The media is in a Tizzy over the videos and writings of Mr.. XXX.
What part of this do you not get.
He wanted to be on the TV, and on the minds of people and the media is giving this BASTARD exactly what he wanted and in turn torturing the families of those he killed. Showing his face is sickening but showing that idiotic video is WORSE.
I am quicky getting tired of the press in this country making decisions on right and wrong then turning around and taking advantage by showing this @#$@# on TV and posting it on the Radio.
Doing so encourages others of this ilk to do the SAME DAMN THING.
YOU will never see any recognition of this man's name or of his deeds on this Blog.
He was a sick individual. He is NOT indicative of the culture, of the country or of its people. To show his manifesto on television is WRONG.
Yes let the psychologists see it. Use it in class rooms to illustrate behaviour, BUT NEVER, EVER allow it on the PUBLIC AIR WAVES.
Doing so allows him a victory of the living and the dead.
Our civilization is coming to an end.
We have given in to the lowest of the low and allowed him to get the recognition he wanted so much.
NO ONE should EVER say his name again. Doing so should be a crime.
It is an outrage that any network or any organization would consider showing this to the public. Any one who watches this for any reason OTHER than to study the mind of a Mass Murderer is SICK.
I WILL NOT suffer this fool. I will not watch him and I will turn off any and all news shows that show his manifesto and I ask YOU to do the same.
Thats my take on it.
Jim Dicken