Sunday, April 08, 2007

Jimmy Carter should shut UP...

Today Jimmy Carter got on the radio news and stated that the war in Iraq was MORALLY wrong.
Now Mr. Carter,
I have to ask this question.
Was Saddam Hussein a moral person. Was he providing medical care for children and the sick in his country. Was he abiding by United Nations Sanctions from the war he unjustly started with Kuwait. Are the Iraqi people better off today than they were under Sadam Hussein?
NO he was not moral. He allowed his sons to run rough shod around the country. They had rooms set aside for rape and murder of women. He was squirreling away the OIL FOR MEDICINE and Food money into his own bank account and using $50,000 per suicide bomber to attack both Israeli an US Citizens not to mention citizens from around the world. He never abided by the UN Sanctions and had committed Genocide, a crime under the Geneva Convention.
BEYOND that he was promoting terror and looking for ways to attack this country. THAT comes from the Russian Premier who is no friend of the United States...
Was it MORAL for the United States to ignore the slaughter in Africa in the 90's while Clinton was in office?
You talk of Morallity but I do not believe you know what it is.
This war was necessary. It was unavoidable and the immorality has been committed by the Al Queda network in fomenting sectarian violence.
This from the man who helped to give birth to the NEW Fundamentalist movement through his ignorance of Foreign Affairs. This from the man who turned his back on the Shah of Iran who was fighting the Fundamentalists in the 70's.
Iraq is better off today than it was under Sadam. FEWER people are actually dying now than under Sadam. At one point more people had water, electricity and services than at any time in Sadam's reign.. but the press in this country did not report it.. THAT was immoral. We were winning the war. Instead they reported more and more the terrorist activities. Giving hope to the insurgents and dividing this country against itself. YOU are assisting this division. YOU are assisting our enemies.
Mr. Carter.. Your comments themself are IMMORAL. Your comments increase the likelihood that another sectarian act will occur. It gives aid and comfort to the enemy and worse is demoralizing to men fighting to end the terror and return Iraq to a democracy.
Shame on you.
You are a disgraced President who should stay out of the public eye.
That is MY BELIEF..
Jim Dicken