From my YouTube Experience this post:
not true- many have EXAUSTED all of their benefits. and ARE NO LONGER ELIGIBLE. the GNP numbers are only helping the wealthy, while the middle class has had their purchasing power reduced. The National Debt has continued to increase an average of $1.94 billion per day since September 29, 2006! that is- $29,444.13 per citizen.
civil war in iraq, looming war with iran. bin laden still free, BILLIONS wasted, 23,000 seriously wounded.
-yeah heckuva job bushie
There are no figures indicating that People have exhausted their unemployment to any significant amount. Tracking of eligibility numbers indicates many are finding jobs and those who do not and fall off at the end of eligibility are in FACT finding employment through Self Ownership of businesses.
As for the Debt Burden.. Here is an excellent quote as to why you are wrong..
Why America's Debt Burden Is Declining
by Brian M. Riedl
Backgrounder #1820
The Congressional Budget Office’s new budget estimates are once again focusing budget watchers on the issue of government debt. While the growing federal debt is worrisome, many lawmakers and reporters focus on the wrong numbers and oppose debt for reasons that are not supported by economic data.
First, annual budget deficit figures, which are cited frequently by budget watchers, say little about the nation’s true debt burden and its ability to finance this debt. Second, the legacy of government debt is steep increases in taxes rather than steep hikes in interest rates. Federal debt represents government’s failure to live within its means as well as a preference for dumping current costs into the laps of future generations—with interest.
When measured properly, the federal government’s debt burden is actually below the post–World War II average. It is lower than it was at any time during the 1990s. However, unless Social Security and Medicare are reformed, lawmakers risk allowing debt levels to increase until they cause the highest intergenerational tax increase in history.
For example, is a family carrying too much debt if it borrows $5,000 this year? That question cannot be answered without knowing two additional variables:
Total debt. The family must repay not only the amount borrowed this year, but also all outstanding debt from previous years. If the family still owes $95,000 from previous borrowing, the additional $5,000 is less affordable than if the family had no prior debt.
Income. Assuming the family was already $95,000 in debt and this new $5,000 loan increases its total debt to $100,000, whether or not the additional $5,000 in debt is manageable depends on the family’s income. While Bill Gates could easily afford this debt, many low-income families could not.
Combining these two variables, the proper way to measure the impact of borrowing is by calculating the total debt as a percentage of income. This “debt ratio” is used by banks to determine how large a loan families and business can afford.
The same common sense applies to measuring the federal government’s finances. A $413 billion budget deficit merely shows the approximate annual change in the national debt. However, that number reveals nothing about whether or not the debt burden is too high; nor does it show whether the overall debt burden is increasing or decreasing.
In World War 2 250,000 Americans Died and as many were wounded. A terrible sacrifice against a terrible enemy that mirrors the one we fight today.
Islamic Extremists want the destruction of Israel and the end of the Sons of Abraham who is considered a relative of Mohammed. Hitler wanted to exterminate the Jews, extremists want the same thing.
We have lost 3200 soldiers and 3000 Citizens in this war.
We are fighting an enemy that wants our extinction. THAT IS NOT A BUSHCO comment. It is straight from the Al Queda "Playbook" as written by Ossama Bin Laden.
I have seen this in the Islamic Extremist Students I went to college with in the 70's. They have no respect for life and live only to serve the WILL of ALLAH. That "WILL" is to destroy ALL INFIDELS not just the Jews.
NOW for the GNP.
Rich people provide the money needed to invest in business and jobs. Attempts to "Curb the RICH" have only ended in the loss of jobs to middle class Americans who build the cars, the Yachts, and are the craftsmen who build what the rich consume.
Remember the LUXURY YACHT Tax. It put most of the Boat Builders in the United States out of Business. Thousands lost jobs thanks to the "Tax" on the rich.
Rich people like to save money too so if they can buy something over seas that is not taxed ridiculously then they will.
GNP is the heart of the health of the Economy and in the above quote also indicates whether a country can pay its debts.
you keep attacking Bush, but in the end all of your "FACTS" come down to hating him and not wanting to believe that the Terrorists are our enemies.
Jim Dicken
Just My Take on it.