I am starting the BIG-BAG-O-WIND Award.
This Award is for the people in our country who use their celebrity to abusive ends and use uneducated or unverified information to rabble rouse against the country and its values..
The First Recipient is Bill Maher the Bag O wind who said the terrorists who took down the towers were not cowards..
( I initially agreed with him, thinking that dying for a cause was noble.. but short nanoseconds later.. I remembered that they sliced the throat of an unarmed woman and let her bleed to death for no reason, other than to terrorize the passengers and crew. That is cowardice plain and simple.)
NOW Mr. Maher says we should NOT elect Presidents who hunt because they get us into wars, postulating that they are cruel to animals so they are war mongers.. I have several exceptions to this statement but it was put into perspective by an Outdoor Writer..
Here is what Dave Petzal an Outdoor Writer for Field and Stream said on the subject recently.
I was watching “Real Time with Bill Maher” the other night and was struck by one of his “New Rules” rules. He ranted about Governor Mitt Romney’s pretending to be a hunter, and then said words to the effect that if we had fewer presidents who hunted, we would get in fewer wars, due to the alleged connection between “cruelty” to animals and cruelty to people.
This intrigued me, so I went back and looked at the record, starting with our first modern conflict, the Civil War (I have counted only real wars, not casual bloodlettings like Ronald Reagan’s debacle in Beirut, or Bubba’s excellent adventure in Somalia):
Civil War, entered into by Abraham Lincoln, a non-hunter.
Spanish-American War, entered into by William McKinley, a non-hunter.
World War I, entered into by Woodrow Wilson, a non-hunter.
World War II, entered into by Franklin D. Roosevelt, a non-hunter.
Korean War, entered into by Harry S. Truman, a non-hunter.
Vietnam, entered into by John F. Kennedy, a non-hunter. Presided over by Lyndon Baines Johnson, who shot deer from his convertible and picked up his beagles by their ears. Presided over by Richard M. Nixon, a non-hunter.
Desert Storm, entered into by George Bush, a hunter.
Iraq/Afghanistan, entered into by George W. Bush. I can’t find any real evidence that W. is a hunter; however, one website claimed that, as a boy, he enjoyed stuffing firecrackers in frogs, so I guess that counts for something. One the other hand, Vice President Cheney is a hunter for sure, and may actually be president, so we have to factor that in.
And so, out of eight wars, only three had hunting presidents involved. Out of ten (or 11) presidents, only four had even the most tenuous connection to making the bunnies sweat.
But I like Bill Maher. He is always angry, and sometimes funny, and frequently has interesting guests. End of Mr. Petzals Comments...
I would add that Mr. Maher is always funny, but not for the reasons mentioned above.
He thinks he is smart, but most 6th graders have more intelligence and political acumen than Mr. Maher.
He apparently deplores war as we all do, but fails to understand that if you fail to act, as we and the world did with Hitler, little piss ant dictators turn into Mass Murderers.. and while Sadam Hussein had not come quite up to the standard of an Adolph Hitler he was closing in on Mr. Hitlers Numbers on a daily basis. He was a threat to become the next Hitler, and while he was not necessarily a threat when we invaded ... History teaches us that waiting to stop a Dictator kills more than taking him out sooner. We lost 250,000 men killed in WW2. WE have lost 3300 in this war. Wait for Sadam to have NUKES? Threaten the worlds oil supply? Take the world to the brink of economic disaster.. OR stop him NOW.
Some people make the hard choices, others make no decisions and get us in deeper.
Thats my take on it.
Jim Dicken
I do not hide from the world with a "Handle"