Wednesday, April 11, 2007

The Ultimate in "Wacked Out"

Here is one of the main arguers comments on 9-11..
It is well-known that the hole in the west wing of the Pentagon, less than 18-foot diameter, was too small to accommodate a Boeing 757, but the North Tower’s hole wasn’t big enough for a Boeing 767 either, the alleged widebody airliner used on AA Flight 11 (officially tail number N334AA, FAA-listed as "destroyed"). A Boeing 767 has a wingspan of 155’ 1" (47.6 m) yet the maximum distance across the hole in the North Tower was about 115 feet (35 m), a hole undersized by some 40 feet or 26 percent.

OK, lets look at this on FACE VALUE.. call it the Occum's Razor test...
IF the planes that hit the trade center were not the planes that the air lines say they were.. WHERE are the people?
IF a smaller plane hit the WTC.. what was it. There are pictures.. can someone tell me what that is? A 767? or something smaller.
Worse yet is the simple fact that the Controllers TALKED to the pilots.
Controllers knew the planes were off course from their transponder ID Changes.. yes they were later turned off..
BUT THE ULITMATE hypocrisy in this whole conspiracy theory is that the controllers were in on it. The passengers were in on it.. and worse yet the Families were in on it.. OR they were being tortured by their own family members who were in on it.
"Lets Roll" apparently NEVER HAPPENED according to this theory.
To the conspiracy nuts I have this to say...
HORSE SHIT and very DEEP HORSE SHIT and nonsense is being sold to you and you are buying it. It is growing a VERY GREEN FIELD of BULLSHIT with it ..
3000 people died.
4 Airplanes are gone.
Radar was fooled and worse.. apparently the planes we saw hitting the WTC were not the planes that the people from those flights got into?
This is so transparent an argument as to be non-existent.
IF Not the planes we saw then WHAT.. How come no expert seeing the video's of the planes crashing into the towers has said that they were not the Boeing Jets identified.
Are we as a nation all hypnotized.. IS the WTC really there and we just dont see it?
Is there an alternate universe where the people on the Airliner now exist along with their planes...
WORSE.. the Airline companies went bankrupt lost millions and WERE IN ON IT!
Yeah and pigs fly.
My Bullshit Detector went off the first time this came out and it is now on overdrive.
BULL SHIT.. the most pure and UTTER BULLSHIT I have in my life seen.
I am done with this conspiracy crap. You people are IDIOTS.
4 planes disappeared along with the people.. 3000 people who did not die, are conspiring to take down the WTC???????
There is not enough Shame for you people to go around.
ANY one who thinks that those planes did not crash into that building needs to be in an INSANE Asylum.... and I have broken my own rule on discourse.. not because of frustration but because of total lack of REALITY.
Blujesus.. you and your ILK deserve the hell you live in.
I am done with this issue.
That is the TRUTH..