Wednesday, November 08, 2006

Congratulations to Yarmuth

Mr. Yarmuth won.
I congratulate him. I hope he is worthy to follow in the footsteps of Ann Yarmuth.
Ann has served this community well, and has been able to achieve so much. The bridges funding, the Waterfront Funding, a new VA Hospital, and more.
Her efforts on international adoption will of course keep her busy.
Mr. Yarmuth I hope you understand that a 51% majority is less than a sweeping indictment of LOCAL issues. You won based on the war and on NOTHING else. The passion was just too much and I am ashamed people fail to understand this war and are not courageous enough to support it. This may sound like sour grapes, but at age 52 I have a deep understanding of the Jihadist Mentality and what the Invasion of Iraq was really about.. but I am talking about local issues.
This is a community that if the following issues were in the forefront would not have voted for you and these are the issues that kept you from carrying the vote in the manner based on Registered Democrats in the community.
Abortion: This community time and again has said it is not in support of Abortion on Demand, Abortion for juveniles without parental consent, and Late term abortion.
Social Security: Your opinions in the past indicate total disagreement on this issue. You stated in the past that you were for abolishing the program. The attempt to include investment and some privatization by Republicans may or may NOT have worked. We will never know.
Gun Control: The merger would have failed if not for promises to hunters that laws concerning hunting and gun control would not preclude their ability to hunt inside the LouMetro area.
Your support of Gun control and extremely RUDE comments on those who believe they have the right to own guns will be a problem. IF you attempt to take this away, or support the idea of taking rights to hunt from hunters you will lose at least 2% of the vote next time.
The war in Iraq was NOT just about WMD. It was about the support of terror by Sadam and his export of that terror to Israel and to other countries. It was about intelligence from OUTSIDE sources like Russia, that led us to believe Sadam was searching for ways to attack this country. Sadam Hussein attempted to kill a former US President in Kuwait. This is an act of war.
We screwed up when we failed to take Bin Laden seriously when he declared Jihad. Why did we not take Sadam seriously when he attempted to kill the First President Bush...
Clinton threw a few missiles at him and left.
Sadam thumbed his nose at this country and the world.
He did it for 8 years under Clinton, and for 2 years under Bush. He violated UN Sanctions and used oil as a way to attack this country and to fund terror in Israel. The idea that this war is going to be won in 3 years is ridiculous. It took 12 years to return Germany to a stability and we still have troops in Germany.
This country has forgotten its history.
I hope that you will revisit it, because I fear that we will make the same mistakes as we did in Viet Nam, Lebanon and the Sudan. These are the mistakes that led us to 9-11 and will continue to haunt us if we pull out of Iraq too soon.
I will point out it was us Democrats that started Viet Nam it was the Republicans that got us out.
Jim Dicken


Rob said...

Man, you drank the Kool Aid hook line and sinker. If Bush understood the Jihadist mentality, he would have treated the invasion of Iraq differently. Iraq did not support Al Qaeda, and despite being ruled by an evil man, was relatively stable. Bush decided to go to war before 9/11 against the advice of most everyone. 9/11 gave him the false reasons he needed to do it. He declared Mission Accomplished and then our troops started dying.

He did it and he's now paying the price.

The Republicans became a cynical bunch interested in absolute power. That's why they're out of office.

Jim Dicken said...

Ooooh talk about the pot calling the kettle black. The Democrats are total campaign was built on the invasion of Iraq failing. DESPITE the FACT that the Democrats had to vote for it too.
IRAQ DID SUPPORT Al Queda, and had 2 Al Queda Training Camps in the country as well as its own version of Al Queda run by the HEAD HONCHO. CBS, NBC, ABC all reported this weeks BEFORE what your selective memory is recalling. Beyond that we did NOT go into Iraq because of Al Queda. We went there because they were trying to find a way to attack the United States. They were attempting to purchase nukes on the Black Market, they were harboring terrorists who had killed Americans, and thumbed their nose at UN Sanctions and Inspections. OH and they were paying $50K to each Terror Bomber who killed an Israeli or American.
After 9-11 Mr. Bush Said and YOU and most of America agreed.. "If you are not with us, you are against us in this fight against terror."
Iraq had previously USED WMD, some WMD's were found in Iraq during the war, but apparently Poison Gas and Biological Weapons are not WMD unless they are capable of a Nuclear Explosion. A full set up for a Nuclear Fuel Plant hidden in the Back Yard of the Minister in charge. Sadam had plans to resurrect his nuclear program.
Putin of Russia told us he was trying to find ways to ATTACK the United States.
Another History Lesson:
Ossama Bin Laden declared Jihad on the United States. WE, the US did nothing. WE lost almost 3,000 people on 9-11. Had we acted to take out Ossama in the 90's we would not be where we are.
Bush Declared mission accomplished and we had accomplished the main mission, taking out Sadam and making sure that he could not export any more terror around the world.
You liberals can sit around and wait for an excuse like 9-11 or Pearl Harbor if you want? I used to be one of you.. but death and destruction have changed my mind. We could have prevented 9-11 if we had taken Ossama the 3 times he was offered by the Sudan. We could have prevented this if we had not cut 10Billion from the Defense Intelligence Budget during the Clinton Years AFTER the first attack on the WTC.

You say he is paying the price.
NO We are paying the price for the stupidity of Liberals who will NOT stand up to anyone for fear of being disliked.
The Republicans were not the one's who were vested in finding a way for this war to fail. IF the War is succesful the Democrats do not get reelected. WE (yes I am a Democrat) had power from 1960 to 1992 or 1994 .. that is over 30 years. The only successes in International Affairs came during the Reagan Administration which bankrupted the old Soviet Union.
Carter, Reagan, Bush 1 and Clinton all screwed us in the Middle East.
Carter sat back and watched the Shah of Iran be over thrown. Reagan took the troops out of Lebanaon after a bomb killed over 200 Marines, Clinton pulled out of the Sudan when 18 Marines were killed at Mogadishu and Bush 1 did not finish the war in Iraq out of fear of losing the backing of the coalition and the Democrats.

Please explain to me how the US could have treated the invasion differently and gotten more support?
Of course Hind Sight is always 20-20. Personally I would not have disbanded the army, but the ARMY was mostly the problem. It was all Sunni for the most part and loyal to Sadam, so keeping the guys in the army that had helped Houday and Cousay (Spelling?) rape and pillage the country side would not really have worked.
NO MATTER what you think.. Al Queda is in Iraq, and make no mistake. The recent increase in deaths of our service people corresponds to the increase in deaths of Iraqi's right before THE SUCCESSFUL elections held in Iraq.
The terrorists did the same thing to the United tates that they did to SPAIN.
Why can you and your liberal friends not see that. They are voting FOR YOU. They want us to leave so that they can have a NEW Afghanistan closer to their money in Saudi Arabia and closer to the Population centers.
WE CAN NOT AFFORD TO LEAVE. WE CAN NOT AFFORD TO LOSE. Doing so would only mean a longer battle against Islamic Fascists.
OH and grow up and stop making insulting references to Kool Aid. You are not old enough to know what it is even in reference too.
OH and I sign my real name to everything. I do not hide behind some stupid nick name. If you can not leave your real name do not bother to answer. It proves you do not believe what you are saying.