From a video I posted on concerning Rosie O'Donnell
It's painful to watch someone in so much denial. Yet this video was also very educational. It showed me how it was possible for a nation to vote for a failure of a president twice.
The real denial is that YOU and those who believe that the war in Iraq is wrong, are in fact proving Ossama Bin Laden right on a daily basis.
Ossama Bin Laden preaches openly that the United States will NEVER commit to any war any longer. We are not willing to suffer for our freedoms any more. We will pay for our freedom with money and arms but we will not commit our own blood and our own sons and daughters to the fight for our own God and our own FREEDOM.
The insurgency in Iran is dedicated to this. Each and every bomb that goes off is targeted to create as much damage as possible at a time that it can be reported on US Television. He is intentionally driving a wedge into the country, in order to divide us and to beat us.
IF we do not beat this insurgency it will follow us HOME.
You want to believe in this conspiracy because you are a coward. You want to believe that the United States is so terrible that it will kill its own citizens to enslave the rest of the world.
The truth is that the UNITED STATES is the greatest nation on the face of the planet.
We are the most generous, the most technically advanced, the main economic engine for most of the world.
If we are evil and hated, then it is easier for you to turn your life over to people who would destroy this country with silly conspiracy theories and in the end assist the Ossama's of the world to destroy it.
Ossama Bin Laden planned this attack and his Al Queda opperatives carried it out.
Why? Very simple, he attacked the main Economic Center of the world. Many of the worlds major commodities were bought and sold from these buildings as well as large banks, large amounts of silver and gold. IF he got lucky it would put many of the economies on the planet into free fall. This would cause anarchy and Fundamentalist Leaders depend on uneducated ignorant POOR of the world for their mind control.
Destroying the WTC could have done EXACTLY THAT... now would any one in the United States do the one thing that COULD give Ossama Bin Laden the ability to jump start his world domination? NO!
BUT lets look further.
Here are some of the claims I have seen:
There were explosives used to take down the towers.
Thermite or Thermate was used to take down the towers.
NO bodies were found at the crash site in Pennsylvania.
NO PLANE crashed into the Pentagon.
WTC 7 was not hit by a plane so fire could not have weakend it.
WTC 7 was taken down by a fire but it was not hit by a plane.
The building took only seconds to fall which is impossible unless there was a controlled explosion.
MOST if not all of these can be explained OR contradict another claim.
Worse yet.. it would take thousands of pounds of C4 to take the towers down. A van full could not do it. Next is how in the hell did it get set with miles of wire to set it off without the security team finding it.
Setting Thermite or Thermate charges would have required serious amounts of time and access.
Was the security team in on it?
Some are saying the military did it?
What commander in the military would carry out such an order?
The numbers of people necessary for such a cover up is to large. It could not be kept a secret. BEYOND that is the simple fact that each and every disaster in this country is gone over by people looking for discrepancies. There are video cameras EVERYWHERE. NOTHING is a secret any more.
Both the Democratic Party and the Republican Party would have to be involved in the cover up.. LMAO yeah that is gonna happen.
Billions of dollars in war profit?
Ok you have a point.. till you figure that an attack on another countries soil would have served just as well, and been easier to pull off without scrutiny.
We went to war with Iraq over WMD and there were none.
We had several opportunities to go to war under the Clinton Administration..
Why not do it then.
Why not trump up evidence at Oklahoma City to go after Iran?
There are books out there claiming that that exact thing did happen.
A conspiracy of this size is IMPOSSIBLE.
Maybe in 1960 but not in 2007.
You want too much to hate this country and George Bush.
Mr. Bush is not ruling the country for popularity. He is running it doing the RIGHT thing and some times the right thing is hard to do and unpopular.
Clinton took polls each and every week to find out what people wanted. He ruled and maded decisions based on what was popular, not by what was right for the country.
You claim Mr. Bush has failed... but he and the current government have kept you safe with no further attacks on US Soil.
Sadam Hussein is no longer killing millions of people.
The Economy is chugging along pretty darn good.
Unemployment is as low as it has ever been.
The Budget Deficit is declining despite the cost of the war on terror.
I will take failure like that any day.
250,000 American Soldiers died to keep the people of Europe free.
Today so far 3100 to 3200 American Soldiers have died in the same amount of time.
More men died on D-Day than have been lost in this war.
When you compare the suffering and the sacrifice, there is no comparison.
The greatest generation was willing to fight and die to keep its freedom.
This generation is more concerned with who is winning on Idol than in winning the war on terror.
You can call me ignorant and in denial and that is fine. What you call me is not important. BUT what you do to this country is what concerns me.
You are aiding our enemies in defeating our soldires in Iraq. You are encouraging insurgents to kill men, women and children in Iraq.
At least I do not have blood on my hands..
You can not support the troops without supporting the war...
In World War 2 mistakes were made on a daily basis.
The landing on Omaha Beach was a disaster. The press did not report it.
Why? Because our soldiers needed to be confident of their mission and their leaders.
Today the press is doing everything in its power to find fault with this war.
We need to win this war more than World War 2.
Had we lost in WW2 we would have lost our freedom and be speaking german.
IF we lose the war on terror, we will be killed. Our Grandchildren will not be born.
The Fundamentalists WANT US DEAD. There is NO negotiation with them.
We are infidels unworthy of Allah. Even IF we convert we will be killed.
These people are willing to kill every living thing on the planet in order to Praise Allah.
That is not rascism, it is fact.
I went to school with both Iranian and Iraqi students. Their hatred of this country was evident even in the 70's. Their joy at the deaths of Americans in terror attacks was Scary.
Defeat is not an option.
Unless of course you plan on fighting in the streets here.
IF we leave Iraq too soon, it will become the new training ground and the new recruiting haven for Ossama.
If you think Jimmy Carter screwed up by allowing the Shah of Iran to be kicked out this will make that look like a birthday party.
Thats My Take on it.
Jim Dicken