAQ.
Those who HAVE must give. Those who can must build and those who can not must step forward to provide love and friendship to the world.
WE the FREE WORLD have to step forward and begin to FIX the rest of the world. I do not mean to change their religion or their mindset. I mean to fix hunger, thirst, and hatred.
Show love and we can stop the bloodshed.
I have a theory.
My theory is that there are no other civilizations in the Universe who have achieved the ability to travel the universe because like THIS world they do not get along. War like societys expend too much energy, talent and resources on war and death. The really great minds are lost to war and the human race will not be able to change it until we stop.
An invasion of hard working people rebuilding countries torn by war, an invasion of food and love can STOP the fighting and the terror. PROVE The Mullahs wrong, show them the way of Love that Jesus showed us all.
ON the cross while dying he forgave those who tortured him.
ON the cross he pardoned the the killer.
ON the cross he gave his life for us and to save our souls.
Time for this country, the FREE World to start Fixing the world.
Invade Darfur, Iraq, Lebanon and fix the things that are wrong and show the world we WANT peace and are willing to share, to make them wealthy as well and to take the world into the stars to find adventures beyond belief.
It is time to start thinking about others instead of ourselves.
This will prove we have no intention of taking anything from anyone without returning something in return.
Jim Dicken
Monday, November 27, 2006
Dear Channel 32
According to my sources in LMPD the Mayor of Louisville, Jerry Abramson is behind this. Jerry wants to be able to say that Louisville is unlike MAJOR US Cities because we do not have a GANG PROBLEM. Jerry has directed the Department Leaders to cover up any MAJOR GANG activity by calling it Cliques etc.
I was beaten on New Years Eve of 2000 by members of the Bloods. I know this because they were wearing the same uniform that your Young Gang Member was wearing. Red Sweats, with hoodies, tops and bottoms.
Mayor Abramson is covering up his stupidity in disbanding the Gang Squad when merger occurred. He is trying to justify his actions which resulted shortly after merger in an increase in murders of young black men.
The Mayor is a great cheer leader. However our good Mayor is an IDIOT when it comes to the security of this community. Murders went up after he took over. Unsolved Murders went up after he took over. All because our good Mayor arranged for great retirement packages that encouraged GREAT DETECTIVES to retire instead of staying on to train the Replacements. We currently suffer from inexperience and just plain Barney Fife Detective work. If there is not a witness, forget getting a killer. Detectives no longer DETECT in Louisville, they just take statements.
That is why murder scenes are compromised and convictions botched.
Jim Dicken
More Liberal News Media Mind Games
Hitler invaded his first country in 1939 I believe.
We did not enter the war for 3 more years.
The war ended in 1945, but we have been involved in Germany ever since. Germany was the country that we tried INTERNATIONAL Control over. Russia, France, England and Theh US split the country and rebuilt it. The effects of this "Rebuilding" are still being felt. We still have soldiers in Germany.
NOW we took over Japan, because WE the US made them surrender.
What was the difference? Japan has stood economically on its own since the 60's. No major military bases other than Okinawa.
Germany? Took many more years to rebuild. There were problems in Germany for at least 10 years, not to mention the international tensions over Berlin, the Airlift.. ETC.
We were involved in World War 2 LONG after the fighting was over. The rebuilding effort was as big as rebuilding Iraq. The time Line is NOT 3 Years and change.. it was much longer and this war is NOT one where we take the country and its over. The Iraqi People are the victims of Al Queda based attacks in an attempt to foment hatred of the United States and to increase recruiting for Al Queda.
Al Queda does NOT have a "COUNTRY" it is in ALL Countries and the fight will last until the end of time. We will not stop this until the world is economically EVEN.
Where all people CAN if they choose have a chance at their own destiny. Where hunger and thirst and terror are not the basics of life.
UNTIL the 3rd World joins the rest of the world we will have terror for the rest of time.
Jim Dicken
Friday, November 24, 2006
Hypocrisy of Liberals
Those are 2 names that Liberals and Conservatives are reviling at the moment.
I personally find this hypocritical if not down right FUNNY.
The Liberal Mantra is that NO ONE is totally responsible for what they do.
If you smoked dope as a kid, are an alchoholic, raised by a MEAN parent, or your baseball team kept score and YOU always Lost you suffer from Low Self Esteem, and or are the way you are because of Society.
Apparently that does not apply to any Conservative, or person who goes after some Liberal. Rascism is the exception to the rule apparently.
Mel Gibson was raised Catholic. So he MUST be anti Semitic right?
His father was supposedly an Anti Semite and an outspoken one in Australia.
Mel did not fall far from the tree.. right?
Michael Richards? I do not know his background. He has always seemed to be a bit flaky and well crazy.
HEY LIBERALS.. I have a question.
Why is their apology not enough? It was for Bill Clinton? It was for all your heroes.. apparently the 2 Congressmen that had affairs with FEMALE interns were forgiven as one was reelected and Clinton Pardoned the other who went to jail. He got a job with the Rainbow Coalition as "YOUTH Advisor" Yep, Jesse Jackson gave him the job. You remember Jesse, he is the Minister that had a baby with a woman OTHER than his wife. YET we forgave him.
Mel, Michael, I personally forgive you.
I am sure you were under pressures and that things were going badly for you and you acted out without thinking. It happens. One time I will forgive you. Do it again? I doubt I can.
Will Liberals forgive?
Apparently not since there are people saying that NO ONE should go to see Mel's new movie and that Michaels Career is finished.
Punish Mel.. but what about the 3000 people who are in the film.
What about the careers of the people in the movie.
What about the possibility that this is a MOVIE with a REAL message and one we can all use? Will you kill the message because of the messenger? Will you ruin the lives of the actors who had nothing to do with Mel's actions? I am sure that you wonderful Liberals will do that because you do not really care... You just act like you do so you can feel good about yourself.
Thursday, November 23, 2006
Outdoorsmen and Women Beware
Among the lies:
Doves are cheap skeet: Not true. Doves are among the most agile of fliers and shooting them for food is not cheap. It is estimated that most hunters fire up to 7 shells on average.
Hunters do not eat the Doves they shoot: THIS IS PURE BULL. No ethical hunter would ever shoot an animal that was not intended for the table. (Exceptions do occur such as Coyote's which are nuisance animals that attack wild game and which have invaded new territories since the 70's where they are over populating and suffering from disease.)
Doves are the bird of PEACE: Yes but NOT the Mourning Dove. The bird of peace is a different species.
There is no food value to a dove.. It takes too many to make a meal:
Normally doves are part of a meal, not the whole meal.
The merger of the HSUS and the Animal Fund has created a monstrous money collecting machine which will now be used to attack hunters and fishermen in this country. We can NOT allow another Michigan EVER again. We must get into the schools, and into the lives of children before a whole generation is lost to these Animal Rights Nut Cases.
The Humane Society is against Zoo's, even the ones doing research to save endangered species. The HSUS is not going to fight this battle fairly or with any kind of civility. These people are out to end hunting and fishing as well as pet ownership.
Their recent attempt to criminalize the ownership of dogs in the City of Louisville with total authority going to the Head of the Amimal Control Department is scary.
If you love your sport, it is time to start a National Organization that can defend our rights to hunt and to fish.
Jim Dicken
Space Golf Ball?
I spotted this falling object at 8:30 AM approximately and heard no Sound Barrier explosion like we heard years ago when a piece of space debris hit a house over near Crescent Hill. (working on memory here might have been the Highlands it has been a while)It burned up some what spectacularly, althouh not in comparison to the ones I normally see at night.
Wednesday, November 22, 2006
Crass Commercialism
If you like my blog and you appreciate my point of view, you can order from this link and I will recieve some needed income. I have been donating so much to several charities that I think I have a Charity Problem.
My favorite charity is which helps wounded soldiers and the families of soldiers killed in action.
Jim Dicken
Tuesday, November 21, 2006
When good TV goes BAD!
NOW he was out of the UNIT by 1998. Tonite the Libs took the show in a STUPID direction. They put the Unit in the line of politics in the way of an assasination of an Oil Company Squeezing Latin American Oil ministers in today's time frame. A congressman rats out the unit and puts the Commander on notice that he is fighting for BIG OIL and not for the country. He sites the Vice President as the person in control.
OK sorry, Story line is toooooooooooooo close to reality with Venezuela and Vice President Chaney. Then they pull in a Presidential Lawyer who is from MIDLAND Texas.
Ok sorry, but enough is enough. The Bush administration is NOT conducting illegal missions to kill diplomats. Suggesting they are by running some stupid story line to promote your Liberal Agenda is wrong. The people in charge during the majority of time that this man was in "The Unit" Were Democrats. He was involved in the Carter Inspired Iran Rescue. He retired during the latter part of the Clinton Administration. Any mission during those times is NOT part of this administration and the Show claims to be from the Book which is a historical book and written on what really happened and to put that in PRESENT times is not proper.
WE ARE AT WAR. But then Free Speech is Free Speech right?
No matter what the damage to our country, or the lies that are being presented?
This TV show was as bad as the mission it purported to outline, and is in my estimations a slander on our own country, as would the mission be if it were undertaken for the reasons given.
Damned if you DO! Damned if you Don't
My Website is Fishing Guides Home Page located at
Now I understand Mr. Yarmuth. He is resorting to 70's Hippie jargon, or CODE to tell folks that Companies and Corporations are bad. However Mr. Yarmuth OWNS corporations OR portions of them so I guess that means HE RIPS US OFF TOO! Unless of course it is just corporations that do not support Mr. Yarmuth? Could that be? ONLY Republican leaning corporations RIP US OFF?
Then I get this phone call from Keith Covey of World Wide Fishing Guides. He says I can not describe my International Fishing Guides Page as a World Wide Fishing Guide Listing because he has a Trade Mark on those words..($150.00 later my lawyer checks all data bases in California, and the Federal TM database and several other state databases and finds NO Trade Mark, not to mention the FACT you cant Trade Mark Descriptive Words) Then he says I stole his idea of a Fishing Guide Directory?
Well let me just say this: Yes I did. I did not like the Fishing Guide Directories I saw on the Internet and felt I could do them better. So I did. Using Mr. Covey's theory, McDonalds should not be in business because Burger King was in business before they were... Chevy should not be making cars because FORD was first.
Then he tells me I DON'T CHARGE ENOUGH and I am taking food out of the mouths of his wife and kids.
Well I seriously doubt that I am doing that. I can not pay my bills, but he has a TV show where he travels and goes fishing. So, if I am UNDERCHARGING he must be charging way too much if he can afford to travel and fish and produce a TV show from his Fishing Guide Directory...
Oh well. I am a Rip Off Either way. (Remember that is CODE from the 70's for a THIEF)
Monday, November 20, 2006
You gotta love us Democrats.. LOL
In fact, just about everybody in the House voted to impeach Judge Hastings: the vote was 413 to 3. (Just for the record, the three who voted against impeachment were Reps. Gus Savage, Mervyn Dymally, and Edward Roybal.)
Others who voted for impeachment were Waxman, Frank, and Rangel as well as Boxer, Schumer and Durbin, who are now Senators.
How will they explain that they voted to impeach a sitting Judge (a rarity) and now support the same man to head up the Intelligence Committee?
Sunday, November 19, 2006
Ernie Fletcher and the Hiring Scandal
Now the reason I find this funny is that the Courier Journal has admitted that the same practices that Ernie Fletcher used WERE Used by past Democratic Administrations.
What does this mean? It means the poor folks who lost their jobs got them the same way their replacements did. That the Merit System has been abused for years and that the people who suffered were actually the ones who had profited in the past.
NOW that is not an excuse for Mr. Fletcher.
One minor question though... how with a government substructure set up by the Democratic Party do you run a Republican Administration? Do you really believe in this day and age that a Republican Governor can get his work done with Democrats in charge of the day to day work?
Neither side is right... both sides have done it. I do however find less wrong with Governor Fletcher who simply brought things back to the center with his actions. IF a Democratic Governor is elected again, will the Courier and MR. Hill be as observant of them? Will you or Mr. Stumbo be keeping track of what is going on? OR will the old Democratic Machine take over?
Jim Dicken
A Democratic Candidate who lost to a Republican by 40 votes is complaining that the Republican got help because he was #1 on the ballot.
Give me a break. Kentucky's rules give "Primacy" First line recognition to the party that won the last Presidential Election. Seems fair. Only thing more fair would be to flip flop like John Kerry does every 2 years. (Sorry another cheap shot at the jerk who maligned our soldiers)
Still are there any more complaints that you can come up with?
It was not fair when Clinton was President that Mike Ward won by a slim margin but you did not hear the Republicans BITCHING about Primacy.
Saturday, November 18, 2006
WMD's in Iraq/ They were there! With PROOF
"We have found weapons of mass destruction in Iraq, chemical weapons," Sen. Rick Santorum, R-Pa., said in a quickly called press conference late Wednesday afternoon.
Reading from a declassified portion of a report by the National Ground Intelligence Center, a Defense Department intelligence unit, Santorum said: "Since 2003, coalition forces have recovered approximately 500 weapons munitions which contain degraded mustard or sarin nerve agent. Despite many efforts to locate and destroy Iraq's pre-Gulf War chemical munitions, filled and unfilled pre-Gulf War chemical munitions are assessed to still exist."
A roadside bomb containing sarin nerve agent (search) recently exploded near a U.S. military convoy, the U.S. military said Monday.
Bush administration officials told Fox News that mustard gas (search) was also recently discovered.
Two people were treated for "minor exposure" after the sarin incident but no serious injuries were reported. Soldiers transporting the shell for inspection suffered symptoms consistent with low-level chemical exposure, which is what led to the discovery, a U.S. official told Fox News.
"The Iraqi Survey Group confirmed today that a 155-millimeter artillery round containing sarin nerve agent had been found," Brig. Gen. Mark Kimmitt (search), the chief military spokesman in Iraq, told reporters in Baghdad. "The round had been rigged as an IED (improvised explosive device) which was discovered by a U.S. force convoy."
OPERATION: IRAQI FREEDOMSaddam's WMDhave been foundNew evidence unveils chemical, biological, nuclear, ballistic arms
Posted: April 26, 2004 1:36 p.m. EasternEditor's note: WorldNetDaily is pleased to have a content-sharing agreement with Insight magazine, the bold Washington publication not afraid to ruffle establishment feathers. Subscribe to Insight at WorldNetDaily's online store and save 71 percent off the cover price.
By Kenneth R. Timmerman© 2004 Insight/News World Communications Inc.
New evidence out of Iraq suggests the U.S. effort to track down Saddam Hussein's missing weapons of mass destruction is having better success than is being reported.
Key assertions by the intelligence community widely judged in the media and by critics of President Bush as having been false are turning out to have been true after all.
But this stunning news has received little attention from the major media, and the president's critics continue to insist that "no weapons" have been found.
In virtually every case -- chemical, biological, nuclear and ballistic missiles -- the United States has found the weapons and the programs that the Iraqi dictator successfully concealed for 12 years from U.N. weapons inspectors.
The Iraq Survey Group, ISG, whose intelligence analysts are managed by Charles Duelfer, a former State Department official and deputy chief of the U.N.-led arms-inspection teams, has found "hundreds of cases of activities that were prohibited" under U.N. Security Council resolutions, a senior administration official tells Insight.
"There is a long list of charges made by the U.S. that have been confirmed, but none of this seems to mean anything because the weapons that were unaccounted for by the United Nations remain unaccounted for."
Both Duelfer and his predecessor, David Kay, reported to Congress that the evidence they had found on the ground in Iraq showed Saddam's regime was in "material violation" of U.N. Security Council Resolution 1441, the last of 17 resolutions that promised "serious consequences" if Iraq did not make a complete disclosure of its weapons programs and dismantle them in a verifiable manner.
The United States cited Iraq's refusal to comply with these demands as one justification for going to war.
Both Duelfer and Kay found Iraq had "a clandestine network of laboratories and safe houses with equipment that was suitable to continuing its prohibited chemical- and biological-weapons [BW] programs," the official said. "They found a prison laboratory where we suspect they tested biological weapons on human subjects."
Dispersal would be far more effective if a shell containing nerve agent were fired from an artillery piece, he said. Kimmitt said he believed it was the first case in which US forces had found an artillery shell containing sarin.
"The former regime had declared all such rounds destroyed before the 1991 Gulf War," Kimmitt said. "Two explosive ordinance team members were treated for minor exposure to nerve agent as a result of the partial detonation of the round."
Signs of WMD found in Iraq04/08/2003 20:33 - (SA)
Karl Ritter
Stockholm - Swedish arms experts found signs of an Iraqi programme for manufacturing prohibited weapons during a secret visit there in June, their supervisor said on Monday.
Military and government officials played down the claims and criticised the visit, saying it wasn't authorised.
Two chemical and biological weapons experts travelled to Iraq to help a television team evaluate information it had obtained about Saddam Hussein's alleged weapons of mass destruction, said Aake Sellstroem, from the Swedish Defence Research Agency, who authorised the visit.
The information indicated Iraq had a programme for making chemical and biological weapons as late as last year, but yielded no clues about whether any actual weapons were made, he said.
"What this shows is that there was interest, organisation and activities involving weapons of mass destruction until 2002," Sellstroem told The Associated Press. "But I haven't seen any information about how many weapons there were."
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Iraqi Chemical Stash UncoveredPost-Invasion Cache Could Have Been For Use in Weapons
By Ellen KnickmeyerWashington Post Foreign ServiceSunday, August 14, 2005; A18
BAGHDAD, Aug. 13 -- U.S. troops raiding a warehouse in the northern city of Mosul uncovered a suspected chemical weapons factory containing 1,500 gallons of chemicals believed destined for attacks on U.S. and Iraqi forces and civilians, military officials said Saturday.
Monday's early morning raid found 11 precursor agents, "some of them quite dangerous by themselves," a military spokesman, Lt. Col. Steven A. Boylan, said in Baghdad.
Combined, the chemicals would yield an agent capable of "lingering hazards" for those exposed to it, Boylan said. The likely targets would have been "coalition and Iraqi security forces, and Iraqi civilians," partly because the chemicals would be difficult to keep from spreading over a wide area, he said.
Chemical munitions found by Polish soldiers were being pursued by terrorists - MONIKA SCISLOWSKA, Associated Press WriterFriday, July 2, 2004
(07-02) 07:18 PDT WARSAW, Poland (AP) --
Terrorists may have been close to obtaining munitions containing the deadly nerve agent cyclosarin that Polish soldiers recovered last month in Iraq, the head of Poland's military intelligence said Friday.
Polish troops had been searching for munitions as part of their regular mission in south-central Iraq when they were told by an informant in May that terrorists had made a bid to buy the chemical weapons, which date back to Saddam Hussein's war with Iran in the 1980s, Gen. Marek Dukaczewski told reporters in Warsaw.
"We were mortified by the information that terrorists were looking for these warheads and offered $5,000 apiece," Dukaczewski said. "An attack with such weapons would be hard to imagine. All of our activity was accelerated at appropriating these warheads."
Dukaczewski refused to give any further details about the terrorists or the sellers of the munitions, saying only that his troops thwarted terrorists by purchasing the 17 rockets for a Soviet-era launcher and two mortar rounds containing the nerve agent for an undisclosed sum June 23.
In May, a booby-trapped artillery shell apparently filled with the sarin nerve agent exploded alongside a Baghdad road but caused no serious injuries to the U.S. forces who discovered it. At the time, officials stopped short of claiming the munition was definite evidence of a large weapons stockpile in prewar Iraq or evidence of recent production by Saddam's regime.
Friday, November 17, 2006
A little good news?
Now $80K is a lot of money, but each and every driver to a man said he was proud to serve next to a soldier on the front lines. They did not mention the fact that the Truckers are volunteers and that they believe in what we are doing in Iraq. They just talk about the sacrifice. The death.
I have to wonder if the same press coverage was given to World War 2 if we would have won.
There is NO ATTEMPT to show the positive ... and there are positives in Iraq. There is no attempt to show the danger of this enemy. This is an enemy that shows Saturday Morning cartoons to its kids showing cartoon children as heroes blowing up US and Israeli trucks with Suicide Bombs. Where is the OUTRAGE that anyone would encourage a CHILD to kill him or her self with a bomb. Our News Media will not talk about this. They will not show ISLAMIC Fundamentalists as anything OTHER than peaceful.
We will lose this war. We will leave Iraq and Al Queda will install itself as the predominant governing body and will use Iraq as a place to train and export terror to the world. I think I will invest in ...???? Well nothing will be worth much so ... I guess I will plan on learning Arabic.. or Persian.
Jim Dicken
Friday, November 10, 2006
ANOTHER I told you so!
"The American people have put their feet on the right path by ... realizing their president's betrayal in supporting Israel," the terror leader said. "So they voted for something reasonable in the last elections."
Here is my prediction. The number of casualties will decline the next few months. Why? Because the American People like the SPANISH have been influenced by death in Iraq and decided to cut and run just like the Spanish did days before their elections when bombs went off in Train Stations.
The Diatribe this man spews is very anti Bush. WHY? Because the terrorists know that the Republican President is harming their efforts. BUT NOW they see the cracks in our WILL and will use this crack to drive a wedge big enough for them to win the war.
We were in Germany for 12 years after World War 2. Soldiers were attacked by left over bands of German Nazi Soldiers. We still have troops in Germany.
Korea took years to win, and to eventually repair to a point where it could become a contributing member of the Economic Community. We still have troops in Korea.
Had the Drive By Media covered World War 2 the way Iraq is being covered.. we would all be speaking GERMAN, or Japanese.
What part of this do you not get. OUR views on Iraq are being controlled by Al Queda and most of the press is HELPING them by promoting the idea that this war was Ill concieved and that America was lied to.
There were some WMD found. NO NUKES, but some batches of chemical weapons were found. There were supplies of Gas Suits ready for Iraqi Troops to use found on the battle field.
Iraq was promoting terror in Israel, and was contributing to the world of terror. Iraq was actively seeking a way to attack this country.. Mr. Putin of Russia who is no friend of the Bush Administration, tells us this.
NO everything about the war is not going well.
We are losing soldiers, we will always lose soldiers when fighting a war. (Until Robot Soldiers are invented)
Considering our losses in previous wars... this war is a TEA PARTY.
Jim Dicken
The Cardinals...
WHY did they not go for the first down with 6 minutes to go?
Well I am sure the coach had confidence in his defenses so I should not second guess.
Darn that hurt.
Well maybe now Bush will stay and we will have both him and Brohm next year and kick some butt.
Good luck the rest of the way..
I can see us still playing in the National Championship.. how about this ...
Indiana Beats Michigan, Michigan beats Ohio State, West Virginia beats Rutgers, and we end up in the National Championship?
Ah pipe dream.
Thursday, November 09, 2006
Gee, I should not say it, but "I TOLD YOU SO!"
He stated that he believed that there was a possibility that there is not enough money in the budget to pay for the bridge.
Yeah right.
Lets get one thing straight.
John Yarmuth LIVES where the bridge is supposed to cross the river.
John Yarmuth is good friends with the woman who runs the "Kill the Bridge" organization.
How long have we been working to get the bridge? How much time did Ann Northup spend on that bridge? We have the Financing in place the initial work on the bridge has started. WHY would we not have the money for the bridge?
John Yarmuth ran so this bridge would not kill his property values. Not because he is going to work hard for the people of this community. He won NOT on the local issues, but on the WAR.
Ann Northup is closer to Ron Mazzoli in her stands than John Yarmuth ever was.
Wednesday, November 08, 2006
OK You won...
More than I care to, I heard folks talking about how the Republicans would cheat to win.
More than once I hear people saying are the Republicans disenfranchising us ...?
OK, you won. Would you like to cry for a recount?
Did the Republicans cheat?
Did the Republicans send a campaign worker to the opponents campaign to volunteer?
I heard reports of Republican Areas having signs stolen from yards.
One sign was found on the property of the Poll I was at AFTER we had checked the area and had found it clean of political signs. It was posted AFTER the polls were opened and we were stuck for the most part inside dealing with the terrific turnout.
One person wanted to know where the City Councilman votes were?
Then complained that the Republicans had printed the ballots so he could not vote.
HEY JERK do the research. THERE WERE NO CITY COUNCIL OFFICES up for vote. IT WAS NOT a conspiracy.
Any opportunity to talk bad about Republicans was taken, despite the fact the Local Republican party has had NO scandal and has been very tasteful in its treatment of its opponents.
Local Democrats have no respect for conservative values and conservative voters and you Ultra Liberals in the city need to understand you still have to deal with us and you will need our support so get off the persecution complex.
YOU LOST IN THE PAST because your values did not match those of this city.
You won yesterday because massive amounts of people votes straight Democrat due to the NATIONAL problems NOT because the Local Republicans were responsible for it.
Leave out Iraq, and the Republicans would have won handily.
Jim Dicken
Congratulations to Yarmuth
I congratulate him. I hope he is worthy to follow in the footsteps of Ann Yarmuth.
Ann has served this community well, and has been able to achieve so much. The bridges funding, the Waterfront Funding, a new VA Hospital, and more.
Her efforts on international adoption will of course keep her busy.
Mr. Yarmuth I hope you understand that a 51% majority is less than a sweeping indictment of LOCAL issues. You won based on the war and on NOTHING else. The passion was just too much and I am ashamed people fail to understand this war and are not courageous enough to support it. This may sound like sour grapes, but at age 52 I have a deep understanding of the Jihadist Mentality and what the Invasion of Iraq was really about.. but I am talking about local issues.
This is a community that if the following issues were in the forefront would not have voted for you and these are the issues that kept you from carrying the vote in the manner based on Registered Democrats in the community.
Abortion: This community time and again has said it is not in support of Abortion on Demand, Abortion for juveniles without parental consent, and Late term abortion.
Social Security: Your opinions in the past indicate total disagreement on this issue. You stated in the past that you were for abolishing the program. The attempt to include investment and some privatization by Republicans may or may NOT have worked. We will never know.
Gun Control: The merger would have failed if not for promises to hunters that laws concerning hunting and gun control would not preclude their ability to hunt inside the LouMetro area.
Your support of Gun control and extremely RUDE comments on those who believe they have the right to own guns will be a problem. IF you attempt to take this away, or support the idea of taking rights to hunt from hunters you will lose at least 2% of the vote next time.
The war in Iraq was NOT just about WMD. It was about the support of terror by Sadam and his export of that terror to Israel and to other countries. It was about intelligence from OUTSIDE sources like Russia, that led us to believe Sadam was searching for ways to attack this country. Sadam Hussein attempted to kill a former US President in Kuwait. This is an act of war.
We screwed up when we failed to take Bin Laden seriously when he declared Jihad. Why did we not take Sadam seriously when he attempted to kill the First President Bush...
Clinton threw a few missiles at him and left.
Sadam thumbed his nose at this country and the world.
He did it for 8 years under Clinton, and for 2 years under Bush. He violated UN Sanctions and used oil as a way to attack this country and to fund terror in Israel. The idea that this war is going to be won in 3 years is ridiculous. It took 12 years to return Germany to a stability and we still have troops in Germany.
This country has forgotten its history.
I hope that you will revisit it, because I fear that we will make the same mistakes as we did in Viet Nam, Lebanon and the Sudan. These are the mistakes that led us to 9-11 and will continue to haunt us if we pull out of Iraq too soon.
I will point out it was us Democrats that started Viet Nam it was the Republicans that got us out.
Jim Dicken
Tuesday, November 07, 2006
Winning is not nescessarily winning
Any time a Republican in Jefferson country gets 48% of the vote... the Democrats have lost votes to the Republicans. Yes the majority has spoken, but the minority is saying that you did not convince EVERYONE in your party, so you still have problems.
IF Yarmuth wins and gloats he will prove himself unworty to hold this office beyond the current term.
I seriously doubt he will run again. Finding the loss of time on the Golf Course too much.
(Ok, cheap shot and my last one)
Mr. Yarmuth has apparently won with only 5% of the vote left he is approximately 7000 votes in the lead. Of course I hope that changes, it would seem difficult to do unless Strong Northup areas are left to count. Still those areas are in the outreaches of the county, so hope still springs.. but not eternal.
Jim Dicken
Democrat Voting Republican.
Monday, November 06, 2006
Questions for Mr. Yarmuth
2. You have advocated at least once abolishing Social Security for those under 50?
Were you 50 at the time?
Is that self serving?
3. Do you hunt or fish, and or do you approve of hunting and fishing?
We know where you stand on Gun Control so I am assuming you are not a hunter and do not support Hunting as an outdoor activity... correct me if I am wrong PLEASE!
4. What is your PLAN to protect Social Security?
5. Do you REALLY want to Nationalize Health Care?
6. Are you aware that Nationalizing will put GOVERNMENT in charge of YOUR health?
7. How exactly would you change Iraq?
8. "Bill Clinton A President we can take pride in" ? Did you really say that?
9. Do you live in the neighborhood where the bridge in the EAST END is being built?
10. Can you take credit for any significant changes in Louisville at any time?
11. What exactly other than being a rich business man are your qualifications for being a congress person?
Remember .. starting a business with family money is NOT a qualification.
Farmer's Beware
If you are as many in Louisville are, Farm Family members from outside of Louisville... The re-establishment of Estate Taxes will kill the average family farm.
Small farms of 165 Acres will value at death near 2 Million Dollars in most areas. The taxes on these "Estates" will be more than most can afford forcing the sale of small acreage farms. Worse yet if you own up to 1000 acres your taxes will be increased, to the same as the VERY WEALTHY.
Now most farm families I know are not WEALTHY. They may be well off or, just making it.
A vote for Yarmuth is a vote to end Family Farms and to make Rich People like Yarmuth Richer.
Jim Dicken
Sunday, November 05, 2006
Hate TV
I just can not imagine the hatred people have to have to run the kind of derogatory anti Republican TV shows that are running .. and just before election time.
Republicans do not hate Gay People.
They just believe "For the most part" That marriage is an institution defined in the Bible as between a man and a woman. You remember the bible, it is the basis for the Constitution, and for the laws that govern western nations.
But if you are a conservative and do not believe in Gay Marriage you are EVIL.
That is NOT TRUE.
It is a difference of opinion, not an excuse for hatred.
Conservatives are against abortion, believing that life begins at conception.
Don't believe the same way? Ok fine, you deal with God at the Final Judgement I personally do not care what you do other than the basic fact I believe that MURDER is wrong. IF I HONESTLY BELIEVE that how do I compromise? Would you compromise when it is about life and death?
Liberal's hide behind scripts and TV shows but spread the same intolerance that Conservatives and ultra conservatives spread.
Neither side has learned tolerance of the other.
It is a shame.
Lincoln - you remember Lincoln.. the first Republican President who freed the slaves.
Lincoln said " A house divided against itself can not stand"
We are a house divided and the enemies of this country see that.
BOTH sides are wrong in this. Neither side is willing to compromise or to work together despite the will of the people. The US is fighting a war that was entered into by BOTH parties. WITH BOTH parties calling for the end of Sadam's thuming his nose at the world.
Now we are engaged in a Great War, testing whether this nation, or ANY nation can tolerate Terror and survive. Will terror win out.
Can we not see that the Enemy wants us to leave and in order to further that agenda are killing as many American's as possible before the election and before EACH ELECTION in the past 5 years.
The enemy fears us, and is playing to those in this nation that would leave.
I believe we must win.
It is not about WMD, it is about Terror and whether we are going to fight it.
Jim Dicken

Yarmuth complains and so does the Courier Journal that Ms. Northup has voted with the Republican Party 89% of the time this year.
Well DUH! We voted for her obviously because we believed in her conservative values.
So when Yarmuth votes 89% of the time with DEMOCRATS is that going to be a BAD Thing?
OF COURSE NOT, because the editorial board of the Courier Believes ONLY Democrats know what is best for us.
That is Hypocrisy.

NO Attacks on US Soil in 5 Years. The Republicans have repaired the damage done by the Clinton Administration and have protected this country. So how is voting with the Republicans a bad thing. Honor the sacrifice of our VOLUNTEER army and support a candidate that has helped to protect this country at a time of war.
We have lost fewer people in the war in Iraq in 3 years than we lost in a YEAR of Viet Nam.
We have lost fewer men than in ONE BATTLE of World War 2.
150,000 men in Iraq and we lose 1% a year or less.. that is lower than the death rate on American Highways.
We Lost more men in Lebanon in one day than we lost in all of October.
Yet we are more affected by these few deaths ( NO Death is good) than we were in wars past.
Ossama Bin Laden is running his Fascist, Islamic Fundamentalist Idealogue with the idea that American's are weak and will not tolerate the deaths of their soldiers. He is apparently right.
We are flinching at losses that are far below those of any past war. Sacrifice and death are part and parcel of war. Apparently we are afraid to win this one.
WE are a country divided and the terrorists are exploiting that division. WAKE UP and realize that leaving Iraq is the WRONG thing to do.
We ran in Viet Nam
We ran from Lebanon
We ran from the Sudan
WE CAN NOT RUN from Iraq. It will be the end of our way of life.
Jim Dicken
A Conservative's Prayer
I DO however agree with this prayer.
"Heavenly Father, we come before you today to ask your forgiveness and to seek your direction and guidance."
"We know Your Word says, "Woe to those who call evil good," but that is exactly what we have done.
We have lost our spiritual equilibrium and reversed our values.
We have exploited the poor and called it the lottery
We have rewarded laziness and called it welfare
We have killed our unborn and called it choice
We have shot abortionists and called it justifiable
We have neglected to discipline our children and called it building self esteem
We have abused power and called it politics
We have coveted our neighbor's possessions and called it ambition.
We have polluted the air with profanity and pornography and called it freedom of expression.
We have ridiculed the time-honored values of our forefathers and called it enlightenment.
Search us, Oh God, and know our hearts today; cleanse us from every sin and set us free.
The C-J's Failure to report the truth.
I will point out the mistakes of the Liberal Courier for those of you with short memories and also add insight from people on the scene in Iraq.
Courier comments will be in Italics.. My Response to each will be in bold:
The Bush administration squanders precious lives and resources with an unnecessary and bungled war in Iraq, and tramples America’s good name and constitutional traditions with torture, kangaroo courts and illegal surveillance. It panders to its rich donors and supporters with high-end tax cuts, even as deficits rise, war bills come due and the national debt soars past $8.5 trillion.
The Bush administration is not squandering precious lives. YES life is precious but these lives have not been squandered. These men and women have made the ultimate sacrifice in order to protect this country. The resources we have used have kept this country SAFE for over 5 years. NO ATTACKS since 9-11 on American Soil.The accusation of Torture is without merit. While Abu Grahib was an embarrassment, it was not torture. College fraternities do worse. Yet the Courier will not mention the capture Torture and beheading of Americans in Iraq. Illegal Surveillance? So far the President has followed the letter of the law and the law was written by the DEMOCRATS under Clinton. The New York Press illegally exposed attempts to trace terrorist money in other countries and exposed assets we need to protect this country, and exposed those operations. The C-J did not disown this action
Congress, for its part, is awash in corporate money and wracked by the Abramoff and other scandals. It was unable to take meaningful action in the past two years on such pressing issues as immigration, health care and Social Security reform. It has essentially abdicated its vital role of providing oversight of the executive branch.
Yes congress is awash with corporate money. The Courier says that like it is a bad thing. Corporate Money includes interest groups such as the Humane Society, PETA, NRA, but it also includes the NAACP, and other special interest groups. Its called FREE SPEECH. Its called free association. IT is the ultimate in American Democracy and it works. The founding fathers WANTED congress to work slowly IF at all.
Immigration? Ok, the Republicans have provided plans but the Democrats have not. Don't like them? OK, lets work on it. What is the Democrat Plan... total Amnesty for all illegal immigrants. BULL HOCKEY.
Illegal Immigrants get better health care in this country than our own citizens.
Under the Democratic Plan they would not pay any back taxes, would not have to pay into Social Security, and would get a free pass. The words are ILLEGAL IMMIGRANT's, they came here against the law. People who emigrated here legally do not get the kind of help that Illegals get. Republicans want them to enter and become citizens, paying taxes and their own way. Is there a problem with that?
ON Social Security Reform the Republicans came up with a plan to privatize Social Security allowing us to invest in America and to get a return on the money we send to the goverment that sits without interest. OK don't like it.. give me a plan Mr. Yarmuth.
Expecting the same people who created this mess to clean it up would be delusional.
There is an element of unfairness in this to Rep. Northup. She is not the president. There is not a scintilla of evidence linking her to scandal. She is not a right-wing ideologue.
But Rep. Northup would vote to keep the House in the hands of the party that has served the Congress and the country so badly. And she voted with the President this year 89 percent of the time, according to
I like this paragraph. Ms. Northup has served honorably and has brought home the bacon to Louisville. I would expect a Republican to vote with the Republican house or President at least 89 percent of the time, I am SURE Mr. Yarmuth will vote with his party at least that much. The issue becomes who do you want to run the country? Democrats who led us into Iraq due to poor intelligence (See my article on Iraq below) or Republicans who have managed to overcome the Democrats decimation of the Intelligence Community and to keep us safe.
Lets also point out that the ECONOMY is rolling along under the Republicans with new highs on the DOW and Stock Market. The deficit has been cut in half 2 years ahead of time and Small Business is booming. OH an one last note. MS. Northup herself can not keep the Republicans in power. She would vote with her party, obviously but HOW can Ms. Northup have enough power to vote her party into power as suggested in the paragraph above. ( I think someone forgot to proof their copy because it makes no sense. BUT it does SOUND bad so why not leave it? Right!)
Mr. Yarmuth offers a sensible alternative and the promise of change.
He has opposed the Iraq war from the outset, and correctly recognized that President Bush had no occupation policy, exit strategy or clear mission. Mr. Yarmuth supports getting U.S. troops off of Iraq’s streets, using some in a training or defensive posture, and redeploying others to nearby countries.
I have yet to see the "Sensible" alternative Mr. Yarmuth OFFERS. He promises change but gives us only ideas not plans. How will he get us out of Iraq? Cut and Run, proving Ossama RIGHT? We are afraid to lose life to protect our Ideas and our Christian Beliefs? Mr. Yarmuth was also against the invasion of Afghanistan. (Again see my post on Iraq) How is an ultra liberal like Yarmuth going to make any kind of sensible alternative?
He favors restoring some of the higher income, dividend and estate taxes on the very wealthy; a universal health care system, and a string of environmental protections. He offers a sensible balance on immigration of border security, crackdowns on employers who hire illegal aliens and recognition (without a path to citizenship) of illegal immigrants who are already in the country.
The estate taxes will not help the country. It forces FAMILY owned business to sell in order to pay the taxes, allowing Corporate Theft of Family owned Business. As for Universal Health Care? Can you say Rationed Care? Happened in every country where GOVERNMENT was in charge of care. Find a way to help get insurance, NOT Universal Government Rationed Health Care. ITS a PIPE DREAM.
Remember, land in the form of farms is highly valued and taxes are fair .. but when you die that 165 acres your family has puts YOU and your family members into a top tax bracket. Raising you to the status of VERY WEALTHY like say Mr. Yarmuth. Most farm families can not pay the Estate Tax (Death Tax) on these acreages and must sell. Yarmuth apparently does not realize this.
Rep. Northup, for her part, was an early and strong supporter of the President and the war. She now says that the war has taken such dramatic turns for the worse in the last six weeks that the present course cannot continue, and she calls for the resignation of Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld. (She also says House Speaker Dennis Hastert must go.)
Actually, this war went bad long ago, but Rep. Northup’s revised views are welcome. If she is re-elected, we hope she will follow through.
The war started going bad when the liberal press failed to show any of the positive events in the war. It is going bad because the Liberal Press is directly helping the insurgents .We are in the Viet Nam Syndrome. All the people in the press remember Viet Nam. Ossama Bin Laden has called it. America is not willing to fight to keep its freedom or that of others. The war would have been over long ago if the liberals had not fought this war. The terror attacks in Iraq are directly related to the press in this country. The more people they kill, the more terror they stir up the more the US will want out. The terrorists are playing to the Liberal Press. Do you really believe that the increase in deaths in Iraq in October is NOT RELATED TO THE ELECTION and in getting the Democrats who want to pull out into power? Had the press and the liberal media, and the liberal Hollywood crowd gotten behind this war it would be OVER. Ossama and the Terrorists know what is going on in this country in the way of Anti War Activity and they are playing liberals against the conservatives. Had we stood together in Iraq they would not be able to recruit, or to continue this war.
NO War is ever perfect in the way it is handled. Hindsight is 20/20.
The Courier Journal says it in their own words...
Two years ago, we endorsed Rep. Northup. We said then that her strong record of service to Louisville and the weakness of her opponent outweighed her support of many GOP policies with which we strongly disagreed.
And, indeed, Rep. Northup has played a major role in identifying, promoting and funding critically important local undertakings, such as the $3 billion Ohio River Bridges Project and a new veterans hospital. If Mr. Yarmuth replaces her, he will have big shoes to fill in this regard. It would be vital that he spare no effort to succeed.
Yarmuth Brags about how much he plays golf.. With that work ethic I am not willing to trust him.
2 Years ago we were at war. Now the Courier wants to cut and run and continues to suppor the agenda that HELPS The terrorists.
I will Vote for Northup, I hope you will as well.
Jim Dicken
Yarmuth gettng help from Google?
I run this blog and tried to buy ads on Google for my Pro Northup Blog on Google. 24 hours later the ads have not shown. YET a PRO Yarmuth Blog is showing up #3 on Google when you type in Northup for Congress.
Type in any Northup combination and you will find ONLY Pro Yarmuth ads on Google and no Pro Northup ads.
Type in Yarmuth for Congress as I have and nothing derogatory for him.
Coincidence? OR is the liberal bent of Google being used to promote their agenda?
Guess I need to take a serious look at some of the other races, but I find it strange that I have bid higher than anyone else for the terms and yet NO advertising shows up on Google for Northup's side of the issues, and I can not BUY ads for my own blog.
Google has been accused in the past of such tactics and of course pissing on the Electrified fence is NOT a good idea, but sometimes you got to go after the fence.
Jim Dicken
Saturday, November 04, 2006
Hey John, What is YOUR plan
John says she tried to waste our Social Security by privatizing it?
John what is your plan. IN the LEO you said you would get rid of Social Security for those under the age of 50. You were what 50 when you wrote that and 59 now?
John, you want to make health care available by Nationalizing it right?
In other countries that has meant that care was restricted and care rationed.
You want to put government in charge of MY choices on health care and on what doctor I go to see. Making RICH people like you capable of getting around it because you will call your rich Doctor friends to get care going around the system. (Yeah I am assuming you would do that.. I know if someone in my family was sick I would use what influence I had to get them care. I would rather not have to do that)
Tell us John, what are YOUR solutions.
Tell me John What in the HELL are your qualifications other than having had enough money to start your own companies and to be the boss. Did you EVER have to work your way up through the company? NO.
You even brag about playing over 100 rounds of golf in a year while being editor of LEO.
Do you have any clue how to pass legislation?
Have you been for ANY community project?
You were against he bridge, against Papa John's Stadium, and against the downtown Arean.
They help to bring jobs and corporations to Louisville... but then YOU say Corporations rip us off so why would they want to come here when YOU call them THIEVES.
DUMB commercial John and even worse you are calling people like me thieves...
Who am I ripping off.
Democrats are responsible for Iraq.
Don't really believe it?
Ok follow me. This is a 10 year trip through history.
1993 The first attack on the World Trade Center Occurs.
Bill Clinton and the Democrats including smiling Mike from Louisville decide that instead of increasing the budget to catch the people who planned this they will cut the budget for intelligence by 10 Billion Dollars. Just months before Ossama Bin Laden has been identified as one of the most dangerous people on the planet. He has declared Jihad and has access to millions of dollars of his families assets.
For 7 years the country cuts the budget and allows Ossama Bin Laden to increase his command of Al Queda which attacks us in Kenya, and in Oman. No real retaliation is ever attempted on Ossama Bin Laden. He is involved in what is known as the Black Hawk Down incident and when the Sudan Leaders attempt to turn him over to the United States, Bill Clinton out of fear of what would happen if the worlds worst terrorist were to be brought to US soil turns him down.
At this point our intelligence on Ossama, Sadam and other terrorists is dependent on people inside who have agenda's not on assets we have developed.
Additionally we are fighting an extended undeclared war on Sadam and Iraq. Clinton fails to act on any of the dozens of UN Warnings and opts to bomb Iraq whenever he has a problem. He abuses the military to the point that ammunition for training and for Air Flight Programs to train pilots are beneath those required to keep the troops at peak readiness at a time we are at our most vulnerable.
Now comes the 2000 election.
Gore loses in a wierd bit of election oddity. For only the second time in US History the winner loses and people do not take it well.
(Let me point out that in the Florida Recount that DEMOCRATS attempted to deny Thousands of votes by SOLDIERS overseas, abusing the very people we need to protect our country.) Yeah a cheap shot but one I feel justified in pointing out.
People HATE BUSH who did not vote for him.
Fast Forward to 9-11 only 8 months into the Bush Administration.
The intelligence community is beginning to reestablish itself, but has not fully recovered from the full effect of the Clinton assault on the Intelligence community.
Ossama makes good on his threat to attack the US and kill thousands.
We invade Afghanistan and due to previous cuts in intelligence we have to depend on War Lords and Drug Dealers to lead the assault instead of in place assets.
Fast forward to 2002, and Sadam Hussein is again thumbing his nose at the international community. Bush wants him out, and so do the Democrats. Everyone including John Kerry, and Mr. Kennedy want the man out of office. The world is fed up with his antics. Russia's Putin reports that Sadam is actively seeking ways to attack the United States. The intelligence community relying on Iraqi's in the country with an agenda to get rid of Sadam believe that Sadam still has WMD's. Gas, Biological and possibly Nuclear weapons at his disposal. The Congress and the Senate decide we must attack Sadam before he can assist Al Queda or another group to attack the United States.
In the mean time, he has been giving money to Hamas and to the families of Murder Bombers who attack Israeli's. $50,000 to each family. His fingerprints are beginning to appear on other terrorist activities. He is shielding terrorists who have killed Americans. He continues to turn on radar and tracking in the No Fly Zone in an attempt to target American Planes. He has refused to comply with UN Sanctions and Inspections. America BELIEVING that he will either attack or help others to attack us invades Iraq, with the help of England, Spain, Italy and many other countries.
NO WMD's are found.
Why? Lets go back to 1993 and that 10 BILLION DOLLAR cut in the intelligence budget.
The Bush administration did not have the assets in place because of those cuts.
Despite that there are a dozen other reasons to invade and stop him from fomenting more terror in the region.
Apparently the Democrats forget those reasons.
Now they want to Cut and Run from Iraq. Giving the terrorists a place to recruit and to train more terrorists. Growing up I was taught that you must finish what you start. WE started this both Democrats and Republicans. President Bush wants to do the right thing as does Ann Northup.
John Yarmuth wants to gut our national interests for fear of losing more men.
This is what Ossama Bin Laden WANTS and has predicted. Give in to this mentallity and the end of terror will be delayed for years, if not making them in the end successful.
Northup votes with George Bush 91% of the time? Ok what is your point. The only point is that she is supporting the President of the United States during a time of war.
This war on terror would end in 12 months if the Democrats would quit their bitching and get behind the effort. Ossama Bin Laden would not be able to recruit if the US was 90% Approving of the efforts to end terror.
Want proof? Look at Spain. When Spain was having elections there were attacks inside the country and SPAIN voted out their government and Spain left Iraq. The same has happened time and again when we have had elections. Al Queda and the elements in Iraq who want Anarchy are voting for you. They are attacking harder and harder NOW because they believe we will cut and run and they want us to CUT and RUN. When the election is over the terror will be less and less if the Democrats Take over and we talk of leaving. If the Republicans win, the violence will most likely continue but still at a lesser amount until the next opportunity to influence the election. Shame on the press for ignoring this fact.
Terrorists are influencing the vote in this fight.
Vote for Northup if you want the terror to end.
Vote for Yarmuth if you wan the terror to end, for a while, until it comes HERE to the US again.
Yarmuth has been against almost every effort since 9-11 to get intelligence and to hurt the terrorists. Read his LEO editorials.
Yarmuth is so Liberal that he scares even some Liberals.
Jim Dicken
Northup and the River Front

OK, let me get this straight.
People on the Riverfront Board are upset that Northup is taking some credit for the Riverfront Park?
Last time I checked, while the money comes from the Tax Payers, we do have to have legislators who can work the deals to get back our tax money from Washington. To that extent Northup has succeeded. She got the money for the bridges, the money for the new VA Hospital, the money for the Riverfront, and other projects that have benefitted the city.
NOW who is complaining? Well the board is mostly democrats. The Courier Journal is littered with Liberals who will complain at each and every turn. Does not matter what the issue, the Courier is going to come down on the side of Democrats.
Lets think about John Yarmuth.
He lives in the East End Community where the bridge is going to be built.
He was against the bridges in the past.
He was against building the Papa John's Cardinal Stadium.
Every Project the city has dreamed up Mr. Yarmuth was against... at least that I can recall.
So why would anyone want to elect Mr. Yarmuth. His record of support on issues FOR this community are dismal at best.
Supports Abortion on Demand
Supports Gun Control
Supports ENDING Social Security not protecting it... unless you are over 50 and Mr. Yarmuth is 59.
Wants Under God out of the Pledge of Allegiance.
Wants to legalize drinking for 18 year olds..
Calls supporters of Northup "Rip Off's" ( Actually calls the corporations paying for her ads that.. but I have donated so I guess that means I AM A Ripper Off'er too.)
And last but not least... he denigrates the Electorate:
“Millions of Americans will go to the polls next week and cast clueless votes.”– LEO October 27, 2004 (In the Dark)
Please be informed and show Mr. Yarmuth that we do not appreciate his elitist nonsense.
Friday, November 03, 2006
Appropriate Response to KERRY!
General Patton - What would he think?
A Message from the Ghost of General Patton.... ATTENTION! To those whining, panty-waisted, pathetic Maggots, it's time for a little refresher course on exactly why we Americans occasionally have to fight wars. See if you can tear yourself away from your "reality" TV and Starbucks for a minute, pull your head out of your flabby ass -- and LISTEN UP!!
Abu Ghraib is not "torture" or an "atrocity". This is the kind of thing frat boys, sorority girls, and academy cadets do to newcomers. A little fun at someone else's expense. Certainly no reason to wring your hands or get your panties in a wad. Got that Kennedy?
THIS IS an atrocity!

So Was This!!!

Islam a peaceful religion??? Millions of these sons-of-bitches are plotting as we speak to destroy our country and our way of life any way they can. Some of them are here among us now. They don't want to convert you and don't want to rule you. You are a vile infestation of Allah's paradise. They don't give a shit how "progressive" you are, how peace-loving you are, or how much you sympathize with their cause. They want you dead , and think it is God's will for them to do it. And you think Bush and Cheney are your worst enemies?
Some think if we give them a hug or listen to them, then they'll like us.. and if you agree? Then you are a dumb ass! If they manage to get their hands on a nuke, chemical agents, or even some anthrax -- you will wish to God we had hunted them down and killed THEM while we had the chance Stop bitchin' about your damn Health Care, Social Security, Gas prices, and your measly 3.25% unemployment rate...and start worrying about you, your family's, and your friends' asses. How many more Americans must be beheaded before you stop blaming Bush for all your troubles -- You've fallen asleep AGAIN, maggots! And you may not get another chance! NOW GET OFF YOUR SORRY BUTTS - and pass this on to any and every person you give-a-damn about.. if you ever gave a damn about anything
New Yarmuth Commercial Lies about his lies

In a new commercial old Lie like a dog John Yarmuth says he loves the South End, and that Anne Northup is lying about him. How do you lie about a man whose very own words are used in the commercial?
John Yarmuth admits he has NOTHING In common with the people of the south end.
That is NOT a lie it is a Fact.
John Yarmuth says that the people funding the Northup Campaign are Corporate Rip Offs?
Ok how many of you work for a corporation? Ford, KFC, YUM, any corporation that does not support a Democrat apparently rips us off.
John, come down to earth would you? Corporations that rip us off like Enron have NEVER been associated with the people of Kentucky.
Humana one of the largest corporations in the country started here in Louisville and is a bastion of honesty in the Hospital and Insurance industry.
Come on John, stop lobbing lies and insults.
Northup has not SMEARED YOU. She has used your own words against you.
That is not a smear that is the truth.
You supported the Canadian Initiative to legalize Marijuana.
You support Abortion on Demand.
You support the Anti Gun Lobby and call people "Stupid Rednecks who believe gun ownership is guaranteed by the constitution.
John, you are out of touch with Louisville and its values.
Your ultra liberal nonsense will harm this community.
You have not told the truth about the bridges, the new Papa John's Stadium that you were against. and you are LYING about Anne Northup and in the last debate ADMITTED that you lied about Anne Northup.
Thursday, November 02, 2006
Congratulations to the Cardinals..
John Yarmuth in 1993 Said:
“Personally, I think Stadium Proposal One is a lousy idea. It’s a cheap solution to a perceived need. If there is a demonstrable need for a new football stadium – and a program that draws about 27,000 fans to is homecoming game falls about as short as a shanked punt – we ought to build a facility that has some utility for the other 360 days of the year.”
Congratulations to the Cardinals and University of Louisville which has built a terrific program despite the doubts of Mr. Yarmuth.
Congratulations to the University of Louisville
Ann Northup's commercials are paid for by the people who RIP US OFF.. OK John what people are those. I have not ripped anyone off and I contributed to the Northup Campaign. Calling ME A THIEF? I say John has Libled me in his commercial. Typical of a liberal.. can't win on the issues so LIE, LIE, LIE.
Gee should I hire a lawyer and sue him?
Democrat for Northup
John Yarmuth is a LIBERAL. John Yarmuth lives 2 doors from the organizer of the committee to keep the bridge out of the east end. John Yarmuth will NOT allow an east end bridge to be built which will cost jobs, and harm the economy of Jefferson County.
Who is John Yarmuth.
He is a Very Rich individual who has never had to work a day in his life. His family has owned large companies, restaraunts and more.
He has no clue what the rest of us do for work, could not tell you what gasoline costs because he does not pump his own.
John Yarmuth is a DANGEROUS liberal.
His editorials in the LEO have been filled with nothing but criticism of anyone and any thing that disagrees with him. His comments concerning those among us who own guns is "Stupid Rednecks" and is used in the same way as the "N" word is toward Blacks.
He has editorialized for the END of Social Security, and I would LOVE to know how John Yarmuth got out of serving in Viet Nam.
He is 59 Years Old. Graduated Atherton High in 1965 so he was born in 1947 approximately.
This means he was of AGE during the Draft of the go's for Viet Nam.
John Yarmuth has NO qualifications for Congress. He has not served in any public office, has never passed legislation, and was not even liked by his own party. It was not until the last week that the National Democratic Party even thought to help him, and only because he was closing in on Northup by playing on the Liberal People of Louisville who have NO CLUE about what the Iraq war has become and what it is about.
Elect John Yarmuth and you WILL Regret it.
UPS will leave, when he kills the east end bridge.
Your taxes will be going up.
Your SUV will be built in another state not in Louisville.
John Yarmuth is BAD for Lousville. He was an annoyance at the LEO, and a curiosity when he was debating John Zeigler, NOW he is just bad for Louisville.