In response for someone blaming the Republicans for 9-11 and calling the Iraq war bogus.. and criticizing the Republican Pro Business policies I posted the following:
On the issue of National Security the Democrats are the problem. The perpetrator of 9-11 was offered to the previous DEMOCRAT 3 times by Sudan. Was involved in the Black Hawk Down incident, and had tried once to take the WTC down. What did the Democrats do?? Cut the intelligence budget, putting the new Administration in the dark. You are right. It happened on Bush's Watch, but you are short sited.
This was a response to my post:
WONDERFUL HOW YOU DREDGE UP many-years-old rumor, half-truth, and fabrication to support the myth that Republicans are competent at national security. The fact is they have blundered us into the worst strategic error, in invading Iraq, in the history of our country. This is undeniable, and on the news every night. Republicans launched an ill-conceived military adventure that turned in to a national nightmare. Democrats will end it.
Years od\ld? Well yeah, it was a real democratic failing that led to 9-11 not anything the Bush Administration did or did not do. I did not say that Republicans are more competent at National Security, just more competent than the Clinton Administration that wanted to chase them down and INDICT them. When someone declares war on the United States, you do not indict them YOU KILL THEM. Ossama Bin Laden had declared war on our country. He attacked our soldiers in the Sudan, he attacked ships, he tried to take down the WTC and we tried to INDICT him. Then we took too much of a Peace dividend and decreased the Intelligence budget and declared war on our own CIA, DIA, and the NSA cutting 10 Billion from their budget and restricting how they could gather intelligence.
I grew up a Democrat. Hated Regan, but the one thing I constantly see in this country is exactly what Ossama Bin Laden sees.. we are afraid to sacrifice our lives for our freedom.
Democrats and especially liberal democrats want to find a way to take the blame for the attack. After all it has to be OUR FAULT. We had to have offended these people..
NO as a matter of fact we ARMED them to fight the Soviets. Helped them to gain their freedom from oppression and then they began to attack us.
They hate our way of life, our religion, and our economy.
They hate our success, our intelligence and most of all they just hate.
The invasion of Iraq was NOT ill advised or a mistake.
What was a mistake was not sending enough soldiers to handle the aftermath.
The Iraq War was won for the most part. Then Al Queda showed up. Well they didn't just show up they were already THERE. They intentionally attacked Mosque's and did as much damage as possible to create a civil war. This is what we are fighting. Evil that would kill its own women and children.
This is what Democrats want to leave Iraq to. WE invaded this country and we have a responsibility to fix the problem.
We can not continue to send men to war and then tell them they have lost a war when they have not been allowed to win it. WE MUST allow our military to WIN this war. It is winnable. Failure to win in this theater, to stop this advance of Al Queda will mean a century of fighting and dieing for our military and for civilians at home.
Al Queda is HERE NOW. Waiting for us to pull out to demoralize us even more.
The attempts to destroy Oil Fields in Saudi Arabia were meant to destroy the worlds Economy, and to create Anarchy.
Anarchy is what Al Queda needs and is striving for. NO DEMOCRAT currently running for office understands this. Even Republicans do not get it.
IF we turn Iraq over to Al Queda it will mean the destruction of the Western Economies within a decade. Saudi will eventually be over run by the Wahabi Sect Mullahs and their followers. They will not be able to buy off the terrorists as they have in the past. When Saudi goes, with Venezuela standing on the side of the terrorists, our oil based economy and businesses will fail.
When that happens it will be to the benefit of Al Queda.
Roosevelt sat in the Oval office right after the Pearl Harbor attack.
He said when I see defeat in the eyes of my Generals and my Admirals I understand why he put me in this wheelchair. When the Generals and Admirals said an attack on Japan was impossible Mr. Roosevelt STOOD from his wheelchair, and told his people...
3 moths later Jimmy Doolittle hit Japan.
When I hear talk of defeat from the House and the Senate, I remember that and I say NOTHING IS IMPOSSIBLE. Give our men the tools and they will persevere.. They will sacrifice and they will win. We lost over 250,000 men in WW2. We have an entire volunteer military willing to make the sacrifice to win this war, and all Democrats can do is talk of Defeat.
When will we talk of winning?
We are giving aid and comfort to the enemy. WE are winning the war FOR Ossama Bin Laden. This is what he wants. We may some day kill that bastard, but in the end killing him is not what is going to solve the problem. WE MUST bring civilization to the 3rd World. We must help the rest of the world to have the success that the United States has had. When we do that Al Queda will lose it's hold and will no longer be able to recruit. When Al Queda no longer offers hope to the downtrodden, only then can we defeat them. Leaving Iraq will give hope to Al Queda and talk of leaving is worse than treason. Free Speech comes with a price. I fear the price we may pay for it here is our own defeat.
Thats My Take On It!
Jim Dicken