Tuesday, November 21, 2006

Damned if you DO! Damned if you Don't

Well first My elected Representative Mr. Yarmuth calls me a Rip Off, then I get a call from a Competitor who tells me I am stealing from him because I do not charge ENOUGH for my listings on my website.
My Website is Fishing Guides Home Page located at http://www.1fghp.com
Now I understand Mr. Yarmuth. He is resorting to 70's Hippie jargon, or CODE to tell folks that Companies and Corporations are bad. However Mr. Yarmuth OWNS corporations OR portions of them so I guess that means HE RIPS US OFF TOO! Unless of course it is just corporations that do not support Mr. Yarmuth? Could that be? ONLY Republican leaning corporations RIP US OFF?
Then I get this phone call from Keith Covey of World Wide Fishing Guides. He says I can not describe my International Fishing Guides Page as a World Wide Fishing Guide Listing because he has a Trade Mark on those words..($150.00 later my lawyer checks all data bases in California, and the Federal TM database and several other state databases and finds NO Trade Mark, not to mention the FACT you cant Trade Mark Descriptive Words) Then he says I stole his idea of a Fishing Guide Directory?
Well let me just say this: Yes I did. I did not like the Fishing Guide Directories I saw on the Internet and felt I could do them better. So I did. Using Mr. Covey's theory, McDonalds should not be in business because Burger King was in business before they were... Chevy should not be making cars because FORD was first.
Then he tells me I DON'T CHARGE ENOUGH and I am taking food out of the mouths of his wife and kids.
Well I seriously doubt that I am doing that. I can not pay my bills, but he has a TV show where he travels and goes fishing. So, if I am UNDERCHARGING he must be charging way too much if he can afford to travel and fish and produce a TV show from his Fishing Guide Directory...
Oh well. I am a Rip Off Either way. (Remember that is CODE from the 70's for a THIEF)

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