California Hunting Dog Enthusiasts Can't Catch a Break- (04/09)
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California sporting dog owners must act now to stop legislation that will make it a crime to breed hunting dogs.
Assembly Bill 1634, sponsored by Lloyd Levine, D-Van Nuys, will require all dogs over four months of age be spayed or neutered. The owner must pay for and qualify to receive a virtually unattainable permit if a dog to be exempted. Assembly Bill 1634 will be heard in the Assembly Business and Professions Committee on April 10 at 9:00 a.m.
“California hunting dog enthusiasts must let lawmakers know that they will not be forced to give up their passions because of poorly-written, unjust legislation,” said Rick Story, USSA senior vice president. “Tell state lawmakers that you oppose this overreaching bill that will outlaw the breeding of quality hunting dogs.
The anti’s have marked California’s hound hunting traditions for elimination, but a vigilant sportsmen’s community continues to strike back.
In 2006, the USSA led sportsmen to protect their hobbies and hunting interests by blocking a bill that threatened hunting dog competitors and field coursers. Three years earlier, sportsmen got behind a USSA campaign to defeat legislation that would have banned bear hunting, fox hunting, rabbit hunting, raccoon hunting and more.
Take Action! California sportsmen should attend the Assembly Business and Professions Committee hearing on April 10 at 9:00 a.m. AB 1634 will be heard in Room 447 of the State Capitol in Sacramento. Attend and demonstrate the hunting dog community’s opposition to AB 1634, an excessive bill that will devastate the future of hunting.
Those who cannot attend should contact their assembly members and ask them to oppose AB 1634. Explain that the bill criminalizes dog owners that legitimately breed hunting dogs. Let them know you oppose the establishment of unattainable regulations to receive an exemption. To contact your assembly member, call (916) 445-2323 or use the Legislative Action Center at
OK now if you can not breed any dog any more.. there will be no dogs in Califirnia.. Does that not mean EXTINCTION FOR Various and sundry dogs? In California where everyone wants to preserve the diversity of the planet??????????
California needs to wake up.