We have a Gang Problem. You got it right. However it is NOT LMPD that is denying it.
According to my sources in LMPD the Mayor of Louisville, Jerry Abramson is behind this. Jerry wants to be able to say that Louisville is unlike MAJOR US Cities because we do not have a GANG PROBLEM. Jerry has directed the Department Leaders to cover up any MAJOR GANG activity by calling it Cliques etc.
I was beaten on New Years Eve of 2000 by members of the Bloods. I know this because they were wearing the same uniform that your Young Gang Member was wearing. Red Sweats, with hoodies, tops and bottoms.
Mayor Abramson is covering up his stupidity in disbanding the Gang Squad when merger occurred. He is trying to justify his actions which resulted shortly after merger in an increase in murders of young black men.
The Mayor is a great cheer leader. However our good Mayor is an IDIOT when it comes to the security of this community. Murders went up after he took over. Unsolved Murders went up after he took over. All because our good Mayor arranged for great retirement packages that encouraged GREAT DETECTIVES to retire instead of staying on to train the Replacements. We currently suffer from inexperience and just plain Barney Fife Detective work. If there is not a witness, forget getting a killer. Detectives no longer DETECT in Louisville, they just take statements.
That is why murder scenes are compromised and convictions botched.
Jim Dicken