Tuesday, November 07, 2006

Winning is not nescessarily winning

In a county that is heavily registered Democratic, a win by less than 1% ( meaning one percent makes you even) my view is you actually did not prove your points conclusively.
Any time a Republican in Jefferson country gets 48% of the vote... the Democrats have lost votes to the Republicans. Yes the majority has spoken, but the minority is saying that you did not convince EVERYONE in your party, so you still have problems.
IF Yarmuth wins and gloats he will prove himself unworty to hold this office beyond the current term.
I seriously doubt he will run again. Finding the loss of time on the Golf Course too much.
(Ok, cheap shot and my last one)
Mr. Yarmuth has apparently won with only 5% of the vote left he is approximately 7000 votes in the lead. Of course I hope that changes, it would seem difficult to do unless Strong Northup areas are left to count. Still those areas are in the outreaches of the county, so hope still springs.. but not eternal.
Jim Dicken
Democrat Voting Republican.


Rob said...

Hey, margins that slim were enough for Bush to declare a mandate.

Jim Dicken said...

Yeah, I did not believe him and I do not believe Yarmuth. YOU DID NOT carry your base constituency. Democrats are 60% of registered voters in this county. That means you still LOST 9% of your base.
Any time a Democrat wins and does NOT take the full Democratic Party percentage in the county.. HE HAS REALLY LOST. With a 20% difference in registered voters to win my 3% ???? sorry, you got work to do.