Well I can think of several reasons for that. News agencies that are 1000 miles from an on going incident make mistakes.
Do you remember the Reagan Assasination Attempt?
It was reported early on that the President was fine and not injured in the attack.
He was not.
It was later reported that the Press Secretary had died from his wounds, yet he still lives today.
How do I think it happened.
Well I can see a situation where someone picked up on a report being made concerning Bldg. 7 and misunderstood the words "Threat of Collapse" for Collapsed. How did the death of the Press Secretary get reported.. and if he had died would we now be talking about the conspiracy to kill Mr. Reagan because a reporter got it wrong?
Now let me continue on another topic brought up...
FROM MickeySears:
I've see news media reports that firefighters did indeed hear popping noises in the buildings. Sounds like explosives to me many of them said. Just type in 9/11 on YouTube on scrool down.
Popping noises. Several of the videos talk about the bolts for the floor joists failing. These could be the source of the popping noises heard, as could the collapse of floors and sections of floors.
JOHN J. LUMPKIN, Associated Press- aug 21 2002
In what the government describes as a bizarre coincidence, one U.S. intelligence agency was planning an exercise last Sept. 11 in which an errant aircraft would crash into one of its buildings.
-this is just one of the war games on 911,
Vigilant Guardian and Amalgam Warrior being 2 of the others.
They were planning war games not having war games..on 9-11.
I am not familiar with Vigilant Guardian, or Amalgam Warrior, however I would expect the government to be working on responses to such attacks. I see excercises on the news occasionally for Plane Crash responses.. IF a plane crashes when it is planned does that make it a conspiracy?
Others have questioned where the body parts from the crash of United 93 went?
Apparently someone is reporting that no parts or DNA was found.
Well I am guessing here that fire consumed most if not all of the parts.
Beyond that is the simple question.. IF they were not in the field in Pennsylvania what happened to the plane and the people IN IT?