In what had to be a short sighted mistake, the ABC News Anchor tonite quoted a Service Man killed in Iraq. The soldier from Murfreesboro died near the end of his second tour of duty in Iraq that he VOLUNTEERED for.
The Soldier said in a letter to his son, " We fight and sometimes die, so that our family does not have to." Do we not owe these men our support in fighting this war?
ABC, and other news organizations do almost anything to denegrate this war and what it is about. Today they trotted out a grieving son, only to make the point that Conservative's and others are making. OUR MEN CHOOSE to go and to serve. They chose to fight terror where it is born, and to refuse to provide support, and to micro manage the war, is wrong.
Shame on the news media for failing to support these courageous men.
Jim Dicken
Monday, April 30, 2007
Saturday, April 28, 2007
LMAO.. Alec Baldwin as Hero Jimmy Doolittle??
He gave a great speech in the movie PEARL.. with Ben Afleck in it. Talking about how he new we would win because of the boys who were flying the planes willing to sacrifice their lives for their country on what was basically a suicide mission.
What a shame he can not see that our men today have the same courage and willingness to die to win the war on terror.
What a shame these men play such heroes who would today repudiate what they stand for and would be ashamed to have themselves played by cowards.
I had to laugh.. I laughed hysterically to hear such statements come from a man that promised to leave the country if George Bush was re-elected.
Hate is a terrible thing, but self hatred is worse.
The liberals hate this country and what it stands for. They refuse to see that we have done nothing to provoke Al Queda and have even aided Al Queda in overthrowing the Russians in Afghanistan. The pay off? The destruction of the WTC and the killing of thousands of civilians. YET people like Alec Baldwin blame this country and his vast riches for the attack. This from a man who can buy and sell most of the people in this country.
Alec Baldwin makes as much in a year as I will make in a lifetime.
Yet I seem clearly that this country is great. Is willing to share and to help ANY country at any time of disaster. The ONLY COUNTRY in the world that can on a moments notice fly in tons of relief aid, and doctors and medical supplies .. a country that at any time can and will donate millions if not billions to help strangers. A country that has started most of the technical revolutions of the past 100 years.
This is the country Alec Baldwin and his ilk would attack and call defeated.
Senator Ried YOU SIR are a coward who would win Political Advantage through defeat.
YOU are a traitor to the good men and women who fight for your freedom.
Thats My Take on it.. using my right to free speech.
Jim Dicken
What a shame he can not see that our men today have the same courage and willingness to die to win the war on terror.
What a shame these men play such heroes who would today repudiate what they stand for and would be ashamed to have themselves played by cowards.
I had to laugh.. I laughed hysterically to hear such statements come from a man that promised to leave the country if George Bush was re-elected.
Hate is a terrible thing, but self hatred is worse.
The liberals hate this country and what it stands for. They refuse to see that we have done nothing to provoke Al Queda and have even aided Al Queda in overthrowing the Russians in Afghanistan. The pay off? The destruction of the WTC and the killing of thousands of civilians. YET people like Alec Baldwin blame this country and his vast riches for the attack. This from a man who can buy and sell most of the people in this country.
Alec Baldwin makes as much in a year as I will make in a lifetime.
Yet I seem clearly that this country is great. Is willing to share and to help ANY country at any time of disaster. The ONLY COUNTRY in the world that can on a moments notice fly in tons of relief aid, and doctors and medical supplies .. a country that at any time can and will donate millions if not billions to help strangers. A country that has started most of the technical revolutions of the past 100 years.
This is the country Alec Baldwin and his ilk would attack and call defeated.
Senator Ried YOU SIR are a coward who would win Political Advantage through defeat.
YOU are a traitor to the good men and women who fight for your freedom.
Thats My Take on it.. using my right to free speech.
Jim Dicken
I've Been YOUTubing again... LOL
In response for someone blaming the Republicans for 9-11 and calling the Iraq war bogus.. and criticizing the Republican Pro Business policies I posted the following:
On the issue of National Security the Democrats are the problem. The perpetrator of 9-11 was offered to the previous DEMOCRAT 3 times by Sudan. Was involved in the Black Hawk Down incident, and had tried once to take the WTC down. What did the Democrats do?? Cut the intelligence budget, putting the new Administration in the dark. You are right. It happened on Bush's Watch, but you are short sited.
This was a response to my post:
WONDERFUL HOW YOU DREDGE UP many-years-old rumor, half-truth, and fabrication to support the myth that Republicans are competent at national security. The fact is they have blundered us into the worst strategic error, in invading Iraq, in the history of our country. This is undeniable, and on the news every night. Republicans launched an ill-conceived military adventure that turned in to a national nightmare. Democrats will end it.
Years od\ld? Well yeah, it was a real democratic failing that led to 9-11 not anything the Bush Administration did or did not do. I did not say that Republicans are more competent at National Security, just more competent than the Clinton Administration that wanted to chase them down and INDICT them. When someone declares war on the United States, you do not indict them YOU KILL THEM. Ossama Bin Laden had declared war on our country. He attacked our soldiers in the Sudan, he attacked ships, he tried to take down the WTC and we tried to INDICT him. Then we took too much of a Peace dividend and decreased the Intelligence budget and declared war on our own CIA, DIA, and the NSA cutting 10 Billion from their budget and restricting how they could gather intelligence.
I grew up a Democrat. Hated Regan, but the one thing I constantly see in this country is exactly what Ossama Bin Laden sees.. we are afraid to sacrifice our lives for our freedom.
Democrats and especially liberal democrats want to find a way to take the blame for the attack. After all it has to be OUR FAULT. We had to have offended these people..
NO as a matter of fact we ARMED them to fight the Soviets. Helped them to gain their freedom from oppression and then they began to attack us.
They hate our way of life, our religion, and our economy.
They hate our success, our intelligence and most of all they just hate.
The invasion of Iraq was NOT ill advised or a mistake.
What was a mistake was not sending enough soldiers to handle the aftermath.
The Iraq War was won for the most part. Then Al Queda showed up. Well they didn't just show up they were already THERE. They intentionally attacked Mosque's and did as much damage as possible to create a civil war. This is what we are fighting. Evil that would kill its own women and children.
This is what Democrats want to leave Iraq to. WE invaded this country and we have a responsibility to fix the problem.
We can not continue to send men to war and then tell them they have lost a war when they have not been allowed to win it. WE MUST allow our military to WIN this war. It is winnable. Failure to win in this theater, to stop this advance of Al Queda will mean a century of fighting and dieing for our military and for civilians at home.
Al Queda is HERE NOW. Waiting for us to pull out to demoralize us even more.
The attempts to destroy Oil Fields in Saudi Arabia were meant to destroy the worlds Economy, and to create Anarchy.
Anarchy is what Al Queda needs and is striving for. NO DEMOCRAT currently running for office understands this. Even Republicans do not get it.
IF we turn Iraq over to Al Queda it will mean the destruction of the Western Economies within a decade. Saudi will eventually be over run by the Wahabi Sect Mullahs and their followers. They will not be able to buy off the terrorists as they have in the past. When Saudi goes, with Venezuela standing on the side of the terrorists, our oil based economy and businesses will fail.
When that happens it will be to the benefit of Al Queda.
Roosevelt sat in the Oval office right after the Pearl Harbor attack.
He said when I see defeat in the eyes of my Generals and my Admirals I understand why he put me in this wheelchair. When the Generals and Admirals said an attack on Japan was impossible Mr. Roosevelt STOOD from his wheelchair, and told his people...
3 moths later Jimmy Doolittle hit Japan.
When I hear talk of defeat from the House and the Senate, I remember that and I say NOTHING IS IMPOSSIBLE. Give our men the tools and they will persevere.. They will sacrifice and they will win. We lost over 250,000 men in WW2. We have an entire volunteer military willing to make the sacrifice to win this war, and all Democrats can do is talk of Defeat.
When will we talk of winning?
We are giving aid and comfort to the enemy. WE are winning the war FOR Ossama Bin Laden. This is what he wants. We may some day kill that bastard, but in the end killing him is not what is going to solve the problem. WE MUST bring civilization to the 3rd World. We must help the rest of the world to have the success that the United States has had. When we do that Al Queda will lose it's hold and will no longer be able to recruit. When Al Queda no longer offers hope to the downtrodden, only then can we defeat them. Leaving Iraq will give hope to Al Queda and talk of leaving is worse than treason. Free Speech comes with a price. I fear the price we may pay for it here is our own defeat.
Thats My Take On It!
Jim Dicken
On the issue of National Security the Democrats are the problem. The perpetrator of 9-11 was offered to the previous DEMOCRAT 3 times by Sudan. Was involved in the Black Hawk Down incident, and had tried once to take the WTC down. What did the Democrats do?? Cut the intelligence budget, putting the new Administration in the dark. You are right. It happened on Bush's Watch, but you are short sited.
This was a response to my post:
WONDERFUL HOW YOU DREDGE UP many-years-old rumor, half-truth, and fabrication to support the myth that Republicans are competent at national security. The fact is they have blundered us into the worst strategic error, in invading Iraq, in the history of our country. This is undeniable, and on the news every night. Republicans launched an ill-conceived military adventure that turned in to a national nightmare. Democrats will end it.
Years od\ld? Well yeah, it was a real democratic failing that led to 9-11 not anything the Bush Administration did or did not do. I did not say that Republicans are more competent at National Security, just more competent than the Clinton Administration that wanted to chase them down and INDICT them. When someone declares war on the United States, you do not indict them YOU KILL THEM. Ossama Bin Laden had declared war on our country. He attacked our soldiers in the Sudan, he attacked ships, he tried to take down the WTC and we tried to INDICT him. Then we took too much of a Peace dividend and decreased the Intelligence budget and declared war on our own CIA, DIA, and the NSA cutting 10 Billion from their budget and restricting how they could gather intelligence.
I grew up a Democrat. Hated Regan, but the one thing I constantly see in this country is exactly what Ossama Bin Laden sees.. we are afraid to sacrifice our lives for our freedom.
Democrats and especially liberal democrats want to find a way to take the blame for the attack. After all it has to be OUR FAULT. We had to have offended these people..
NO as a matter of fact we ARMED them to fight the Soviets. Helped them to gain their freedom from oppression and then they began to attack us.
They hate our way of life, our religion, and our economy.
They hate our success, our intelligence and most of all they just hate.
The invasion of Iraq was NOT ill advised or a mistake.
What was a mistake was not sending enough soldiers to handle the aftermath.
The Iraq War was won for the most part. Then Al Queda showed up. Well they didn't just show up they were already THERE. They intentionally attacked Mosque's and did as much damage as possible to create a civil war. This is what we are fighting. Evil that would kill its own women and children.
This is what Democrats want to leave Iraq to. WE invaded this country and we have a responsibility to fix the problem.
We can not continue to send men to war and then tell them they have lost a war when they have not been allowed to win it. WE MUST allow our military to WIN this war. It is winnable. Failure to win in this theater, to stop this advance of Al Queda will mean a century of fighting and dieing for our military and for civilians at home.
Al Queda is HERE NOW. Waiting for us to pull out to demoralize us even more.
The attempts to destroy Oil Fields in Saudi Arabia were meant to destroy the worlds Economy, and to create Anarchy.
Anarchy is what Al Queda needs and is striving for. NO DEMOCRAT currently running for office understands this. Even Republicans do not get it.
IF we turn Iraq over to Al Queda it will mean the destruction of the Western Economies within a decade. Saudi will eventually be over run by the Wahabi Sect Mullahs and their followers. They will not be able to buy off the terrorists as they have in the past. When Saudi goes, with Venezuela standing on the side of the terrorists, our oil based economy and businesses will fail.
When that happens it will be to the benefit of Al Queda.
Roosevelt sat in the Oval office right after the Pearl Harbor attack.
He said when I see defeat in the eyes of my Generals and my Admirals I understand why he put me in this wheelchair. When the Generals and Admirals said an attack on Japan was impossible Mr. Roosevelt STOOD from his wheelchair, and told his people...
3 moths later Jimmy Doolittle hit Japan.
When I hear talk of defeat from the House and the Senate, I remember that and I say NOTHING IS IMPOSSIBLE. Give our men the tools and they will persevere.. They will sacrifice and they will win. We lost over 250,000 men in WW2. We have an entire volunteer military willing to make the sacrifice to win this war, and all Democrats can do is talk of Defeat.
When will we talk of winning?
We are giving aid and comfort to the enemy. WE are winning the war FOR Ossama Bin Laden. This is what he wants. We may some day kill that bastard, but in the end killing him is not what is going to solve the problem. WE MUST bring civilization to the 3rd World. We must help the rest of the world to have the success that the United States has had. When we do that Al Queda will lose it's hold and will no longer be able to recruit. When Al Queda no longer offers hope to the downtrodden, only then can we defeat them. Leaving Iraq will give hope to Al Queda and talk of leaving is worse than treason. Free Speech comes with a price. I fear the price we may pay for it here is our own defeat.
Thats My Take On It!
Jim Dicken
The Right Man for the Job! Fred Thompson
I will not mince words.
Fred Thompson is my choice for the next President of the United States.
His integrity is without question.
His loyalty is to the process and to the people of this country.
He will protect and defend this country. He will not try to defeat terror using the court system but will fight it with military force as terror should be fought.
Mr. Thompson is my choice for President of the United States of America.
Please contribute to the "Draft Fred Thompson" Campaign.
Friday, April 27, 2007
Give Me A BREAK!

Ok I am going to start this off positively sort of..
Regis is back, Rosie is gone and the world is back on its axix again.
HOWEVER, I do want to criticize Rosie for todays Acting Event with 30 Rock's Alec Baldwin. What part of Alec is an actor for a living do you not get. He is not sorry for his tantrum, what we saw was Alec NOT acting. Being Himself when he thought he was not in the Public Eye. His whole performance today was scripted. He said the right thing. He was not made up, came in with a scruffy beard, all to make him look like he was stressed out and dealing with issues that any of us would have..
WELL HELL NO most people would not be dealing with these issues. It is quite apparent from his little speech to his daughter that his wife's claims of abuse at his hands are most likely valid. No wonder the woman does not want him to have custody.
You made a promise to America that if George Bush was elected President that you would move out of the country. You did not keep your promise and we now wish you would
Thats My take on Alec and his acting
Jim Dicken
No Handles for me
Friday, April 20, 2007
HEY Politicians.. Read this from a SOLDIER!
"I'm Tired" AMEN !!!!! AND AMEN...
Two weeks ago, as I was starting my sixth month of duty in Iraq, I was forced to return to the USA for surgery for an injury I sustained prior to my deployment. With luck, I'll return to Iraq to finish my tour.
I left Baghdad and a war that has every indication that we are winning, to return to a demoralized country much like the one I returned to in 1971 after my tour in Vietnam. Maybe it's because I'll turn 60 years old in just four months, but I'm tired:
I'm tired of spineless politicians, both Democrat and Republican who lack the courage, fortitude, and character to see these difficult tasks through.
I'm tired of the hypocrisy of politicians who want to rewrite history when the going gets tough.
I'm tired of the disingenuous clamor from those that claim they 'Support the Troops' by wanting them to 'Cut and Run' before victory is achieved.
I'm tired of a mainstream media that can only focus on car bombs and casualty reports because they are too afraid to leave the safety of their hotels to report on the courage and success our brave men and women are having on the battlefield.
I'm tired that so many Americans think you can rebuild a dictatorship into a democracy over night.
I'm tired that so many ignore the bravery of the Iraqi people to go to the voting booth and freely elect a Constitution and soon a permanent Parliament.
I'm tired of the so called 'Elite Left' that prolongs this war by giving aid and comfort to our enemy, just as they did during the Vietnam War.
I'm tired of antiwar protesters showing up at the funerals of our fallen soldiers. A family who's loved ones gave their life in a just and noble cause, only to be cruelly tormented on the funeral day by cowardly protesters is beyond shameful.
I'm tired that my generation, the Baby Boom-Vietnam generation, who have such a weak backbone that they can't stomach seeing the difficult tasks through to victory.
I'm tired that some are more concerned about the treatment of captives than they are the slaughter and beheading of our citizens and allies.
I'm tired that when we find mass graves it is seldom reported by the press, but mistreat a prisoner and it is front page news.
Mostly, I'm tired that the people of this great nation didn't learn from history that there is no substitute for Victory.
Sincerely, Joe Repya, Lieutenant Colonel, U. S. Army
101st Airborne Division
This is the message that needs to get all over the U S A instead of the daily barrage of gloom and despair from the mainstream media.
Two weeks ago, as I was starting my sixth month of duty in Iraq, I was forced to return to the USA for surgery for an injury I sustained prior to my deployment. With luck, I'll return to Iraq to finish my tour.
I left Baghdad and a war that has every indication that we are winning, to return to a demoralized country much like the one I returned to in 1971 after my tour in Vietnam. Maybe it's because I'll turn 60 years old in just four months, but I'm tired:
I'm tired of spineless politicians, both Democrat and Republican who lack the courage, fortitude, and character to see these difficult tasks through.
I'm tired of the hypocrisy of politicians who want to rewrite history when the going gets tough.
I'm tired of the disingenuous clamor from those that claim they 'Support the Troops' by wanting them to 'Cut and Run' before victory is achieved.
I'm tired of a mainstream media that can only focus on car bombs and casualty reports because they are too afraid to leave the safety of their hotels to report on the courage and success our brave men and women are having on the battlefield.
I'm tired that so many Americans think you can rebuild a dictatorship into a democracy over night.
I'm tired that so many ignore the bravery of the Iraqi people to go to the voting booth and freely elect a Constitution and soon a permanent Parliament.
I'm tired of the so called 'Elite Left' that prolongs this war by giving aid and comfort to our enemy, just as they did during the Vietnam War.
I'm tired of antiwar protesters showing up at the funerals of our fallen soldiers. A family who's loved ones gave their life in a just and noble cause, only to be cruelly tormented on the funeral day by cowardly protesters is beyond shameful.
I'm tired that my generation, the Baby Boom-Vietnam generation, who have such a weak backbone that they can't stomach seeing the difficult tasks through to victory.
I'm tired that some are more concerned about the treatment of captives than they are the slaughter and beheading of our citizens and allies.
I'm tired that when we find mass graves it is seldom reported by the press, but mistreat a prisoner and it is front page news.
Mostly, I'm tired that the people of this great nation didn't learn from history that there is no substitute for Victory.
Sincerely, Joe Repya, Lieutenant Colonel, U. S. Army
101st Airborne Division
This is the message that needs to get all over the U S A instead of the daily barrage of gloom and despair from the mainstream media.
Thursday, April 19, 2007
Some are justifying NBC's airing of XXX's Video, NO I will not utter his name or give him one bit of recognition. We all know the name we all know his action we do not need to immortalize such an action.
............................NBC GOT IT WRONG...... Below is the reason one news WONK gave for showing the video.
From Bronwen Maddox:
"Watching just a few minutes of the rambling manifesto of paranoia answers the question which the US has asked itself for three days: why did he do it? Cho was clearly mentally ill, not simply a troubled student in a bad patch, or someone who had snapped under sudden strain; on its own, that is reassuring".
The America I live in was not asking itself why he did it. WE KNEW why he did it, the media had the answers within hours. He was DISTURBED. He was insane. He was mistreated.. so why do we need to be SHOWN he was insane by showing these disgusting videos.. BUT what is more disturbing is that NBC even opened what it KNEW to be evidence in a crime and apparently to copy said evidence BEFORE turning the evidence over to POLICE??????????
Whomever made the choice to show that video, to even open that piece of mail..should be prosecuted for tampering with evidence at the minimum. Accidental opening, OK, fine, once you know it is evidence you stop and call the police and give it to them. YOU DO NOT proceed to make copies and to play the evidence on the TV for a grieving nation and to assault the families of the people who died.
Worse yet you have now encouraged other mentally unfit people to do the SAME DAMN THING. Showing the video, mentioning his name, all give him what he wanted in his murder spree, and in his suicide.
SHAME is on NBC. Shame that is so dark that it may never be washed away.
NBC will always and forever be the network that gave XXX his victory over death.
Shame on all at NBC that chose for monetary reasons to air this video.
That is my take on it.
Jim Dicken
............................NBC GOT IT WRONG...... Below is the reason one news WONK gave for showing the video.
From Bronwen Maddox:
"Watching just a few minutes of the rambling manifesto of paranoia answers the question which the US has asked itself for three days: why did he do it? Cho was clearly mentally ill, not simply a troubled student in a bad patch, or someone who had snapped under sudden strain; on its own, that is reassuring".
The America I live in was not asking itself why he did it. WE KNEW why he did it, the media had the answers within hours. He was DISTURBED. He was insane. He was mistreated.. so why do we need to be SHOWN he was insane by showing these disgusting videos.. BUT what is more disturbing is that NBC even opened what it KNEW to be evidence in a crime and apparently to copy said evidence BEFORE turning the evidence over to POLICE??????????
Whomever made the choice to show that video, to even open that piece of mail..should be prosecuted for tampering with evidence at the minimum. Accidental opening, OK, fine, once you know it is evidence you stop and call the police and give it to them. YOU DO NOT proceed to make copies and to play the evidence on the TV for a grieving nation and to assault the families of the people who died.
Worse yet you have now encouraged other mentally unfit people to do the SAME DAMN THING. Showing the video, mentioning his name, all give him what he wanted in his murder spree, and in his suicide.
SHAME is on NBC. Shame that is so dark that it may never be washed away.
NBC will always and forever be the network that gave XXX his victory over death.
Shame on all at NBC that chose for monetary reasons to air this video.
That is my take on it.
Jim Dicken
Media Circus begets more violence
The media is in a Tizzy over the videos and writings of Mr.. XXX.
What part of this do you not get.
He wanted to be on the TV, and on the minds of people and the media is giving this BASTARD exactly what he wanted and in turn torturing the families of those he killed. Showing his face is sickening but showing that idiotic video is WORSE.
I am quicky getting tired of the press in this country making decisions on right and wrong then turning around and taking advantage by showing this @#$@# on TV and posting it on the Radio.
Doing so encourages others of this ilk to do the SAME DAMN THING.
YOU will never see any recognition of this man's name or of his deeds on this Blog.
He was a sick individual. He is NOT indicative of the culture, of the country or of its people. To show his manifesto on television is WRONG.
Yes let the psychologists see it. Use it in class rooms to illustrate behaviour, BUT NEVER, EVER allow it on the PUBLIC AIR WAVES.
Doing so allows him a victory of the living and the dead.
Our civilization is coming to an end.
We have given in to the lowest of the low and allowed him to get the recognition he wanted so much.
NO ONE should EVER say his name again. Doing so should be a crime.
It is an outrage that any network or any organization would consider showing this to the public. Any one who watches this for any reason OTHER than to study the mind of a Mass Murderer is SICK.
I WILL NOT suffer this fool. I will not watch him and I will turn off any and all news shows that show his manifesto and I ask YOU to do the same.
Thats my take on it.
Jim Dicken
What part of this do you not get.
He wanted to be on the TV, and on the minds of people and the media is giving this BASTARD exactly what he wanted and in turn torturing the families of those he killed. Showing his face is sickening but showing that idiotic video is WORSE.
I am quicky getting tired of the press in this country making decisions on right and wrong then turning around and taking advantage by showing this @#$@# on TV and posting it on the Radio.
Doing so encourages others of this ilk to do the SAME DAMN THING.
YOU will never see any recognition of this man's name or of his deeds on this Blog.
He was a sick individual. He is NOT indicative of the culture, of the country or of its people. To show his manifesto on television is WRONG.
Yes let the psychologists see it. Use it in class rooms to illustrate behaviour, BUT NEVER, EVER allow it on the PUBLIC AIR WAVES.
Doing so allows him a victory of the living and the dead.
Our civilization is coming to an end.
We have given in to the lowest of the low and allowed him to get the recognition he wanted so much.
NO ONE should EVER say his name again. Doing so should be a crime.
It is an outrage that any network or any organization would consider showing this to the public. Any one who watches this for any reason OTHER than to study the mind of a Mass Murderer is SICK.
I WILL NOT suffer this fool. I will not watch him and I will turn off any and all news shows that show his manifesto and I ask YOU to do the same.
Thats my take on it.
Jim Dicken
Wednesday, April 18, 2007
In the Aftermath of V-Tech
I am greatly saddened by the events at Virginia Tech. I have a relative who teaches at the school who was not working at the time of the shootings, but had to become involved since she is an EMT. No words can say what my heart feels about this tragedy.
What really rankles me is world leaders like the PM of Australia using this tragedy to criticize our country. While he passed on condolences, he also said it was not surprising due to our "Gun Culture". He went on to talk about how Australia no longer has this kind of worry since the government did a buy back of all guns in the country at the cost of billions of dollars.
What the PM failed to say is that Home Invasions have increased in Australia by over 500% according to some sources.
Guns are tools. Like any tool they can be misused. Yes they can be fatal as we have seen in the last few days. However a rush to judgement on law abiding gun owning citizens is not in order here. While Australia still holds the record for Gun Violence due to a rampage that killed 35 people, it now holds the distinction of having a gun free society that is at the mercy of criminals who no longer have a fear of what is on the other side of the door.
While I worry about my kids, I worry more about them being safe in their home. Take away all guns and only Criminals will have them.. YES that is a tried and OLD saying.. but still apt.
The young man who killed these people was insane. Should not have had a gun, but in the end he legally purchased a gun. This country is built on fairness and justice.
It is not justice to punish people for the crimes of others.
The comments of the PM from Australia were outrageous and disrespectful of this country and its people. Guns are the equalizer. They give society and people a recourse to injustice. I do not subscribe to rebellion or to anarchy. However the greatest document ever written.. the Declaration of Independence states..
"When in the Course of human events it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another and to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature's God entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation.
We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness. — That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, — That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness. Prudence, indeed, will dictate that Governments long established should not be changed for light and transient causes; and accordingly all experience hath shewn that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed.
People have the right to rebel against injustice and if the government owns all of the guns then the people depend on the government and are also at the mercy of government.
Our founding fathers were aware of this and wrote into our constitution a guarantee that the people could rise against any attempt to take over the government. While I realize this sounds a bit conspiratorial, and maybe even wacko.. if you stop and think about it we do need to worry about the people being powerless against the government and the military it controls. Will it happen in this country? NO I do not believe it will.. However it "Could".
Guns in the hands of the people also lower the possibility of invasion by an outside power. After all if you conquer the military you still have to conquer the people.
Thats my take on it.
Jim Dicken
What really rankles me is world leaders like the PM of Australia using this tragedy to criticize our country. While he passed on condolences, he also said it was not surprising due to our "Gun Culture". He went on to talk about how Australia no longer has this kind of worry since the government did a buy back of all guns in the country at the cost of billions of dollars.
What the PM failed to say is that Home Invasions have increased in Australia by over 500% according to some sources.
Guns are tools. Like any tool they can be misused. Yes they can be fatal as we have seen in the last few days. However a rush to judgement on law abiding gun owning citizens is not in order here. While Australia still holds the record for Gun Violence due to a rampage that killed 35 people, it now holds the distinction of having a gun free society that is at the mercy of criminals who no longer have a fear of what is on the other side of the door.
While I worry about my kids, I worry more about them being safe in their home. Take away all guns and only Criminals will have them.. YES that is a tried and OLD saying.. but still apt.
The young man who killed these people was insane. Should not have had a gun, but in the end he legally purchased a gun. This country is built on fairness and justice.
It is not justice to punish people for the crimes of others.
The comments of the PM from Australia were outrageous and disrespectful of this country and its people. Guns are the equalizer. They give society and people a recourse to injustice. I do not subscribe to rebellion or to anarchy. However the greatest document ever written.. the Declaration of Independence states..
"When in the Course of human events it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another and to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature's God entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation.
We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness. — That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, — That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness. Prudence, indeed, will dictate that Governments long established should not be changed for light and transient causes; and accordingly all experience hath shewn that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed.
People have the right to rebel against injustice and if the government owns all of the guns then the people depend on the government and are also at the mercy of government.
Our founding fathers were aware of this and wrote into our constitution a guarantee that the people could rise against any attempt to take over the government. While I realize this sounds a bit conspiratorial, and maybe even wacko.. if you stop and think about it we do need to worry about the people being powerless against the government and the military it controls. Will it happen in this country? NO I do not believe it will.. However it "Could".
Guns in the hands of the people also lower the possibility of invasion by an outside power. After all if you conquer the military you still have to conquer the people.
Thats my take on it.
Jim Dicken
Bill Maher - My First Recipient of the "Big-Bag-O-Wind" AWARD
I am starting the BIG-BAG-O-WIND Award.
This Award is for the people in our country who use their celebrity to abusive ends and use uneducated or unverified information to rabble rouse against the country and its values..
The First Recipient is Bill Maher the Bag O wind who said the terrorists who took down the towers were not cowards..
( I initially agreed with him, thinking that dying for a cause was noble.. but short nanoseconds later.. I remembered that they sliced the throat of an unarmed woman and let her bleed to death for no reason, other than to terrorize the passengers and crew. That is cowardice plain and simple.)
NOW Mr. Maher says we should NOT elect Presidents who hunt because they get us into wars, postulating that they are cruel to animals so they are war mongers.. I have several exceptions to this statement but it was put into perspective by an Outdoor Writer..
Here is what Dave Petzal an Outdoor Writer for Field and Stream said on the subject recently.
I was watching “Real Time with Bill Maher” the other night and was struck by one of his “New Rules” rules. He ranted about Governor Mitt Romney’s pretending to be a hunter, and then said words to the effect that if we had fewer presidents who hunted, we would get in fewer wars, due to the alleged connection between “cruelty” to animals and cruelty to people.
This intrigued me, so I went back and looked at the record, starting with our first modern conflict, the Civil War (I have counted only real wars, not casual bloodlettings like Ronald Reagan’s debacle in Beirut, or Bubba’s excellent adventure in Somalia):
Civil War, entered into by Abraham Lincoln, a non-hunter.
Spanish-American War, entered into by William McKinley, a non-hunter.
World War I, entered into by Woodrow Wilson, a non-hunter.
World War II, entered into by Franklin D. Roosevelt, a non-hunter.
Korean War, entered into by Harry S. Truman, a non-hunter.
Vietnam, entered into by John F. Kennedy, a non-hunter. Presided over by Lyndon Baines Johnson, who shot deer from his convertible and picked up his beagles by their ears. Presided over by Richard M. Nixon, a non-hunter.
Desert Storm, entered into by George Bush, a hunter.
Iraq/Afghanistan, entered into by George W. Bush. I can’t find any real evidence that W. is a hunter; however, one website claimed that, as a boy, he enjoyed stuffing firecrackers in frogs, so I guess that counts for something. One the other hand, Vice President Cheney is a hunter for sure, and may actually be president, so we have to factor that in.
And so, out of eight wars, only three had hunting presidents involved. Out of ten (or 11) presidents, only four had even the most tenuous connection to making the bunnies sweat.
But I like Bill Maher. He is always angry, and sometimes funny, and frequently has interesting guests. End of Mr. Petzals Comments...
I would add that Mr. Maher is always funny, but not for the reasons mentioned above.
He thinks he is smart, but most 6th graders have more intelligence and political acumen than Mr. Maher.
He apparently deplores war as we all do, but fails to understand that if you fail to act, as we and the world did with Hitler, little piss ant dictators turn into Mass Murderers.. and while Sadam Hussein had not come quite up to the standard of an Adolph Hitler he was closing in on Mr. Hitlers Numbers on a daily basis. He was a threat to become the next Hitler, and while he was not necessarily a threat when we invaded ... History teaches us that waiting to stop a Dictator kills more than taking him out sooner. We lost 250,000 men killed in WW2. WE have lost 3300 in this war. Wait for Sadam to have NUKES? Threaten the worlds oil supply? Take the world to the brink of economic disaster.. OR stop him NOW.
Some people make the hard choices, others make no decisions and get us in deeper.
Thats my take on it.
Jim Dicken
I do not hide from the world with a "Handle"
This Award is for the people in our country who use their celebrity to abusive ends and use uneducated or unverified information to rabble rouse against the country and its values..
The First Recipient is Bill Maher the Bag O wind who said the terrorists who took down the towers were not cowards..
( I initially agreed with him, thinking that dying for a cause was noble.. but short nanoseconds later.. I remembered that they sliced the throat of an unarmed woman and let her bleed to death for no reason, other than to terrorize the passengers and crew. That is cowardice plain and simple.)
NOW Mr. Maher says we should NOT elect Presidents who hunt because they get us into wars, postulating that they are cruel to animals so they are war mongers.. I have several exceptions to this statement but it was put into perspective by an Outdoor Writer..
Here is what Dave Petzal an Outdoor Writer for Field and Stream said on the subject recently.
I was watching “Real Time with Bill Maher” the other night and was struck by one of his “New Rules” rules. He ranted about Governor Mitt Romney’s pretending to be a hunter, and then said words to the effect that if we had fewer presidents who hunted, we would get in fewer wars, due to the alleged connection between “cruelty” to animals and cruelty to people.
This intrigued me, so I went back and looked at the record, starting with our first modern conflict, the Civil War (I have counted only real wars, not casual bloodlettings like Ronald Reagan’s debacle in Beirut, or Bubba’s excellent adventure in Somalia):
Civil War, entered into by Abraham Lincoln, a non-hunter.
Spanish-American War, entered into by William McKinley, a non-hunter.
World War I, entered into by Woodrow Wilson, a non-hunter.
World War II, entered into by Franklin D. Roosevelt, a non-hunter.
Korean War, entered into by Harry S. Truman, a non-hunter.
Vietnam, entered into by John F. Kennedy, a non-hunter. Presided over by Lyndon Baines Johnson, who shot deer from his convertible and picked up his beagles by their ears. Presided over by Richard M. Nixon, a non-hunter.
Desert Storm, entered into by George Bush, a hunter.
Iraq/Afghanistan, entered into by George W. Bush. I can’t find any real evidence that W. is a hunter; however, one website claimed that, as a boy, he enjoyed stuffing firecrackers in frogs, so I guess that counts for something. One the other hand, Vice President Cheney is a hunter for sure, and may actually be president, so we have to factor that in.
And so, out of eight wars, only three had hunting presidents involved. Out of ten (or 11) presidents, only four had even the most tenuous connection to making the bunnies sweat.
But I like Bill Maher. He is always angry, and sometimes funny, and frequently has interesting guests. End of Mr. Petzals Comments...
I would add that Mr. Maher is always funny, but not for the reasons mentioned above.
He thinks he is smart, but most 6th graders have more intelligence and political acumen than Mr. Maher.
He apparently deplores war as we all do, but fails to understand that if you fail to act, as we and the world did with Hitler, little piss ant dictators turn into Mass Murderers.. and while Sadam Hussein had not come quite up to the standard of an Adolph Hitler he was closing in on Mr. Hitlers Numbers on a daily basis. He was a threat to become the next Hitler, and while he was not necessarily a threat when we invaded ... History teaches us that waiting to stop a Dictator kills more than taking him out sooner. We lost 250,000 men killed in WW2. WE have lost 3300 in this war. Wait for Sadam to have NUKES? Threaten the worlds oil supply? Take the world to the brink of economic disaster.. OR stop him NOW.
Some people make the hard choices, others make no decisions and get us in deeper.
Thats my take on it.
Jim Dicken
I do not hide from the world with a "Handle"
Sunday, April 15, 2007
Al (NOT SO GREEN) Gore.. and more Democratic hypocrisy This story is true .. verified by
The Article on Snopes is much more descriptive and informative.. but here is the story.
HOUSE # 1:
A 20-room mansion (not including 8 bathrooms) heated by natural gas. Add on a pool (and a pool house) and a separate guest house all heated by gas. In ONE MONTH ALONE this mansion consumes more energy than the average American household in an ENTIRE YEAR. The average bill for electricity and natural gas runs over $2, 400.00 per month. In natural gas alone (which last time we checked was a fossil fuel), this property consumes more than 20 times the national average for an American home. This house is not in a northern or Midwestern "snow belt," either. It's in the South.
HOUSE # 2:
Designed by an architecture professor at a leading national university, this house incorporates every "green" feature current home construction can provide. The house contains only 4,000 square feet (4 bedrooms) and is nestled on arid high prairie in the American southwest. A central closet in the house holds geothermal heat pumps drawing ground water through pipes sunk 300 feet into the ground. The water (usually 67 degrees F.) heats the house in winter and cools it in summer. The system uses no fossil fuels such as oil or natural gas, and it consumes 25% of the electricity required for a conventional heating/cooling system. Rainwater from the roof is collected and funneled into a 25,000 gallon underground cistern. Wastewater from showers, sinks and toilets goes into underground purifying tanks and then into the cistern. The collected water then irrigates the land surrounding the house. Flowers and shrubs native to the area blend the property into the surrounding rural landscape.
HOUSE # 1 is outside of Nashville, Tennessee. It is the abode of that renowned environmentalist (and filmmaker) Al Gore.
HOUSE # 2 is on a ranch near Crawford, Texas. Also known as "the Texas White House," it is the private residence of the President of the United States, George W. Bush.
So whose house is gentler on the environment? Uh huh!
Yet another story you WILL NOT hear on CNN, CBS, ABC, NBC, MSNBC or read about in the New York Times or the Washington Post.
Indeed, for Mr. Gore, it's truly "an inconvenient truth."
The Article on Snopes is much more descriptive and informative.. but here is the story.
HOUSE # 1:
A 20-room mansion (not including 8 bathrooms) heated by natural gas. Add on a pool (and a pool house) and a separate guest house all heated by gas. In ONE MONTH ALONE this mansion consumes more energy than the average American household in an ENTIRE YEAR. The average bill for electricity and natural gas runs over $2, 400.00 per month. In natural gas alone (which last time we checked was a fossil fuel), this property consumes more than 20 times the national average for an American home. This house is not in a northern or Midwestern "snow belt," either. It's in the South.
HOUSE # 2:
Designed by an architecture professor at a leading national university, this house incorporates every "green" feature current home construction can provide. The house contains only 4,000 square feet (4 bedrooms) and is nestled on arid high prairie in the American southwest. A central closet in the house holds geothermal heat pumps drawing ground water through pipes sunk 300 feet into the ground. The water (usually 67 degrees F.) heats the house in winter and cools it in summer. The system uses no fossil fuels such as oil or natural gas, and it consumes 25% of the electricity required for a conventional heating/cooling system. Rainwater from the roof is collected and funneled into a 25,000 gallon underground cistern. Wastewater from showers, sinks and toilets goes into underground purifying tanks and then into the cistern. The collected water then irrigates the land surrounding the house. Flowers and shrubs native to the area blend the property into the surrounding rural landscape.
HOUSE # 1 is outside of Nashville, Tennessee. It is the abode of that renowned environmentalist (and filmmaker) Al Gore.
HOUSE # 2 is on a ranch near Crawford, Texas. Also known as "the Texas White House," it is the private residence of the President of the United States, George W. Bush.
So whose house is gentler on the environment? Uh huh!
Yet another story you WILL NOT hear on CNN, CBS, ABC, NBC, MSNBC or read about in the New York Times or the Washington Post.
Indeed, for Mr. Gore, it's truly "an inconvenient truth."
Friday, April 13, 2007
More Yarmuth Backsliding..
First it was the bridge.. now it is the new Veterans Hospital. I hate to say I told you so.. but I DID. Yarmuth has tried to torpedo EVERY SINGLE project that has provided Louisville with a better environment. He was against Papa John's Stadium, He is against the bridge, he is against the downtown arena, and now against the New VA Hospital. Anne Northup may have voted with the Republicans 94% of the time, but at least she got the community what it needed and Yarmuth is NOT doing that. I will admit that his stand on Iraq has surprised me, but beyond that he is a failure as a Congressman.
From the Courier Journal Today.
U.S. Rep. John Yarmuth said today he’s “not sure if there’s enough land downtown” for a new veterans hospital that may need 35 acres — casting doubt for the first time on the controversial location officials have been talking about for months.
“A lot of people want it to be downtown. It makes sense to put it downtown,” Yarmuth said. “We don’t know where there’s enough land.”
He spoke during a news conference in which he praised the VA hospital after taking a tour in the wake of revelations about poor conditions at the Walter Reed Army Medical Center in Washington, D.C.
He called the Louisville VA hospital “top-flight,” with “state-of-the-art equipment and state-of-the-art care.”
Veterans Affairs officials announced last summer that the aging complex off Zorn Avenue will be replaced, becoming one of the nation’s first new veterans hospitals in more than a decade.
At the time, federal officials and Yarmuth’s predecessor, Anne Northup, said they expect it to be downtown, making it convenient to other hospitals and the University of Louisville School of Medicine, which has a working relationship with the VA hospital.
City officials would like to see the hospital downtown for much the same reason, said Chad Carlton, communications director for Mayor Jerry Abramson.
Abramson and Yarmuth have discussed the VA’s stated need for 35 acres for a new complex, he said, and city leaders hope to find out why the VA needs so much land.
Several veterans have objected to putting the hospital downtown, citing parking and other concerns.
From the Courier Journal Today.
U.S. Rep. John Yarmuth said today he’s “not sure if there’s enough land downtown” for a new veterans hospital that may need 35 acres — casting doubt for the first time on the controversial location officials have been talking about for months.
“A lot of people want it to be downtown. It makes sense to put it downtown,” Yarmuth said. “We don’t know where there’s enough land.”
He spoke during a news conference in which he praised the VA hospital after taking a tour in the wake of revelations about poor conditions at the Walter Reed Army Medical Center in Washington, D.C.
He called the Louisville VA hospital “top-flight,” with “state-of-the-art equipment and state-of-the-art care.”
Veterans Affairs officials announced last summer that the aging complex off Zorn Avenue will be replaced, becoming one of the nation’s first new veterans hospitals in more than a decade.
At the time, federal officials and Yarmuth’s predecessor, Anne Northup, said they expect it to be downtown, making it convenient to other hospitals and the University of Louisville School of Medicine, which has a working relationship with the VA hospital.
City officials would like to see the hospital downtown for much the same reason, said Chad Carlton, communications director for Mayor Jerry Abramson.
Abramson and Yarmuth have discussed the VA’s stated need for 35 acres for a new complex, he said, and city leaders hope to find out why the VA needs so much land.
Several veterans have objected to putting the hospital downtown, citing parking and other concerns.
Thursday, April 12, 2007
Rose McGowan The "Imus" of the "VIEW"
The really neat thing is that she talked about Don Imus at the same time she was talking about the Duke 3. Stating that they were probably guilty of previous bad acts. They are in a Fraternity, obviously that means they have acted badly.. I am "Paraphrasing" since I was not recording the view.. Here is my Video Response to her comments on the "View" .. ONLY Ms. Hasselback defended the young men. Liberals Rosie O' and Ms. Behar saw nothing outrageous or similar in her comments to Mr. Imus. Apparently ONLY WOMEN can be demeaned by someone..MEN are open season.
Do the words HYPOCRISY mean anything to you? The women of the VIEW have shown their own Female Version of a double standard.. (Except for Elizabeth who is the only person with a brain on the show!)
That's my take on it.
Jim Dicken
Do the words HYPOCRISY mean anything to you? The women of the VIEW have shown their own Female Version of a double standard.. (Except for Elizabeth who is the only person with a brain on the show!)
That's my take on it.
Jim Dicken
Rose McGowan The IMUS' of the "View"
YES, I thought Don Imus was wrong for what he said. However I also believe that there should be outrage over the same kind of conduct by Black Rappers and by Guest Hosts on the "View"
Today Rose McGowan stated "Those boys were probably involved in similar acts after all they were in a fraternity and thats what they do in fraternities"
(OK not EXACT but basically all of this was said) Then she said PLEASE DON'T Sue Me for saying that.
Rose, you dirty Slut.
You have just done to these young men,EXACTLY what Don Imus did to the young ladies of Rutgers. For over a year these men who were guilty of NOTHING, were accused of Kidnapping, Rape and racism. In the end NONE of the story the young lady (Stripper) gave the police was true. DNA evidence proved their innocence as well as camera evidence at the time that was date stamped.
YOU should NEVER come back to the view. YOU should be fired. YOU should have kept your mouth shut.
That is my take on it!
Today Rose McGowan stated "Those boys were probably involved in similar acts after all they were in a fraternity and thats what they do in fraternities"
(OK not EXACT but basically all of this was said) Then she said PLEASE DON'T Sue Me for saying that.
Rose, you dirty Slut.
You have just done to these young men,EXACTLY what Don Imus did to the young ladies of Rutgers. For over a year these men who were guilty of NOTHING, were accused of Kidnapping, Rape and racism. In the end NONE of the story the young lady (Stripper) gave the police was true. DNA evidence proved their innocence as well as camera evidence at the time that was date stamped.
YOU should NEVER come back to the view. YOU should be fired. YOU should have kept your mouth shut.
That is my take on it!
Wednesday, April 11, 2007
The Ultimate in "Wacked Out"
Here is one of the main arguers comments on 9-11..
It is well-known that the hole in the west wing of the Pentagon, less than 18-foot diameter, was too small to accommodate a Boeing 757, but the North Tower’s hole wasn’t big enough for a Boeing 767 either, the alleged widebody airliner used on AA Flight 11 (officially tail number N334AA, FAA-listed as "destroyed"). A Boeing 767 has a wingspan of 155’ 1" (47.6 m) yet the maximum distance across the hole in the North Tower was about 115 feet (35 m), a hole undersized by some 40 feet or 26 percent.
OK, lets look at this on FACE VALUE.. call it the Occum's Razor test...
IF the planes that hit the trade center were not the planes that the air lines say they were.. WHERE are the people?
IF a smaller plane hit the WTC.. what was it. There are pictures.. can someone tell me what that is? A 767? or something smaller.
Worse yet is the simple fact that the Controllers TALKED to the pilots.
Controllers knew the planes were off course from their transponder ID Changes.. yes they were later turned off..
BUT THE ULITMATE hypocrisy in this whole conspiracy theory is that the controllers were in on it. The passengers were in on it.. and worse yet the Families were in on it.. OR they were being tortured by their own family members who were in on it.
"Lets Roll" apparently NEVER HAPPENED according to this theory.
To the conspiracy nuts I have this to say...
HORSE SHIT and very DEEP HORSE SHIT and nonsense is being sold to you and you are buying it. It is growing a VERY GREEN FIELD of BULLSHIT with it ..
3000 people died.
4 Airplanes are gone.
Radar was fooled and worse.. apparently the planes we saw hitting the WTC were not the planes that the people from those flights got into?
This is so transparent an argument as to be non-existent.
IF Not the planes we saw then WHAT.. How come no expert seeing the video's of the planes crashing into the towers has said that they were not the Boeing Jets identified.
Are we as a nation all hypnotized.. IS the WTC really there and we just dont see it?
Is there an alternate universe where the people on the Airliner now exist along with their planes...
WORSE.. the Airline companies went bankrupt lost millions and WERE IN ON IT!
Yeah and pigs fly.
My Bullshit Detector went off the first time this came out and it is now on overdrive.
BULL SHIT.. the most pure and UTTER BULLSHIT I have in my life seen.
I am done with this conspiracy crap. You people are IDIOTS.
4 planes disappeared along with the people.. 3000 people who did not die, are conspiring to take down the WTC???????
There is not enough Shame for you people to go around.
ANY one who thinks that those planes did not crash into that building needs to be in an INSANE Asylum.... and I have broken my own rule on discourse.. not because of frustration but because of total lack of REALITY.
Blujesus.. you and your ILK deserve the hell you live in.
I am done with this issue.
That is the TRUTH..
It is well-known that the hole in the west wing of the Pentagon, less than 18-foot diameter, was too small to accommodate a Boeing 757, but the North Tower’s hole wasn’t big enough for a Boeing 767 either, the alleged widebody airliner used on AA Flight 11 (officially tail number N334AA, FAA-listed as "destroyed"). A Boeing 767 has a wingspan of 155’ 1" (47.6 m) yet the maximum distance across the hole in the North Tower was about 115 feet (35 m), a hole undersized by some 40 feet or 26 percent.
OK, lets look at this on FACE VALUE.. call it the Occum's Razor test...
IF the planes that hit the trade center were not the planes that the air lines say they were.. WHERE are the people?
IF a smaller plane hit the WTC.. what was it. There are pictures.. can someone tell me what that is? A 767? or something smaller.
Worse yet is the simple fact that the Controllers TALKED to the pilots.
Controllers knew the planes were off course from their transponder ID Changes.. yes they were later turned off..
BUT THE ULITMATE hypocrisy in this whole conspiracy theory is that the controllers were in on it. The passengers were in on it.. and worse yet the Families were in on it.. OR they were being tortured by their own family members who were in on it.
"Lets Roll" apparently NEVER HAPPENED according to this theory.
To the conspiracy nuts I have this to say...
HORSE SHIT and very DEEP HORSE SHIT and nonsense is being sold to you and you are buying it. It is growing a VERY GREEN FIELD of BULLSHIT with it ..
3000 people died.
4 Airplanes are gone.
Radar was fooled and worse.. apparently the planes we saw hitting the WTC were not the planes that the people from those flights got into?
This is so transparent an argument as to be non-existent.
IF Not the planes we saw then WHAT.. How come no expert seeing the video's of the planes crashing into the towers has said that they were not the Boeing Jets identified.
Are we as a nation all hypnotized.. IS the WTC really there and we just dont see it?
Is there an alternate universe where the people on the Airliner now exist along with their planes...
WORSE.. the Airline companies went bankrupt lost millions and WERE IN ON IT!
Yeah and pigs fly.
My Bullshit Detector went off the first time this came out and it is now on overdrive.
BULL SHIT.. the most pure and UTTER BULLSHIT I have in my life seen.
I am done with this conspiracy crap. You people are IDIOTS.
4 planes disappeared along with the people.. 3000 people who did not die, are conspiring to take down the WTC???????
There is not enough Shame for you people to go around.
ANY one who thinks that those planes did not crash into that building needs to be in an INSANE Asylum.... and I have broken my own rule on discourse.. not because of frustration but because of total lack of REALITY.
Blujesus.. you and your ILK deserve the hell you live in.
I am done with this issue.
That is the TRUTH..
Again another Conspiracy Nut attack rebuttal
so you think that because that because "Disasters were covered up or IGNORED" in the 40's, it's ok if there is now a cover-up RE: 911? There is a huge difference between a botched battle and an attack on your own citizens. Al Queda is NOWHERE near the threat of the nazi war machine. "terrorism" is a tactic you can NOT fight a war against a tactic.
I did not say they were covered up. I said it was not reported. Why? Because it would have emboldened and given our enemy hope. Demoralized the troops, and harmed the war effort. My comment was concerning the current reporting situation...Which is we don't care if we win, we must tell the WHOLE truth no matter who it harms in the field .. including the Iraqi People, and the soldiers.
There is NO COVER UP of 9-11 as far as a Conspiracy of Bush being involved.. or the New World Order, or who ever you think did this. Are some embarrassing details being witheld? Possible. It happened in the Kennedy Assasination, it has happened in other circumstances. It is also possible that revealing some information MIGHT JUST help the terrorists to find more holes to climb through and to kill people.
Terrorism might be a tactic, but you can fight it. IF YOU CAN'T then just start learning Pharsi and the other languages of the Middle for me I hope we continue to go after the State Sponsors of terror...LIKE Sadam in Iraq.
Have you noticed that since the invasion that Syria has been quieter and that bombings and deaths in Lebanon are down? When was the last time you heard news from Lebanon??
Sadam was:
Paying Terrorist Suicide Bomber Families $50,000
Had allowed the terrorist who killed an American on the Achille Lauro to live in Iraq under his protection.
Was actively seeking ways to attack the United States.
Had not complied with "HOW MANY" United Nations Sanctions?
Would not allow inspection of facilities furthering the "MYTH" that he might have WMD hidden? All he had to do was abide by the inspection mandate and there would have been NO Invasion. YET we blame Bush and the CIA?
Sadam was actively killing Shiite Muslims and had anihilated the Marsh Arabs with Gas.
Sadam was actively killing Kurdish People.
His sons were running around the country raping and killing at will.
The Oil for food scandal run by Khofi Anan's SON! Taking money to buy food and using it to enrich himself and denying his people food and medicine?
This is state sponsored terror and it can and has been defeated.
That is my take on it..
Jim Dicken
so you think that because that because "Disasters were covered up or IGNORED" in the 40's, it's ok if there is now a cover-up RE: 911? There is a huge difference between a botched battle and an attack on your own citizens. Al Queda is NOWHERE near the threat of the nazi war machine. "terrorism" is a tactic you can NOT fight a war against a tactic.
I did not say they were covered up. I said it was not reported. Why? Because it would have emboldened and given our enemy hope. Demoralized the troops, and harmed the war effort. My comment was concerning the current reporting situation...Which is we don't care if we win, we must tell the WHOLE truth no matter who it harms in the field .. including the Iraqi People, and the soldiers.
There is NO COVER UP of 9-11 as far as a Conspiracy of Bush being involved.. or the New World Order, or who ever you think did this. Are some embarrassing details being witheld? Possible. It happened in the Kennedy Assasination, it has happened in other circumstances. It is also possible that revealing some information MIGHT JUST help the terrorists to find more holes to climb through and to kill people.
Terrorism might be a tactic, but you can fight it. IF YOU CAN'T then just start learning Pharsi and the other languages of the Middle for me I hope we continue to go after the State Sponsors of terror...LIKE Sadam in Iraq.
Have you noticed that since the invasion that Syria has been quieter and that bombings and deaths in Lebanon are down? When was the last time you heard news from Lebanon??
Sadam was:
Paying Terrorist Suicide Bomber Families $50,000
Had allowed the terrorist who killed an American on the Achille Lauro to live in Iraq under his protection.
Was actively seeking ways to attack the United States.
Had not complied with "HOW MANY" United Nations Sanctions?
Would not allow inspection of facilities furthering the "MYTH" that he might have WMD hidden? All he had to do was abide by the inspection mandate and there would have been NO Invasion. YET we blame Bush and the CIA?
Sadam was actively killing Shiite Muslims and had anihilated the Marsh Arabs with Gas.
Sadam was actively killing Kurdish People.
His sons were running around the country raping and killing at will.
The Oil for food scandal run by Khofi Anan's SON! Taking money to buy food and using it to enrich himself and denying his people food and medicine?
This is state sponsored terror and it can and has been defeated.
That is my take on it..
Jim Dicken
Clinton, Obama and Edwards Crap Out on "ALL" The People
Let's see a show of hands!
Who out there thinks that CBS, CNN, NBC, ABC, and the Educational Networks are basically "Liberal" leaning.
Who out there thinks that Fox might show the other side of the coin.
The top 3 candidates for President in the Democratic Party are refusing to be part of a debate that includes the Fox Network.
What is the result of this "Partisan" action?
A larger split in the way the country views of all things.. "Its Self"
Democrats are driving a wedge into this country that will not be removed.
Do I believe that Fox News is Conservative? YES! Most definitely. It is good in a country with 3 major networks that are all Liberal or Democrat Leaning to have a Network that is not promoting the "Liberal" Agenda.
FINALLY WE are getting both sides of the "Spin" in the news and not just one side.
By refusing to debate in an "EVENT" sponsored by Fox News and the Congressional Black Caucus, these people are showing that they will not be the President of "All" the people but the president of the Democratic Party.
Fox is not controlling the questions, the spin or the questioners.. they are only sponsoring the event. This is hypocrisy of the highest order and unworthy of any presidential candidate.
It is the job of the President to protect "All" of the people and the rights of "All" not just the rights of the Democratic Party. This refusal to debate is indicative of the problems in this country which are tearing it apart.
That is my take on it.
Jim Dicken
Who out there thinks that CBS, CNN, NBC, ABC, and the Educational Networks are basically "Liberal" leaning.
Who out there thinks that Fox might show the other side of the coin.
The top 3 candidates for President in the Democratic Party are refusing to be part of a debate that includes the Fox Network.
What is the result of this "Partisan" action?
A larger split in the way the country views of all things.. "Its Self"
Democrats are driving a wedge into this country that will not be removed.
Do I believe that Fox News is Conservative? YES! Most definitely. It is good in a country with 3 major networks that are all Liberal or Democrat Leaning to have a Network that is not promoting the "Liberal" Agenda.
FINALLY WE are getting both sides of the "Spin" in the news and not just one side.
By refusing to debate in an "EVENT" sponsored by Fox News and the Congressional Black Caucus, these people are showing that they will not be the President of "All" the people but the president of the Democratic Party.
Fox is not controlling the questions, the spin or the questioners.. they are only sponsoring the event. This is hypocrisy of the highest order and unworthy of any presidential candidate.
It is the job of the President to protect "All" of the people and the rights of "All" not just the rights of the Democratic Party. This refusal to debate is indicative of the problems in this country which are tearing it apart.
That is my take on it.
Jim Dicken
Tuesday, April 10, 2007
Another Debunker Speaks.
While doing a bit of research on the burning temperatures of jet fuel, I ran across a pretty interesting site and wanted to make sure you knew about it:
I find it immensely frustrating, as I know you do, to put across any intelligent point in 500 words or less, and as the debate gets more technical -- as the jet fuel temperatures can be -- it could turn into a full-time job.
One thing I have not yet seen worked into the equation is the blowtorch effect that I know has to exist from two sources -- the high prevailing winds blowing high up on a skyscraper, and the blast from the huge air-handling system that was probably still moving air through the ductwork, or at least through the plenums (in the central utility column, I assume) as long as the emergency power to the air system was still operating. How much this would raise the temp above the "open-air burn temperature" of 600F, I can't guess. I know it doesn't take a lot of air to raise a hand-forge temperature to a point where steel is red-hot, and maybe white-hot. You may recall also the "Sherman Neckties" -- rails that the @$#%* Union troops heated over wood fires until they were red-hot in the middle, and then twisted around a tree (one man at each end). This was a period where steel was replacing rolled wrought iron rails, so what type predominated in the South in 1864, and how much difference it would make .... I just don't know.
Another factor that complicates this all to pieces is the tons of wood, fabric and plastic that also fed the fire in the WTC, from the furnishings in both the buildings AND the planes, not to mention any natural gas lines that may have existed there.
As I diddle around with these conspiracy weenies and their various web "sources," I'm amazed at the bizarre blend of extreme left and extreme right of the political spectrum. As a peculiar blend of social liberal-atheist-libertarian, I still wind up with extreme ultra-rightwing views on many international issues, so I kind of recognize most of these clowns and have sometimes been in bed with most of them on at least one issue at some point. My gut feeling is that the overwhelming percentage of the more active ones is made up of disenchanted liberal Democrats who are using this issue to hang their maniacal "I Hate Bush" agenda on, and they'd believe absolutely anything (or pretend to) as long as it could be blamed on GWB. He's far from my favorite President, and not nearly conservative enough on many things, but I don't think the guy has a crooked bone in his body, and pretty much genuinely believes he's doing the best he can. And in most cases, he probably is. Personally, I despised Clinton & Co., but my level of dislike and disrespect never reached the point that we see against GWB today. All logic & fairness -- even basic decency -- seems to have disappeared from the leftish side.
I'm glad you're involved in the anti-PETA type legislative fights. Two of the rescue groups we work with keep us up to speed on which legislators to bang on at appropriate times, usually, but the whole idea of legislating dogs offends me anyhow. While I understand the reasoning behind the animal-cruelty laws, originally, they have (as the government always does) expanded animal legislation until the owner is becoming just a caretaker for the government and has little say in the dog's life or its use. With all its warts, I sometimes wonder if, all in all, the dogs weren't better off when they were strictly personal property, period. A few hundred years ago you could do pretty much what you wanted to a dog, but if any well-bred gentleman saw someone mistreating an animal -- dog, horse, cow, whatever --- the offender stood a good chance of getting horse-whipped in public.
I will keep you in mind for any "good news" coming out of Iraq. All the people I served with are even older retired farts. Most of the Colonels I served with in the Pentagon are long retired and making money on the History Channel or Fox News, or in politics. They all made three or four stars after I retired, and most of them served another ten years or so. I was so far removed from the muddy-boots soldiers my last ten years that I don't really even know any soldiers anymore except the ones I see in the VA hospital, where I spend far too much time. My gut feeling from talking to the young guys returning from Iraq is that they believe they should be there, want to win, but are getting really suspicious that they're going to be double-crossed, just like in Vietnam, and the politicians and the media will destroy any hope of victory, or of any hope for the Iraqis that would like to see a secular democracy in place. I hope I'm wrong, but I suspect they're right.
Unfortunately, I lived in the Middle East for years, among the people and not in some American barracks, and I know how dangerous and how crazy Islam really is. Like the Japanese imperialism and the Nazis, in retrospect it was abundantly clear how dangerous they were, but everyone ignored them until it was too late. And now we're doing it again. Very depressing.
U.S. Army (Retired)
I find it immensely frustrating, as I know you do, to put across any intelligent point in 500 words or less, and as the debate gets more technical -- as the jet fuel temperatures can be -- it could turn into a full-time job.
One thing I have not yet seen worked into the equation is the blowtorch effect that I know has to exist from two sources -- the high prevailing winds blowing high up on a skyscraper, and the blast from the huge air-handling system that was probably still moving air through the ductwork, or at least through the plenums (in the central utility column, I assume) as long as the emergency power to the air system was still operating. How much this would raise the temp above the "open-air burn temperature" of 600F, I can't guess. I know it doesn't take a lot of air to raise a hand-forge temperature to a point where steel is red-hot, and maybe white-hot. You may recall also the "Sherman Neckties" -- rails that the @$#%* Union troops heated over wood fires until they were red-hot in the middle, and then twisted around a tree (one man at each end). This was a period where steel was replacing rolled wrought iron rails, so what type predominated in the South in 1864, and how much difference it would make .... I just don't know.
Another factor that complicates this all to pieces is the tons of wood, fabric and plastic that also fed the fire in the WTC, from the furnishings in both the buildings AND the planes, not to mention any natural gas lines that may have existed there.
As I diddle around with these conspiracy weenies and their various web "sources," I'm amazed at the bizarre blend of extreme left and extreme right of the political spectrum. As a peculiar blend of social liberal-atheist-libertarian, I still wind up with extreme ultra-rightwing views on many international issues, so I kind of recognize most of these clowns and have sometimes been in bed with most of them on at least one issue at some point. My gut feeling is that the overwhelming percentage of the more active ones is made up of disenchanted liberal Democrats who are using this issue to hang their maniacal "I Hate Bush" agenda on, and they'd believe absolutely anything (or pretend to) as long as it could be blamed on GWB. He's far from my favorite President, and not nearly conservative enough on many things, but I don't think the guy has a crooked bone in his body, and pretty much genuinely believes he's doing the best he can. And in most cases, he probably is. Personally, I despised Clinton & Co., but my level of dislike and disrespect never reached the point that we see against GWB today. All logic & fairness -- even basic decency -- seems to have disappeared from the leftish side.
I'm glad you're involved in the anti-PETA type legislative fights. Two of the rescue groups we work with keep us up to speed on which legislators to bang on at appropriate times, usually, but the whole idea of legislating dogs offends me anyhow. While I understand the reasoning behind the animal-cruelty laws, originally, they have (as the government always does) expanded animal legislation until the owner is becoming just a caretaker for the government and has little say in the dog's life or its use. With all its warts, I sometimes wonder if, all in all, the dogs weren't better off when they were strictly personal property, period. A few hundred years ago you could do pretty much what you wanted to a dog, but if any well-bred gentleman saw someone mistreating an animal -- dog, horse, cow, whatever --- the offender stood a good chance of getting horse-whipped in public.
I will keep you in mind for any "good news" coming out of Iraq. All the people I served with are even older retired farts. Most of the Colonels I served with in the Pentagon are long retired and making money on the History Channel or Fox News, or in politics. They all made three or four stars after I retired, and most of them served another ten years or so. I was so far removed from the muddy-boots soldiers my last ten years that I don't really even know any soldiers anymore except the ones I see in the VA hospital, where I spend far too much time. My gut feeling from talking to the young guys returning from Iraq is that they believe they should be there, want to win, but are getting really suspicious that they're going to be double-crossed, just like in Vietnam, and the politicians and the media will destroy any hope of victory, or of any hope for the Iraqis that would like to see a secular democracy in place. I hope I'm wrong, but I suspect they're right.
Unfortunately, I lived in the Middle East for years, among the people and not in some American barracks, and I know how dangerous and how crazy Islam really is. Like the Japanese imperialism and the Nazis, in retrospect it was abundantly clear how dangerous they were, but everyone ignored them until it was too late. And now we're doing it again. Very depressing.
U.S. Army (Retired)
Monday, April 09, 2007
More Anit Pet Legislation... HSUS To end pet ownership in CA and PA
California Hunting Dog Enthusiasts Can't Catch a Break- (04/09)
Join our e-mail alert list
California sporting dog owners must act now to stop legislation that will make it a crime to breed hunting dogs.
Assembly Bill 1634, sponsored by Lloyd Levine, D-Van Nuys, will require all dogs over four months of age be spayed or neutered. The owner must pay for and qualify to receive a virtually unattainable permit if a dog to be exempted. Assembly Bill 1634 will be heard in the Assembly Business and Professions Committee on April 10 at 9:00 a.m.
“California hunting dog enthusiasts must let lawmakers know that they will not be forced to give up their passions because of poorly-written, unjust legislation,” said Rick Story, USSA senior vice president. “Tell state lawmakers that you oppose this overreaching bill that will outlaw the breeding of quality hunting dogs.
The anti’s have marked California’s hound hunting traditions for elimination, but a vigilant sportsmen’s community continues to strike back.
In 2006, the USSA led sportsmen to protect their hobbies and hunting interests by blocking a bill that threatened hunting dog competitors and field coursers. Three years earlier, sportsmen got behind a USSA campaign to defeat legislation that would have banned bear hunting, fox hunting, rabbit hunting, raccoon hunting and more.
Take Action! California sportsmen should attend the Assembly Business and Professions Committee hearing on April 10 at 9:00 a.m. AB 1634 will be heard in Room 447 of the State Capitol in Sacramento. Attend and demonstrate the hunting dog community’s opposition to AB 1634, an excessive bill that will devastate the future of hunting.
Those who cannot attend should contact their assembly members and ask them to oppose AB 1634. Explain that the bill criminalizes dog owners that legitimately breed hunting dogs. Let them know you oppose the establishment of unattainable regulations to receive an exemption. To contact your assembly member, call (916) 445-2323 or use the Legislative Action Center at
OK now if you can not breed any dog any more.. there will be no dogs in Califirnia.. Does that not mean EXTINCTION FOR Various and sundry dogs? In California where everyone wants to preserve the diversity of the planet??????????
California needs to wake up.
Join our e-mail alert list
California sporting dog owners must act now to stop legislation that will make it a crime to breed hunting dogs.
Assembly Bill 1634, sponsored by Lloyd Levine, D-Van Nuys, will require all dogs over four months of age be spayed or neutered. The owner must pay for and qualify to receive a virtually unattainable permit if a dog to be exempted. Assembly Bill 1634 will be heard in the Assembly Business and Professions Committee on April 10 at 9:00 a.m.
“California hunting dog enthusiasts must let lawmakers know that they will not be forced to give up their passions because of poorly-written, unjust legislation,” said Rick Story, USSA senior vice president. “Tell state lawmakers that you oppose this overreaching bill that will outlaw the breeding of quality hunting dogs.
The anti’s have marked California’s hound hunting traditions for elimination, but a vigilant sportsmen’s community continues to strike back.
In 2006, the USSA led sportsmen to protect their hobbies and hunting interests by blocking a bill that threatened hunting dog competitors and field coursers. Three years earlier, sportsmen got behind a USSA campaign to defeat legislation that would have banned bear hunting, fox hunting, rabbit hunting, raccoon hunting and more.
Take Action! California sportsmen should attend the Assembly Business and Professions Committee hearing on April 10 at 9:00 a.m. AB 1634 will be heard in Room 447 of the State Capitol in Sacramento. Attend and demonstrate the hunting dog community’s opposition to AB 1634, an excessive bill that will devastate the future of hunting.
Those who cannot attend should contact their assembly members and ask them to oppose AB 1634. Explain that the bill criminalizes dog owners that legitimately breed hunting dogs. Let them know you oppose the establishment of unattainable regulations to receive an exemption. To contact your assembly member, call (916) 445-2323 or use the Legislative Action Center at
OK now if you can not breed any dog any more.. there will be no dogs in Califirnia.. Does that not mean EXTINCTION FOR Various and sundry dogs? In California where everyone wants to preserve the diversity of the planet??????????
California needs to wake up.
Sunday, April 08, 2007
DEAR BluJesus
From BluJesus...jim-
thousands of people who worked on the atom bomb had no idea what they were working on. need to know- that is how the military keeps secrets, each person does his job unaware of the whole picture. as far as whistle blowers- Sibel Edmonds, Michael Springman, Randy Glass, Mary Schneider, Robert Wright. but I'm sure you won't check them out due to your fear.
Yes and the people in the camp in New Mexico all knew as soon as the bomb blew. ONLY people with experience in controlled demolition are several commercial companies. THE GOVERNMENT does not do CD.. If the military wants a building down they blow it up all at once. If the government takes a building down they sell the bricks and the wood and everything else...
NOW for your Whistle Blowers.
Sible Edmonds.. ""...we fear that the designation of information as classified in some cases [brought forth by Sibel Edmonds] serves to protect the executive branch against embarrassing revelations and full accountability... Releasing declassified versions of these reports, or at least portions or summaries, would serve the public’s interest, increase transparency, promote effectiveness and efficiency at the FBI, and facilitate Congressional oversight."
Nothing here indicates a conspiracy. It simply says that there MIGHT be more evidence.. not that there is..It also indicates that the administration MIGHT be embarrassed.. but no where does anything this man brought forth indicates a conspiracy as you want to promote.
Mr. Springman says he gave out Visas to questionable people at CIA direction.
NOW for that to happen he would have had to have been there UNDER Clinton since Bush was only in office for 7 months before the attack. WHICH was planned during the Clinton administration!!! (Planning started in 1997) So as I suspected Clinton hire, and Clinton Policy help the terrorists. Clinton CIA people were still in charge during the Bush Administration. Unlike Clinton Bush did not come in and clean house.. IE.. like firing ALL of the Federal Attorneys.
RANDY GLASS: Knew more than a year before and did ot pass it on until Bush was in office. He had taped interviews with terrorists. THAT MEANS that the people he worked for KNEW before Bush took office. They listened to the TAPES...
The FBI knew something was coming, but could not figure it out...
The CIA knew where but not when but was not allowed to tell the FBI.
NOTHING indicates a conspiracy. Some stupidity but not a conspiracy.
Mary Schneider: From a whistleblower lawsuit...
The administrative judge also found that the appellant failed to prove her affirmative defense of retaliation for whistleblowing disclosures regarding “her belief that alien applicants for naturalization, green cards, and other benefits had bribed various officials at INS Orlando such that these officials were approving these applicants for citizenship despite the appellant’s contention that these applicants had engaged in fraudulent behavior (e.g., sham marriages, forgery, bigamy, perjury, etc.).” ID at 4. The administrative judge found that the appellant failed to make a nonfrivolous allegation that a reasonable person in her position could conclude that her allegations concerned violations of law. ID at 15. He also found that, even if the appellant’s disclosures were protected, she did not show that such disclosures were a contributing factor to her suspension because the agency imposed the 30-day suspension “more than five years after the appellant’s April 1998 disclosures.” ID at 15-16.
Local authorities accepting a bribe IS NOT a conspiracy. It is criminal activity. ALSO it happened when..April 1998. AGAIN under Clinton...
As for Mr. Wrigth there are about 20 on Google and NONE seem to have any connection.
NOW again I say..
Show me evidence of a C-O-N-S-P-I-R-A-C-Y that is during the Bush Administration.
Did people make mistakes which helped the terrorists? YES, most definitely. They also used our own laws against us. The FBI and the CIA not being able to share info.. the DIA and the Super Spooks at NSA not being able to share info.. that is what the terrorists used against us.
CLINTON Says he told Mr. Bush that Ossama was a danger.. Ok, but did he tell him that there was a plan in the works because it sure as hell looks like he new if the stuff you sent me too is believed. MORE.. ok I KNEW in 2001 that Ossama Bin Laden was a danger to this country.. He was in on the 1993? 1994? attempt to blow the towers. He was on the news almost every day and linked to the bombings of our embassies, and the ship in Oman. Any semi Literate person knew who Bin Laden was.
NOW I still want a name of something more than a whistleblower who was involved in the setting of the explosives.
There has to be someone because you can not do this kind of operation without someone BREAKING.
That's My Take on it.
Jim Dicken
PS.. Blu.. what is YOUR name and will YOU say what it is and stand personally responsible for what you say?
thousands of people who worked on the atom bomb had no idea what they were working on. need to know- that is how the military keeps secrets, each person does his job unaware of the whole picture. as far as whistle blowers- Sibel Edmonds, Michael Springman, Randy Glass, Mary Schneider, Robert Wright. but I'm sure you won't check them out due to your fear.
Yes and the people in the camp in New Mexico all knew as soon as the bomb blew. ONLY people with experience in controlled demolition are several commercial companies. THE GOVERNMENT does not do CD.. If the military wants a building down they blow it up all at once. If the government takes a building down they sell the bricks and the wood and everything else...
NOW for your Whistle Blowers.
Sible Edmonds.. ""...we fear that the designation of information as classified in some cases [brought forth by Sibel Edmonds] serves to protect the executive branch against embarrassing revelations and full accountability... Releasing declassified versions of these reports, or at least portions or summaries, would serve the public’s interest, increase transparency, promote effectiveness and efficiency at the FBI, and facilitate Congressional oversight."
Nothing here indicates a conspiracy. It simply says that there MIGHT be more evidence.. not that there is..It also indicates that the administration MIGHT be embarrassed.. but no where does anything this man brought forth indicates a conspiracy as you want to promote.
Mr. Springman says he gave out Visas to questionable people at CIA direction.
NOW for that to happen he would have had to have been there UNDER Clinton since Bush was only in office for 7 months before the attack. WHICH was planned during the Clinton administration!!! (Planning started in 1997) So as I suspected Clinton hire, and Clinton Policy help the terrorists. Clinton CIA people were still in charge during the Bush Administration. Unlike Clinton Bush did not come in and clean house.. IE.. like firing ALL of the Federal Attorneys.
RANDY GLASS: Knew more than a year before and did ot pass it on until Bush was in office. He had taped interviews with terrorists. THAT MEANS that the people he worked for KNEW before Bush took office. They listened to the TAPES...
The FBI knew something was coming, but could not figure it out...
The CIA knew where but not when but was not allowed to tell the FBI.
NOTHING indicates a conspiracy. Some stupidity but not a conspiracy.
Mary Schneider: From a whistleblower lawsuit...
The administrative judge also found that the appellant failed to prove her affirmative defense of retaliation for whistleblowing disclosures regarding “her belief that alien applicants for naturalization, green cards, and other benefits had bribed various officials at INS Orlando such that these officials were approving these applicants for citizenship despite the appellant’s contention that these applicants had engaged in fraudulent behavior (e.g., sham marriages, forgery, bigamy, perjury, etc.).” ID at 4. The administrative judge found that the appellant failed to make a nonfrivolous allegation that a reasonable person in her position could conclude that her allegations concerned violations of law. ID at 15. He also found that, even if the appellant’s disclosures were protected, she did not show that such disclosures were a contributing factor to her suspension because the agency imposed the 30-day suspension “more than five years after the appellant’s April 1998 disclosures.” ID at 15-16.
Local authorities accepting a bribe IS NOT a conspiracy. It is criminal activity. ALSO it happened when..April 1998. AGAIN under Clinton...
As for Mr. Wrigth there are about 20 on Google and NONE seem to have any connection.
NOW again I say..
Show me evidence of a C-O-N-S-P-I-R-A-C-Y that is during the Bush Administration.
Did people make mistakes which helped the terrorists? YES, most definitely. They also used our own laws against us. The FBI and the CIA not being able to share info.. the DIA and the Super Spooks at NSA not being able to share info.. that is what the terrorists used against us.
CLINTON Says he told Mr. Bush that Ossama was a danger.. Ok, but did he tell him that there was a plan in the works because it sure as hell looks like he new if the stuff you sent me too is believed. MORE.. ok I KNEW in 2001 that Ossama Bin Laden was a danger to this country.. He was in on the 1993? 1994? attempt to blow the towers. He was on the news almost every day and linked to the bombings of our embassies, and the ship in Oman. Any semi Literate person knew who Bin Laden was.
NOW I still want a name of something more than a whistleblower who was involved in the setting of the explosives.
There has to be someone because you can not do this kind of operation without someone BREAKING.
That's My Take on it.
Jim Dicken
PS.. Blu.. what is YOUR name and will YOU say what it is and stand personally responsible for what you say?
Jimmy Carter should shut UP...
Today Jimmy Carter got on the radio news and stated that the war in Iraq was MORALLY wrong.
Now Mr. Carter,
I have to ask this question.
Was Saddam Hussein a moral person. Was he providing medical care for children and the sick in his country. Was he abiding by United Nations Sanctions from the war he unjustly started with Kuwait. Are the Iraqi people better off today than they were under Sadam Hussein?
NO he was not moral. He allowed his sons to run rough shod around the country. They had rooms set aside for rape and murder of women. He was squirreling away the OIL FOR MEDICINE and Food money into his own bank account and using $50,000 per suicide bomber to attack both Israeli an US Citizens not to mention citizens from around the world. He never abided by the UN Sanctions and had committed Genocide, a crime under the Geneva Convention.
BEYOND that he was promoting terror and looking for ways to attack this country. THAT comes from the Russian Premier who is no friend of the United States...
Was it MORAL for the United States to ignore the slaughter in Africa in the 90's while Clinton was in office?
You talk of Morallity but I do not believe you know what it is.
This war was necessary. It was unavoidable and the immorality has been committed by the Al Queda network in fomenting sectarian violence.
This from the man who helped to give birth to the NEW Fundamentalist movement through his ignorance of Foreign Affairs. This from the man who turned his back on the Shah of Iran who was fighting the Fundamentalists in the 70's.
Iraq is better off today than it was under Sadam. FEWER people are actually dying now than under Sadam. At one point more people had water, electricity and services than at any time in Sadam's reign.. but the press in this country did not report it.. THAT was immoral. We were winning the war. Instead they reported more and more the terrorist activities. Giving hope to the insurgents and dividing this country against itself. YOU are assisting this division. YOU are assisting our enemies.
Mr. Carter.. Your comments themself are IMMORAL. Your comments increase the likelihood that another sectarian act will occur. It gives aid and comfort to the enemy and worse is demoralizing to men fighting to end the terror and return Iraq to a democracy.
Shame on you.
You are a disgraced President who should stay out of the public eye.
That is MY BELIEF..
Jim Dicken
Now Mr. Carter,
I have to ask this question.
Was Saddam Hussein a moral person. Was he providing medical care for children and the sick in his country. Was he abiding by United Nations Sanctions from the war he unjustly started with Kuwait. Are the Iraqi people better off today than they were under Sadam Hussein?
NO he was not moral. He allowed his sons to run rough shod around the country. They had rooms set aside for rape and murder of women. He was squirreling away the OIL FOR MEDICINE and Food money into his own bank account and using $50,000 per suicide bomber to attack both Israeli an US Citizens not to mention citizens from around the world. He never abided by the UN Sanctions and had committed Genocide, a crime under the Geneva Convention.
BEYOND that he was promoting terror and looking for ways to attack this country. THAT comes from the Russian Premier who is no friend of the United States...
Was it MORAL for the United States to ignore the slaughter in Africa in the 90's while Clinton was in office?
You talk of Morallity but I do not believe you know what it is.
This war was necessary. It was unavoidable and the immorality has been committed by the Al Queda network in fomenting sectarian violence.
This from the man who helped to give birth to the NEW Fundamentalist movement through his ignorance of Foreign Affairs. This from the man who turned his back on the Shah of Iran who was fighting the Fundamentalists in the 70's.
Iraq is better off today than it was under Sadam. FEWER people are actually dying now than under Sadam. At one point more people had water, electricity and services than at any time in Sadam's reign.. but the press in this country did not report it.. THAT was immoral. We were winning the war. Instead they reported more and more the terrorist activities. Giving hope to the insurgents and dividing this country against itself. YOU are assisting this division. YOU are assisting our enemies.
Mr. Carter.. Your comments themself are IMMORAL. Your comments increase the likelihood that another sectarian act will occur. It gives aid and comfort to the enemy and worse is demoralizing to men fighting to end the terror and return Iraq to a democracy.
Shame on you.
You are a disgraced President who should stay out of the public eye.
That is MY BELIEF..
Jim Dicken
From Mickey Sears on YouTube..Sorry jimd but I just can't give up you on yet. This so called "War on Terror". Sounds a lot like "The War on Drugs" or "The War on Poverty" or "The War on Cancer". How much money have we thrown at poverty and yet poverty is worse now than ever. The War on Drugs, same thing. Cancer, same thing. The reality is that these wars are not suppose to be won because then the money flow stops. The War on Terror, same thing.
Ohh give up please. Life is too short to live it in the paranoid stew you are living in..You are delusional. Cancer is cured more than ever. YES, I know researchers make no money on non-drug cures.. I know all of that, but the average life span increases not decreases. There ARE fewer people living in poverty by percentage than at any time in our history. Employment is higher than EVER.. This quarters statistics say180,000 more jobs created. The war on Drugs.. you have a point. Still there is less of a drug "Culture" than there was. THERE ARE cures for cancer. GET A REAL life. I used to be like you till age made me realize, life is good and things do get better.
NOTHING is a conspiracy, other than high gas prices at holidays, LOL.
Conspiracies do not work. The Holy Trinity of the New World Order does not exist. Nothig that has happened in my life tells me that they exist.
IF they do exist they have more patience than the Chinese..( By that I mean the Chinese do see the longer picture.. they built the great wall knowing that it would not work forever but would work for a period of time.)
This so called NWO as it supposedly exists COULD take over any time. Why bother with wars. The heads of it could run rough shod over the rest of us and have anything that they desire... so why all the work in these VERY COMPLICATED conspiracies??????
The conspiracy idea on its face has some merit, until you realize that it would take too many people and too much time, and would be impossible to keep secret. The so called people involved had family members and relatives in the buildings that fell. Would they NOT tell them to stay out of the building? THAT did not happen. Family members did die. Friends died. Firemen Died. Police Died. There was no way to control the outcome. The point of a conspiracy is CONTROL.. While it did centralize the collection of Intelligence and create problems for people flying, it did not give the government any control it did not need to keep terrorists from using our own FREEDOM's against us.
Worried that the Government is reading your email? A PERSON DOES NOT READ YOUR MAIL.. its a computer, looking for key words and phrases. Series of words and phrases used by terrorists to plan bombings and terrorism. Unless you are talking like a terrorist no one EVER sees your mail. It is scanned like a website is scanned by Google.
The attack on the WTC had the possibility of causing world wide economic collapse. That is why it was the target. With that collapse, the poor indigent people of Iran, Iraq, Syria, and other backward Islamic Countries remained in poverty and could be given hope by the Fanatics. If the world economy collapsed Ossama Bin Laden achieved the ONE thing that would give him a shot at world domination for his God Allah! Poor people besieged by poverty with no access to the truth, and who have lost hope.
These are the people he uses to make his attacks to kill hundreds and thousands at a time.
Since Technology started to grow, it has been defeated by less technological means. The French who fought from the sewers, the insurgents in Afghanistan, all fought against tougher enemies and won, using less technical weapons and methods.
Technology solves problems, but also leaves us blind to other things.
I used to believe in things like this till I realized the Democratic Party, had become a party that did nothing to help people. It works to enslave them. Poverty is necessary for a cheap work force. A good economy does not make Democrats rich it makes the middle class rich. New money is almost totally Republican while old money is almost always Democrat... why is that???
Do you really believe that if Hillary could OUT GW and become president using the conspiracy against him she would not do it. Barak Obamma? Any Democrat and some of the Republicans would do it in a second.
Do you really believe Colin Powell would be involved in this?
Do you really believe over a thousand Americans could attack their own country and NONE of them could be identified or break and come forward..
Seriously you need to take a chill pill.
The enemy is not us.. it is the poor down trodden of the world who see us as uncaring and out to destroy their god, because they do not get the truth other than from wacked out Mullah's who are power hungry.
Thats my take on it.
Jim Dicken.
Ohh give up please. Life is too short to live it in the paranoid stew you are living in..You are delusional. Cancer is cured more than ever. YES, I know researchers make no money on non-drug cures.. I know all of that, but the average life span increases not decreases. There ARE fewer people living in poverty by percentage than at any time in our history. Employment is higher than EVER.. This quarters statistics say180,000 more jobs created. The war on Drugs.. you have a point. Still there is less of a drug "Culture" than there was. THERE ARE cures for cancer. GET A REAL life. I used to be like you till age made me realize, life is good and things do get better.
NOTHING is a conspiracy, other than high gas prices at holidays, LOL.
Conspiracies do not work. The Holy Trinity of the New World Order does not exist. Nothig that has happened in my life tells me that they exist.
IF they do exist they have more patience than the Chinese..( By that I mean the Chinese do see the longer picture.. they built the great wall knowing that it would not work forever but would work for a period of time.)
This so called NWO as it supposedly exists COULD take over any time. Why bother with wars. The heads of it could run rough shod over the rest of us and have anything that they desire... so why all the work in these VERY COMPLICATED conspiracies??????
The conspiracy idea on its face has some merit, until you realize that it would take too many people and too much time, and would be impossible to keep secret. The so called people involved had family members and relatives in the buildings that fell. Would they NOT tell them to stay out of the building? THAT did not happen. Family members did die. Friends died. Firemen Died. Police Died. There was no way to control the outcome. The point of a conspiracy is CONTROL.. While it did centralize the collection of Intelligence and create problems for people flying, it did not give the government any control it did not need to keep terrorists from using our own FREEDOM's against us.
Worried that the Government is reading your email? A PERSON DOES NOT READ YOUR MAIL.. its a computer, looking for key words and phrases. Series of words and phrases used by terrorists to plan bombings and terrorism. Unless you are talking like a terrorist no one EVER sees your mail. It is scanned like a website is scanned by Google.
The attack on the WTC had the possibility of causing world wide economic collapse. That is why it was the target. With that collapse, the poor indigent people of Iran, Iraq, Syria, and other backward Islamic Countries remained in poverty and could be given hope by the Fanatics. If the world economy collapsed Ossama Bin Laden achieved the ONE thing that would give him a shot at world domination for his God Allah! Poor people besieged by poverty with no access to the truth, and who have lost hope.
These are the people he uses to make his attacks to kill hundreds and thousands at a time.
Since Technology started to grow, it has been defeated by less technological means. The French who fought from the sewers, the insurgents in Afghanistan, all fought against tougher enemies and won, using less technical weapons and methods.
Technology solves problems, but also leaves us blind to other things.
I used to believe in things like this till I realized the Democratic Party, had become a party that did nothing to help people. It works to enslave them. Poverty is necessary for a cheap work force. A good economy does not make Democrats rich it makes the middle class rich. New money is almost totally Republican while old money is almost always Democrat... why is that???
Do you really believe that if Hillary could OUT GW and become president using the conspiracy against him she would not do it. Barak Obamma? Any Democrat and some of the Republicans would do it in a second.
Do you really believe Colin Powell would be involved in this?
Do you really believe over a thousand Americans could attack their own country and NONE of them could be identified or break and come forward..
Seriously you need to take a chill pill.
The enemy is not us.. it is the poor down trodden of the world who see us as uncaring and out to destroy their god, because they do not get the truth other than from wacked out Mullah's who are power hungry.
Thats my take on it.
Jim Dicken.
Saturday, April 07, 2007
For any regular readers...
Above is a link to a Video I did criticizing Rosie O'Donnell for spreading conspiracy theories about 9-11.
I had not intended to get off track talking about the war and Mr. Bush but this distraction has sort of run over into my blogging world.
Jim Dicken
PS... For the folks complaining about Mr. Bush and calling him a POS..
Last night the government released figures showing 180,000 more jobs in the last quarter, and again the lowest rate of unemployment in history.
So apparently those folks who fell off the Unemployment rolls must have found somethig.
OH and that old herring was trotted out under, Ford, Reagan, and Nixon when unemployment went down.. and the reverse was used by Carter and Clinton when they extended unemployment benefits.
Could it be that people like unemployment and take all they can before they get a job?
We are becoming a Welfare Country. 50% of the people supporting the other 50% with entitlement payments.
Above is a link to a Video I did criticizing Rosie O'Donnell for spreading conspiracy theories about 9-11.
I had not intended to get off track talking about the war and Mr. Bush but this distraction has sort of run over into my blogging world.
Jim Dicken
PS... For the folks complaining about Mr. Bush and calling him a POS..
Last night the government released figures showing 180,000 more jobs in the last quarter, and again the lowest rate of unemployment in history.
So apparently those folks who fell off the Unemployment rolls must have found somethig.
OH and that old herring was trotted out under, Ford, Reagan, and Nixon when unemployment went down.. and the reverse was used by Carter and Clinton when they extended unemployment benefits.
Could it be that people like unemployment and take all they can before they get a job?
We are becoming a Welfare Country. 50% of the people supporting the other 50% with entitlement payments.
Friday, April 06, 2007
GNP only helps the RICH????????????/
From my YouTube Experience this post:
not true- many have EXAUSTED all of their benefits. and ARE NO LONGER ELIGIBLE. the GNP numbers are only helping the wealthy, while the middle class has had their purchasing power reduced. The National Debt has continued to increase an average of $1.94 billion per day since September 29, 2006! that is- $29,444.13 per citizen.
civil war in iraq, looming war with iran. bin laden still free, BILLIONS wasted, 23,000 seriously wounded.
-yeah heckuva job bushie
There are no figures indicating that People have exhausted their unemployment to any significant amount. Tracking of eligibility numbers indicates many are finding jobs and those who do not and fall off at the end of eligibility are in FACT finding employment through Self Ownership of businesses.
As for the Debt Burden.. Here is an excellent quote as to why you are wrong..
Why America's Debt Burden Is Declining
by Brian M. Riedl
Backgrounder #1820
The Congressional Budget Office’s new budget estimates are once again focusing budget watchers on the issue of government debt. While the growing federal debt is worrisome, many lawmakers and reporters focus on the wrong numbers and oppose debt for reasons that are not supported by economic data.
First, annual budget deficit figures, which are cited frequently by budget watchers, say little about the nation’s true debt burden and its ability to finance this debt. Second, the legacy of government debt is steep increases in taxes rather than steep hikes in interest rates. Federal debt represents government’s failure to live within its means as well as a preference for dumping current costs into the laps of future generations—with interest.
When measured properly, the federal government’s debt burden is actually below the post–World War II average. It is lower than it was at any time during the 1990s. However, unless Social Security and Medicare are reformed, lawmakers risk allowing debt levels to increase until they cause the highest intergenerational tax increase in history.
For example, is a family carrying too much debt if it borrows $5,000 this year? That question cannot be answered without knowing two additional variables:
Total debt. The family must repay not only the amount borrowed this year, but also all outstanding debt from previous years. If the family still owes $95,000 from previous borrowing, the additional $5,000 is less affordable than if the family had no prior debt.
Income. Assuming the family was already $95,000 in debt and this new $5,000 loan increases its total debt to $100,000, whether or not the additional $5,000 in debt is manageable depends on the family’s income. While Bill Gates could easily afford this debt, many low-income families could not.
Combining these two variables, the proper way to measure the impact of borrowing is by calculating the total debt as a percentage of income. This “debt ratio” is used by banks to determine how large a loan families and business can afford.
The same common sense applies to measuring the federal government’s finances. A $413 billion budget deficit merely shows the approximate annual change in the national debt. However, that number reveals nothing about whether or not the debt burden is too high; nor does it show whether the overall debt burden is increasing or decreasing.
In World War 2 250,000 Americans Died and as many were wounded. A terrible sacrifice against a terrible enemy that mirrors the one we fight today.
Islamic Extremists want the destruction of Israel and the end of the Sons of Abraham who is considered a relative of Mohammed. Hitler wanted to exterminate the Jews, extremists want the same thing.
We have lost 3200 soldiers and 3000 Citizens in this war.
We are fighting an enemy that wants our extinction. THAT IS NOT A BUSHCO comment. It is straight from the Al Queda "Playbook" as written by Ossama Bin Laden.
I have seen this in the Islamic Extremist Students I went to college with in the 70's. They have no respect for life and live only to serve the WILL of ALLAH. That "WILL" is to destroy ALL INFIDELS not just the Jews.
NOW for the GNP.
Rich people provide the money needed to invest in business and jobs. Attempts to "Curb the RICH" have only ended in the loss of jobs to middle class Americans who build the cars, the Yachts, and are the craftsmen who build what the rich consume.
Remember the LUXURY YACHT Tax. It put most of the Boat Builders in the United States out of Business. Thousands lost jobs thanks to the "Tax" on the rich.
Rich people like to save money too so if they can buy something over seas that is not taxed ridiculously then they will.
GNP is the heart of the health of the Economy and in the above quote also indicates whether a country can pay its debts.
you keep attacking Bush, but in the end all of your "FACTS" come down to hating him and not wanting to believe that the Terrorists are our enemies.
Jim Dicken
Just My Take on it.
not true- many have EXAUSTED all of their benefits. and ARE NO LONGER ELIGIBLE. the GNP numbers are only helping the wealthy, while the middle class has had their purchasing power reduced. The National Debt has continued to increase an average of $1.94 billion per day since September 29, 2006! that is- $29,444.13 per citizen.
civil war in iraq, looming war with iran. bin laden still free, BILLIONS wasted, 23,000 seriously wounded.
-yeah heckuva job bushie
There are no figures indicating that People have exhausted their unemployment to any significant amount. Tracking of eligibility numbers indicates many are finding jobs and those who do not and fall off at the end of eligibility are in FACT finding employment through Self Ownership of businesses.
As for the Debt Burden.. Here is an excellent quote as to why you are wrong..
Why America's Debt Burden Is Declining
by Brian M. Riedl
Backgrounder #1820
The Congressional Budget Office’s new budget estimates are once again focusing budget watchers on the issue of government debt. While the growing federal debt is worrisome, many lawmakers and reporters focus on the wrong numbers and oppose debt for reasons that are not supported by economic data.
First, annual budget deficit figures, which are cited frequently by budget watchers, say little about the nation’s true debt burden and its ability to finance this debt. Second, the legacy of government debt is steep increases in taxes rather than steep hikes in interest rates. Federal debt represents government’s failure to live within its means as well as a preference for dumping current costs into the laps of future generations—with interest.
When measured properly, the federal government’s debt burden is actually below the post–World War II average. It is lower than it was at any time during the 1990s. However, unless Social Security and Medicare are reformed, lawmakers risk allowing debt levels to increase until they cause the highest intergenerational tax increase in history.
For example, is a family carrying too much debt if it borrows $5,000 this year? That question cannot be answered without knowing two additional variables:
Total debt. The family must repay not only the amount borrowed this year, but also all outstanding debt from previous years. If the family still owes $95,000 from previous borrowing, the additional $5,000 is less affordable than if the family had no prior debt.
Income. Assuming the family was already $95,000 in debt and this new $5,000 loan increases its total debt to $100,000, whether or not the additional $5,000 in debt is manageable depends on the family’s income. While Bill Gates could easily afford this debt, many low-income families could not.
Combining these two variables, the proper way to measure the impact of borrowing is by calculating the total debt as a percentage of income. This “debt ratio” is used by banks to determine how large a loan families and business can afford.
The same common sense applies to measuring the federal government’s finances. A $413 billion budget deficit merely shows the approximate annual change in the national debt. However, that number reveals nothing about whether or not the debt burden is too high; nor does it show whether the overall debt burden is increasing or decreasing.
In World War 2 250,000 Americans Died and as many were wounded. A terrible sacrifice against a terrible enemy that mirrors the one we fight today.
Islamic Extremists want the destruction of Israel and the end of the Sons of Abraham who is considered a relative of Mohammed. Hitler wanted to exterminate the Jews, extremists want the same thing.
We have lost 3200 soldiers and 3000 Citizens in this war.
We are fighting an enemy that wants our extinction. THAT IS NOT A BUSHCO comment. It is straight from the Al Queda "Playbook" as written by Ossama Bin Laden.
I have seen this in the Islamic Extremist Students I went to college with in the 70's. They have no respect for life and live only to serve the WILL of ALLAH. That "WILL" is to destroy ALL INFIDELS not just the Jews.
NOW for the GNP.
Rich people provide the money needed to invest in business and jobs. Attempts to "Curb the RICH" have only ended in the loss of jobs to middle class Americans who build the cars, the Yachts, and are the craftsmen who build what the rich consume.
Remember the LUXURY YACHT Tax. It put most of the Boat Builders in the United States out of Business. Thousands lost jobs thanks to the "Tax" on the rich.
Rich people like to save money too so if they can buy something over seas that is not taxed ridiculously then they will.
GNP is the heart of the health of the Economy and in the above quote also indicates whether a country can pay its debts.
you keep attacking Bush, but in the end all of your "FACTS" come down to hating him and not wanting to believe that the Terrorists are our enemies.
Jim Dicken
Just My Take on it.
Gun Control Fails in Australia...
Small Victory for Sportsmen in Australia
In late March “The Shooters Party” of Australia managed to double its representation in the New South Wales state elections. This victory brings the grand total to only two Senators in the Legislative Council (out of 42), but still gives the “The Shooters Party” a larger voice in the state and presents a growing political threat for anti-gun, anti-hunting members of the legislative body. Australia introduced very restrictive gun licensing in 1996 and banned the private ownership of all semi-automatic longarms, including pump-action shotguns. They also embarked on a “buyback” of these previously legally owned firearms and turned them into scrap metal, costing Australian Tax payers approximately half a billion dollars. Predictably this action has not seen a decrease in crime. SCI will keep you posted.
The fact is that Home Invasions in Australia have increased.. while crime overall has not decreased.
When guns are illegal only Criminals will have guns is not just a motto.. It is reality in Australia.
Jim Dicken
In late March “The Shooters Party” of Australia managed to double its representation in the New South Wales state elections. This victory brings the grand total to only two Senators in the Legislative Council (out of 42), but still gives the “The Shooters Party” a larger voice in the state and presents a growing political threat for anti-gun, anti-hunting members of the legislative body. Australia introduced very restrictive gun licensing in 1996 and banned the private ownership of all semi-automatic longarms, including pump-action shotguns. They also embarked on a “buyback” of these previously legally owned firearms and turned them into scrap metal, costing Australian Tax payers approximately half a billion dollars. Predictably this action has not seen a decrease in crime. SCI will keep you posted.
The fact is that Home Invasions in Australia have increased.. while crime overall has not decreased.
When guns are illegal only Criminals will have guns is not just a motto.. It is reality in Australia.
Jim Dicken
O'Reilly on Child Hate Speech..
O'Reilly talks about this child and abuse.. My problem with this is that while she spouts what she is told, it depicts religion today as being involved in Genocide.
While Christians have waged war, they have NEVER been involved in Genocide. (Way in the past) it has not occurred in this or the last century. Christianity has been the victim but not the perpetrator.
Islamic Fundamentalists who demean the religion of Islam have been involved in Genocide in this and the last century. Hitler was involved in Genocide as was Stalin. NO Christian leader in the last 150 years has been involved in Genocide and depicting the Republican party as committing genocide because it is waging a war on terror is just plain SICK.
War is not genocide. Genocide is lining people up and killing them for NO reason, IE. the Gas chambers of the Nazi's and the Slaughter of innocent people in the Balkans and in Africa.
Failure to stop Genocide by past administrations would be closer to Genocide than anything the Republican Party has done in defense of this country.
I am a Democrat saying I am ashamed of my party and my past president for not acting to stop the murder / genocide in Africa in the 90's.
We waited too long to become involved in the Balkans to eliminate Islamic People.. and yet despite our actions to protect Islamic Religion and people in the Balkans Ossama Bin Laden wants to destroy our country and kill all of its citizens..
This child's parents are using Mind Control, and outrageous actions to accuse Republicans of being Nazi's. These kind of people will be the end of this nation.
This is how Rome Fell.
That's My take on it.
Jim Dicken
OH and I sign everythign I post.. unlike you scared individuals who hide behind name handles..
Thursday, April 05, 2007
The USA of Mexico?
You will not see this heart-stopping photo on the front page of the NY Times or on the lead story of the major news networks. The protestors put up the Mexican flag over the American flag flying upside down at Montebello High School in California . 

Make your own judgement on this picture and what these young people are trying to say. If you choose to remain uninvolved, do not be amazed when you no longer have a nation to call your own nor anything you have worked for left since it will be "redistributed" to the activists while you are so peacefully staying out of the "fray". Check history, it is full of nations/empires that disappeared when its citizens no longer held their core beliefs and values. One person CAN make a difference. One plus one plus one plus one plus one plus one.........
The battle for our secure borders and immigration laws that actually mean something, however, hasn't even begun.
If this ticks YOU off...PASS IT ON!!

Make your own judgement on this picture and what these young people are trying to say. If you choose to remain uninvolved, do not be amazed when you no longer have a nation to call your own nor anything you have worked for left since it will be "redistributed" to the activists while you are so peacefully staying out of the "fray". Check history, it is full of nations/empires that disappeared when its citizens no longer held their core beliefs and values. One person CAN make a difference. One plus one plus one plus one plus one plus one.........
The battle for our secure borders and immigration laws that actually mean something, however, hasn't even begun.
If this ticks YOU off...PASS IT ON!!
More Liberal attacks...
From a video I posted on concerning Rosie O'Donnell
It's painful to watch someone in so much denial. Yet this video was also very educational. It showed me how it was possible for a nation to vote for a failure of a president twice.
The real denial is that YOU and those who believe that the war in Iraq is wrong, are in fact proving Ossama Bin Laden right on a daily basis.
Ossama Bin Laden preaches openly that the United States will NEVER commit to any war any longer. We are not willing to suffer for our freedoms any more. We will pay for our freedom with money and arms but we will not commit our own blood and our own sons and daughters to the fight for our own God and our own FREEDOM.
The insurgency in Iran is dedicated to this. Each and every bomb that goes off is targeted to create as much damage as possible at a time that it can be reported on US Television. He is intentionally driving a wedge into the country, in order to divide us and to beat us.
IF we do not beat this insurgency it will follow us HOME.
You want to believe in this conspiracy because you are a coward. You want to believe that the United States is so terrible that it will kill its own citizens to enslave the rest of the world.
The truth is that the UNITED STATES is the greatest nation on the face of the planet.
We are the most generous, the most technically advanced, the main economic engine for most of the world.
If we are evil and hated, then it is easier for you to turn your life over to people who would destroy this country with silly conspiracy theories and in the end assist the Ossama's of the world to destroy it.
Ossama Bin Laden planned this attack and his Al Queda opperatives carried it out.
Why? Very simple, he attacked the main Economic Center of the world. Many of the worlds major commodities were bought and sold from these buildings as well as large banks, large amounts of silver and gold. IF he got lucky it would put many of the economies on the planet into free fall. This would cause anarchy and Fundamentalist Leaders depend on uneducated ignorant POOR of the world for their mind control.
Destroying the WTC could have done EXACTLY THAT... now would any one in the United States do the one thing that COULD give Ossama Bin Laden the ability to jump start his world domination? NO!
BUT lets look further.
Here are some of the claims I have seen:
There were explosives used to take down the towers.
Thermite or Thermate was used to take down the towers.
NO bodies were found at the crash site in Pennsylvania.
NO PLANE crashed into the Pentagon.
WTC 7 was not hit by a plane so fire could not have weakend it.
WTC 7 was taken down by a fire but it was not hit by a plane.
The building took only seconds to fall which is impossible unless there was a controlled explosion.
MOST if not all of these can be explained OR contradict another claim.
Worse yet.. it would take thousands of pounds of C4 to take the towers down. A van full could not do it. Next is how in the hell did it get set with miles of wire to set it off without the security team finding it.
Setting Thermite or Thermate charges would have required serious amounts of time and access.
Was the security team in on it?
Some are saying the military did it?
What commander in the military would carry out such an order?
The numbers of people necessary for such a cover up is to large. It could not be kept a secret. BEYOND that is the simple fact that each and every disaster in this country is gone over by people looking for discrepancies. There are video cameras EVERYWHERE. NOTHING is a secret any more.
Both the Democratic Party and the Republican Party would have to be involved in the cover up.. LMAO yeah that is gonna happen.
Billions of dollars in war profit?
Ok you have a point.. till you figure that an attack on another countries soil would have served just as well, and been easier to pull off without scrutiny.
We went to war with Iraq over WMD and there were none.
We had several opportunities to go to war under the Clinton Administration..
Why not do it then.
Why not trump up evidence at Oklahoma City to go after Iran?
There are books out there claiming that that exact thing did happen.
A conspiracy of this size is IMPOSSIBLE.
Maybe in 1960 but not in 2007.
You want too much to hate this country and George Bush.
Mr. Bush is not ruling the country for popularity. He is running it doing the RIGHT thing and some times the right thing is hard to do and unpopular.
Clinton took polls each and every week to find out what people wanted. He ruled and maded decisions based on what was popular, not by what was right for the country.
You claim Mr. Bush has failed... but he and the current government have kept you safe with no further attacks on US Soil.
Sadam Hussein is no longer killing millions of people.
The Economy is chugging along pretty darn good.
Unemployment is as low as it has ever been.
The Budget Deficit is declining despite the cost of the war on terror.
I will take failure like that any day.
250,000 American Soldiers died to keep the people of Europe free.
Today so far 3100 to 3200 American Soldiers have died in the same amount of time.
More men died on D-Day than have been lost in this war.
When you compare the suffering and the sacrifice, there is no comparison.
The greatest generation was willing to fight and die to keep its freedom.
This generation is more concerned with who is winning on Idol than in winning the war on terror.
You can call me ignorant and in denial and that is fine. What you call me is not important. BUT what you do to this country is what concerns me.
You are aiding our enemies in defeating our soldires in Iraq. You are encouraging insurgents to kill men, women and children in Iraq.
At least I do not have blood on my hands..
You can not support the troops without supporting the war...
In World War 2 mistakes were made on a daily basis.
The landing on Omaha Beach was a disaster. The press did not report it.
Why? Because our soldiers needed to be confident of their mission and their leaders.
Today the press is doing everything in its power to find fault with this war.
We need to win this war more than World War 2.
Had we lost in WW2 we would have lost our freedom and be speaking german.
IF we lose the war on terror, we will be killed. Our Grandchildren will not be born.
The Fundamentalists WANT US DEAD. There is NO negotiation with them.
We are infidels unworthy of Allah. Even IF we convert we will be killed.
These people are willing to kill every living thing on the planet in order to Praise Allah.
That is not rascism, it is fact.
I went to school with both Iranian and Iraqi students. Their hatred of this country was evident even in the 70's. Their joy at the deaths of Americans in terror attacks was Scary.
Defeat is not an option.
Unless of course you plan on fighting in the streets here.
IF we leave Iraq too soon, it will become the new training ground and the new recruiting haven for Ossama.
If you think Jimmy Carter screwed up by allowing the Shah of Iran to be kicked out this will make that look like a birthday party.
Thats My Take on it.
Jim Dicken
It's painful to watch someone in so much denial. Yet this video was also very educational. It showed me how it was possible for a nation to vote for a failure of a president twice.
The real denial is that YOU and those who believe that the war in Iraq is wrong, are in fact proving Ossama Bin Laden right on a daily basis.
Ossama Bin Laden preaches openly that the United States will NEVER commit to any war any longer. We are not willing to suffer for our freedoms any more. We will pay for our freedom with money and arms but we will not commit our own blood and our own sons and daughters to the fight for our own God and our own FREEDOM.
The insurgency in Iran is dedicated to this. Each and every bomb that goes off is targeted to create as much damage as possible at a time that it can be reported on US Television. He is intentionally driving a wedge into the country, in order to divide us and to beat us.
IF we do not beat this insurgency it will follow us HOME.
You want to believe in this conspiracy because you are a coward. You want to believe that the United States is so terrible that it will kill its own citizens to enslave the rest of the world.
The truth is that the UNITED STATES is the greatest nation on the face of the planet.
We are the most generous, the most technically advanced, the main economic engine for most of the world.
If we are evil and hated, then it is easier for you to turn your life over to people who would destroy this country with silly conspiracy theories and in the end assist the Ossama's of the world to destroy it.
Ossama Bin Laden planned this attack and his Al Queda opperatives carried it out.
Why? Very simple, he attacked the main Economic Center of the world. Many of the worlds major commodities were bought and sold from these buildings as well as large banks, large amounts of silver and gold. IF he got lucky it would put many of the economies on the planet into free fall. This would cause anarchy and Fundamentalist Leaders depend on uneducated ignorant POOR of the world for their mind control.
Destroying the WTC could have done EXACTLY THAT... now would any one in the United States do the one thing that COULD give Ossama Bin Laden the ability to jump start his world domination? NO!
BUT lets look further.
Here are some of the claims I have seen:
There were explosives used to take down the towers.
Thermite or Thermate was used to take down the towers.
NO bodies were found at the crash site in Pennsylvania.
NO PLANE crashed into the Pentagon.
WTC 7 was not hit by a plane so fire could not have weakend it.
WTC 7 was taken down by a fire but it was not hit by a plane.
The building took only seconds to fall which is impossible unless there was a controlled explosion.
MOST if not all of these can be explained OR contradict another claim.
Worse yet.. it would take thousands of pounds of C4 to take the towers down. A van full could not do it. Next is how in the hell did it get set with miles of wire to set it off without the security team finding it.
Setting Thermite or Thermate charges would have required serious amounts of time and access.
Was the security team in on it?
Some are saying the military did it?
What commander in the military would carry out such an order?
The numbers of people necessary for such a cover up is to large. It could not be kept a secret. BEYOND that is the simple fact that each and every disaster in this country is gone over by people looking for discrepancies. There are video cameras EVERYWHERE. NOTHING is a secret any more.
Both the Democratic Party and the Republican Party would have to be involved in the cover up.. LMAO yeah that is gonna happen.
Billions of dollars in war profit?
Ok you have a point.. till you figure that an attack on another countries soil would have served just as well, and been easier to pull off without scrutiny.
We went to war with Iraq over WMD and there were none.
We had several opportunities to go to war under the Clinton Administration..
Why not do it then.
Why not trump up evidence at Oklahoma City to go after Iran?
There are books out there claiming that that exact thing did happen.
A conspiracy of this size is IMPOSSIBLE.
Maybe in 1960 but not in 2007.
You want too much to hate this country and George Bush.
Mr. Bush is not ruling the country for popularity. He is running it doing the RIGHT thing and some times the right thing is hard to do and unpopular.
Clinton took polls each and every week to find out what people wanted. He ruled and maded decisions based on what was popular, not by what was right for the country.
You claim Mr. Bush has failed... but he and the current government have kept you safe with no further attacks on US Soil.
Sadam Hussein is no longer killing millions of people.
The Economy is chugging along pretty darn good.
Unemployment is as low as it has ever been.
The Budget Deficit is declining despite the cost of the war on terror.
I will take failure like that any day.
250,000 American Soldiers died to keep the people of Europe free.
Today so far 3100 to 3200 American Soldiers have died in the same amount of time.
More men died on D-Day than have been lost in this war.
When you compare the suffering and the sacrifice, there is no comparison.
The greatest generation was willing to fight and die to keep its freedom.
This generation is more concerned with who is winning on Idol than in winning the war on terror.
You can call me ignorant and in denial and that is fine. What you call me is not important. BUT what you do to this country is what concerns me.
You are aiding our enemies in defeating our soldires in Iraq. You are encouraging insurgents to kill men, women and children in Iraq.
At least I do not have blood on my hands..
You can not support the troops without supporting the war...
In World War 2 mistakes were made on a daily basis.
The landing on Omaha Beach was a disaster. The press did not report it.
Why? Because our soldiers needed to be confident of their mission and their leaders.
Today the press is doing everything in its power to find fault with this war.
We need to win this war more than World War 2.
Had we lost in WW2 we would have lost our freedom and be speaking german.
IF we lose the war on terror, we will be killed. Our Grandchildren will not be born.
The Fundamentalists WANT US DEAD. There is NO negotiation with them.
We are infidels unworthy of Allah. Even IF we convert we will be killed.
These people are willing to kill every living thing on the planet in order to Praise Allah.
That is not rascism, it is fact.
I went to school with both Iranian and Iraqi students. Their hatred of this country was evident even in the 70's. Their joy at the deaths of Americans in terror attacks was Scary.
Defeat is not an option.
Unless of course you plan on fighting in the streets here.
IF we leave Iraq too soon, it will become the new training ground and the new recruiting haven for Ossama.
If you think Jimmy Carter screwed up by allowing the Shah of Iran to be kicked out this will make that look like a birthday party.
Thats My Take on it.
Jim Dicken
Tuesday, April 03, 2007
Back to my Original Blog Roots.
This proves what I have said in the past.
The press is NOT giving the people of the United States all of the information.
It is only reporting the bad things not the progress being made.
This is fueling the Insurgents desire to kill more and more people since the press is concentrating on these deaths. The more the press helps Al Queda the more attacks occur. Al Queda is using our own news agencies to lower the morale of the people in order to create a defeatist belief. How do I know? Because Ossama Bin Laden outlined how he would do it long ago. It is how we lost in Viet Nam and how Bin Laden can defeat the US, over and over.
He is right. America as a people is NOT willing to defend itself if it means the loss of life.
What have news agencies ignored.. How about the defeat of Al Queda in Somalia.
How about the decrease in attacks in Baghdad since the surge started.
Why did Al Queda get run out of Somalia? Because it was too busy in Iraq.
Thats my take on it.
Jim Dicken
More answers to the 9-11 Conspiracy Nonsense
FROM: rw1469 // Why did the BBC report that building 7 collapsed apox. 20 minutes before it actually fell?
Well I can think of several reasons for that. News agencies that are 1000 miles from an on going incident make mistakes.
Do you remember the Reagan Assasination Attempt?
It was reported early on that the President was fine and not injured in the attack.
He was not.
It was later reported that the Press Secretary had died from his wounds, yet he still lives today.
How do I think it happened.
Well I can see a situation where someone picked up on a report being made concerning Bldg. 7 and misunderstood the words "Threat of Collapse" for Collapsed. How did the death of the Press Secretary get reported.. and if he had died would we now be talking about the conspiracy to kill Mr. Reagan because a reporter got it wrong?
Now let me continue on another topic brought up...
FROM MickeySears:
I've see news media reports that firefighters did indeed hear popping noises in the buildings. Sounds like explosives to me many of them said. Just type in 9/11 on YouTube on scrool down.
Popping noises. Several of the videos talk about the bolts for the floor joists failing. These could be the source of the popping noises heard, as could the collapse of floors and sections of floors.
JOHN J. LUMPKIN, Associated Press- aug 21 2002
In what the government describes as a bizarre coincidence, one U.S. intelligence agency was planning an exercise last Sept. 11 in which an errant aircraft would crash into one of its buildings.
-this is just one of the war games on 911,
Vigilant Guardian and Amalgam Warrior being 2 of the others.
They were planning war games not having war games..on 9-11.
I am not familiar with Vigilant Guardian, or Amalgam Warrior, however I would expect the government to be working on responses to such attacks. I see excercises on the news occasionally for Plane Crash responses.. IF a plane crashes when it is planned does that make it a conspiracy?
Others have questioned where the body parts from the crash of United 93 went?
Apparently someone is reporting that no parts or DNA was found.
Well I am guessing here that fire consumed most if not all of the parts.
Beyond that is the simple question.. IF they were not in the field in Pennsylvania what happened to the plane and the people IN IT?
Well I can think of several reasons for that. News agencies that are 1000 miles from an on going incident make mistakes.
Do you remember the Reagan Assasination Attempt?
It was reported early on that the President was fine and not injured in the attack.
He was not.
It was later reported that the Press Secretary had died from his wounds, yet he still lives today.
How do I think it happened.
Well I can see a situation where someone picked up on a report being made concerning Bldg. 7 and misunderstood the words "Threat of Collapse" for Collapsed. How did the death of the Press Secretary get reported.. and if he had died would we now be talking about the conspiracy to kill Mr. Reagan because a reporter got it wrong?
Now let me continue on another topic brought up...
FROM MickeySears:
I've see news media reports that firefighters did indeed hear popping noises in the buildings. Sounds like explosives to me many of them said. Just type in 9/11 on YouTube on scrool down.
Popping noises. Several of the videos talk about the bolts for the floor joists failing. These could be the source of the popping noises heard, as could the collapse of floors and sections of floors.
JOHN J. LUMPKIN, Associated Press- aug 21 2002
In what the government describes as a bizarre coincidence, one U.S. intelligence agency was planning an exercise last Sept. 11 in which an errant aircraft would crash into one of its buildings.
-this is just one of the war games on 911,
Vigilant Guardian and Amalgam Warrior being 2 of the others.
They were planning war games not having war games..on 9-11.
I am not familiar with Vigilant Guardian, or Amalgam Warrior, however I would expect the government to be working on responses to such attacks. I see excercises on the news occasionally for Plane Crash responses.. IF a plane crashes when it is planned does that make it a conspiracy?
Others have questioned where the body parts from the crash of United 93 went?
Apparently someone is reporting that no parts or DNA was found.
Well I am guessing here that fire consumed most if not all of the parts.
Beyond that is the simple question.. IF they were not in the field in Pennsylvania what happened to the plane and the people IN IT?
Answers to the 9-11 Conspiracy Crowd...
OK let me explain this to you in simple terms Jahrage.
Rosie said no STEEL building has ever fallen due to fire. THIS was about buildings 1 and 2.. not 7.
I will addres the Building 7 issue though.
Building 7 was damaged at its base by the traveling debris field of the WTC 1 and 2.
As the debris piled up gravity acted on it and created a flow of debris that took out support columns on one side of the building. The core of the building is NoT one piece of steel but PIECES of steel riveted together and welded. As the strain of the Extra weight of the building increased due to the FLOOR support being taken out the core began to crack like you would expect. (When you chop down a tree.. you take out one side and the Core CRACKS.. just like steel will on a larger scale)
The building collapesed onto itself from the weight of the upper floors which no longer had any support.
NOW let me go to WTC 1 and 2.
Have you ever heard of a BELLOWS.. It is what iron and steel workers use to bend steel. The planes hit the buildings and went all the way to the CORE of the building. The original fire from the fuel then started wood, curtains fabric and paper burning. The Core acted like a chimney and the heat began to rise in the CORE.
How do we know this.. Well if you listen to the folks on YOUTUBE.. Black smoke is cool and white smoke is hot. Look at the smoke coming from the TOP of the building. IT IS WHITE. It is the smoke running up the CORE to the roof and finding no place to go it vents out the side of the top of the building. The smoke that is dark is at the HOLE in the building where the plane hit it.
THE CORE melted. The steel at the top of the CORE as stated in several videos is thinner, making it more succpetable to heat. As more weight piled on to it the pieces, bolts and the welds began to break. (The rolling popping noises??) Finally interior floors began to break and collapse.. (Maybe why the sound BEFORE the collapes is heard?) As the weight increases the destruction increases in speed.
Rosie Stated that no steel building has ever collapsed from a fire alone...
What she failed to point out was that there was MORE than fire here.
There was a plane crash that took out the insulation that was supposed to protect the buildings steel. IF the insulation stays in tact the building does not fall / Fail.
No one thought about the effect of a plane crash would have on the insulation.
NO I have no scientific background. I offer no proof. I am using common sense and the basic knowledge my College Professors and High School Teachers gave me.
I Listened to these silly disrespectful videos and applied common sense and basic science. PROVE that any of the common sense things I have said are wrong.
Why and WHO would have done this?
Al Queda took credit for it immediately.
Why do that if they did not do it.
What exactly other than conjecture is there to give anyone the idea that these buildings were destroyed by our own government.
MORE: The plane nonsense in PA.
WHERE ARE THE BODY PARTS? Ok look this is not the first time a plane has crashed and no large body parts were found. The plane that took off from Miami and that crashed straight down into the Everglades.. NO LARGE parts were found but there was no major fire either. Add in a fire fuelded by Jet Fuel and it is possible the body parts burned up.
IF the plane did not crash WHERE ARE THE PEOPLE? Did the goverment kill them?
Were they taken by Aliens?
Where did the plane go if not into that field in PA?
There is no credible explanation as to who did this and why.
We had plenty of reason to go to war with Al Queda. They had attacked us many times during the Clinton Administration.
People you are denegrating the memory of the people who died there with this idiotic idea that there was some multinational conspiracy to kill 3000 Americans and to damage the one building that processed most of the major financial transactions in the world.
Anarchy was a serious possibility if information was not backed up and kept elsewhere. Banks could have failed.. so rich people would not benefit.
Bush? How has he benefitted?
Al Queda is the only answer for any of this.
Could they have planted some explosives in the building.. Hey anything is possible.
The military? HOW. What military leader would have followed such orders.
A conspiracy of this nature and scope would have taken hundreds and maybe even a thousand people to pull off.
NONE have come forward.
To do a demolition of a 110 story building would have taken days to plant the explosives. The number of wires leading to the explosives would have been noticeable and obvious. Where was security when it was being rigged? WAS THE ENTIRE Security force of the WTC in on this?
This was a Terrorist attack. Plain and simple. No one else had a motive or reason to do it.
Thats My Take on it.
Rosie said no STEEL building has ever fallen due to fire. THIS was about buildings 1 and 2.. not 7.
I will addres the Building 7 issue though.
Building 7 was damaged at its base by the traveling debris field of the WTC 1 and 2.
As the debris piled up gravity acted on it and created a flow of debris that took out support columns on one side of the building. The core of the building is NoT one piece of steel but PIECES of steel riveted together and welded. As the strain of the Extra weight of the building increased due to the FLOOR support being taken out the core began to crack like you would expect. (When you chop down a tree.. you take out one side and the Core CRACKS.. just like steel will on a larger scale)
The building collapesed onto itself from the weight of the upper floors which no longer had any support.
NOW let me go to WTC 1 and 2.
Have you ever heard of a BELLOWS.. It is what iron and steel workers use to bend steel. The planes hit the buildings and went all the way to the CORE of the building. The original fire from the fuel then started wood, curtains fabric and paper burning. The Core acted like a chimney and the heat began to rise in the CORE.
How do we know this.. Well if you listen to the folks on YOUTUBE.. Black smoke is cool and white smoke is hot. Look at the smoke coming from the TOP of the building. IT IS WHITE. It is the smoke running up the CORE to the roof and finding no place to go it vents out the side of the top of the building. The smoke that is dark is at the HOLE in the building where the plane hit it.
THE CORE melted. The steel at the top of the CORE as stated in several videos is thinner, making it more succpetable to heat. As more weight piled on to it the pieces, bolts and the welds began to break. (The rolling popping noises??) Finally interior floors began to break and collapse.. (Maybe why the sound BEFORE the collapes is heard?) As the weight increases the destruction increases in speed.
Rosie Stated that no steel building has ever collapsed from a fire alone...
What she failed to point out was that there was MORE than fire here.
There was a plane crash that took out the insulation that was supposed to protect the buildings steel. IF the insulation stays in tact the building does not fall / Fail.
No one thought about the effect of a plane crash would have on the insulation.
NO I have no scientific background. I offer no proof. I am using common sense and the basic knowledge my College Professors and High School Teachers gave me.
I Listened to these silly disrespectful videos and applied common sense and basic science. PROVE that any of the common sense things I have said are wrong.
Why and WHO would have done this?
Al Queda took credit for it immediately.
Why do that if they did not do it.
What exactly other than conjecture is there to give anyone the idea that these buildings were destroyed by our own government.
MORE: The plane nonsense in PA.
WHERE ARE THE BODY PARTS? Ok look this is not the first time a plane has crashed and no large body parts were found. The plane that took off from Miami and that crashed straight down into the Everglades.. NO LARGE parts were found but there was no major fire either. Add in a fire fuelded by Jet Fuel and it is possible the body parts burned up.
IF the plane did not crash WHERE ARE THE PEOPLE? Did the goverment kill them?
Were they taken by Aliens?
Where did the plane go if not into that field in PA?
There is no credible explanation as to who did this and why.
We had plenty of reason to go to war with Al Queda. They had attacked us many times during the Clinton Administration.
People you are denegrating the memory of the people who died there with this idiotic idea that there was some multinational conspiracy to kill 3000 Americans and to damage the one building that processed most of the major financial transactions in the world.
Anarchy was a serious possibility if information was not backed up and kept elsewhere. Banks could have failed.. so rich people would not benefit.
Bush? How has he benefitted?
Al Queda is the only answer for any of this.
Could they have planted some explosives in the building.. Hey anything is possible.
The military? HOW. What military leader would have followed such orders.
A conspiracy of this nature and scope would have taken hundreds and maybe even a thousand people to pull off.
NONE have come forward.
To do a demolition of a 110 story building would have taken days to plant the explosives. The number of wires leading to the explosives would have been noticeable and obvious. Where was security when it was being rigged? WAS THE ENTIRE Security force of the WTC in on this?
This was a Terrorist attack. Plain and simple. No one else had a motive or reason to do it.
Thats My Take on it.
Sunday, April 01, 2007
My Take on the War
This video tells part of what I believe about the war on terror and in particular the performance of the Press and the Democratic Party.
It takes into consideration, History, our previous wars, and how the press and democrats acted during World War II as opposed to this war.
Jim Dicken
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