Rosie said no STEEL building has ever fallen due to fire. THIS was about buildings 1 and 2.. not 7.
I will addres the Building 7 issue though.
Building 7 was damaged at its base by the traveling debris field of the WTC 1 and 2.
As the debris piled up gravity acted on it and created a flow of debris that took out support columns on one side of the building. The core of the building is NoT one piece of steel but PIECES of steel riveted together and welded. As the strain of the Extra weight of the building increased due to the FLOOR support being taken out the core began to crack like you would expect. (When you chop down a tree.. you take out one side and the Core CRACKS.. just like steel will on a larger scale)
The building collapesed onto itself from the weight of the upper floors which no longer had any support.
NOW let me go to WTC 1 and 2.
Have you ever heard of a BELLOWS.. It is what iron and steel workers use to bend steel. The planes hit the buildings and went all the way to the CORE of the building. The original fire from the fuel then started wood, curtains fabric and paper burning. The Core acted like a chimney and the heat began to rise in the CORE.
How do we know this.. Well if you listen to the folks on YOUTUBE.. Black smoke is cool and white smoke is hot. Look at the smoke coming from the TOP of the building. IT IS WHITE. It is the smoke running up the CORE to the roof and finding no place to go it vents out the side of the top of the building. The smoke that is dark is at the HOLE in the building where the plane hit it.
THE CORE melted. The steel at the top of the CORE as stated in several videos is thinner, making it more succpetable to heat. As more weight piled on to it the pieces, bolts and the welds began to break. (The rolling popping noises??) Finally interior floors began to break and collapse.. (Maybe why the sound BEFORE the collapes is heard?) As the weight increases the destruction increases in speed.
Rosie Stated that no steel building has ever collapsed from a fire alone...
What she failed to point out was that there was MORE than fire here.
There was a plane crash that took out the insulation that was supposed to protect the buildings steel. IF the insulation stays in tact the building does not fall / Fail.
No one thought about the effect of a plane crash would have on the insulation.
NO I have no scientific background. I offer no proof. I am using common sense and the basic knowledge my College Professors and High School Teachers gave me.
I Listened to these silly disrespectful videos and applied common sense and basic science. PROVE that any of the common sense things I have said are wrong.
Why and WHO would have done this?
Al Queda took credit for it immediately.
Why do that if they did not do it.
What exactly other than conjecture is there to give anyone the idea that these buildings were destroyed by our own government.
MORE: The plane nonsense in PA.
WHERE ARE THE BODY PARTS? Ok look this is not the first time a plane has crashed and no large body parts were found. The plane that took off from Miami and that crashed straight down into the Everglades.. NO LARGE parts were found but there was no major fire either. Add in a fire fuelded by Jet Fuel and it is possible the body parts burned up.
IF the plane did not crash WHERE ARE THE PEOPLE? Did the goverment kill them?
Were they taken by Aliens?
Where did the plane go if not into that field in PA?
There is no credible explanation as to who did this and why.
We had plenty of reason to go to war with Al Queda. They had attacked us many times during the Clinton Administration.
People you are denegrating the memory of the people who died there with this idiotic idea that there was some multinational conspiracy to kill 3000 Americans and to damage the one building that processed most of the major financial transactions in the world.
Anarchy was a serious possibility if information was not backed up and kept elsewhere. Banks could have failed.. so rich people would not benefit.
Bush? How has he benefitted?
Al Queda is the only answer for any of this.
Could they have planted some explosives in the building.. Hey anything is possible.
The military? HOW. What military leader would have followed such orders.
A conspiracy of this nature and scope would have taken hundreds and maybe even a thousand people to pull off.
NONE have come forward.
To do a demolition of a 110 story building would have taken days to plant the explosives. The number of wires leading to the explosives would have been noticeable and obvious. Where was security when it was being rigged? WAS THE ENTIRE Security force of the WTC in on this?
This was a Terrorist attack. Plain and simple. No one else had a motive or reason to do it.
Thats My Take on it.