I will point out the mistakes of the Liberal Courier for those of you with short memories and also add insight from people on the scene in Iraq.
Courier comments will be in Italics.. My Response to each will be in bold:
The Bush administration squanders precious lives and resources with an unnecessary and bungled war in Iraq, and tramples America’s good name and constitutional traditions with torture, kangaroo courts and illegal surveillance. It panders to its rich donors and supporters with high-end tax cuts, even as deficits rise, war bills come due and the national debt soars past $8.5 trillion.
The Bush administration is not squandering precious lives. YES life is precious but these lives have not been squandered. These men and women have made the ultimate sacrifice in order to protect this country. The resources we have used have kept this country SAFE for over 5 years. NO ATTACKS since 9-11 on American Soil.The accusation of Torture is without merit. While Abu Grahib was an embarrassment, it was not torture. College fraternities do worse. Yet the Courier will not mention the capture Torture and beheading of Americans in Iraq. Illegal Surveillance? So far the President has followed the letter of the law and the law was written by the DEMOCRATS under Clinton. The New York Press illegally exposed attempts to trace terrorist money in other countries and exposed assets we need to protect this country, and exposed those operations. The C-J did not disown this action
Congress, for its part, is awash in corporate money and wracked by the Abramoff and other scandals. It was unable to take meaningful action in the past two years on such pressing issues as immigration, health care and Social Security reform. It has essentially abdicated its vital role of providing oversight of the executive branch.
Yes congress is awash with corporate money. The Courier says that like it is a bad thing. Corporate Money includes interest groups such as the Humane Society, PETA, NRA, but it also includes the NAACP, and other special interest groups. Its called FREE SPEECH. Its called free association. IT is the ultimate in American Democracy and it works. The founding fathers WANTED congress to work slowly IF at all.
Immigration? Ok, the Republicans have provided plans but the Democrats have not. Don't like them? OK, lets work on it. What is the Democrat Plan... total Amnesty for all illegal immigrants. BULL HOCKEY.
Illegal Immigrants get better health care in this country than our own citizens.
Under the Democratic Plan they would not pay any back taxes, would not have to pay into Social Security, and would get a free pass. The words are ILLEGAL IMMIGRANT's, they came here against the law. People who emigrated here legally do not get the kind of help that Illegals get. Republicans want them to enter and become citizens, paying taxes and their own way. Is there a problem with that?
ON Social Security Reform the Republicans came up with a plan to privatize Social Security allowing us to invest in America and to get a return on the money we send to the goverment that sits without interest. OK don't like it.. give me a plan Mr. Yarmuth.
Expecting the same people who created this mess to clean it up would be delusional.
There is an element of unfairness in this to Rep. Northup. She is not the president. There is not a scintilla of evidence linking her to scandal. She is not a right-wing ideologue.
But Rep. Northup would vote to keep the House in the hands of the party that has served the Congress and the country so badly. And she voted with the President this year 89 percent of the time, according to CQ.com.
I like this paragraph. Ms. Northup has served honorably and has brought home the bacon to Louisville. I would expect a Republican to vote with the Republican house or President at least 89 percent of the time, I am SURE Mr. Yarmuth will vote with his party at least that much. The issue becomes who do you want to run the country? Democrats who led us into Iraq due to poor intelligence (See my article on Iraq below) or Republicans who have managed to overcome the Democrats decimation of the Intelligence Community and to keep us safe.
Lets also point out that the ECONOMY is rolling along under the Republicans with new highs on the DOW and Stock Market. The deficit has been cut in half 2 years ahead of time and Small Business is booming. OH an one last note. MS. Northup herself can not keep the Republicans in power. She would vote with her party, obviously but HOW can Ms. Northup have enough power to vote her party into power as suggested in the paragraph above. ( I think someone forgot to proof their copy because it makes no sense. BUT it does SOUND bad so why not leave it? Right!)
Mr. Yarmuth offers a sensible alternative and the promise of change.
He has opposed the Iraq war from the outset, and correctly recognized that President Bush had no occupation policy, exit strategy or clear mission. Mr. Yarmuth supports getting U.S. troops off of Iraq’s streets, using some in a training or defensive posture, and redeploying others to nearby countries.
I have yet to see the "Sensible" alternative Mr. Yarmuth OFFERS. He promises change but gives us only ideas not plans. How will he get us out of Iraq? Cut and Run, proving Ossama RIGHT? We are afraid to lose life to protect our Ideas and our Christian Beliefs? Mr. Yarmuth was also against the invasion of Afghanistan. (Again see my post on Iraq) How is an ultra liberal like Yarmuth going to make any kind of sensible alternative?
He favors restoring some of the higher income, dividend and estate taxes on the very wealthy; a universal health care system, and a string of environmental protections. He offers a sensible balance on immigration of border security, crackdowns on employers who hire illegal aliens and recognition (without a path to citizenship) of illegal immigrants who are already in the country.
The estate taxes will not help the country. It forces FAMILY owned business to sell in order to pay the taxes, allowing Corporate Theft of Family owned Business. As for Universal Health Care? Can you say Rationed Care? Happened in every country where GOVERNMENT was in charge of care. Find a way to help get insurance, NOT Universal Government Rationed Health Care. ITS a PIPE DREAM.
Remember, land in the form of farms is highly valued and taxes are fair .. but when you die that 165 acres your family has puts YOU and your family members into a top tax bracket. Raising you to the status of VERY WEALTHY like say Mr. Yarmuth. Most farm families can not pay the Estate Tax (Death Tax) on these acreages and must sell. Yarmuth apparently does not realize this.
Rep. Northup, for her part, was an early and strong supporter of the President and the war. She now says that the war has taken such dramatic turns for the worse in the last six weeks that the present course cannot continue, and she calls for the resignation of Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld. (She also says House Speaker Dennis Hastert must go.)
Actually, this war went bad long ago, but Rep. Northup’s revised views are welcome. If she is re-elected, we hope she will follow through.
The war started going bad when the liberal press failed to show any of the positive events in the war. It is going bad because the Liberal Press is directly helping the insurgents .We are in the Viet Nam Syndrome. All the people in the press remember Viet Nam. Ossama Bin Laden has called it. America is not willing to fight to keep its freedom or that of others. The war would have been over long ago if the liberals had not fought this war. The terror attacks in Iraq are directly related to the press in this country. The more people they kill, the more terror they stir up the more the US will want out. The terrorists are playing to the Liberal Press. Do you really believe that the increase in deaths in Iraq in October is NOT RELATED TO THE ELECTION and in getting the Democrats who want to pull out into power? Had the press and the liberal media, and the liberal Hollywood crowd gotten behind this war it would be OVER. Ossama and the Terrorists know what is going on in this country in the way of Anti War Activity and they are playing liberals against the conservatives. Had we stood together in Iraq they would not be able to recruit, or to continue this war.
NO War is ever perfect in the way it is handled. Hindsight is 20/20.
The Courier Journal says it in their own words...
Two years ago, we endorsed Rep. Northup. We said then that her strong record of service to Louisville and the weakness of her opponent outweighed her support of many GOP policies with which we strongly disagreed.
And, indeed, Rep. Northup has played a major role in identifying, promoting and funding critically important local undertakings, such as the $3 billion Ohio River Bridges Project and a new veterans hospital. If Mr. Yarmuth replaces her, he will have big shoes to fill in this regard. It would be vital that he spare no effort to succeed.
Yarmuth Brags about how much he plays golf.. With that work ethic I am not willing to trust him.
2 Years ago we were at war. Now the Courier wants to cut and run and continues to suppor the agenda that HELPS The terrorists.
I will Vote for Northup, I hope you will as well.
Jim Dicken
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