Thursday, November 30, 2006

How to STOP the war on Terror and Fix IRAQ.

There is only one way that terror is going to end in the world.
Those who HAVE must give. Those who can must build and those who can not must step forward to provide love and friendship to the world.
WE the FREE WORLD have to step forward and begin to FIX the rest of the world. I do not mean to change their religion or their mindset. I mean to fix hunger, thirst, and hatred.
Show love and we can stop the bloodshed.
I have a theory.
My theory is that there are no other civilizations in the Universe who have achieved the ability to travel the universe because like THIS world they do not get along. War like societys expend too much energy, talent and resources on war and death. The really great minds are lost to war and the human race will not be able to change it until we stop.
An invasion of hard working people rebuilding countries torn by war, an invasion of food and love can STOP the fighting and the terror. PROVE The Mullahs wrong, show them the way of Love that Jesus showed us all.
ON the cross while dying he forgave those who tortured him.
ON the cross he pardoned the the killer.
ON the cross he gave his life for us and to save our souls.
Time for this country, the FREE World to start Fixing the world.
Invade Darfur, Iraq, Lebanon and fix the things that are wrong and show the world we WANT peace and are willing to share, to make them wealthy as well and to take the world into the stars to find adventures beyond belief.
It is time to start thinking about others instead of ourselves.
This will prove we have no intention of taking anything from anyone without returning something in return.
Jim Dicken