Yarmuth complains and so does the Courier Journal that Ms. Northup has voted with the Republican Party 89% of the time this year.
Well DUH! We voted for her obviously because we believed in her conservative values.
So when Yarmuth votes 89% of the time with DEMOCRATS is that going to be a BAD Thing?
OF COURSE NOT, because the editorial board of the Courier Believes ONLY Democrats know what is best for us.
That is Hypocrisy.

NO Attacks on US Soil in 5 Years. The Republicans have repaired the damage done by the Clinton Administration and have protected this country. So how is voting with the Republicans a bad thing. Honor the sacrifice of our VOLUNTEER army and support a candidate that has helped to protect this country at a time of war.
We have lost fewer people in the war in Iraq in 3 years than we lost in a YEAR of Viet Nam.
We have lost fewer men than in ONE BATTLE of World War 2.
150,000 men in Iraq and we lose 1% a year or less.. that is lower than the death rate on American Highways.
We Lost more men in Lebanon in one day than we lost in all of October.
Yet we are more affected by these few deaths ( NO Death is good) than we were in wars past.
Ossama Bin Laden is running his Fascist, Islamic Fundamentalist Idealogue with the idea that American's are weak and will not tolerate the deaths of their soldiers. He is apparently right.
We are flinching at losses that are far below those of any past war. Sacrifice and death are part and parcel of war. Apparently we are afraid to win this one.
WE are a country divided and the terrorists are exploiting that division. WAKE UP and realize that leaving Iraq is the WRONG thing to do.
We ran in Viet Nam
We ran from Lebanon
We ran from the Sudan
WE CAN NOT RUN from Iraq. It will be the end of our way of life.
Jim Dicken
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