Mel Gibson and Michael Richards.
Those are 2 names that Liberals and Conservatives are reviling at the moment.
I personally find this hypocritical if not down right FUNNY.
The Liberal Mantra is that NO ONE is totally responsible for what they do.
If you smoked dope as a kid, are an alchoholic, raised by a MEAN parent, or your baseball team kept score and YOU always Lost you suffer from Low Self Esteem, and or are the way you are because of Society.
Apparently that does not apply to any Conservative, or person who goes after some Liberal. Rascism is the exception to the rule apparently.
Mel Gibson was raised Catholic. So he MUST be anti Semitic right?
His father was supposedly an Anti Semite and an outspoken one in Australia.
Mel did not fall far from the tree.. right?
Michael Richards? I do not know his background. He has always seemed to be a bit flaky and well crazy.
HEY LIBERALS.. I have a question.
Why is their apology not enough? It was for Bill Clinton? It was for all your heroes.. apparently the 2 Congressmen that had affairs with FEMALE interns were forgiven as one was reelected and Clinton Pardoned the other who went to jail. He got a job with the Rainbow Coalition as "YOUTH Advisor" Yep, Jesse Jackson gave him the job. You remember Jesse, he is the Minister that had a baby with a woman OTHER than his wife. YET we forgave him.
Mel, Michael, I personally forgive you.
I am sure you were under pressures and that things were going badly for you and you acted out without thinking. It happens. One time I will forgive you. Do it again? I doubt I can.
Will Liberals forgive?
Apparently not since there are people saying that NO ONE should go to see Mel's new movie and that Michaels Career is finished.
Punish Mel.. but what about the 3000 people who are in the film.
What about the careers of the people in the movie.
What about the possibility that this is a MOVIE with a REAL message and one we can all use? Will you kill the message because of the messenger? Will you ruin the lives of the actors who had nothing to do with Mel's actions? I am sure that you wonderful Liberals will do that because you do not really care... You just act like you do so you can feel good about yourself.