Monday, November 20, 2006

You gotta love us Democrats.. LOL

Nancy Pelosi does not want Jane Harman to chair the House Intelligence committee and instead wants Alcee Hastings. Yet Pelosi, as did all incoming House leadership, voted to impeach Hastings for bribery allegations in 1988:
In fact, just about everybody in the House voted to impeach Judge Hastings: the vote was 413 to 3. (Just for the record, the three who voted against impeachment were Reps. Gus Savage, Mervyn Dymally, and Edward Roybal.)
Others who voted for impeachment were Waxman, Frank, and Rangel as well as Boxer, Schumer and Durbin, who are now Senators.
How will they explain that they voted to impeach a sitting Judge (a rarity) and now support the same man to head up the Intelligence Committee?

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