Ok I am going to start this off positively sort of..
Regis is back, Rosie is gone and the world is back on its axix again.
HOWEVER, I do want to criticize Rosie for todays Acting Event with 30 Rock's Alec Baldwin. What part of Alec is an actor for a living do you not get. He is not sorry for his tantrum, what we saw was Alec NOT acting. Being Himself when he thought he was not in the Public Eye. His whole performance today was scripted. He said the right thing. He was not made up, came in with a scruffy beard, all to make him look like he was stressed out and dealing with issues that any of us would have..
WELL HELL NO most people would not be dealing with these issues. It is quite apparent from his little speech to his daughter that his wife's claims of abuse at his hands are most likely valid. No wonder the woman does not want him to have custody.
You made a promise to America that if George Bush was elected President that you would move out of the country. You did not keep your promise and we now wish you would
Thats My take on Alec and his acting
Jim Dicken
No Handles for me