Some are justifying NBC's airing of XXX's Video, NO I will not utter his name or give him one bit of recognition. We all know the name we all know his action we do not need to immortalize such an action.
............................NBC GOT IT WRONG...... Below is the reason one news WONK gave for showing the video.
From Bronwen Maddox:
"Watching just a few minutes of the rambling manifesto of paranoia answers the question which the US has asked itself for three days: why did he do it? Cho was clearly mentally ill, not simply a troubled student in a bad patch, or someone who had snapped under sudden strain; on its own, that is reassuring".
The America I live in was not asking itself why he did it. WE KNEW why he did it, the media had the answers within hours. He was DISTURBED. He was insane. He was mistreated.. so why do we need to be SHOWN he was insane by showing these disgusting videos.. BUT what is more disturbing is that NBC even opened what it KNEW to be evidence in a crime and apparently to copy said evidence BEFORE turning the evidence over to POLICE??????????
Whomever made the choice to show that video, to even open that piece of mail..should be prosecuted for tampering with evidence at the minimum. Accidental opening, OK, fine, once you know it is evidence you stop and call the police and give it to them. YOU DO NOT proceed to make copies and to play the evidence on the TV for a grieving nation and to assault the families of the people who died.
Worse yet you have now encouraged other mentally unfit people to do the SAME DAMN THING. Showing the video, mentioning his name, all give him what he wanted in his murder spree, and in his suicide.
SHAME is on NBC. Shame that is so dark that it may never be washed away.
NBC will always and forever be the network that gave XXX his victory over death.
Shame on all at NBC that chose for monetary reasons to air this video.
That is my take on it.
Jim Dicken