Let's see a show of hands!
Who out there thinks that CBS, CNN, NBC, ABC, and the Educational Networks are basically "Liberal" leaning.
Who out there thinks that Fox might show the other side of the coin.
The top 3 candidates for President in the Democratic Party are refusing to be part of a debate that includes the Fox Network.
What is the result of this "Partisan" action?
A larger split in the way the country views of all things.. "Its Self"
Democrats are driving a wedge into this country that will not be removed.
Do I believe that Fox News is Conservative? YES! Most definitely. It is good in a country with 3 major networks that are all Liberal or Democrat Leaning to have a Network that is not promoting the "Liberal" Agenda.
FINALLY WE are getting both sides of the "Spin" in the news and not just one side.
By refusing to debate in an "EVENT" sponsored by Fox News and the Congressional Black Caucus, these people are showing that they will not be the President of "All" the people but the president of the Democratic Party.
Fox is not controlling the questions, the spin or the questioners.. they are only sponsoring the event. This is hypocrisy of the highest order and unworthy of any presidential candidate.
It is the job of the President to protect "All" of the people and the rights of "All" not just the rights of the Democratic Party. This refusal to debate is indicative of the problems in this country which are tearing it apart.
That is my take on it.
Jim Dicken