Friday, November 10, 2006

ANOTHER I told you so!

From Al Queda in Iraq:
"The American people have put their feet on the right path by ... realizing their president's betrayal in supporting Israel," the terror leader said. "So they voted for something reasonable in the last elections."

Here is my prediction. The number of casualties will decline the next few months. Why? Because the American People like the SPANISH have been influenced by death in Iraq and decided to cut and run just like the Spanish did days before their elections when bombs went off in Train Stations.
The Diatribe this man spews is very anti Bush. WHY? Because the terrorists know that the Republican President is harming their efforts. BUT NOW they see the cracks in our WILL and will use this crack to drive a wedge big enough for them to win the war.
We were in Germany for 12 years after World War 2. Soldiers were attacked by left over bands of German Nazi Soldiers. We still have troops in Germany.
Korea took years to win, and to eventually repair to a point where it could become a contributing member of the Economic Community. We still have troops in Korea.
Had the Drive By Media covered World War 2 the way Iraq is being covered.. we would all be speaking GERMAN, or Japanese.
What part of this do you not get. OUR views on Iraq are being controlled by Al Queda and most of the press is HELPING them by promoting the idea that this war was Ill concieved and that America was lied to.
There were some WMD found. NO NUKES, but some batches of chemical weapons were found. There were supplies of Gas Suits ready for Iraqi Troops to use found on the battle field.
Iraq was promoting terror in Israel, and was contributing to the world of terror. Iraq was actively seeking a way to attack this country.. Mr. Putin of Russia who is no friend of the Bush Administration, tells us this.
NO everything about the war is not going well.
We are losing soldiers, we will always lose soldiers when fighting a war. (Until Robot Soldiers are invented)
Considering our losses in previous wars... this war is a TEA PARTY.
Jim Dicken

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