OK, let me get this straight.
People on the Riverfront Board are upset that Northup is taking some credit for the Riverfront Park?
Last time I checked, while the money comes from the Tax Payers, we do have to have legislators who can work the deals to get back our tax money from Washington. To that extent Northup has succeeded. She got the money for the bridges, the money for the new VA Hospital, the money for the Riverfront, and other projects that have benefitted the city.
NOW who is complaining? Well the board is mostly democrats. The Courier Journal is littered with Liberals who will complain at each and every turn. Does not matter what the issue, the Courier is going to come down on the side of Democrats.
Lets think about John Yarmuth.
He lives in the East End Community where the bridge is going to be built.
He was against the bridges in the past.
He was against building the Papa John's Cardinal Stadium.
Every Project the city has dreamed up Mr. Yarmuth was against... at least that I can recall.
So why would anyone want to elect Mr. Yarmuth. His record of support on issues FOR this community are dismal at best.
Supports Abortion on Demand
Supports Gun Control
Supports ENDING Social Security not protecting it... unless you are over 50 and Mr. Yarmuth is 59.
Wants Under God out of the Pledge of Allegiance.
Wants to legalize drinking for 18 year olds..
Calls supporters of Northup "Rip Off's" ( Actually calls the corporations paying for her ads that.. but I have donated so I guess that means I AM A Ripper Off'er too.)
And last but not least... he denigrates the Electorate:
“Millions of Americans will go to the polls next week and cast clueless votes.”– LEO October 27, 2004 (In the Dark)
Please be informed and show Mr. Yarmuth that we do not appreciate his elitist nonsense.
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