President Bush did make a bad mistake in the war on terrorism. But the mistake was not his decision to go to war in Iraq .
Bush's mistake came in his belief that this country is the same one his father fought for in WWII. It is not. Back then, they had just come out of a vicious depression. The country was steeled by the hardship of that depression, but they still believed fervently in this country. They knew that the people had elected their leaders, so it was the people's duty to back those leaders
Therefore, when the war broke out the people came together, rallied behind, and stuck with their leaders, whether they had voted for them or not or whether the war was going badly or not. And war was just as distasteful and the anguish just as great then as it is today.
Often there were more casualties in one day in WWII than we have had in the entire Iraq war. But that did not matter. The people stuck with the President because it was their patriotic duty. Americans put aside their differences in WWII and worked together to win that war. Everyone from every strata of society, from young to old pitched in. Small children pulled little wagons around to gather scrap metal for the war effort. Grade school students saved their pennies to buy stamps for war bonds to help the effort. Men who were too old or medically 4F lied about their age or condition trying their best to join the military.
Women doubled their work to keep things going at home. Harsh rationing of everything from gasoline to soap, to butter was imposed, yet there was very little complaining.
You never heard prominent people on the radio belittling the President. Interestingly enough in those days there were no fat cat actors and entertainers who ran off to visit and fawn over dictators of hostile countries and complain to them about our President. Instead, they made upbeat films and entertained our troops to help the troops' morale. And a bunch even enlisted.
And imagine this: Teachers in schools actually started the day off with a pledge of allegiance, and with prayers for our country and our troops! Back then, no newspaper would have dared point out certain weak spots in our cities where bombs could be set off to cause the maximum damage. No newspaper would have dared complain about what we were doing to catch spies. A newspaper would have been laughed out of existence if it had complained that German or Japanese soldiers were being "tortured" by being forced to wear women's underwear, or subjected to interrogation by a woman, or being scared by a dog or did not have air conditioning.
There were a lot of things different back then. We were not subjected to a constant bombardment of pornography, perversion and promiscuity in movies or on radio. We did not have legions of crackheads, dope pushers and armed gangs roaming our streets.
No, President Bush did not make a mistake in his handling of terrorism. He made the mistake of believing that we still had the courage and fortitude of our fathers. He believed that this was still the country that our fathers fought so dearly to preserve. It is not the same country. It is now a cross between Sodom and Gomorra and the land of Oz. (We even have the wicked witch of the west as the new Speaker of the House of Representatives.) We did unite for a short while after 911, but our attitude changed when we found out that defending our country would require some sacrifices.
We are in great danger. The terrorist are fanatic Muslims. They believe that it is okay, even their duty, to kill anyone who will not convert to Islam. It has been estimated that about one third or over three hundred million Muslims are sympathetic to the terrorists cause...Hitler and Tojo combined did not have nearly that many potential recruits.
We either win it - or lose it - and you ain't gonna like losing.
Thursday, October 04, 2007
Sunday, July 15, 2007
Rumor and Inuendo / Fact vs. Fiction / Spin Vs. Reality
I have no faith in the news any more.
Not in CNN, not in CBS, NBC, ABC, The Courious Journal, the Times.. NOT IN ANY OF THEM.
Each and every News organization is using its own bias to report the news. It is hypocritical of any politician to say he is not going to be interviewed by CNN just because it is conservative when the other networks are NOT going to present the Conservative View.
We have a problem in this country. Labels.
Libs and NeoCons need to stop thinking of each other as such and start to understand that the whole truth must be told not partial truths. News media hold back things that do not promote the report they are making. How could we possibly EVER know anything is improving in Iraq, when every news organization EXCEPT FOX and CNN was against the war in Iraq from the start. Of course we are not going to see anything from them that is not going to make G.W. Bush look bad! How dumb are you.
Worse yet is the simple fact that this is playing directly into the hands of the Islamic Fundamentalists.
The media could end this war in 6 months.. Yes the media in this country is powerful enough to end this war sooner than later and to stop the deaths but it will not do that.
WHY? Because the media invested in NOT going into Iraq.
Because the media was against the war from the beginning, chastising Democrats that voted for the war. Hillary Clinton will NOT be elected President because she went against the media in authorizing this war. Barrak Obamma MIGHT win. Why? Because he was against this war from the beginning. Look at the coverages. Obamma was a State Legislator in 2004. NOW due to a quirk in election laws he is a Senator from Illinois.
We are not getting the truth from the media.
CNN slants its news to support the war, Fox does too.
The other networks slant it the other way..
My feeling is that no matter whether we should or should not have gone into Iraq is irrelevant and became irrelevant when Al Queda showed up in Iraq. We can debate the invasion to death, but the reality is that Al Queda wants to destroy the world we live in. They are the enemy.
Al Queda is willing to unleash any and all methods of destruction to meet its goal of world domination and if the world only has 2 true believers when it is over then that is fine with them. They will have gone to heaven and been given their 70 Virgins in return for dying in Jihad.
You can call me a NeoCon, you can call me a Liberal but this is a FACT.
Al Queda wants Anarchy. The destruction of the world's economy, and the destruction of government as a whole.
This would make them the only hope left.
Like Hitler sold his bill of goods to Good German People .. Ossama Bin Laden is selling his bill of goods to the Islamic world.
It has begun to get old and stale to non fundamentalists.
Sunni's are banding together to toss out Al Queda.
Shi Ites are starting to do the same.
(Of course I am depending on what the President said and not the media here)
WE CAN WIN.. We can do it quickly and with fewer deaths.. but the MEDIA has to convince the people. The "Hearts and Minds" of America must be in this. We need to donate money and material to help Iraq become a free nation. We must rebuild it with the same fervor that we donated money after the Tsuanami.
A Rebuilt Iraq, in the center of the Arab world would become an Economic Steam Engine. Attracting business, investment, and other Arabs looking for a better life.
We can do this.. but the media must do a 180 and help.
We know this will not happen and in the end, if Mr. Bush Caves in to the polls and the traitors among us we will have anarchy in our time.
The major networks and news media have said from the beginning that this war against this dictator was not worth the price of American lives..
What does Ossama Bin Laden Preach? That Americans will not sacrifice life for principal. We will when confronted with death and destruction run.
To that end the Press in this country is aiding and abetting Ossama Bin Laden.
Shame on all media for NOT reporting all aspects of the war.
Do you really believe that in 30 minutes you can get all the news good and bad from Bagdad on the Nightly News .. and don't forget they have to do the sports and weather too. The Truth is Al Queda wants YOU and I DEAD..... and they will try to achieve it through any means necessary.
Thats my take on things...
Jim Dicken
Not in CNN, not in CBS, NBC, ABC, The Courious Journal, the Times.. NOT IN ANY OF THEM.
Each and every News organization is using its own bias to report the news. It is hypocritical of any politician to say he is not going to be interviewed by CNN just because it is conservative when the other networks are NOT going to present the Conservative View.
We have a problem in this country. Labels.
Libs and NeoCons need to stop thinking of each other as such and start to understand that the whole truth must be told not partial truths. News media hold back things that do not promote the report they are making. How could we possibly EVER know anything is improving in Iraq, when every news organization EXCEPT FOX and CNN was against the war in Iraq from the start. Of course we are not going to see anything from them that is not going to make G.W. Bush look bad! How dumb are you.
Worse yet is the simple fact that this is playing directly into the hands of the Islamic Fundamentalists.
The media could end this war in 6 months.. Yes the media in this country is powerful enough to end this war sooner than later and to stop the deaths but it will not do that.
WHY? Because the media invested in NOT going into Iraq.
Because the media was against the war from the beginning, chastising Democrats that voted for the war. Hillary Clinton will NOT be elected President because she went against the media in authorizing this war. Barrak Obamma MIGHT win. Why? Because he was against this war from the beginning. Look at the coverages. Obamma was a State Legislator in 2004. NOW due to a quirk in election laws he is a Senator from Illinois.
We are not getting the truth from the media.
CNN slants its news to support the war, Fox does too.
The other networks slant it the other way..
My feeling is that no matter whether we should or should not have gone into Iraq is irrelevant and became irrelevant when Al Queda showed up in Iraq. We can debate the invasion to death, but the reality is that Al Queda wants to destroy the world we live in. They are the enemy.
Al Queda is willing to unleash any and all methods of destruction to meet its goal of world domination and if the world only has 2 true believers when it is over then that is fine with them. They will have gone to heaven and been given their 70 Virgins in return for dying in Jihad.
You can call me a NeoCon, you can call me a Liberal but this is a FACT.
Al Queda wants Anarchy. The destruction of the world's economy, and the destruction of government as a whole.
This would make them the only hope left.
Like Hitler sold his bill of goods to Good German People .. Ossama Bin Laden is selling his bill of goods to the Islamic world.
It has begun to get old and stale to non fundamentalists.
Sunni's are banding together to toss out Al Queda.
Shi Ites are starting to do the same.
(Of course I am depending on what the President said and not the media here)
WE CAN WIN.. We can do it quickly and with fewer deaths.. but the MEDIA has to convince the people. The "Hearts and Minds" of America must be in this. We need to donate money and material to help Iraq become a free nation. We must rebuild it with the same fervor that we donated money after the Tsuanami.
A Rebuilt Iraq, in the center of the Arab world would become an Economic Steam Engine. Attracting business, investment, and other Arabs looking for a better life.
We can do this.. but the media must do a 180 and help.
We know this will not happen and in the end, if Mr. Bush Caves in to the polls and the traitors among us we will have anarchy in our time.
The major networks and news media have said from the beginning that this war against this dictator was not worth the price of American lives..
What does Ossama Bin Laden Preach? That Americans will not sacrifice life for principal. We will when confronted with death and destruction run.
To that end the Press in this country is aiding and abetting Ossama Bin Laden.
Shame on all media for NOT reporting all aspects of the war.
Do you really believe that in 30 minutes you can get all the news good and bad from Bagdad on the Nightly News .. and don't forget they have to do the sports and weather too. The Truth is Al Queda wants YOU and I DEAD..... and they will try to achieve it through any means necessary.
Thats my take on things...
Jim Dicken
Seperation of Church and State...
From Emelpe: Anything less is in violation of the first amendment to the Constitution which mandates separation of church and state.
YOU need to reread the Constitution. It does not mandate seperation of church and state. Here is what it says: Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.
Establishment of Religion.. a church. NOT A Faith. It is based on the Church of England taking over and ruling England. NO CHURCH will be recognized.. it says no where in the Constitution that there is a Seperation FROM the Christian Faith. Our Laws, our constitution and our existence is due to our belief in God. We are in fact a Christian Nation which allows any faith to practice here within the Christian Ideal.. ( Meaning they do not do human sacrifice or commit crimes in their faith against Christian Peoples.)
Now if you want to interpret it another way go ahead, but NO WHERE does it say there is a Seperation of Faith and Government.. ONLY that Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion. NO SPECIFIC RELIGION will be recognized as that of the people.. Religion: Catholic Religion / Protestant Religion / Anglican Religion... NOT FAITH.
THERE is no mandate in the Constitution to stop Christianity... ONLY the recognition of one against the other.
Sorry Emelpe.. it just is not going to fly.
YOU need to reread the Constitution. It does not mandate seperation of church and state. Here is what it says: Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.
Establishment of Religion.. a church. NOT A Faith. It is based on the Church of England taking over and ruling England. NO CHURCH will be recognized.. it says no where in the Constitution that there is a Seperation FROM the Christian Faith. Our Laws, our constitution and our existence is due to our belief in God. We are in fact a Christian Nation which allows any faith to practice here within the Christian Ideal.. ( Meaning they do not do human sacrifice or commit crimes in their faith against Christian Peoples.)
Now if you want to interpret it another way go ahead, but NO WHERE does it say there is a Seperation of Faith and Government.. ONLY that Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion. NO SPECIFIC RELIGION will be recognized as that of the people.. Religion: Catholic Religion / Protestant Religion / Anglican Religion... NOT FAITH.
THERE is no mandate in the Constitution to stop Christianity... ONLY the recognition of one against the other.
Sorry Emelpe.. it just is not going to fly.
Saturday, July 14, 2007
Losses in Iraq can be tied to Democratic Defeatism.
Yes, I know you will not like this..
Yes, I know you will deny this..
The sad part is that what I am about to say is proven by the Terrorists themselves.
We are losing men in Iraq directly because of Democratic congressmen like Mr. Ried and Senator Kennedy. The terrorists depend on the actions of these men to help them to divide this country and to win in Iraq. Each and every time we make headway in Iraq, the terrorists attack and kill more people. Iran has joined the attempt to direct American Public Opinion by helping to kill innocent civilians and to kill OUR SOLDIERS.
When Democratic Senators and Congressmen demand a pullout of American Troops they play into the hands of the terrorists. As opinions against the war get worse the attacks get worse.
Our resolve is being tested and WE ARE LOSING to EVIL MEN!
STOP NOW... THINK NOW... This is not about Oil, it is not about Mr. Bush, IT IS ABOUT AL QUEDA and what they did on 9-11. It is NOT about IRAQ or whether we were lied to it is ABOUT LOSING. IT IS ABOUT STOPPING TERROR.
Yes, I know you will deny this..
The sad part is that what I am about to say is proven by the Terrorists themselves.
We are losing men in Iraq directly because of Democratic congressmen like Mr. Ried and Senator Kennedy. The terrorists depend on the actions of these men to help them to divide this country and to win in Iraq. Each and every time we make headway in Iraq, the terrorists attack and kill more people. Iran has joined the attempt to direct American Public Opinion by helping to kill innocent civilians and to kill OUR SOLDIERS.
When Democratic Senators and Congressmen demand a pullout of American Troops they play into the hands of the terrorists. As opinions against the war get worse the attacks get worse.
Our resolve is being tested and WE ARE LOSING to EVIL MEN!
STOP NOW... THINK NOW... This is not about Oil, it is not about Mr. Bush, IT IS ABOUT AL QUEDA and what they did on 9-11. It is NOT about IRAQ or whether we were lied to it is ABOUT LOSING. IT IS ABOUT STOPPING TERROR.
Thursday, July 12, 2007
Social Security.... Democrats are the PROBLEM!!!
Franklin Roosevelt, a Democrat, introduced the Social
Security (FICA) Program. He promised:
1.) That participation in the Program would be
completely voluntary,
2.) That the participants would only have to pay
1% of the first $1,400 of their annual
incomes into the Program,
3.) That the money the participants elected to put
into the Program would be deductible from
their income for tax purposes each year,
4.) That the money the participants put into the
independent "Trust Fund" rather than into the
General operating fund, and therefore, would
only be used to fund the Social Security
Retirement Program, and no other
Government program, and,
5.) That the annuity payments to the retirees
would never be taxed as income.
Since many of us have paid into FICA for years and are
now receiving a Social Security check every month --
and then finding that we are getting taxed on 85% of
the money we paid to the Federal government to "put
away" -- you may be interested in the following:
Q: Which Political Party took Social Security from the
independent "Trust Fund" and put it into the
General fund so that Congress could spend it?
A: It was Lyndon Johnson and the democratically
controlled House and Senate.
Q: Which Political Party eliminated the income tax
deduction for Social Security (FICA) withholding?
A: The Democratic Party.
Q: Which Political Party started taxing Social
Security annuities????
A: The Democratic Party, with Al Gore casting the
"tie-breaking" deciding vote, as President of the
Senate, while he was Vice President of the USA.
Q: Which Political Party decided to start giving
annuity payments to immigrants?
A: That's right! Jimmy Carter! And the Democratic Party of course!
Immigrants moved into this country, and at age 65,
began to receive Social Security payments! The
Democratic Party gave these payments to them ,
even though they never paid a dime into it!
Then, after doing all this lying and thieving and violating
of the original contract (FICA), the Democrats
turn around and tell you that the Republicans
want to take your Social Security away!
And the worst part about it is uninformed
citizens believe it!
If enough people receive this, maybe a seed of
awareness will be planted and maybe changes will
evolve. Maybe not!.. many Democrats are awfully
sure of what isn't so!!
But it's worth a try. How many people can
YOU send this to?
Actions speak louder than bumper stickers.
Forward this E-mail to others so that they can
be informed of the truth.
Security (FICA) Program. He promised:
1.) That participation in the Program would be
completely voluntary,
2.) That the participants would only have to pay
1% of the first $1,400 of their annual
incomes into the Program,
3.) That the money the participants elected to put
into the Program would be deductible from
their income for tax purposes each year,
4.) That the money the participants put into the
independent "Trust Fund" rather than into the
General operating fund, and therefore, would
only be used to fund the Social Security
Retirement Program, and no other
Government program, and,
5.) That the annuity payments to the retirees
would never be taxed as income.
Since many of us have paid into FICA for years and are
now receiving a Social Security check every month --
and then finding that we are getting taxed on 85% of
the money we paid to the Federal government to "put
away" -- you may be interested in the following:
Q: Which Political Party took Social Security from the
independent "Trust Fund" and put it into the
General fund so that Congress could spend it?
A: It was Lyndon Johnson and the democratically
controlled House and Senate.
Q: Which Political Party eliminated the income tax
deduction for Social Security (FICA) withholding?
A: The Democratic Party.
Q: Which Political Party started taxing Social
Security annuities????
A: The Democratic Party, with Al Gore casting the
"tie-breaking" deciding vote, as President of the
Senate, while he was Vice President of the USA.
Q: Which Political Party decided to start giving
annuity payments to immigrants?
A: That's right! Jimmy Carter! And the Democratic Party of course!
Immigrants moved into this country, and at age 65,
began to receive Social Security payments! The
Democratic Party gave these payments to them ,
even though they never paid a dime into it!
Then, after doing all this lying and thieving and violating
of the original contract (FICA), the Democrats
turn around and tell you that the Republicans
want to take your Social Security away!
And the worst part about it is uninformed
citizens believe it!
If enough people receive this, maybe a seed of
awareness will be planted and maybe changes will
evolve. Maybe not!.. many Democrats are awfully
sure of what isn't so!!
But it's worth a try. How many people can
YOU send this to?
Actions speak louder than bumper stickers.
Forward this E-mail to others so that they can
be informed of the truth.
Friday, June 29, 2007
Kentucky Congressmen Vote on Polar Bear Hunting Ban...
First Name Last Name Party State Yes No Didn't Vote Congressional Sportsmen's Caucus
Ben Chandler D KY x Yes
Geoff Davis R KY x Yes
Ron Lewis R KY x Yes
Harold Rogers R KY x Yes
Ed Whitfield R KY x Yes
John Yarmuth D KY x No
As you can see again Congressman Yarmuth has voted against the interests of sportsmen in the Commonwealth of Kentucky. Voting to stop hunting of HEALTHY Polar Bear Populations and to deprive native populations of needed revenue, and to ignore the rights of Canada a good neighbor to manage its own resources.
He also apparently is the only member of the Kentucky Congressional Delegation who is not a member of the Congressional Sportsmen's Caucus.
First Name Last Name Party State Yes No Didn't Vote Congressional Sportsmen's Caucus
Ben Chandler D KY x Yes
Geoff Davis R KY x Yes
Ron Lewis R KY x Yes
Harold Rogers R KY x Yes
Ed Whitfield R KY x Yes
John Yarmuth D KY x No
As you can see again Congressman Yarmuth has voted against the interests of sportsmen in the Commonwealth of Kentucky. Voting to stop hunting of HEALTHY Polar Bear Populations and to deprive native populations of needed revenue, and to ignore the rights of Canada a good neighbor to manage its own resources.
He also apparently is the only member of the Kentucky Congressional Delegation who is not a member of the Congressional Sportsmen's Caucus.
Elizabeth Edwards - Liberal making of a heroin
I am not a huge fan of Ann Coulter. I find her brand of conservatism a bit lacking. Still and all I do know when someone is getting hosed in the press. For those who did not hear the entire statement that Ms Coulter made when she stated that she had learned her lesson.. she should not call Mr. Edwards a Faggot, she should wish he died in a terrorist attack.. To put this in context..
The full statement she made stated that Others had wished that Vice President Dick Cheney had been killed in an attack in Afghanistan. She was pointing out that no one had gotten upset when pundits had made that statement so instead of calling people names she should just say "I wish John Edwards had been killed in a terrorist attack."
In Fact Ms. Edwards was complaining about something that was not about her or her husband. Of course the Liberal Press play the part of the story about Ms. Coulter saying she wished John Edwards killed in a terrorist plot without playing what led up to it.
Shame on the Press and on Entertainment Tonight for this poor journalistic tactic.
Thats My take on it.
Jim Dicken
The full statement she made stated that Others had wished that Vice President Dick Cheney had been killed in an attack in Afghanistan. She was pointing out that no one had gotten upset when pundits had made that statement so instead of calling people names she should just say "I wish John Edwards had been killed in a terrorist attack."
In Fact Ms. Edwards was complaining about something that was not about her or her husband. Of course the Liberal Press play the part of the story about Ms. Coulter saying she wished John Edwards killed in a terrorist plot without playing what led up to it.
Shame on the Press and on Entertainment Tonight for this poor journalistic tactic.
Thats My take on it.
Jim Dicken
Friday, June 22, 2007
Make NO MISTAKE... We are at War.
War was declared on the United States in 1992 by Ossama Bin Laden. The first attack occurred in 1993 when the first attack on the World Trade Center occurred. Since then there have been attacks by local Al Queda Cells on this country and its citizens on every continent but South America, and the Antartic.
Problem is that the people in this country do not understand and have not had to sacrifice for like the "Greatest Generation" that lost 250,000 in its fight to stop Hitler.
We are at war with an enemy who will NEVER surrender, will NOT negotiate, and who sees negotiation as a weakness. They may sign an agreement, agree to peace but in the end they will try to kill each and every person who is not part and parcel in line with the Wahabi Beliefs of Islam.
These beliefs demand the extinction of all non-believers.
We can not leave Iraq. If we do the Wahabi Sect Mullahs, and the Al Queda nut jobs will take over. There will be plenty of oil revenue to allow them to purchase if not develop Nuclear Weapons with which they can attack this country.
Sadly they will use OUR OWN Freedoms against us.
They are using our own technology against us now. Do you really believe that all of the conspiracies you see on the internet are not helped along by small tidbits of misinformation that is being sent out by Al Queda and the Wahabi Sect?
This whole 9-11 was a Bush Attack nonsense? This is Al Queda trying to tear us apart from within using our own internet to provide the impetus for this dissent.
ONE GUY even says that the planes that hit the WTC were not big enough to be the Boeing Planes.. that they were drones that hit the towers..
PEOPLE, People, People, do you really believe those were drones?
Do you think anyone would allow a plane to land and then have OUR OWN MILITARY kill the people in the planes? Is there a soldier in this army that would kill innocent Men, Women and CHILDREN in order to cover up the Quote "9-11" conspiracy?
We are at war. This country has lost fewer people in the last 10 years than in 5 years of WW2. 20 Million died in Europe, and Asia and the South Pacific. Stopping Sadam was a good thing. We have to finish the job.
Democrats will not do that. At least not the ones I have seen. MAYBE Joe Lieberman could do it.. but he is the ONLY conservative Democrat I have seen who could do the job of President.
Thats my take on it.
Jim Dicken
No Handles Here!
Problem is that the people in this country do not understand and have not had to sacrifice for like the "Greatest Generation" that lost 250,000 in its fight to stop Hitler.
We are at war with an enemy who will NEVER surrender, will NOT negotiate, and who sees negotiation as a weakness. They may sign an agreement, agree to peace but in the end they will try to kill each and every person who is not part and parcel in line with the Wahabi Beliefs of Islam.
These beliefs demand the extinction of all non-believers.
We can not leave Iraq. If we do the Wahabi Sect Mullahs, and the Al Queda nut jobs will take over. There will be plenty of oil revenue to allow them to purchase if not develop Nuclear Weapons with which they can attack this country.
Sadly they will use OUR OWN Freedoms against us.
They are using our own technology against us now. Do you really believe that all of the conspiracies you see on the internet are not helped along by small tidbits of misinformation that is being sent out by Al Queda and the Wahabi Sect?
This whole 9-11 was a Bush Attack nonsense? This is Al Queda trying to tear us apart from within using our own internet to provide the impetus for this dissent.
ONE GUY even says that the planes that hit the WTC were not big enough to be the Boeing Planes.. that they were drones that hit the towers..
PEOPLE, People, People, do you really believe those were drones?
Do you think anyone would allow a plane to land and then have OUR OWN MILITARY kill the people in the planes? Is there a soldier in this army that would kill innocent Men, Women and CHILDREN in order to cover up the Quote "9-11" conspiracy?
We are at war. This country has lost fewer people in the last 10 years than in 5 years of WW2. 20 Million died in Europe, and Asia and the South Pacific. Stopping Sadam was a good thing. We have to finish the job.
Democrats will not do that. At least not the ones I have seen. MAYBE Joe Lieberman could do it.. but he is the ONLY conservative Democrat I have seen who could do the job of President.
Thats my take on it.
Jim Dicken
No Handles Here!
Tuesday, June 19, 2007
More Answers to the Ill informed.
The war was declared over already: "Mission Accomplished."
Gun confiscation is anti-freedom no matter which way you try and spin it. When they come for your guns because "we're at war" maybe you'll complain? But it we're doing it in Iraq, then it's all about freedom and democracy for Iraqis.
That war is over. This is a new war. A war to rebuild Iraq.
The mission was to overthrow the Sadam Government. We won.
The new war is with Al Queda in Iraq which wants a new home now that Afghanistan is not going to work for them any more.. plus with Iraq they get control of Oil.
YES I will admit that this war is about Oil.
It is why Iraq is so important to both sides. If the Iraqi's do not obtain freedom, if the Iranians or Al Queda take over it will mean that oil supplies around the world will be cut off to all NON-Believers, unless we are willing to pay a price that will give Capital to our enemies to destroy us.
The challenge is to give the Iraqi People a government of all the people not just a government of one sect or the other. A government that cares about all the people and does not try to kill 60% of the people. ( This is what happened under Sadam)
Al Queda does all it can to stop this.
We must not give in to Al Queda.
Failure to stand up and to make the necessary sacrifices will mean the end to our way of life. America can not withdraw from Iraq without a REAL government in place. IF we are defeated in Iraq, there will NEVER be an end to terror.
If you think we have lost over 7000 men women and children over the last 6 years in this country on 9-11 and through the soldiers fighting in Iraq and Afghanistan then you WILL think that is nothing when Al Queda has a country to attack from.
History teaches us that failing to stand up to tyrants, that appeasing the enemy NEVER works.
We appeased Hitler. Chamberlaind declared "Peace in our Time" and Bush's Mission Accomplished may join Peace in our Time as one of the stupidest undertatements in history.. but Peace can not be obtained without a free Iraq.
We can leave.
In 5 years we will have to go back and bomb the entire country and Iran back to the stone age. Either that or accept Allah as our God and the destruction of our country.
What is your choice.
Death of some now.
Deahs of MILLIONS later.
Hitler dies in 1939 and 15 million souls live and Europe is spared a terrible war.
Sadam is killed in 2006 and millions are saved.. for now.
WHAT IS your solution Demigod? What is your solution liberals..
The choices you have made in the past have killed millions.
I support the soldiers and I suppor this war.
I donate 50% of my income to Freedom is Not Free from my Hotel and Motel busines.
I have attempted to sign on as a Truck Driver in Iraq or Afghanistan.. Just too old..
What have you done to support our soldiers?
Jim Dicken
Gun confiscation is anti-freedom no matter which way you try and spin it. When they come for your guns because "we're at war" maybe you'll complain? But it we're doing it in Iraq, then it's all about freedom and democracy for Iraqis.
That war is over. This is a new war. A war to rebuild Iraq.
The mission was to overthrow the Sadam Government. We won.
The new war is with Al Queda in Iraq which wants a new home now that Afghanistan is not going to work for them any more.. plus with Iraq they get control of Oil.
YES I will admit that this war is about Oil.
It is why Iraq is so important to both sides. If the Iraqi's do not obtain freedom, if the Iranians or Al Queda take over it will mean that oil supplies around the world will be cut off to all NON-Believers, unless we are willing to pay a price that will give Capital to our enemies to destroy us.
The challenge is to give the Iraqi People a government of all the people not just a government of one sect or the other. A government that cares about all the people and does not try to kill 60% of the people. ( This is what happened under Sadam)
Al Queda does all it can to stop this.
We must not give in to Al Queda.
Failure to stand up and to make the necessary sacrifices will mean the end to our way of life. America can not withdraw from Iraq without a REAL government in place. IF we are defeated in Iraq, there will NEVER be an end to terror.
If you think we have lost over 7000 men women and children over the last 6 years in this country on 9-11 and through the soldiers fighting in Iraq and Afghanistan then you WILL think that is nothing when Al Queda has a country to attack from.
History teaches us that failing to stand up to tyrants, that appeasing the enemy NEVER works.
We appeased Hitler. Chamberlaind declared "Peace in our Time" and Bush's Mission Accomplished may join Peace in our Time as one of the stupidest undertatements in history.. but Peace can not be obtained without a free Iraq.
We can leave.
In 5 years we will have to go back and bomb the entire country and Iran back to the stone age. Either that or accept Allah as our God and the destruction of our country.
What is your choice.
Death of some now.
Deahs of MILLIONS later.
Hitler dies in 1939 and 15 million souls live and Europe is spared a terrible war.
Sadam is killed in 2006 and millions are saved.. for now.
WHAT IS your solution Demigod? What is your solution liberals..
The choices you have made in the past have killed millions.
I support the soldiers and I suppor this war.
I donate 50% of my income to Freedom is Not Free from my Hotel and Motel busines.
I have attempted to sign on as a Truck Driver in Iraq or Afghanistan.. Just too old..
What have you done to support our soldiers?
Jim Dicken
More for my Youtube Buddies.
demidogma: THE SURGE WAS GOING TO SHOW RESULTS, or not, by September. Now we learn that Gen. Petraeus may be aiming for September, 2017. Eight or ten years is the typical timeframe for success or failure with an insurgency.
Imagine ten more years, at 800 to 1,000 KIA per year, and $100 billion per year. What insanity these people have.
I would deny your time line. Still what would you do?
If we leave Al Queda has a new country with Billions of Dollars in Oil Revenue to use to Acquire weapons of mass destruction to kill us. They have a place to train and to get ready for world domination. IF I MUST CHOSE who will dominate the future of this world I would chose the United States.
You are naive at best to believe that this war is not going to cost lives and money. That is what Al Queda wants. Bankrupt the world putting it into anarchy so that they can recruit from every sector of society.
Al Queda depends on death and destruction.
The United States depends of Freedom.
Were YOU in Iran or Syria or even Saudi Arabia and to talk the way you do..??
Well let us just say that you and your ilk are the people that Al Queda depends on and will be the first they kill.
Has this war been fought perfectly ? HELL NO.. no war is.
World War 2 was a major disaster. D-Day was so incompetent that Hitler believed for 2 days that the Americans and English really were going to hit another part of the coast of France. Over 2500 died on Omaha Beach due to total chaos and confusion. Tanks were dumped into 30 feet of water that were meant to provide cover to the men on the beach.
Yet we scream of the TERRIBLE cost of invading Iraq in the deaths of our yound soldiers.. Yes I cry ever time I see a name, yet I remember too the grandfathers of some of these men. 250,000 Killed in World War 2. 20 Million Europeans, Africans, Australians, Asians and Americans who died in WW2 because we failed to stop a dictator whom Sadam took lessons from in horrifying death and destruction.
A man who Sadam and others of the Wahabi Sect look to as a hero because he wanted the end of all Jews.
What is the solution if not continuing to fight and give Iraq a FREE government?
What would you do?
Instead of talking about our country like it is so terrible for taking out a man who would have killed millions tell me what YOU would do different to stop the terrorists who are using our FREEDOMS against us. Who abuse their rights in this country to plot and to plan to attack us.
You talk a good hatred, but what would you do to STOP the US EMPIRE from helping poor people who are being murdered by horrible people?
What is the solution o brilliant soothsayer who hates corporations and profit and oil and money and oh yeah the very things that give you your podium to toss out this drek of hatred and self loathing of this country.
YOU ASSUME that everything we stand for now is bad.. yet what is the solution to terror?
America did nothing to Al Queda.
Matter of fact we helped them to fight the oppression of the Russians.. and the reward for that was that WE were attacked.
How do we deal with people who have fundamentalist beliefs that say KILL ALL NON BELIEVERS?
What is your solution to death and destruction driven by hatred?
My solution is to take out the haters and to rebuild the countries infrastructure so that the people can live normal lives. We are doing that in Iraq and in return Al Queda kills not only Sunni's but Shiite's. Why? Because they depend on Poor, Stupid, Uneducated and deprived people to continue their hate.
We are attempting to restart a country and while the campaign was not run properly from the beginning the alternative to staying and continuing to rebuild is to leave Iraq in chaos and to give Al Queda a new country to restart their terror from.
IF Iraq goes, Europe will be in flames within 5 years.
In 10 years the United States will be isolated and bankrupt. No military to defend us. Open to invasion by ill equipped and ill prepared Al Queda militants who will kill indiscriminately. Communities will be isolated and will be forced to defend themselves.
This is what happens if we fail in Iraq.
I promise.
Thats my belief
Jim Dicken
No Handles here.
Imagine ten more years, at 800 to 1,000 KIA per year, and $100 billion per year. What insanity these people have.
I would deny your time line. Still what would you do?
If we leave Al Queda has a new country with Billions of Dollars in Oil Revenue to use to Acquire weapons of mass destruction to kill us. They have a place to train and to get ready for world domination. IF I MUST CHOSE who will dominate the future of this world I would chose the United States.
You are naive at best to believe that this war is not going to cost lives and money. That is what Al Queda wants. Bankrupt the world putting it into anarchy so that they can recruit from every sector of society.
Al Queda depends on death and destruction.
The United States depends of Freedom.
Were YOU in Iran or Syria or even Saudi Arabia and to talk the way you do..??
Well let us just say that you and your ilk are the people that Al Queda depends on and will be the first they kill.
Has this war been fought perfectly ? HELL NO.. no war is.
World War 2 was a major disaster. D-Day was so incompetent that Hitler believed for 2 days that the Americans and English really were going to hit another part of the coast of France. Over 2500 died on Omaha Beach due to total chaos and confusion. Tanks were dumped into 30 feet of water that were meant to provide cover to the men on the beach.
Yet we scream of the TERRIBLE cost of invading Iraq in the deaths of our yound soldiers.. Yes I cry ever time I see a name, yet I remember too the grandfathers of some of these men. 250,000 Killed in World War 2. 20 Million Europeans, Africans, Australians, Asians and Americans who died in WW2 because we failed to stop a dictator whom Sadam took lessons from in horrifying death and destruction.
A man who Sadam and others of the Wahabi Sect look to as a hero because he wanted the end of all Jews.
What is the solution if not continuing to fight and give Iraq a FREE government?
What would you do?
Instead of talking about our country like it is so terrible for taking out a man who would have killed millions tell me what YOU would do different to stop the terrorists who are using our FREEDOMS against us. Who abuse their rights in this country to plot and to plan to attack us.
You talk a good hatred, but what would you do to STOP the US EMPIRE from helping poor people who are being murdered by horrible people?
What is the solution o brilliant soothsayer who hates corporations and profit and oil and money and oh yeah the very things that give you your podium to toss out this drek of hatred and self loathing of this country.
YOU ASSUME that everything we stand for now is bad.. yet what is the solution to terror?
America did nothing to Al Queda.
Matter of fact we helped them to fight the oppression of the Russians.. and the reward for that was that WE were attacked.
How do we deal with people who have fundamentalist beliefs that say KILL ALL NON BELIEVERS?
What is your solution to death and destruction driven by hatred?
My solution is to take out the haters and to rebuild the countries infrastructure so that the people can live normal lives. We are doing that in Iraq and in return Al Queda kills not only Sunni's but Shiite's. Why? Because they depend on Poor, Stupid, Uneducated and deprived people to continue their hate.
We are attempting to restart a country and while the campaign was not run properly from the beginning the alternative to staying and continuing to rebuild is to leave Iraq in chaos and to give Al Queda a new country to restart their terror from.
IF Iraq goes, Europe will be in flames within 5 years.
In 10 years the United States will be isolated and bankrupt. No military to defend us. Open to invasion by ill equipped and ill prepared Al Queda militants who will kill indiscriminately. Communities will be isolated and will be forced to defend themselves.
This is what happens if we fail in Iraq.
I promise.
Thats my belief
Jim Dicken
No Handles here.
To my Youtube Friends...
Well, Jim, I don't know about you, but I love this country. That's why I am so concerned about what the combination of neo-cons, Christian fundies, corporations, and flag-waving, goose-stepping thugs have done with it.
It scares me that people really believe that there are goose stepping thugs in this country. I would like for you to Identify who you think this is. Conservatives like myself and the Christian Fundamentalists, apparently are BAD. Why? We believe in God. We believe in Freedom, and in what this country stands for. What we do not believe in is creating special classes and special rules for special groups. The Christian Religion preaches love of EVEN the sinner. While some Fundies as you call them do not believe that this country should seperate Church beliefs from Freedom beliefs I do. I do not care if 2 men or 2 women co-habitate, I think you are free to choose. God gave us free choice so I do not care what you do in the privacy of your home..
Beyond that I do not see the problem with Corporations. (Well not most) Corporations provide jobs, profits, investment, research things that individuals can not due because of the problems of Litigation this country has.. and that is a LIBERAL Deal.. not a conservative one.
If an individual were to invent a drug doing the research and all the work and it saved lives.. ONLY to be found to have dire side effects for which he was sued? End of the individual. That is why corporations began and were allowed to exist. Corporations have deep pockets and can at least survive.
As for your view that this country is an Empire? How do you figure that?
Because we are trying to set up a FREE Government in Iraq?
If we had gone into Somalia and done this or to Africa during the great rampages of the 90's where millions died would you feel the same way?
It was the Democrats that ignored the death and destruction in Africa because there was no oil there. It was Clinton who allowed Ossama Bin Laden to get started and the to grow as a threat.
You talk like we are fighting in Iraq for the oil companies, but the oil will be turned over to the new Iraqi Government and to the people IF we defeat Al Queda. Iraq will have its own government and its own chosen freedoms. How does that make the US an Empire?
Our men are fighting TERROR not for corporations and if you were to suggest to a soldier that he was fighting for oil he would most likely tell you YES.. we are fighting for oil, so that the Iraqi People can have it and use it to recreate a FREE country where women can walk down the street with no fear of being raped by the dictators sons.
Shame on you for your insults. I do not insult Liberals. I try to understand. You see I voted straight democratic party up until Clinton. I hated conservatives.. but I finally realized the reality of Todays world.. Anarchy will mean the growth of Al Queda and other fundamentalist wacko ideas.
IF we allow anarchy and hate to continue in the Middle East there will NEVER be any peace. This is a war that must be won for there to be peace in the world.
We can not continue to allow these nut job Wahabi Sect Mullahs to exist in the world.
Their reign of terror must stop NOW.
If it does not the attacks on major targets will continue until a target is finally hit that destroys the world economy, turning the world upside down and making the Fundamentalist Promises of Heaven and Virgins appealing to people who will have nothing.
Wake up.
Your views will end with this country on fire. Europe in ruins.
You are not getting the full story from the news. Do you really believe that CBS, NBC, ABC or CNN can cover the real story in 20 minutes ever night on the World News?
The problem is NOT A sound bite.
Stop believing that Corporations are bad because they say so..
Stop believing that this war is about profit for American Corportations..
Stop believing that our soldiers are dying for nothing..
START BELIEVING that this country can do what is right in Iraq and then you might understand why we fight and why our soldiers die.
Thats my take on it..
Jim Dicken
No handles here.
Well, Jim, I don't know about you, but I love this country. That's why I am so concerned about what the combination of neo-cons, Christian fundies, corporations, and flag-waving, goose-stepping thugs have done with it.
It scares me that people really believe that there are goose stepping thugs in this country. I would like for you to Identify who you think this is. Conservatives like myself and the Christian Fundamentalists, apparently are BAD. Why? We believe in God. We believe in Freedom, and in what this country stands for. What we do not believe in is creating special classes and special rules for special groups. The Christian Religion preaches love of EVEN the sinner. While some Fundies as you call them do not believe that this country should seperate Church beliefs from Freedom beliefs I do. I do not care if 2 men or 2 women co-habitate, I think you are free to choose. God gave us free choice so I do not care what you do in the privacy of your home..
Beyond that I do not see the problem with Corporations. (Well not most) Corporations provide jobs, profits, investment, research things that individuals can not due because of the problems of Litigation this country has.. and that is a LIBERAL Deal.. not a conservative one.
If an individual were to invent a drug doing the research and all the work and it saved lives.. ONLY to be found to have dire side effects for which he was sued? End of the individual. That is why corporations began and were allowed to exist. Corporations have deep pockets and can at least survive.
As for your view that this country is an Empire? How do you figure that?
Because we are trying to set up a FREE Government in Iraq?
If we had gone into Somalia and done this or to Africa during the great rampages of the 90's where millions died would you feel the same way?
It was the Democrats that ignored the death and destruction in Africa because there was no oil there. It was Clinton who allowed Ossama Bin Laden to get started and the to grow as a threat.
You talk like we are fighting in Iraq for the oil companies, but the oil will be turned over to the new Iraqi Government and to the people IF we defeat Al Queda. Iraq will have its own government and its own chosen freedoms. How does that make the US an Empire?
Our men are fighting TERROR not for corporations and if you were to suggest to a soldier that he was fighting for oil he would most likely tell you YES.. we are fighting for oil, so that the Iraqi People can have it and use it to recreate a FREE country where women can walk down the street with no fear of being raped by the dictators sons.
Shame on you for your insults. I do not insult Liberals. I try to understand. You see I voted straight democratic party up until Clinton. I hated conservatives.. but I finally realized the reality of Todays world.. Anarchy will mean the growth of Al Queda and other fundamentalist wacko ideas.
IF we allow anarchy and hate to continue in the Middle East there will NEVER be any peace. This is a war that must be won for there to be peace in the world.
We can not continue to allow these nut job Wahabi Sect Mullahs to exist in the world.
Their reign of terror must stop NOW.
If it does not the attacks on major targets will continue until a target is finally hit that destroys the world economy, turning the world upside down and making the Fundamentalist Promises of Heaven and Virgins appealing to people who will have nothing.
Wake up.
Your views will end with this country on fire. Europe in ruins.
You are not getting the full story from the news. Do you really believe that CBS, NBC, ABC or CNN can cover the real story in 20 minutes ever night on the World News?
The problem is NOT A sound bite.
Stop believing that Corporations are bad because they say so..
Stop believing that this war is about profit for American Corportations..
Stop believing that our soldiers are dying for nothing..
START BELIEVING that this country can do what is right in Iraq and then you might understand why we fight and why our soldiers die.
Thats my take on it..
Jim Dicken
No handles here.
Sunday, June 17, 2007
Soldiers Deserve the right to WIN a war.
How do you win a war when the Press, Media, and the Liberal Politicians declare it lost?
How do soldiers fight and die knowing that at home they have lost the war?
This is the mind boggling problem I see in this country today.
Sadly we have lost approximately 3500 men in the war on terror just in Iraq.
Yet for some reason this seems to the liberal mind to be a terrrible toll of lost souls. Yes, I said it.. seems to be a terrible toll when in fact this war has had fewer casualties than most of the battles of the civil war.
We are soft. We are weak when 3500 men killed in action causes us to declare a war lost.
We are not willing as a nation any more to make the sacrifices needed to remain free and to remain safe.
I hear the libs saying "America does not attack first"! Where has that gotten us in the past? The sinking of the Lusitania? The Sinking of the Maine? Pearl Harbor? and of course 9-11? Revenge is sweet, but preventing the deaths of 2900 individuals on 9-11 seems to me to be a great reason to attack an enemy. Israel waited to be attacked and lost hundreds of soldiers in 1968. We do not attack our enemies is a STUPID policy that gets people killed.
Sadam Hussein was a Weapon of Mass Destruction in and of himself. He was a ticking time bomg waiting to go off and to start a major world conflict. He was looking for ways to attack this country and had the money thanks to the Oil for Food Program that was run by the son of Khofi Anan. Thanks to the end of the Soviet Empire there are plenty of nukes on the market and it was a matter of time till Sadam found one. Millions of American Dollars were found in Iraq. Were they REAL or counterfeit? Was Sadam able to counterfeit enough money to turn the US Economy into mush through the dumping of Billions in counterfeit money? No one will answer that question, yet the billions of dollars that were found were destroyed.
This nation can no longer wait to be attacked. Doing so is tantamount to suicide when the right attack on the right target could criple the entire nation, its economy and its infrastructure.
To the "America does not attack crowd" I say YOUR F-ing nuts if you think that this country can live by this kind of motto. NO nation in this age of Nuclear weapons can afford to give the enemy the first punch. Its like Muhammed Ali giving George Frazier a free shot in a Heavy Weight bout. Chances are that George is going to knock Ali out with one freebie... yes if he does not then Ali is going to come back and clean his clock, but I would rather NOT be reeling from the first punch when I am trying to take out my enemy.
Shame on the "We do not attack crowd" you are short sited and suicidal.
LOSING in Iraq will be the end of this country. Failure to win will mean that we are at risk from every 2 bit dictator and wanna be terrorist in the world. They will know that the United States will not prevent them from attacking and when attacked will back off rather than piss off the European Community.
Failure to stand up to the Muslim Extremists will end with Europe under attack.
Thats My Take on it.
Jim Dicken
How do soldiers fight and die knowing that at home they have lost the war?
This is the mind boggling problem I see in this country today.
Sadly we have lost approximately 3500 men in the war on terror just in Iraq.
Yet for some reason this seems to the liberal mind to be a terrrible toll of lost souls. Yes, I said it.. seems to be a terrible toll when in fact this war has had fewer casualties than most of the battles of the civil war.
We are soft. We are weak when 3500 men killed in action causes us to declare a war lost.
We are not willing as a nation any more to make the sacrifices needed to remain free and to remain safe.
I hear the libs saying "America does not attack first"! Where has that gotten us in the past? The sinking of the Lusitania? The Sinking of the Maine? Pearl Harbor? and of course 9-11? Revenge is sweet, but preventing the deaths of 2900 individuals on 9-11 seems to me to be a great reason to attack an enemy. Israel waited to be attacked and lost hundreds of soldiers in 1968. We do not attack our enemies is a STUPID policy that gets people killed.
Sadam Hussein was a Weapon of Mass Destruction in and of himself. He was a ticking time bomg waiting to go off and to start a major world conflict. He was looking for ways to attack this country and had the money thanks to the Oil for Food Program that was run by the son of Khofi Anan. Thanks to the end of the Soviet Empire there are plenty of nukes on the market and it was a matter of time till Sadam found one. Millions of American Dollars were found in Iraq. Were they REAL or counterfeit? Was Sadam able to counterfeit enough money to turn the US Economy into mush through the dumping of Billions in counterfeit money? No one will answer that question, yet the billions of dollars that were found were destroyed.
This nation can no longer wait to be attacked. Doing so is tantamount to suicide when the right attack on the right target could criple the entire nation, its economy and its infrastructure.
To the "America does not attack crowd" I say YOUR F-ing nuts if you think that this country can live by this kind of motto. NO nation in this age of Nuclear weapons can afford to give the enemy the first punch. Its like Muhammed Ali giving George Frazier a free shot in a Heavy Weight bout. Chances are that George is going to knock Ali out with one freebie... yes if he does not then Ali is going to come back and clean his clock, but I would rather NOT be reeling from the first punch when I am trying to take out my enemy.
Shame on the "We do not attack crowd" you are short sited and suicidal.
LOSING in Iraq will be the end of this country. Failure to win will mean that we are at risk from every 2 bit dictator and wanna be terrorist in the world. They will know that the United States will not prevent them from attacking and when attacked will back off rather than piss off the European Community.
Failure to stand up to the Muslim Extremists will end with Europe under attack.
Thats My Take on it.
Jim Dicken
Friday, June 15, 2007
Fred Thompson for President .. Endorsement
I have felt for a long time that Mr. Thompson had the right stuff to be the President. While he has not run a state, he is well educated, and expresses himself in succinct and direct statements.
His knowledge of history and of the law are excellent, and he has no hint of scandal in his past. In fact he was instrumental in the demise of Mr. Nixon. He authored the question... "What did the President Know and when did he know it."
It changed the course of the impeachment of Nixon.
He then went home to Tennessee and managed to take down a corrupt governor who was taking bribes for pardons and paroles.
Beyond that there is no hint of scandal attached to this man.
He is a Regan Conservative and while I was young dumb and full of vision, I did not like Regan when he ran. I do appreciate now what he accomplished.
I hope Mr. Thompson is elected. He will serve this country well and protect it.
His knowledge of history and of the law are excellent, and he has no hint of scandal in his past. In fact he was instrumental in the demise of Mr. Nixon. He authored the question... "What did the President Know and when did he know it."
It changed the course of the impeachment of Nixon.
He then went home to Tennessee and managed to take down a corrupt governor who was taking bribes for pardons and paroles.
Beyond that there is no hint of scandal attached to this man.
He is a Regan Conservative and while I was young dumb and full of vision, I did not like Regan when he ran. I do appreciate now what he accomplished.
I hope Mr. Thompson is elected. He will serve this country well and protect it.
Tuesday, June 12, 2007
Saturday, June 09, 2007
Global Warming? An Inconvenient Truth..... Its not real...
The article below outlines my basic thesis in the Global Warming debate..
The earth is warming naturally, and possibly has some minor help from man.. however this is NOT the warmest the earth has ever seen and may be a normal part of the ebb and flow of temperatures that the earth has seen. is the location of the article.
One of the things that got me to thinking about Global Warming and the REAL Inconvenient Truth is that there have been a lot of recent Archeological finds in ice fields and where there used to be glaciers.. What does this mean? That despite the simple fact that the world is warming, it is NOT warmer than any time in the past. Finding human remains in areas where glaciers were means that at some time in the past there was NOT ice in this location. The biggest story I have heard of is a silver mine in the Alps which supposedly was recently found. It got frozen in and was abandoned when the ice did not retreat... at some time in the past.. If it is now "Unfrozen" then the world temps at one time were the SAME as they are now.!!
See some of the Archeological evidence below in an Excerpt from the article link above.
In recent decades accidental discoveries of archaeological and paleontological remains have been reported from glaciers around the world. These finds demonstrate that humans and animals repeatedly have used specific areas of perennial snow and ice for thousands of years. Frozen organic artifacts from these sites provide detailed information unavailable from other types of depositional environments. They also provide data important to understanding high-latitude and high-altitude human adaptations and to interpreting and dating artifacts recovered from other contexts. The current period of global warming presents an opportunity to identify glaciers and perennial ice and snowfields holding potential for archaeological and paleontological site discovery. Monitoring melting ice is necessary to identify and preserve these unique, rare, and ephemeral archaeological remains. Approximately 10 percent of the Earth's land surface is underlain by permafrost or covered by perennial ice and snow (Times Atlas 1999:39). Small glaciers (all glaciers other than the Greenland and Antarctica ice sheets) occur in high-latitude and high-altitude environments and comprise roughly 4 percent of all land ice (Dyurgerov 2002:10) with an estimated total minimum area of 610,000 [km.sup.2] (Dyurgerov 2002:68: Meier and Bahr 1996). Traditionally these vast areas have been regarded as environments unlikely to attract humans or animals because they are perceived as being comparatively remote and low in biological productivity. As a result, glaciers and perennial snow and ice have been thought to hold little potential for the discovery of archaeological remains. This assumption is incorrect. A Geographic Information System (GIS) model, "Modeling Archaeological Potential of Ice and Snow," or MAPIS, is being developed and field-tested in Alaska's Wrangell-St. Elias National Park and Preserve (WSENPP) (Dixon and Manley 2001; Dixon et al. 2003, 2004). Results of the survey reveal that spatial modeling can focus archaeological surveys of: perennial snow and ice, and help document historic and prehistoric archaeological sites. Glacial Archaeology Freezing may be the most ideal condition under which prehistoric organic remains can be preserved. Frozen environments have produced some of the most complete examples of prehistoric human remains and artifacts ever discovered. Tools, clothing, and other materials made from plants and animals usually decompose soon after deposition: however, if frozen, they may be preserved for thousands of years. Their excellent state of preservation makes them suitable for analysis with a variety of analytical techniques, including radiometric dating and isotope analysis. Archaeological remains preserved in Arctic and sub-Arctic permafrost have been recognized and recovered throughout the Arctic (Dixon 1993, 1999: Guthrie 1990: Hansen and Gullov 1989: Hansen et al. 1985: Lobdell and Dekin 1984: Newell 1984; Rainey 1939: Reinhard 1996, 1999; Smith and Zimmerman 1975: Zimmerman and Smith 1975). While permafrost discoveries have been widely documented, reports of archaeological remains from glaciers and ice patches have been rare until recent years. In 1991 the discovery of a Late Neolithic "Iceman" brought world attention to the archaeological potential of glaciers. Found near a 3,200 m glaciated pass in the Tyrolean Alps, the Iceman carried an impressive array of sophisticated technology including armaments, clothing, storage containers, wood-working implements, fire-starting equipment, and even medicinal plants (Kutschera et al. 2000; Oeggl et al. 2000; Spindler 1994). This discovery was soon followed by the pioneering work of Canadian researchers in the southern Yukon Territory of Canada. Near the British Columbia border, several thawing ice patches were discovered containing frozen archaeological and paleontological specimens (Farnell et al. 2000; Farnell et al. 2004; Hare 2001; Hare et al. 2004; Kuzyk et al. 1999). Subsequently, the remains of Kwaday Dan Ts'inchi, meaning "Long Ago Person Found" in Southern Tutchone (Athapaskan), were found in northern British Columbia, Canada. The remains of this individual were discovered along an ice ridge on a glacier at an elevation of approximately 1,600 m in northwest British Columbia, Canada (Beattie et al. 2000). Artifacts recovered with the individual included tools, weapons, clothes, and even trail food. These and other fortuitous discoveries were brought to the attention of archaeologists by outdoor recreationalists. These finds demonstrate that organic artifacts are preserved within these unique frozen depositional environments and that they will continue to be exposed as ancient ice melts. In addition to the archaeological remains that have been reported from mountain glaciers, numerous organic artifacts have been discovered melting from small patches of perennial snow and ice. Canadian scientists have used the term "ice patch" to describe these features (Hare 2001). The Inuit word "aniuvat," meaning permanent snow patches, also is used to describe them (Kusugak 2002:vi). The archaeology of glaciers and aniuvat presents unique challenges. For example, because it is not feasible or practical to dig test pits in glacial ice and aniuvat, archaeologists rely primarily on surface finds. Further, because artifacts are covered by accumulated snow for much of the year, archeologists must conduct surveys during the late summer within the ablation zone, the lower part of the glacier or aniuvat where ablation (melting and evaporation of ice and snow) exceeds accumulation (winter snowfall). Glaciers and aniuvat exhibiting negative mass balance (greater ablation than accumulation) over the course of a year or longer present the best possibility for identifying and recovering artifacts exposed on their surfaces. Once thawed, organic remains soon decompose or are subject to destruction by scavenging animals. Glaciers are depositional environments that present challenges to traditional archaeological concepts of spatial and stratigraphic relationships between artifacts and artifact assemblages. Archaeological research on glaciers requires an understanding of ice dynamics, which are different from geomorphic contexts associated with most archaeological sites. The movement of large valley glaciers and ice fields creates unstable geologic features that present unique archaeological problems. Englacial transport paths (within the glacier) and supraglacial pathways (on the surface of the ice) are important variables in locating archaeological and paleontological remains. Artifacts originally deposited within the accumulation zone will be carried within the ice and exposed in the middle or lower ablation zones. Hypothetically, artifacts initially deposited anywhere within the ablation zone will be carried down glacier, accumulating as "lag" on the surface. Examples from British Columbia (Beattie et al. 2000) and the Tyrolean Alps (Oeggl et al. 2000) demonstrate that these surface deposits may contain artifacts of different ages that initially have been presumed to be contemporaneous. The exceptional preservation of organic artifacts found in these contexts can make them appear to be recent, particularly to the untrained eye. As a result, their full significance may not be recognized. For example, the Iceman from the Tyrolean Alps was regarded as a recent fatality and was initially treated as a forensic case. For these reasons, it is important to date every specimen and not assume that specimens are recent, or that assemblages of objects are contemporaneous. Glaciological principles of kinetics and mass balance are tools that can be applied to help identify promising locales for archaeological survey. In conjunction with field survey, they can be used to identify and eliminate chaotic surface topography within the lower ablation area of specific glaciers. Surface velocities also...
The earth is warming naturally, and possibly has some minor help from man.. however this is NOT the warmest the earth has ever seen and may be a normal part of the ebb and flow of temperatures that the earth has seen. is the location of the article.
One of the things that got me to thinking about Global Warming and the REAL Inconvenient Truth is that there have been a lot of recent Archeological finds in ice fields and where there used to be glaciers.. What does this mean? That despite the simple fact that the world is warming, it is NOT warmer than any time in the past. Finding human remains in areas where glaciers were means that at some time in the past there was NOT ice in this location. The biggest story I have heard of is a silver mine in the Alps which supposedly was recently found. It got frozen in and was abandoned when the ice did not retreat... at some time in the past.. If it is now "Unfrozen" then the world temps at one time were the SAME as they are now.!!
See some of the Archeological evidence below in an Excerpt from the article link above.
In recent decades accidental discoveries of archaeological and paleontological remains have been reported from glaciers around the world. These finds demonstrate that humans and animals repeatedly have used specific areas of perennial snow and ice for thousands of years. Frozen organic artifacts from these sites provide detailed information unavailable from other types of depositional environments. They also provide data important to understanding high-latitude and high-altitude human adaptations and to interpreting and dating artifacts recovered from other contexts. The current period of global warming presents an opportunity to identify glaciers and perennial ice and snowfields holding potential for archaeological and paleontological site discovery. Monitoring melting ice is necessary to identify and preserve these unique, rare, and ephemeral archaeological remains. Approximately 10 percent of the Earth's land surface is underlain by permafrost or covered by perennial ice and snow (Times Atlas 1999:39). Small glaciers (all glaciers other than the Greenland and Antarctica ice sheets) occur in high-latitude and high-altitude environments and comprise roughly 4 percent of all land ice (Dyurgerov 2002:10) with an estimated total minimum area of 610,000 [km.sup.2] (Dyurgerov 2002:68: Meier and Bahr 1996). Traditionally these vast areas have been regarded as environments unlikely to attract humans or animals because they are perceived as being comparatively remote and low in biological productivity. As a result, glaciers and perennial snow and ice have been thought to hold little potential for the discovery of archaeological remains. This assumption is incorrect. A Geographic Information System (GIS) model, "Modeling Archaeological Potential of Ice and Snow," or MAPIS, is being developed and field-tested in Alaska's Wrangell-St. Elias National Park and Preserve (WSENPP) (Dixon and Manley 2001; Dixon et al. 2003, 2004). Results of the survey reveal that spatial modeling can focus archaeological surveys of: perennial snow and ice, and help document historic and prehistoric archaeological sites. Glacial Archaeology Freezing may be the most ideal condition under which prehistoric organic remains can be preserved. Frozen environments have produced some of the most complete examples of prehistoric human remains and artifacts ever discovered. Tools, clothing, and other materials made from plants and animals usually decompose soon after deposition: however, if frozen, they may be preserved for thousands of years. Their excellent state of preservation makes them suitable for analysis with a variety of analytical techniques, including radiometric dating and isotope analysis. Archaeological remains preserved in Arctic and sub-Arctic permafrost have been recognized and recovered throughout the Arctic (Dixon 1993, 1999: Guthrie 1990: Hansen and Gullov 1989: Hansen et al. 1985: Lobdell and Dekin 1984: Newell 1984; Rainey 1939: Reinhard 1996, 1999; Smith and Zimmerman 1975: Zimmerman and Smith 1975). While permafrost discoveries have been widely documented, reports of archaeological remains from glaciers and ice patches have been rare until recent years. In 1991 the discovery of a Late Neolithic "Iceman" brought world attention to the archaeological potential of glaciers. Found near a 3,200 m glaciated pass in the Tyrolean Alps, the Iceman carried an impressive array of sophisticated technology including armaments, clothing, storage containers, wood-working implements, fire-starting equipment, and even medicinal plants (Kutschera et al. 2000; Oeggl et al. 2000; Spindler 1994). This discovery was soon followed by the pioneering work of Canadian researchers in the southern Yukon Territory of Canada. Near the British Columbia border, several thawing ice patches were discovered containing frozen archaeological and paleontological specimens (Farnell et al. 2000; Farnell et al. 2004; Hare 2001; Hare et al. 2004; Kuzyk et al. 1999). Subsequently, the remains of Kwaday Dan Ts'inchi, meaning "Long Ago Person Found" in Southern Tutchone (Athapaskan), were found in northern British Columbia, Canada. The remains of this individual were discovered along an ice ridge on a glacier at an elevation of approximately 1,600 m in northwest British Columbia, Canada (Beattie et al. 2000). Artifacts recovered with the individual included tools, weapons, clothes, and even trail food. These and other fortuitous discoveries were brought to the attention of archaeologists by outdoor recreationalists. These finds demonstrate that organic artifacts are preserved within these unique frozen depositional environments and that they will continue to be exposed as ancient ice melts. In addition to the archaeological remains that have been reported from mountain glaciers, numerous organic artifacts have been discovered melting from small patches of perennial snow and ice. Canadian scientists have used the term "ice patch" to describe these features (Hare 2001). The Inuit word "aniuvat," meaning permanent snow patches, also is used to describe them (Kusugak 2002:vi). The archaeology of glaciers and aniuvat presents unique challenges. For example, because it is not feasible or practical to dig test pits in glacial ice and aniuvat, archaeologists rely primarily on surface finds. Further, because artifacts are covered by accumulated snow for much of the year, archeologists must conduct surveys during the late summer within the ablation zone, the lower part of the glacier or aniuvat where ablation (melting and evaporation of ice and snow) exceeds accumulation (winter snowfall). Glaciers and aniuvat exhibiting negative mass balance (greater ablation than accumulation) over the course of a year or longer present the best possibility for identifying and recovering artifacts exposed on their surfaces. Once thawed, organic remains soon decompose or are subject to destruction by scavenging animals. Glaciers are depositional environments that present challenges to traditional archaeological concepts of spatial and stratigraphic relationships between artifacts and artifact assemblages. Archaeological research on glaciers requires an understanding of ice dynamics, which are different from geomorphic contexts associated with most archaeological sites. The movement of large valley glaciers and ice fields creates unstable geologic features that present unique archaeological problems. Englacial transport paths (within the glacier) and supraglacial pathways (on the surface of the ice) are important variables in locating archaeological and paleontological remains. Artifacts originally deposited within the accumulation zone will be carried within the ice and exposed in the middle or lower ablation zones. Hypothetically, artifacts initially deposited anywhere within the ablation zone will be carried down glacier, accumulating as "lag" on the surface. Examples from British Columbia (Beattie et al. 2000) and the Tyrolean Alps (Oeggl et al. 2000) demonstrate that these surface deposits may contain artifacts of different ages that initially have been presumed to be contemporaneous. The exceptional preservation of organic artifacts found in these contexts can make them appear to be recent, particularly to the untrained eye. As a result, their full significance may not be recognized. For example, the Iceman from the Tyrolean Alps was regarded as a recent fatality and was initially treated as a forensic case. For these reasons, it is important to date every specimen and not assume that specimens are recent, or that assemblages of objects are contemporaneous. Glaciological principles of kinetics and mass balance are tools that can be applied to help identify promising locales for archaeological survey. In conjunction with field survey, they can be used to identify and eliminate chaotic surface topography within the lower ablation area of specific glaciers. Surface velocities also...
Tuesday, May 29, 2007
Dear Rosie
Let's make it perfectly clear..
The real child in the Rosie O'Donnel and Elizabeth Hasselback feud was Rosie.
Children draw mustaches on pictures.. and adults fire assistants that do such things.. if they really are sincere. Instead Rosie supposedly quite.. I am guessing she was FINALLY FIRED.
PLEASE bring back Star Jones... While she is a liberal she understands she is not perfect.. and does NOT think that she is better than everyone on the view.
Problem is that Rosie thinks she is better than Elizabeth, and better than the rest of the world.
Rosie in case you do not get it... NO ONE CARES that you are a FAT, Godless LESBIAN. (Your words not mine) No one cares really what you say.. because you ONLY say it to get a rise out of people.
Rosie, you are FAT! Rosie, you are a Lesbian! Rosie, you are a jerk!
You made a statement that was overtly and intentionally borderline in calling our troops terrorists.. whether that was your intention or not, it is NOT Elizabeth's job to bail you out or to defend you. After all YOU have not defended anything she has said on the "View" OH WAIT.. Elizabeth does not SAY things that people can misconstrue as unpatriotic. She is intelligent and articulate and that is why Ms. Walters chose her as the 4th person on the "VIEW".
She defends her positions well and does not go out of her way to insult anyone and shows respect to all of our leaders.. including the Kerry's and the Clinton's while you show no respect to any person who is not a liberal.
Rosie the difference between YOU and Elizabeth is that Elizabeth is a caring decent human being and you are just a bully.
That's My Take on It.
Jim Dicken
The real child in the Rosie O'Donnel and Elizabeth Hasselback feud was Rosie.
Children draw mustaches on pictures.. and adults fire assistants that do such things.. if they really are sincere. Instead Rosie supposedly quite.. I am guessing she was FINALLY FIRED.
PLEASE bring back Star Jones... While she is a liberal she understands she is not perfect.. and does NOT think that she is better than everyone on the view.
Problem is that Rosie thinks she is better than Elizabeth, and better than the rest of the world.
Rosie in case you do not get it... NO ONE CARES that you are a FAT, Godless LESBIAN. (Your words not mine) No one cares really what you say.. because you ONLY say it to get a rise out of people.
Rosie, you are FAT! Rosie, you are a Lesbian! Rosie, you are a jerk!
You made a statement that was overtly and intentionally borderline in calling our troops terrorists.. whether that was your intention or not, it is NOT Elizabeth's job to bail you out or to defend you. After all YOU have not defended anything she has said on the "View" OH WAIT.. Elizabeth does not SAY things that people can misconstrue as unpatriotic. She is intelligent and articulate and that is why Ms. Walters chose her as the 4th person on the "VIEW".
She defends her positions well and does not go out of her way to insult anyone and shows respect to all of our leaders.. including the Kerry's and the Clinton's while you show no respect to any person who is not a liberal.
Rosie the difference between YOU and Elizabeth is that Elizabeth is a caring decent human being and you are just a bully.
That's My Take on It.
Jim Dicken
Friday, May 25, 2007
Good Bye Rosie...!!!!!!!!!1
I just heard that View Host Rosie O'Donnell will be leaving for good.. that she will NOT be on any more shows. Now whether she quit over the blow up with Elizabeth or she she got fired, I don't know as yet.. Still I had intended to take her to task over her comments concerning Jerry Fallwell.
Rosie said on the view that she had a hard time believing that any one but his family felt sorrow for his loss.
This is typical of the Ultra Liberal. If they do not think like you they are better off dead.
Ultra Conservatives though will mourn the loss of any person as well as the loss of their soul.
While I did not like Mr. Fallwell I did respect him, what he created, and his Christian beliefs. Mr. Falwell while not happy with the Homosexual lifestyle and did not want it displayed or given privilege, did not hate Homosexuals. Yes he was overly judgemental. Still he would not have walked away from a Liberal and had any person asked for help Mr. Falwell would have helped them.
You can not say that about a liberal.
I should know I was once a liberal and I had that High and Mighty attitude and find myself fighting it every now and then.
America will be better off with Rosie off the view.
America will not be better off with Rosie off the view.
Hard to chose. Get her obnoxious self centered view off the air, or keep her on so that we can see the attitude on a daily basis and have a knowledge of what liberals are up to..
I will admit I took joy in the news that Rosie is GONE! I even rejoiced.. but the difference between me and Rosie is.. I KNOW I AM WRONG TO TAKE JOY IN HER LEAVING.. just like she was wrong to take joy in the leaving of Reverend Fallwell.
That is my take on it.
Jim Dicken
Rosie said on the view that she had a hard time believing that any one but his family felt sorrow for his loss.
This is typical of the Ultra Liberal. If they do not think like you they are better off dead.
Ultra Conservatives though will mourn the loss of any person as well as the loss of their soul.
While I did not like Mr. Fallwell I did respect him, what he created, and his Christian beliefs. Mr. Falwell while not happy with the Homosexual lifestyle and did not want it displayed or given privilege, did not hate Homosexuals. Yes he was overly judgemental. Still he would not have walked away from a Liberal and had any person asked for help Mr. Falwell would have helped them.
You can not say that about a liberal.
I should know I was once a liberal and I had that High and Mighty attitude and find myself fighting it every now and then.
America will be better off with Rosie off the view.
America will not be better off with Rosie off the view.
Hard to chose. Get her obnoxious self centered view off the air, or keep her on so that we can see the attitude on a daily basis and have a knowledge of what liberals are up to..
I will admit I took joy in the news that Rosie is GONE! I even rejoiced.. but the difference between me and Rosie is.. I KNOW I AM WRONG TO TAKE JOY IN HER LEAVING.. just like she was wrong to take joy in the leaving of Reverend Fallwell.
That is my take on it.
Jim Dicken
Thursday, May 24, 2007
Monday, May 21, 2007
An Irrelevant President try's to save his legacy!
In the 1980's Jimmy Carter ignored the serious problem in Iran and allowed a Fundamentalist Freak take over the country of Iran. While the Shah of Iran was not the nicest man in the world, he was fighting what we now know was the worst enemy ever to face any civilized nation.
The taking of Iran by extremists ended with the destruction of Iran. The teachers and educational system were destroyed and rebuilt in the image of the Wahabi Sect. Its goal to destroy the "Great Satan".
This legitimized the movement and gave it a home.
This was the beginning of the world wide development of terror by Islamic Extremists.
In other words... Jimmy Carter started us down the road and is now trying desperately to lay the blame off on ANY one.
I feel sorry for our Elderly Statesman. His comments about this country, Tony Blair and the Bush Administration show a severe problem with logic. The world has changed. Our ways of dealing with terror have to change post 9-11. Another attack similar to 9-11 could cripple the economy, and destroy the nation and the world economies. This is the ultimate goal of Ossama Bin Laden.
With the world in chaos, Ossama and his fundamentalist religion offer hope to people with no hope.
If the world and Mr. Carter fail to understand this then only time stands between the world domination of Fundamentalist Ideology.
If this occurs, people like Mr. Carter will be the first to die at the hands of the extremists. The people who make it possible for Ossama to defeat this country will be the first targets of the purge in Christianity and non Islamic Religions. It is what happened in Iran after the Shah of Iran was deposed, by the Ayatollah Homeini.
Mr. Carter was an irrelevant president in our history EXCEPT for his giving birth to the current Islamic Fundamentalist Ideology by allowing the Ayatollah to take Iran in the first place.
Were Iran still in the US sphere or influence, the attacks of 9-1- most likely would not have occurred. Sadam Hussein would likely still be working with the US instead of plotting our demise only to end with his own.
Mr. Carter is desperate to NOT be the WORST president ever, and will do nothing short of shaming himself to try to put his mistakes and the resulting mess on to a Republican Administration.
I voted for Mr. Carter 2 times. Looking back I know now I was wrong. Age has made me realize what I learned in College was true. Extremist Muslim fundamentalists are evil and are willing to kill everyone on the planet in Honor or Allah. If we do not kill them first they will kill us.
Mr. Carter has never learned this lesson. I believe if he should ever meet Mr. Bin Laden in person he might change his mind.
That is my take on it.
Jim Dicken
The taking of Iran by extremists ended with the destruction of Iran. The teachers and educational system were destroyed and rebuilt in the image of the Wahabi Sect. Its goal to destroy the "Great Satan".
This legitimized the movement and gave it a home.
This was the beginning of the world wide development of terror by Islamic Extremists.
In other words... Jimmy Carter started us down the road and is now trying desperately to lay the blame off on ANY one.
I feel sorry for our Elderly Statesman. His comments about this country, Tony Blair and the Bush Administration show a severe problem with logic. The world has changed. Our ways of dealing with terror have to change post 9-11. Another attack similar to 9-11 could cripple the economy, and destroy the nation and the world economies. This is the ultimate goal of Ossama Bin Laden.
With the world in chaos, Ossama and his fundamentalist religion offer hope to people with no hope.
If the world and Mr. Carter fail to understand this then only time stands between the world domination of Fundamentalist Ideology.
If this occurs, people like Mr. Carter will be the first to die at the hands of the extremists. The people who make it possible for Ossama to defeat this country will be the first targets of the purge in Christianity and non Islamic Religions. It is what happened in Iran after the Shah of Iran was deposed, by the Ayatollah Homeini.
Mr. Carter was an irrelevant president in our history EXCEPT for his giving birth to the current Islamic Fundamentalist Ideology by allowing the Ayatollah to take Iran in the first place.
Were Iran still in the US sphere or influence, the attacks of 9-1- most likely would not have occurred. Sadam Hussein would likely still be working with the US instead of plotting our demise only to end with his own.
Mr. Carter is desperate to NOT be the WORST president ever, and will do nothing short of shaming himself to try to put his mistakes and the resulting mess on to a Republican Administration.
I voted for Mr. Carter 2 times. Looking back I know now I was wrong. Age has made me realize what I learned in College was true. Extremist Muslim fundamentalists are evil and are willing to kill everyone on the planet in Honor or Allah. If we do not kill them first they will kill us.
Mr. Carter has never learned this lesson. I believe if he should ever meet Mr. Bin Laden in person he might change his mind.
That is my take on it.
Jim Dicken
Its A Shame.. but this is TRUE!
Subject: Fw: Teaching New Math
Last week, I purchased a burger and fries at McDonalds for $3.58.
The counter girl took my $4.00 and I pulled 8 cents from my pocket and
gave it to her. She stood there, holding the nickel and 3 pennies.
While looking at the screen on her register, I sensed her discomfort
and tried to tell her to just give me two quarters, but she hailed the
manager for help. While he tried to explain the transaction to her, she
stood there and cried.
Why do I share this story with you? Because of the evolution in
teaching math since the 1950s:
Teaching Math In 1950
A logger sells a truckload of lumber for $100. His cost of
production is 4/5 of the price. What is his profit?
Teaching Math In 1960
A logger sells a truckload of lumber for $100. His cost of
production is 4/5 of the price, or $80. What is his profit?
Teaching Math In 1970
A logger sells a truckload of lumber for $100. His cost of
production is $80. Did he make a profit?
Teaching Math In 1980
A logger sells a truckload of lumber for $100. His cost of
production is $80 and his profit is $20 Your assignment: Underline the
number 20.
Teaching Math In 1990
A logger cuts down a beautiful forest because he is selfish and
inconsiderate and cares nothing for the habitat of animals or the
preservation of our woodlands. He does this so he can make a profit of
$20. What do you think of this way of making a living? Topic for class
participation after answering the question: How did the birds and
squirrels feel as the logger cut down their homes? (There are
no wrong answers.)
Teaching Math In 2007
Un ranchero vende una carretera de madera para $100. El cuesto de
la produccion era $
Last week, I purchased a burger and fries at McDonalds for $3.58.
The counter girl took my $4.00 and I pulled 8 cents from my pocket and
gave it to her. She stood there, holding the nickel and 3 pennies.
While looking at the screen on her register, I sensed her discomfort
and tried to tell her to just give me two quarters, but she hailed the
manager for help. While he tried to explain the transaction to her, she
stood there and cried.
Why do I share this story with you? Because of the evolution in
teaching math since the 1950s:
Teaching Math In 1950
A logger sells a truckload of lumber for $100. His cost of
production is 4/5 of the price. What is his profit?
Teaching Math In 1960
A logger sells a truckload of lumber for $100. His cost of
production is 4/5 of the price, or $80. What is his profit?
Teaching Math In 1970
A logger sells a truckload of lumber for $100. His cost of
production is $80. Did he make a profit?
Teaching Math In 1980
A logger sells a truckload of lumber for $100. His cost of
production is $80 and his profit is $20 Your assignment: Underline the
number 20.
Teaching Math In 1990
A logger cuts down a beautiful forest because he is selfish and
inconsiderate and cares nothing for the habitat of animals or the
preservation of our woodlands. He does this so he can make a profit of
$20. What do you think of this way of making a living? Topic for class
participation after answering the question: How did the birds and
squirrels feel as the logger cut down their homes? (There are
no wrong answers.)
Teaching Math In 2007
Un ranchero vende una carretera de madera para $100. El cuesto de
la produccion era $
Wednesday, May 16, 2007
Liberals being INTOLERANT??
While I did not necessarily like the Reverend Jerry Fallwell, I did respect his zealous defense of his beliefs. Beliefs he was entitled to by the Constitution of the United States.
Today Rosie O'Donnel called the death of Reverend Fallwell, no great loss except maybe to his own family, and made a face.
Dear Rosie,
If only it had been you instead?
Ms. O'Donnel is very outspoken but has no tolerance for anyone who does not believe EXACTLY as she feels they should.
While Reverend Fallwell may have had rather conservative views and may not have represented the BEST ideas of conservatism, he did LIVE his values and work his values. His Liberty college was a testament to this.
Shame on Ms. O'Donnel and not for the first time.
Imagine a Liberal being intolerant of the beliefs of others.. what a 2 faced BITCH.
What a Big Fricking surprise.
While I do not wish death on any one, Ms.O'Donnel would have been a far better choice than Reverend Fallwell in my opinion.
That is my take on it.
Jim Dicken
Today Rosie O'Donnel called the death of Reverend Fallwell, no great loss except maybe to his own family, and made a face.
Dear Rosie,
If only it had been you instead?
Ms. O'Donnel is very outspoken but has no tolerance for anyone who does not believe EXACTLY as she feels they should.
While Reverend Fallwell may have had rather conservative views and may not have represented the BEST ideas of conservatism, he did LIVE his values and work his values. His Liberty college was a testament to this.
Shame on Ms. O'Donnel and not for the first time.
Imagine a Liberal being intolerant of the beliefs of others.. what a 2 faced BITCH.
What a Big Fricking surprise.
While I do not wish death on any one, Ms.O'Donnel would have been a far better choice than Reverend Fallwell in my opinion.
That is my take on it.
Jim Dicken
Monday, May 14, 2007
The Ant and The Grasshopper.. Updated Version
The ant works hard in the withering heat all summer long, building hishouse and laying up supplies for the winter.
The grasshopper thinks the ant is a fool and laughs and dances and plays the summer away. Come winter, the ant is warm and well fed.
The grasshopper has no food or shelter, so he dies out in thecold.
MORAL OF THE STORY: Be responsible for yourself!
The ant works hard in the withering heat all summer long, building his house and laying up supplies for the winter.
The grasshopper thinks the ant is a fool and laughs and dances and plays the summer away.
Come winter, the shivering grasshopper calls a press conference and demands to know why the ant should be allowed to be warm and well fed while others are cold and starving.
CBS, NBC, PBS, CNN, and ABC show up to provide pictures of the shivering grasshopper next to a video of the ant in his comfortable home with a table filled with food. America is stunned by the sharp contrast.
How can this be, that in a country of such wealth, this poor grasshopper is allowed to suffer so?
Kermit the Frog appears on Oprah with the grasshopper, and
everybody cries when they sing, "It's Not Easy Being Green."
Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton stage several demonstrations in front of the ant's house where the news stations film the group singing, "We shall overcome."
Jesse then has the group kneel down to pray to God for the grasshopper's
sake, after which Al Sharpton riles up the crowd even more.
Nancy Pelosi, Ted Kennedy & John Kerry exclaim in an interview with Larry
King that the ant has gotten rich off the back of the grasshopper, and
both call for an immediate tax hike on the ant to make him pay his fair share.
Finally, the EEOC drafts the Economic Equity & Anti-Grasshopper Act retroactive to the beginning of the summer.
The ant is fined for failing to hire a proportionate number of green bugs and, having nothing left to pay his retroactive taxes, his home is confiscated by the government.
Hillary gets her old law firm to represent the grasshopper in a defamation suit against the ant, and the case is tried before a panel of federal judges that Bill Clinton appointed from a list of single-parent welfare recipients.
The ant loses the case.
The story ends as we see the grasshopper finishing up the last bits of the ant's food while the government house he is in, which just happens to be the ant's old house, crumbles around him because he doesn't
maintain it.
The ant has disappeared in the snow.
The grasshopper is found dead in a drug related incident and the house, now abandoned, is taken over by a gang of spiders who terrorize the once peaceful neighborhood.
MORAL OF THE STORY: Be careful how you vote.
The ant works hard in the withering heat all summer long, building hishouse and laying up supplies for the winter.
The grasshopper thinks the ant is a fool and laughs and dances and plays the summer away. Come winter, the ant is warm and well fed.
The grasshopper has no food or shelter, so he dies out in thecold.
MORAL OF THE STORY: Be responsible for yourself!
The ant works hard in the withering heat all summer long, building his house and laying up supplies for the winter.
The grasshopper thinks the ant is a fool and laughs and dances and plays the summer away.
Come winter, the shivering grasshopper calls a press conference and demands to know why the ant should be allowed to be warm and well fed while others are cold and starving.
CBS, NBC, PBS, CNN, and ABC show up to provide pictures of the shivering grasshopper next to a video of the ant in his comfortable home with a table filled with food. America is stunned by the sharp contrast.
How can this be, that in a country of such wealth, this poor grasshopper is allowed to suffer so?
Kermit the Frog appears on Oprah with the grasshopper, and
everybody cries when they sing, "It's Not Easy Being Green."
Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton stage several demonstrations in front of the ant's house where the news stations film the group singing, "We shall overcome."
Jesse then has the group kneel down to pray to God for the grasshopper's
sake, after which Al Sharpton riles up the crowd even more.
Nancy Pelosi, Ted Kennedy & John Kerry exclaim in an interview with Larry
King that the ant has gotten rich off the back of the grasshopper, and
both call for an immediate tax hike on the ant to make him pay his fair share.
Finally, the EEOC drafts the Economic Equity & Anti-Grasshopper Act retroactive to the beginning of the summer.
The ant is fined for failing to hire a proportionate number of green bugs and, having nothing left to pay his retroactive taxes, his home is confiscated by the government.
Hillary gets her old law firm to represent the grasshopper in a defamation suit against the ant, and the case is tried before a panel of federal judges that Bill Clinton appointed from a list of single-parent welfare recipients.
The ant loses the case.
The story ends as we see the grasshopper finishing up the last bits of the ant's food while the government house he is in, which just happens to be the ant's old house, crumbles around him because he doesn't
maintain it.
The ant has disappeared in the snow.
The grasshopper is found dead in a drug related incident and the house, now abandoned, is taken over by a gang of spiders who terrorize the once peaceful neighborhood.
MORAL OF THE STORY: Be careful how you vote.
Channel 41 Proves Limbaugh RIGHT!
Channel 41, WDRB General Manager made the following comments on air recently.
Disaster is Bad Business (5/1/07)
Last week, a panel of experts recommended lowering the water level of Lake Cumberland an additional 30 feet because they believe not doing so makes it more likely that the seeping Wolf Creek Dam will fail.
Several people involved in the area’s recreational industry oppose this idea. They say the threat of a dam failure is exaggerated, and that lowering the lake level even more would hurt their businesses.
Well, they’re probably right about business being hurt. But it’s pretty clear the danger is real, and I have a hard time balancing their business interests against the billions of dollars and many lives that would be lost if that dam ever does fail.
This situation seems typical of America’s current attitude that no one should ever have to suffer for the greater good, and that sacrifice is for saps.
Our parents didn’t see it that way. They faced some of the century’s greatest threats and paid the necessary price to overcome them. It wasn’t easy, wasn’t fair, and wasn’t cheap, but they did it.
It’s only natural to act in one’s own self-interest. But sometimes, that self-interest needs to give way to bigger needs. And I hope the marina owners around Lake Cumberland understand that.
What’s your opinion? Call and tell us at 588-2433.
I’m Bill Lamb, and that’s my…Point of View.
Since Channel 41 has a policy of rebuttal, I contacted the station and was offered time. However in looking at the entire issue and the ramifications of it, and importance to an area of the state that is going to be devastated by this economically more than a minute was needed.
I contacted Channel 41 and asked Mr. Foushee, the PR person who handles requests if Mr. Lamb had read any of the reports by the Corps of Engineers, or the independent report. Surprisingly, ( I am being humorous here) Mr. Lamb had NOT read according to Mr. Foushee any of the engineering reports. I asked Mr. Lamb and Mr. Foushee to meet me for a Lunch paid for by me in order to bring them up to speed on why folks around the damn had asked the Corps to hold the lake at current levels. I was refused.
Here is the letter I got:
Just to make sure, I checked with Mr. Lamb, and he’ll be unable to have lunch with you -- primarily because his schedule is extremely tight, and the majority of his lunches also double as business meetings that deal with matters of more immediate concern regarding the operation of our stations. While he understands your disagreement with him on this issue, it should be obvious that Lake Cumberland is not the number one issue with which he has to contend. He had his opinion, he expressed it, and he’s extended you the opportunity to reply with an equal time rebuttal.
The fact that you’ve chosen not to do so doesn’t obligate him to meet personally with you. If it did, I feel safe in saying he’d never be able to carry out his job because of endless meetings with people who disagree with his editorials but lack the motivation to write and present one of their own.
If this changes your mind and you’d like to accept our invitation to reply on-air, I can still make that happen. Just let me know.
Ray Foushee
Director, Marketing, Research and Publicity
(502) 562-5746
Rush Limbaugh talks daily about the Drive By Media.
This is an excellent example of what he is talking about.
Mr. Lamb has sensationalized an issue without having the slightest bit of information about the dam, its engineering, I am guessing he does not even know the history of the dam and its previous leaks. He also ignores a report that was published by the Corps of Engineers itself in January of 2007 that selected the 680 lake level that the Business Owners are asking for.
He has chosen to condemn the marina owners, motel and hotel owners, guides, and other businesses that depend on the lake for their living.
Let us make no mistake here.
Families will be destroyed by this.
People will lose their homes.
Jobs, businesses and communities are going to be damaged and Mr. Lamb could take the time to comment, but would not take the time to learn the issues.
HERE Are the issues:
The dam began to fail almost immediately upon completion in the 1950's. IN the 60's a crater formed and muddy flow below the dam signaled severe problems. The dam was built over a Carst Geology, (Carst meaning cave) water was leaking under the Dirt portion of the dam. The Corps of Engineers had failed to properly position the dam, and to deal with caverns found when doing the original building of the dam. The dam was within weeks of failing at that time, if not days. Grouting began and emergency repairs were undertaken. IN the early 70's more severe measures were taken to repair the dam
To repair the dam the lake was lowered and a second dam was built inside the first. This second dam was built by drilling into the bedrock below the Carst Geology to solid rock.
The second dam was built to within 20 or 30 feet of the concrete dam, when funds ran out. The leaks stopped but the second dam was never finished, leaving a 20 to 30 foot section that could still leak. Piezometers were buried in the dam to track any leakage or movement. In the last few years more water and movement were detected.
Due to this the Corps of Engineers was required to make the dam a priority for repair. At the same time several dams down stream of Lake Cumberland also began to fail including the dam directly below the lake on the Cumberland River in Tennessee. Should both dams go at the same time the city of Nashville would be endangered.
Because of this situation many people wanted the lake lowered drastically to prevent any issue of failure.
NOW comes the bizarre part.
The Corps engineers know that this dam at Lake Cumberland will take months to fail if not longer. Why? Because the dam only has a problem with the area where the 2 dams were not joined. The leak is currently small and is relegated to that one area. While a breach could occur, it would take days for the water to make its way through the smaller area, any rise would be gradual at first and plenty of warning would be available to get people out of the way of any rising waters. There would be damage to low lying buildings.
Then there began to be other safety issues caused by lowering the dam too much.
Now comes the part I have trouble explaining...
Because the lowered lake is steeper, a small 1" rain that would normally raise the lake maybe half a foot to a foot, at the lowered level the lake would rise double that. Lower the lake below 650 and the change is even more dramatic. The very lowering of the lake would put changing pressures ON the dam at the very place that pressure is the most critical.
So the COE in a report detailed this information. This report came out in January of 2007.
This is the information that led many around the lake to ask for the 680 level instead of the 650 or lower 580 level.
At 680 the lake is big enough to take the water in and have no major changes in pressure. At 680 some power can still be generated. At 680 water intake valves for all cities on the lake are still able to take in water, businesses still can get water to run. However most of the boat ramps would be out of the water.
Thanks to the Governor of Kentucky, those ramps will be in place by Memorial Day.
The most recent Engineering Survey suggested that the lake be lowered another 30 feet. Businesses around the lake are asking that the higher level of 680 be used.
They are NOT asking this out of greed, but out of self preservation.
Current Grouting efforts have slowed the deterioration of the dam.
Any Dam failure would take weeks if not longer, simply because of the previous efforts. There is no need shown in the new report, and the engineers were given parameters for a TOTAL failure of the dam to err on the side of safety.
While some engineers are for a lower lake level, they are forced to deal with this dam and make plans based on a Worst Case Scenario, that is unlikely to occur. They are erring on the side of safety.. However the Corps of Engineers has determined that the safest thing to do is hold the dam at 680 through the summer and to see if the grouting effort has worked.. then to finish the rest of the second dam over the next 5 to 7 years.
Mr. Lamb
You may be right, in that the lake should be lowered for the greater good.
However the lake is currently in no danger and there are circumstances that YOU are not aware of and which make lowering the dam an issue as well.... and they have NOTHING to do with economics.
It is a confusing issue and the reality is that the dam is NOT in imminent danger and the Corps believes the situation is in hand. Do we for the greater good of the people below the dam lower it and destroy the lives of people in 3 counties or for the hold the dam at 680 and hope that the GREATER good is served.
With the situation as it stands, I believe the Corps of Engineers has made the right choice and the businesses areound the dam are doing nothing more than supporting that decision. The grouting is working. The dam is currently in no danger of PARTIAL Failure, and if the Corps is correct in its assessment lowering the dam could pose MORE of a problem at lower levels than at higher levels.
This is NOT as Mr. Lamb suggests, people failing to be willing to suffer for the greater good. This is not an enemy attacking our country. It is a dam with a leak. A leak that has been for the time being slowed if not stopped.
Mr. Lamb has escalated a small problem with the Wolf Creek Dam into an issue of such importance that he portrays these people as unwilling to sacrifice.
OK What is Mr. Lamb willing to sacrifice?
Some Time? NO he is unwilling to read the reports to understand the situation.
Some Money? No he is not willing to do anything to help the businesses around the lake by detailing their plight and encouraging tourism to the area.
Some Sacrifice? NO. Mr. Lamb has nothing to lose on this issue.
It is very easy to sit in an office in Louisville and ask for people to bow to the greater good. It is another thing to actually DO SOMETHING for the greater good and Mr. Lamb has failed the test himself.
The "Greatest Generation" made sacrifices of time, money and their lives. Mr. Lamb is not willing to sacrifice 30 minutes and a free lunch.
Thats My Take on it.
Jim Dicken
Disaster is Bad Business (5/1/07)
Last week, a panel of experts recommended lowering the water level of Lake Cumberland an additional 30 feet because they believe not doing so makes it more likely that the seeping Wolf Creek Dam will fail.
Several people involved in the area’s recreational industry oppose this idea. They say the threat of a dam failure is exaggerated, and that lowering the lake level even more would hurt their businesses.
Well, they’re probably right about business being hurt. But it’s pretty clear the danger is real, and I have a hard time balancing their business interests against the billions of dollars and many lives that would be lost if that dam ever does fail.
This situation seems typical of America’s current attitude that no one should ever have to suffer for the greater good, and that sacrifice is for saps.
Our parents didn’t see it that way. They faced some of the century’s greatest threats and paid the necessary price to overcome them. It wasn’t easy, wasn’t fair, and wasn’t cheap, but they did it.
It’s only natural to act in one’s own self-interest. But sometimes, that self-interest needs to give way to bigger needs. And I hope the marina owners around Lake Cumberland understand that.
What’s your opinion? Call and tell us at 588-2433.
I’m Bill Lamb, and that’s my…Point of View.
Since Channel 41 has a policy of rebuttal, I contacted the station and was offered time. However in looking at the entire issue and the ramifications of it, and importance to an area of the state that is going to be devastated by this economically more than a minute was needed.
I contacted Channel 41 and asked Mr. Foushee, the PR person who handles requests if Mr. Lamb had read any of the reports by the Corps of Engineers, or the independent report. Surprisingly, ( I am being humorous here) Mr. Lamb had NOT read according to Mr. Foushee any of the engineering reports. I asked Mr. Lamb and Mr. Foushee to meet me for a Lunch paid for by me in order to bring them up to speed on why folks around the damn had asked the Corps to hold the lake at current levels. I was refused.
Here is the letter I got:
Just to make sure, I checked with Mr. Lamb, and he’ll be unable to have lunch with you -- primarily because his schedule is extremely tight, and the majority of his lunches also double as business meetings that deal with matters of more immediate concern regarding the operation of our stations. While he understands your disagreement with him on this issue, it should be obvious that Lake Cumberland is not the number one issue with which he has to contend. He had his opinion, he expressed it, and he’s extended you the opportunity to reply with an equal time rebuttal.
The fact that you’ve chosen not to do so doesn’t obligate him to meet personally with you. If it did, I feel safe in saying he’d never be able to carry out his job because of endless meetings with people who disagree with his editorials but lack the motivation to write and present one of their own.
If this changes your mind and you’d like to accept our invitation to reply on-air, I can still make that happen. Just let me know.
Ray Foushee
Director, Marketing, Research and Publicity
(502) 562-5746
Rush Limbaugh talks daily about the Drive By Media.
This is an excellent example of what he is talking about.
Mr. Lamb has sensationalized an issue without having the slightest bit of information about the dam, its engineering, I am guessing he does not even know the history of the dam and its previous leaks. He also ignores a report that was published by the Corps of Engineers itself in January of 2007 that selected the 680 lake level that the Business Owners are asking for.
He has chosen to condemn the marina owners, motel and hotel owners, guides, and other businesses that depend on the lake for their living.
Let us make no mistake here.
Families will be destroyed by this.
People will lose their homes.
Jobs, businesses and communities are going to be damaged and Mr. Lamb could take the time to comment, but would not take the time to learn the issues.
HERE Are the issues:
The dam began to fail almost immediately upon completion in the 1950's. IN the 60's a crater formed and muddy flow below the dam signaled severe problems. The dam was built over a Carst Geology, (Carst meaning cave) water was leaking under the Dirt portion of the dam. The Corps of Engineers had failed to properly position the dam, and to deal with caverns found when doing the original building of the dam. The dam was within weeks of failing at that time, if not days. Grouting began and emergency repairs were undertaken. IN the early 70's more severe measures were taken to repair the dam
To repair the dam the lake was lowered and a second dam was built inside the first. This second dam was built by drilling into the bedrock below the Carst Geology to solid rock.
The second dam was built to within 20 or 30 feet of the concrete dam, when funds ran out. The leaks stopped but the second dam was never finished, leaving a 20 to 30 foot section that could still leak. Piezometers were buried in the dam to track any leakage or movement. In the last few years more water and movement were detected.
Due to this the Corps of Engineers was required to make the dam a priority for repair. At the same time several dams down stream of Lake Cumberland also began to fail including the dam directly below the lake on the Cumberland River in Tennessee. Should both dams go at the same time the city of Nashville would be endangered.
Because of this situation many people wanted the lake lowered drastically to prevent any issue of failure.
NOW comes the bizarre part.
The Corps engineers know that this dam at Lake Cumberland will take months to fail if not longer. Why? Because the dam only has a problem with the area where the 2 dams were not joined. The leak is currently small and is relegated to that one area. While a breach could occur, it would take days for the water to make its way through the smaller area, any rise would be gradual at first and plenty of warning would be available to get people out of the way of any rising waters. There would be damage to low lying buildings.
Then there began to be other safety issues caused by lowering the dam too much.
Now comes the part I have trouble explaining...
Because the lowered lake is steeper, a small 1" rain that would normally raise the lake maybe half a foot to a foot, at the lowered level the lake would rise double that. Lower the lake below 650 and the change is even more dramatic. The very lowering of the lake would put changing pressures ON the dam at the very place that pressure is the most critical.
So the COE in a report detailed this information. This report came out in January of 2007.
This is the information that led many around the lake to ask for the 680 level instead of the 650 or lower 580 level.
At 680 the lake is big enough to take the water in and have no major changes in pressure. At 680 some power can still be generated. At 680 water intake valves for all cities on the lake are still able to take in water, businesses still can get water to run. However most of the boat ramps would be out of the water.
Thanks to the Governor of Kentucky, those ramps will be in place by Memorial Day.
The most recent Engineering Survey suggested that the lake be lowered another 30 feet. Businesses around the lake are asking that the higher level of 680 be used.
They are NOT asking this out of greed, but out of self preservation.
Current Grouting efforts have slowed the deterioration of the dam.
Any Dam failure would take weeks if not longer, simply because of the previous efforts. There is no need shown in the new report, and the engineers were given parameters for a TOTAL failure of the dam to err on the side of safety.
While some engineers are for a lower lake level, they are forced to deal with this dam and make plans based on a Worst Case Scenario, that is unlikely to occur. They are erring on the side of safety.. However the Corps of Engineers has determined that the safest thing to do is hold the dam at 680 through the summer and to see if the grouting effort has worked.. then to finish the rest of the second dam over the next 5 to 7 years.
Mr. Lamb
You may be right, in that the lake should be lowered for the greater good.
However the lake is currently in no danger and there are circumstances that YOU are not aware of and which make lowering the dam an issue as well.... and they have NOTHING to do with economics.
It is a confusing issue and the reality is that the dam is NOT in imminent danger and the Corps believes the situation is in hand. Do we for the greater good of the people below the dam lower it and destroy the lives of people in 3 counties or for the hold the dam at 680 and hope that the GREATER good is served.
With the situation as it stands, I believe the Corps of Engineers has made the right choice and the businesses areound the dam are doing nothing more than supporting that decision. The grouting is working. The dam is currently in no danger of PARTIAL Failure, and if the Corps is correct in its assessment lowering the dam could pose MORE of a problem at lower levels than at higher levels.
This is NOT as Mr. Lamb suggests, people failing to be willing to suffer for the greater good. This is not an enemy attacking our country. It is a dam with a leak. A leak that has been for the time being slowed if not stopped.
Mr. Lamb has escalated a small problem with the Wolf Creek Dam into an issue of such importance that he portrays these people as unwilling to sacrifice.
OK What is Mr. Lamb willing to sacrifice?
Some Time? NO he is unwilling to read the reports to understand the situation.
Some Money? No he is not willing to do anything to help the businesses around the lake by detailing their plight and encouraging tourism to the area.
Some Sacrifice? NO. Mr. Lamb has nothing to lose on this issue.
It is very easy to sit in an office in Louisville and ask for people to bow to the greater good. It is another thing to actually DO SOMETHING for the greater good and Mr. Lamb has failed the test himself.
The "Greatest Generation" made sacrifices of time, money and their lives. Mr. Lamb is not willing to sacrifice 30 minutes and a free lunch.
Thats My Take on it.
Jim Dicken
Saturday, May 12, 2007
Mistakes were made.. But!
In every war mistakes are made.
The United States made mistakes in the invasion of Iraq. Other nations contributed to the disaster that is Iraq.
We should have invaded with more men.
We should have invaded with better equipment.
We should have left the Iraqi Military in tact.
Hindsight is ALWAYS 20/20.
IN World War 2 Thousands of men died in a practice for the D-day invasion.
Elements of the D-day invasion were mishandled killing thousands more.
We still won. We went past the mistakes, we learned from them, and we WON.
Every day lately we hear about more pending attacks by Al Queda from the Press. The same press that wants us out of Iraq, but is telling us that Al Queda is more of a threat. Germany, France, Spain, Italy, and England are all reporting more Al Queda activity. If this comes about what will be the result?
Will the world fold. Demand we leave Iraq and give Al Queda a victory?
Yes Al Queda.. not Iraq, Not the Sunni's Not the Shiite's but Al Queda.
There is no civil war. What there is, is anarchy that is centered on attacks by Al Queda on both sides in order to foment more anarchy.
This is how Al Queda will take the world. They will create anarchy and hatred.
They are dividing the world and the United States.
Ossama must have been a student of Abraham Lincoln. A nation divided against itself can not stand. A nation that does not stand for the war it is fighting will not win.
We have forgotten 9-11, we have forgotten the terrible price or terror around the world and all of it started by Islamic Fundamentalists over the last 35 years.
It is not Un Patriotic to be against a war. It is UN-Patriotic to stand up in congress and state unequivocally that the war is lost. There is a difference between free speech and un-patriotic speech. Mr. Ried has no clue what the difference is an neither does Mr. Horne.
Thats my take on it.
Jim Dicken
The United States made mistakes in the invasion of Iraq. Other nations contributed to the disaster that is Iraq.
We should have invaded with more men.
We should have invaded with better equipment.
We should have left the Iraqi Military in tact.
Hindsight is ALWAYS 20/20.
IN World War 2 Thousands of men died in a practice for the D-day invasion.
Elements of the D-day invasion were mishandled killing thousands more.
We still won. We went past the mistakes, we learned from them, and we WON.
Every day lately we hear about more pending attacks by Al Queda from the Press. The same press that wants us out of Iraq, but is telling us that Al Queda is more of a threat. Germany, France, Spain, Italy, and England are all reporting more Al Queda activity. If this comes about what will be the result?
Will the world fold. Demand we leave Iraq and give Al Queda a victory?
Yes Al Queda.. not Iraq, Not the Sunni's Not the Shiite's but Al Queda.
There is no civil war. What there is, is anarchy that is centered on attacks by Al Queda on both sides in order to foment more anarchy.
This is how Al Queda will take the world. They will create anarchy and hatred.
They are dividing the world and the United States.
Ossama must have been a student of Abraham Lincoln. A nation divided against itself can not stand. A nation that does not stand for the war it is fighting will not win.
We have forgotten 9-11, we have forgotten the terrible price or terror around the world and all of it started by Islamic Fundamentalists over the last 35 years.
It is not Un Patriotic to be against a war. It is UN-Patriotic to stand up in congress and state unequivocally that the war is lost. There is a difference between free speech and un-patriotic speech. Mr. Ried has no clue what the difference is an neither does Mr. Horne.
Thats my take on it.
Jim Dicken
A Nation Divided Against Itself can not Stand.
Quotes from the Courier Journal..."Louisvillian Andrew Horne, a retired Marine Reserve lieutenant colonel, and Southern Indiana resident Sam Schultz, a former sergeant with the Indiana National Guard, were among those videotaped.
In his interview, Horne blasted the Bush administration for what he called "criminal" actions in Iraq and for lying when officials claimed they were listening to the troops and military leaders on the ground.
"I think it is important to get the word out that vets in the military aren't in lock step with the president," said Horne, a lawyer who served in Iraq and in the Persian Gulf war. "
And another vet.. Sgt. John Bruhns says in his two-minute video that the war in Iraq is being waged "against an unidentifiable enemy." End Quotes from the Courier...
One man says we are the wrong country to be fighting in Iraq, another says we should not be there because we do not know who the enemy is.
What nation should have gone into Iraq and taken out Sadam Hussein?
This is a man who was determined to attack our country. He was telling the world he had WMD.. HIS countrymen were telling him he had WMD, the CIA, NSA and DIA were handcuffed because of the lack of intelligence on Iraq, and that was NOT due to anything Bush or his administration did. (10 Billion Cut from Intelligence during the Clinton Administration AFTER WTC ATTACK 1)
So tell me what country should have gone into Iraq. Sadam was killing Hundreds of Thousands of his own people. He was trying to find a way to attack the United States, had attempted the assasination of a President... and the UN was throwing sanctions at him with one hand while on the other giving him the cash he needed to buy the weapons he wanted to attack this country with.. (Khofi Anan and his son were taking millions from Sadam for oil sales that were illegal.)
I do not understand?
Please tell me how humiliating men who killed and maimed thousands.. raped and tortured many more, how that is illegal. Abu Grahib was no worse than a FRATERNITY HAZING I went through. I am not one bit sorry for the treatment of those men. I was treated WORSE in High School Gym class.
Bottom line.. This country is not able to win a war any more.
Thanks to the Horne's of the world we will never again be able to win a war. When a nation is at war, it must be UNITED.. A Nation divided against itself can not win. (Abraham Lincoln) The real shame is that Ossama Bin Laden knows this. We are NOT at war with a faceless enemy. We are at war with an Islamic Fundamentalist organization that has spread itself across the world. No sector of society is safe any more.. BUT if we leave Iraq.. if we accept defeat as Traitor Ried suggests.. then we will have Al Queda attacking here.. They are here already.
WE as a nation can not fight a war with only 50% of the population for it.
We can not win with 60% or 70% or 80%. We have to be a nation UNITED to win a war on terror and the Hornes of the world will cause our defeat.
It is time for sacrifice by our country. To spend the money and put forth the effort to win THIS war. Win it NOW, for failure surely means a hundred years of anarchy around the world. Anarchy is the friend of terror. It breeds more terrorists and more anarchy.
Jim Dicken
In his interview, Horne blasted the Bush administration for what he called "criminal" actions in Iraq and for lying when officials claimed they were listening to the troops and military leaders on the ground.
"I think it is important to get the word out that vets in the military aren't in lock step with the president," said Horne, a lawyer who served in Iraq and in the Persian Gulf war. "
And another vet.. Sgt. John Bruhns says in his two-minute video that the war in Iraq is being waged "against an unidentifiable enemy." End Quotes from the Courier...
One man says we are the wrong country to be fighting in Iraq, another says we should not be there because we do not know who the enemy is.
What nation should have gone into Iraq and taken out Sadam Hussein?
This is a man who was determined to attack our country. He was telling the world he had WMD.. HIS countrymen were telling him he had WMD, the CIA, NSA and DIA were handcuffed because of the lack of intelligence on Iraq, and that was NOT due to anything Bush or his administration did. (10 Billion Cut from Intelligence during the Clinton Administration AFTER WTC ATTACK 1)
So tell me what country should have gone into Iraq. Sadam was killing Hundreds of Thousands of his own people. He was trying to find a way to attack the United States, had attempted the assasination of a President... and the UN was throwing sanctions at him with one hand while on the other giving him the cash he needed to buy the weapons he wanted to attack this country with.. (Khofi Anan and his son were taking millions from Sadam for oil sales that were illegal.)
I do not understand?
Please tell me how humiliating men who killed and maimed thousands.. raped and tortured many more, how that is illegal. Abu Grahib was no worse than a FRATERNITY HAZING I went through. I am not one bit sorry for the treatment of those men. I was treated WORSE in High School Gym class.
Bottom line.. This country is not able to win a war any more.
Thanks to the Horne's of the world we will never again be able to win a war. When a nation is at war, it must be UNITED.. A Nation divided against itself can not win. (Abraham Lincoln) The real shame is that Ossama Bin Laden knows this. We are NOT at war with a faceless enemy. We are at war with an Islamic Fundamentalist organization that has spread itself across the world. No sector of society is safe any more.. BUT if we leave Iraq.. if we accept defeat as Traitor Ried suggests.. then we will have Al Queda attacking here.. They are here already.
WE as a nation can not fight a war with only 50% of the population for it.
We can not win with 60% or 70% or 80%. We have to be a nation UNITED to win a war on terror and the Hornes of the world will cause our defeat.
It is time for sacrifice by our country. To spend the money and put forth the effort to win THIS war. Win it NOW, for failure surely means a hundred years of anarchy around the world. Anarchy is the friend of terror. It breeds more terrorists and more anarchy.
Jim Dicken
Friday, May 11, 2007
A refresher course on Gun Control.
"Those who hammer their guns into plows will plow for those who do not.".......
Thomas Jefferson
1. An armed man is a citizen. An unarmed man is a subject.
2. A gun in the hand is better than a cop on the phone.
3. Colt: The original point and click interface.
4. Gun control is not about guns; it's about control.
5. If guns are outlawed, can we use swords?
6. If guns cause crime, then pencils cause misspelled words.
7. "Free" men do not ask permission to bear arms.
8. If you don't know your rights you don't have any.
9. Those who trade liberty for security have neither.
10. The United States Constitution (c) 1791. All Rights reserved.
11. What part of "shall not be infringed" do you not understand?
12. The Second Amendment is in place in case the politicians ignore the others.
13. 64,999,987 firearms owners killed no one yesterday.
14. Guns only have two enemies; rust and politicians.
15. Know guns, know peace, know safety. No guns, no peace, no safety.
16. You don't shoot to kill; you shoot to stay alive.
17. 911 - government sponsored Dial-a-Prayer.
18. Assault is a behavior, not a device.
19. Criminals love gun control -- it makes their jobs safer.
20. If guns cause crime, then matches cause arson.
21. Only a government that is afraid of its citizens tries to control them
22. You only have the rights you are willing to fight for.
23. Enforce the "gun control laws" we ALREADY have, don't make more.
24. When you remove the people's right to bear arms, you create slaves.
25. The American Revolution would never have happened with gun control.
26. "A government of the people, by the people, for the people.."
Thomas Jefferson
1. An armed man is a citizen. An unarmed man is a subject.
2. A gun in the hand is better than a cop on the phone.
3. Colt: The original point and click interface.
4. Gun control is not about guns; it's about control.
5. If guns are outlawed, can we use swords?
6. If guns cause crime, then pencils cause misspelled words.
7. "Free" men do not ask permission to bear arms.
8. If you don't know your rights you don't have any.
9. Those who trade liberty for security have neither.
10. The United States Constitution (c) 1791. All Rights reserved.
11. What part of "shall not be infringed" do you not understand?
12. The Second Amendment is in place in case the politicians ignore the others.
13. 64,999,987 firearms owners killed no one yesterday.
14. Guns only have two enemies; rust and politicians.
15. Know guns, know peace, know safety. No guns, no peace, no safety.
16. You don't shoot to kill; you shoot to stay alive.
17. 911 - government sponsored Dial-a-Prayer.
18. Assault is a behavior, not a device.
19. Criminals love gun control -- it makes their jobs safer.
20. If guns cause crime, then matches cause arson.
21. Only a government that is afraid of its citizens tries to control them
22. You only have the rights you are willing to fight for.
23. Enforce the "gun control laws" we ALREADY have, don't make more.
24. When you remove the people's right to bear arms, you create slaves.
25. The American Revolution would never have happened with gun control.
26. "A government of the people, by the people, for the people.."
Geez Reverend Coleman
Just about the time I THINK I can support Reverend Louis Coleman of the Justice Resource Center in Shelby County Kentucky, he does another STUPID THING.
Dear Reverend Coleman,
Reverend Coleman and his gang of thugs was outside Jeff Ruby's Steak House today.
Why? Well it seems that Jeff asked O. J. Simpson to leave his establishment during the Derby Week Festivities. Jeff apparently has a severe dislike of the way O. J. Simpson has treated the Goldman's and the Brown's since his trial.
Reverend Coleman,
Mr. Ruby has the right to ask a person of Ill Repute to leave his establishment. The fact that Mr. Simpson is black had nothing to do with his being asked to leave. He was asked to leave because he committed a heinous act and has profitted from it. Had Mel Ignatow tried to eat at Jeff Ruby's and been asked to leave would you have protested then? (For anyone out side the Louisville community, Mel is a guy who got away with Murder much like Mr. Simpson.. only after he was found innocent they found pictures he took at the murder scene in his old house..)
I personally feel that EVERYONE should turn Mr. Simpson away. I feel we should make the City of Louisville a SIMPSON FREE ZONE. Mr. Simpson is not wanted here, and we should say so.
We have enough murderers and felons flocking to Louisville any way and to have one more non-convicted murderer running around is not needed. Who knows when O.J. Simpson might decide to kill another Blonde? We don't need a slow white bronco chase here in Louisville.
Reverend Coleman,
You have again proven that your only motivation is SELF Promotion. You do not care one bit about black rights unless YOU can be involved. You are not involved in the greater good of this community only your own greater good.
Thats My take on it..
Jim Dicken
Dear Reverend Coleman,
Reverend Coleman and his gang of thugs was outside Jeff Ruby's Steak House today.
Why? Well it seems that Jeff asked O. J. Simpson to leave his establishment during the Derby Week Festivities. Jeff apparently has a severe dislike of the way O. J. Simpson has treated the Goldman's and the Brown's since his trial.
Reverend Coleman,
Mr. Ruby has the right to ask a person of Ill Repute to leave his establishment. The fact that Mr. Simpson is black had nothing to do with his being asked to leave. He was asked to leave because he committed a heinous act and has profitted from it. Had Mel Ignatow tried to eat at Jeff Ruby's and been asked to leave would you have protested then? (For anyone out side the Louisville community, Mel is a guy who got away with Murder much like Mr. Simpson.. only after he was found innocent they found pictures he took at the murder scene in his old house..)
I personally feel that EVERYONE should turn Mr. Simpson away. I feel we should make the City of Louisville a SIMPSON FREE ZONE. Mr. Simpson is not wanted here, and we should say so.
We have enough murderers and felons flocking to Louisville any way and to have one more non-convicted murderer running around is not needed. Who knows when O.J. Simpson might decide to kill another Blonde? We don't need a slow white bronco chase here in Louisville.
Reverend Coleman,
You have again proven that your only motivation is SELF Promotion. You do not care one bit about black rights unless YOU can be involved. You are not involved in the greater good of this community only your own greater good.
Thats My take on it..
Jim Dicken
Thursday, May 10, 2007
Liberal Democrats Are Out To Silence Conservatives!
URGENT! U.S. House Judiciary Committee to vote on May 15, and full House of Representatives on May 22, on "Meehan Amendment" to regulate grassroots "lobbying" activity!
The U.S. House Judiciary Committee plans to meet on Tuesday, May 15, to consider so-called "lobbying reform" legislation, including the "Meehan Amendment," which is strongly opposed by The American Conservative Union (ACU).
This amendment, sponsored by Rep. Martin Meehan (an ultraliberal from Massachusetts who scored “ZERO” in 2006 and 2005 on ACU’s Ratings of Congress), would establish, for the first time, federal regulatory authority over efforts aimed at motivating citizens to communicate with their elected representatives about bills pending in Congress. That’s right, the liberals now want to regulate – and silence – our efforts to keep you informed about what they are doing in Washington.
The Meehan amendment is part of a broader effort by ultraliberal politicians and their special interest cronies to regulate and ultimately discourage ACU’s action messages like this one that keep conservatives like you informed about important legislation moving through Congress.
The groups that are pushing for controls over so-called 'grassroots lobbying' really want lawmakers and other government officials to be more responsive to pressure from certain elites, including liberal special-interest groups and their fat-cat financial backers, the mainstream news media, and powerful congressional committee chairmen.
The full House of Representatives is expected to act on the "lobbying reform" bill (S. 1) on Tuesday, May 22. Depending on what happens in the Judiciary Committee, the full House may also vote on whether to include the Meehan provision in the bill.
Members of the full House, and especially the 40 members of the Judiciary Committee, need to hear from you now in opposition to the Meehan Amendment to S. 1!
On the ACU website's Legislative Action Center, an easy tool will use your zip code to tell you the direct phone number of your representative. The tool will also tell you whether your representative is a Judiciary Committee member, and will suggest an appropriate phone message for you to work from when you call his or her office.
Using this tool, the call will take you just a few minutes -- please act now! To go to the Legislative Action Center tool, just click here, or copy and paste this Internet address into your browser address bar:, just enter your zip code and follow the instructions.
Shop over 300,000 products ar
The U.S. House Judiciary Committee plans to meet on Tuesday, May 15, to consider so-called "lobbying reform" legislation, including the "Meehan Amendment," which is strongly opposed by The American Conservative Union (ACU).
This amendment, sponsored by Rep. Martin Meehan (an ultraliberal from Massachusetts who scored “ZERO” in 2006 and 2005 on ACU’s Ratings of Congress), would establish, for the first time, federal regulatory authority over efforts aimed at motivating citizens to communicate with their elected representatives about bills pending in Congress. That’s right, the liberals now want to regulate – and silence – our efforts to keep you informed about what they are doing in Washington.
The Meehan amendment is part of a broader effort by ultraliberal politicians and their special interest cronies to regulate and ultimately discourage ACU’s action messages like this one that keep conservatives like you informed about important legislation moving through Congress.
The groups that are pushing for controls over so-called 'grassroots lobbying' really want lawmakers and other government officials to be more responsive to pressure from certain elites, including liberal special-interest groups and their fat-cat financial backers, the mainstream news media, and powerful congressional committee chairmen.
The full House of Representatives is expected to act on the "lobbying reform" bill (S. 1) on Tuesday, May 22. Depending on what happens in the Judiciary Committee, the full House may also vote on whether to include the Meehan provision in the bill.
Members of the full House, and especially the 40 members of the Judiciary Committee, need to hear from you now in opposition to the Meehan Amendment to S. 1!
On the ACU website's Legislative Action Center, an easy tool will use your zip code to tell you the direct phone number of your representative. The tool will also tell you whether your representative is a Judiciary Committee member, and will suggest an appropriate phone message for you to work from when you call his or her office.
Using this tool, the call will take you just a few minutes -- please act now! To go to the Legislative Action Center tool, just click here, or copy and paste this Internet address into your browser address bar:, just enter your zip code and follow the instructions.
Shop over 300,000 products ar
Wednesday, May 09, 2007
I used to be a Letterman Fan....
Now the TOP 10 Things a GREAT AMERICAN does NOT do!!!
10. Play a part in a rather raunchy soft core porn movie.
9. Does not pose for pictures with enemy soldiers and equipment in a time of war.
8. Write a tell all book about her sex life.
7. Grow up with privilege and everything they ever needed, including a father to smooth the way in the "Industry."
6. Call American POW's Liars and Hypocrites.
5. Does not heap praise on a form of government that enslaves peoples and commits genocide
4. Does not call enemy soldiers liberators
3. Does not give Bill Clinton praise for getting a blow job in the Oval Office
2. Does not praise the efforts of Murdering terrorists in a second war.
1. Does not accept illegitimate praise on the Letterman show for being a GREAT American.
Dear David..
I have watched the last Letterman show.
I know I am breaking your heart. After all I am sure one less viewer in 40 million will not harm your millions of dollars.. Rich is rich after all. You are set for life.. but the soldiers who fight and die for you are not. They are embarrassed by the actions of a misguided criminal zealot.
However while I accept you are a Liberal, find you funny, I can not believe being a former liberal myself that you would stain your stage with a woman who has used such vitriol against the very men who have fought and died for this country.
Against the SAME GOVERMENT and government agencies that saved your child from kidnapping.
Apparently our form of government is fine when it serves YOU or HER, but when it takes the leadership to stop criminal murderers, you get all bent out of shape and feel sorry for the murderers.
Mr. Letterman a pox on your show.
That is my take on it.
Jim Dicken
10. Play a part in a rather raunchy soft core porn movie.
9. Does not pose for pictures with enemy soldiers and equipment in a time of war.
8. Write a tell all book about her sex life.
7. Grow up with privilege and everything they ever needed, including a father to smooth the way in the "Industry."
6. Call American POW's Liars and Hypocrites.
5. Does not heap praise on a form of government that enslaves peoples and commits genocide
4. Does not call enemy soldiers liberators
3. Does not give Bill Clinton praise for getting a blow job in the Oval Office
2. Does not praise the efforts of Murdering terrorists in a second war.
1. Does not accept illegitimate praise on the Letterman show for being a GREAT American.
Dear David..
I have watched the last Letterman show.
I know I am breaking your heart. After all I am sure one less viewer in 40 million will not harm your millions of dollars.. Rich is rich after all. You are set for life.. but the soldiers who fight and die for you are not. They are embarrassed by the actions of a misguided criminal zealot.
However while I accept you are a Liberal, find you funny, I can not believe being a former liberal myself that you would stain your stage with a woman who has used such vitriol against the very men who have fought and died for this country.
Against the SAME GOVERMENT and government agencies that saved your child from kidnapping.
Apparently our form of government is fine when it serves YOU or HER, but when it takes the leadership to stop criminal murderers, you get all bent out of shape and feel sorry for the murderers.
Mr. Letterman a pox on your show.
That is my take on it.
Jim Dicken
Tuesday, May 08, 2007
50 Years
See what 50 years will do.
Scenario: Jack pulls into school parking lot with rifle in gun rack.
1956 - Vice Principal comes over, takes a look at Jack's rifle, goes to His car and gets his to show Jack.
2006 - School goes into lockdown, FBI called, Jack hauled off to jail and never sees his truck or gun again. Counselors called in for traumatized students and teachers.
Scenario: Johnny and Mark get into a fist fight after school.
1956 - Crowd gathers. Mark wins. Johnny and Mark shake hands and end up Best friends. Nobody goes to jail, nobody arrested, nobody expelled.
2006 - Police called, SWAT team arrives, arrests Johnny and Mark. Charge them with assault, both expelled even though Johnny started it.
Scenario: Jeffrey won't be still in class, disrupts other students.
1956 - Jeffrey sent to office and given a good paddling by Principal.
Sits still in class.
2006 - Jeffrey given huge doses of Ritalin. Becomes a zombie. School gets extra money from state because Jeffrey has a disability.
Scenario: Billy breaks a window in his father's car and his Dad gives him A whipping.
1956 - Billy is more careful next time, grows up normal, goes to college, and becomes a successful businessman.
2006 - Billy's Dad is arrested for child abuse. Billy removed to foster care and joins a gang. Billy's sister is told by state psychologist that she remembers being abused herself and their Dad goes to prison. Billy's mom has affair with psychologist.
Scenario: Mark gets a headache and takes some headache medicine to school.
1956 - Mark shares headache medicine with Principal out on the smoking dock.
2006 - Police called, Mark expelled from school for drug violations. Car searched for drugs and weapons.
Scenario: Pedro fails high school English.
1956 : Pedro goes to summer school, passes English, goes to college.
2006 : Pedro's cause is taken up by state Democratic Party. Newspaper articles appear nationally explaining that teaching English as a requirement for graduation is racist. ACLU files class action lawsuit against state school system and Pedro's English teacher. English banned from core curriculum. Pedro given diploma anyway but ends up mowing lawns for a living because he can't speak English.
Scenario: Johnny takes apart leftover firecrackers from the 4th of July,puts them in a model airplane paint bottle, blows up a red ant bed.
1956 - Ants die.
2006 - BATF, Homeland Security, FBI called. Johnny charged with domestic terrorism, FBI investigates parents, siblings removed from home, computers confiscated, Johnny's Dad goes on a terror watch list and is never allowed to fly again.
Scenario: Johnny falls while running during recess and scrapes his knee. He is found crying by his teacher, Mary. Mary, hugs him to comfort him.
1956 - In a short time Johnny feels better and goes on playing.
2006 - Mary is accused of being a sexual predator and loses her job. She faces 3 years in State Prison. Is something wrong here????
Scenario: Jack pulls into school parking lot with rifle in gun rack.
1956 - Vice Principal comes over, takes a look at Jack's rifle, goes to His car and gets his to show Jack.
2006 - School goes into lockdown, FBI called, Jack hauled off to jail and never sees his truck or gun again. Counselors called in for traumatized students and teachers.
Scenario: Johnny and Mark get into a fist fight after school.
1956 - Crowd gathers. Mark wins. Johnny and Mark shake hands and end up Best friends. Nobody goes to jail, nobody arrested, nobody expelled.
2006 - Police called, SWAT team arrives, arrests Johnny and Mark. Charge them with assault, both expelled even though Johnny started it.
Scenario: Jeffrey won't be still in class, disrupts other students.
1956 - Jeffrey sent to office and given a good paddling by Principal.
Sits still in class.
2006 - Jeffrey given huge doses of Ritalin. Becomes a zombie. School gets extra money from state because Jeffrey has a disability.
Scenario: Billy breaks a window in his father's car and his Dad gives him A whipping.
1956 - Billy is more careful next time, grows up normal, goes to college, and becomes a successful businessman.
2006 - Billy's Dad is arrested for child abuse. Billy removed to foster care and joins a gang. Billy's sister is told by state psychologist that she remembers being abused herself and their Dad goes to prison. Billy's mom has affair with psychologist.
Scenario: Mark gets a headache and takes some headache medicine to school.
1956 - Mark shares headache medicine with Principal out on the smoking dock.
2006 - Police called, Mark expelled from school for drug violations. Car searched for drugs and weapons.
Scenario: Pedro fails high school English.
1956 : Pedro goes to summer school, passes English, goes to college.
2006 : Pedro's cause is taken up by state Democratic Party. Newspaper articles appear nationally explaining that teaching English as a requirement for graduation is racist. ACLU files class action lawsuit against state school system and Pedro's English teacher. English banned from core curriculum. Pedro given diploma anyway but ends up mowing lawns for a living because he can't speak English.
Scenario: Johnny takes apart leftover firecrackers from the 4th of July,puts them in a model airplane paint bottle, blows up a red ant bed.
1956 - Ants die.
2006 - BATF, Homeland Security, FBI called. Johnny charged with domestic terrorism, FBI investigates parents, siblings removed from home, computers confiscated, Johnny's Dad goes on a terror watch list and is never allowed to fly again.
Scenario: Johnny falls while running during recess and scrapes his knee. He is found crying by his teacher, Mary. Mary, hugs him to comfort him.
1956 - In a short time Johnny feels better and goes on playing.
2006 - Mary is accused of being a sexual predator and loses her job. She faces 3 years in State Prison. Is something wrong here????
Wednesday, May 02, 2007
Northup for Governor Campaign
I was at one time a Northup Fan. However I have mixed emotions about her run for Governor. I honestly believe that this is a mistake on her part. She should be taking back her congressional office not taking on the FIRST Republican Governor in 40 years.
Still while Fletcher had one major scandal in his administration, I believe had the law been followed under the Democratic Administrations over the last 40 years Mr. Flectcher would not have been in the situation he was in.
Still and all the State is a better place today than it was 4 years ago under Democrats.
NOW my main problem is the newest of Northup's campaign commercials. The one that shows the Democrats lining up their commercials and here is what they will say.
Ann if you can not take responsibility for the commercial do not run it.
My take is that if they DO run those commercials that at least 3 of the Gubernatorial Candidates can have the same commercial run against them by Fletcher. The Democratic party was rife with favoritism and as a former State Employee who was a Democrat I was exposed to such unfair behavior during the Brown Administration and the turn over to the next governor.
Most State employees have had state jobs denied to them in order to pay off some OTHER Democrat in the last 40 years.
I do not feel sorry for those who lost their jobs under Fletcher. Most likely they got the job due to favoritism from a previous administration. Flectcher's administration has been one of the fairest in hiring in over 40 years DESPITE the indictment of his personell.
Ann if you can not "Take Ownership" of a commercial don't run it.
Thats My Take on it..
Still while Fletcher had one major scandal in his administration, I believe had the law been followed under the Democratic Administrations over the last 40 years Mr. Flectcher would not have been in the situation he was in.
Still and all the State is a better place today than it was 4 years ago under Democrats.
NOW my main problem is the newest of Northup's campaign commercials. The one that shows the Democrats lining up their commercials and here is what they will say.
Ann if you can not take responsibility for the commercial do not run it.
My take is that if they DO run those commercials that at least 3 of the Gubernatorial Candidates can have the same commercial run against them by Fletcher. The Democratic party was rife with favoritism and as a former State Employee who was a Democrat I was exposed to such unfair behavior during the Brown Administration and the turn over to the next governor.
Most State employees have had state jobs denied to them in order to pay off some OTHER Democrat in the last 40 years.
I do not feel sorry for those who lost their jobs under Fletcher. Most likely they got the job due to favoritism from a previous administration. Flectcher's administration has been one of the fairest in hiring in over 40 years DESPITE the indictment of his personell.
Ann if you can not "Take Ownership" of a commercial don't run it.
Thats My Take on it..
Tuesday, May 01, 2007
Clinton releases ALL 90 U.S Attorneys..
Clinton releases 90 attorneys and the Liberal Media says nothing..
Bush lets 8 go and the world is going crazy? LMAO
Monday, April 30, 2007
ABC and a POSITIVE portrayal of our soldiers and Sacrifice
In what had to be a short sighted mistake, the ABC News Anchor tonite quoted a Service Man killed in Iraq. The soldier from Murfreesboro died near the end of his second tour of duty in Iraq that he VOLUNTEERED for.
The Soldier said in a letter to his son, " We fight and sometimes die, so that our family does not have to." Do we not owe these men our support in fighting this war?
ABC, and other news organizations do almost anything to denegrate this war and what it is about. Today they trotted out a grieving son, only to make the point that Conservative's and others are making. OUR MEN CHOOSE to go and to serve. They chose to fight terror where it is born, and to refuse to provide support, and to micro manage the war, is wrong.
Shame on the news media for failing to support these courageous men.
Jim Dicken
The Soldier said in a letter to his son, " We fight and sometimes die, so that our family does not have to." Do we not owe these men our support in fighting this war?
ABC, and other news organizations do almost anything to denegrate this war and what it is about. Today they trotted out a grieving son, only to make the point that Conservative's and others are making. OUR MEN CHOOSE to go and to serve. They chose to fight terror where it is born, and to refuse to provide support, and to micro manage the war, is wrong.
Shame on the news media for failing to support these courageous men.
Jim Dicken
Saturday, April 28, 2007
LMAO.. Alec Baldwin as Hero Jimmy Doolittle??
He gave a great speech in the movie PEARL.. with Ben Afleck in it. Talking about how he new we would win because of the boys who were flying the planes willing to sacrifice their lives for their country on what was basically a suicide mission.
What a shame he can not see that our men today have the same courage and willingness to die to win the war on terror.
What a shame these men play such heroes who would today repudiate what they stand for and would be ashamed to have themselves played by cowards.
I had to laugh.. I laughed hysterically to hear such statements come from a man that promised to leave the country if George Bush was re-elected.
Hate is a terrible thing, but self hatred is worse.
The liberals hate this country and what it stands for. They refuse to see that we have done nothing to provoke Al Queda and have even aided Al Queda in overthrowing the Russians in Afghanistan. The pay off? The destruction of the WTC and the killing of thousands of civilians. YET people like Alec Baldwin blame this country and his vast riches for the attack. This from a man who can buy and sell most of the people in this country.
Alec Baldwin makes as much in a year as I will make in a lifetime.
Yet I seem clearly that this country is great. Is willing to share and to help ANY country at any time of disaster. The ONLY COUNTRY in the world that can on a moments notice fly in tons of relief aid, and doctors and medical supplies .. a country that at any time can and will donate millions if not billions to help strangers. A country that has started most of the technical revolutions of the past 100 years.
This is the country Alec Baldwin and his ilk would attack and call defeated.
Senator Ried YOU SIR are a coward who would win Political Advantage through defeat.
YOU are a traitor to the good men and women who fight for your freedom.
Thats My Take on it.. using my right to free speech.
Jim Dicken
What a shame he can not see that our men today have the same courage and willingness to die to win the war on terror.
What a shame these men play such heroes who would today repudiate what they stand for and would be ashamed to have themselves played by cowards.
I had to laugh.. I laughed hysterically to hear such statements come from a man that promised to leave the country if George Bush was re-elected.
Hate is a terrible thing, but self hatred is worse.
The liberals hate this country and what it stands for. They refuse to see that we have done nothing to provoke Al Queda and have even aided Al Queda in overthrowing the Russians in Afghanistan. The pay off? The destruction of the WTC and the killing of thousands of civilians. YET people like Alec Baldwin blame this country and his vast riches for the attack. This from a man who can buy and sell most of the people in this country.
Alec Baldwin makes as much in a year as I will make in a lifetime.
Yet I seem clearly that this country is great. Is willing to share and to help ANY country at any time of disaster. The ONLY COUNTRY in the world that can on a moments notice fly in tons of relief aid, and doctors and medical supplies .. a country that at any time can and will donate millions if not billions to help strangers. A country that has started most of the technical revolutions of the past 100 years.
This is the country Alec Baldwin and his ilk would attack and call defeated.
Senator Ried YOU SIR are a coward who would win Political Advantage through defeat.
YOU are a traitor to the good men and women who fight for your freedom.
Thats My Take on it.. using my right to free speech.
Jim Dicken
I've Been YOUTubing again... LOL
In response for someone blaming the Republicans for 9-11 and calling the Iraq war bogus.. and criticizing the Republican Pro Business policies I posted the following:
On the issue of National Security the Democrats are the problem. The perpetrator of 9-11 was offered to the previous DEMOCRAT 3 times by Sudan. Was involved in the Black Hawk Down incident, and had tried once to take the WTC down. What did the Democrats do?? Cut the intelligence budget, putting the new Administration in the dark. You are right. It happened on Bush's Watch, but you are short sited.
This was a response to my post:
WONDERFUL HOW YOU DREDGE UP many-years-old rumor, half-truth, and fabrication to support the myth that Republicans are competent at national security. The fact is they have blundered us into the worst strategic error, in invading Iraq, in the history of our country. This is undeniable, and on the news every night. Republicans launched an ill-conceived military adventure that turned in to a national nightmare. Democrats will end it.
Years od\ld? Well yeah, it was a real democratic failing that led to 9-11 not anything the Bush Administration did or did not do. I did not say that Republicans are more competent at National Security, just more competent than the Clinton Administration that wanted to chase them down and INDICT them. When someone declares war on the United States, you do not indict them YOU KILL THEM. Ossama Bin Laden had declared war on our country. He attacked our soldiers in the Sudan, he attacked ships, he tried to take down the WTC and we tried to INDICT him. Then we took too much of a Peace dividend and decreased the Intelligence budget and declared war on our own CIA, DIA, and the NSA cutting 10 Billion from their budget and restricting how they could gather intelligence.
I grew up a Democrat. Hated Regan, but the one thing I constantly see in this country is exactly what Ossama Bin Laden sees.. we are afraid to sacrifice our lives for our freedom.
Democrats and especially liberal democrats want to find a way to take the blame for the attack. After all it has to be OUR FAULT. We had to have offended these people..
NO as a matter of fact we ARMED them to fight the Soviets. Helped them to gain their freedom from oppression and then they began to attack us.
They hate our way of life, our religion, and our economy.
They hate our success, our intelligence and most of all they just hate.
The invasion of Iraq was NOT ill advised or a mistake.
What was a mistake was not sending enough soldiers to handle the aftermath.
The Iraq War was won for the most part. Then Al Queda showed up. Well they didn't just show up they were already THERE. They intentionally attacked Mosque's and did as much damage as possible to create a civil war. This is what we are fighting. Evil that would kill its own women and children.
This is what Democrats want to leave Iraq to. WE invaded this country and we have a responsibility to fix the problem.
We can not continue to send men to war and then tell them they have lost a war when they have not been allowed to win it. WE MUST allow our military to WIN this war. It is winnable. Failure to win in this theater, to stop this advance of Al Queda will mean a century of fighting and dieing for our military and for civilians at home.
Al Queda is HERE NOW. Waiting for us to pull out to demoralize us even more.
The attempts to destroy Oil Fields in Saudi Arabia were meant to destroy the worlds Economy, and to create Anarchy.
Anarchy is what Al Queda needs and is striving for. NO DEMOCRAT currently running for office understands this. Even Republicans do not get it.
IF we turn Iraq over to Al Queda it will mean the destruction of the Western Economies within a decade. Saudi will eventually be over run by the Wahabi Sect Mullahs and their followers. They will not be able to buy off the terrorists as they have in the past. When Saudi goes, with Venezuela standing on the side of the terrorists, our oil based economy and businesses will fail.
When that happens it will be to the benefit of Al Queda.
Roosevelt sat in the Oval office right after the Pearl Harbor attack.
He said when I see defeat in the eyes of my Generals and my Admirals I understand why he put me in this wheelchair. When the Generals and Admirals said an attack on Japan was impossible Mr. Roosevelt STOOD from his wheelchair, and told his people...
3 moths later Jimmy Doolittle hit Japan.
When I hear talk of defeat from the House and the Senate, I remember that and I say NOTHING IS IMPOSSIBLE. Give our men the tools and they will persevere.. They will sacrifice and they will win. We lost over 250,000 men in WW2. We have an entire volunteer military willing to make the sacrifice to win this war, and all Democrats can do is talk of Defeat.
When will we talk of winning?
We are giving aid and comfort to the enemy. WE are winning the war FOR Ossama Bin Laden. This is what he wants. We may some day kill that bastard, but in the end killing him is not what is going to solve the problem. WE MUST bring civilization to the 3rd World. We must help the rest of the world to have the success that the United States has had. When we do that Al Queda will lose it's hold and will no longer be able to recruit. When Al Queda no longer offers hope to the downtrodden, only then can we defeat them. Leaving Iraq will give hope to Al Queda and talk of leaving is worse than treason. Free Speech comes with a price. I fear the price we may pay for it here is our own defeat.
Thats My Take On It!
Jim Dicken
On the issue of National Security the Democrats are the problem. The perpetrator of 9-11 was offered to the previous DEMOCRAT 3 times by Sudan. Was involved in the Black Hawk Down incident, and had tried once to take the WTC down. What did the Democrats do?? Cut the intelligence budget, putting the new Administration in the dark. You are right. It happened on Bush's Watch, but you are short sited.
This was a response to my post:
WONDERFUL HOW YOU DREDGE UP many-years-old rumor, half-truth, and fabrication to support the myth that Republicans are competent at national security. The fact is they have blundered us into the worst strategic error, in invading Iraq, in the history of our country. This is undeniable, and on the news every night. Republicans launched an ill-conceived military adventure that turned in to a national nightmare. Democrats will end it.
Years od\ld? Well yeah, it was a real democratic failing that led to 9-11 not anything the Bush Administration did or did not do. I did not say that Republicans are more competent at National Security, just more competent than the Clinton Administration that wanted to chase them down and INDICT them. When someone declares war on the United States, you do not indict them YOU KILL THEM. Ossama Bin Laden had declared war on our country. He attacked our soldiers in the Sudan, he attacked ships, he tried to take down the WTC and we tried to INDICT him. Then we took too much of a Peace dividend and decreased the Intelligence budget and declared war on our own CIA, DIA, and the NSA cutting 10 Billion from their budget and restricting how they could gather intelligence.
I grew up a Democrat. Hated Regan, but the one thing I constantly see in this country is exactly what Ossama Bin Laden sees.. we are afraid to sacrifice our lives for our freedom.
Democrats and especially liberal democrats want to find a way to take the blame for the attack. After all it has to be OUR FAULT. We had to have offended these people..
NO as a matter of fact we ARMED them to fight the Soviets. Helped them to gain their freedom from oppression and then they began to attack us.
They hate our way of life, our religion, and our economy.
They hate our success, our intelligence and most of all they just hate.
The invasion of Iraq was NOT ill advised or a mistake.
What was a mistake was not sending enough soldiers to handle the aftermath.
The Iraq War was won for the most part. Then Al Queda showed up. Well they didn't just show up they were already THERE. They intentionally attacked Mosque's and did as much damage as possible to create a civil war. This is what we are fighting. Evil that would kill its own women and children.
This is what Democrats want to leave Iraq to. WE invaded this country and we have a responsibility to fix the problem.
We can not continue to send men to war and then tell them they have lost a war when they have not been allowed to win it. WE MUST allow our military to WIN this war. It is winnable. Failure to win in this theater, to stop this advance of Al Queda will mean a century of fighting and dieing for our military and for civilians at home.
Al Queda is HERE NOW. Waiting for us to pull out to demoralize us even more.
The attempts to destroy Oil Fields in Saudi Arabia were meant to destroy the worlds Economy, and to create Anarchy.
Anarchy is what Al Queda needs and is striving for. NO DEMOCRAT currently running for office understands this. Even Republicans do not get it.
IF we turn Iraq over to Al Queda it will mean the destruction of the Western Economies within a decade. Saudi will eventually be over run by the Wahabi Sect Mullahs and their followers. They will not be able to buy off the terrorists as they have in the past. When Saudi goes, with Venezuela standing on the side of the terrorists, our oil based economy and businesses will fail.
When that happens it will be to the benefit of Al Queda.
Roosevelt sat in the Oval office right after the Pearl Harbor attack.
He said when I see defeat in the eyes of my Generals and my Admirals I understand why he put me in this wheelchair. When the Generals and Admirals said an attack on Japan was impossible Mr. Roosevelt STOOD from his wheelchair, and told his people...
3 moths later Jimmy Doolittle hit Japan.
When I hear talk of defeat from the House and the Senate, I remember that and I say NOTHING IS IMPOSSIBLE. Give our men the tools and they will persevere.. They will sacrifice and they will win. We lost over 250,000 men in WW2. We have an entire volunteer military willing to make the sacrifice to win this war, and all Democrats can do is talk of Defeat.
When will we talk of winning?
We are giving aid and comfort to the enemy. WE are winning the war FOR Ossama Bin Laden. This is what he wants. We may some day kill that bastard, but in the end killing him is not what is going to solve the problem. WE MUST bring civilization to the 3rd World. We must help the rest of the world to have the success that the United States has had. When we do that Al Queda will lose it's hold and will no longer be able to recruit. When Al Queda no longer offers hope to the downtrodden, only then can we defeat them. Leaving Iraq will give hope to Al Queda and talk of leaving is worse than treason. Free Speech comes with a price. I fear the price we may pay for it here is our own defeat.
Thats My Take On It!
Jim Dicken
The Right Man for the Job! Fred Thompson
I will not mince words.
Fred Thompson is my choice for the next President of the United States.
His integrity is without question.
His loyalty is to the process and to the people of this country.
He will protect and defend this country. He will not try to defeat terror using the court system but will fight it with military force as terror should be fought.
Mr. Thompson is my choice for President of the United States of America.
Please contribute to the "Draft Fred Thompson" Campaign.
Friday, April 27, 2007
Give Me A BREAK!

Ok I am going to start this off positively sort of..
Regis is back, Rosie is gone and the world is back on its axix again.
HOWEVER, I do want to criticize Rosie for todays Acting Event with 30 Rock's Alec Baldwin. What part of Alec is an actor for a living do you not get. He is not sorry for his tantrum, what we saw was Alec NOT acting. Being Himself when he thought he was not in the Public Eye. His whole performance today was scripted. He said the right thing. He was not made up, came in with a scruffy beard, all to make him look like he was stressed out and dealing with issues that any of us would have..
WELL HELL NO most people would not be dealing with these issues. It is quite apparent from his little speech to his daughter that his wife's claims of abuse at his hands are most likely valid. No wonder the woman does not want him to have custody.
You made a promise to America that if George Bush was elected President that you would move out of the country. You did not keep your promise and we now wish you would
Thats My take on Alec and his acting
Jim Dicken
No Handles for me
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