Friday, April 06, 2007
O'Reilly on Child Hate Speech..
O'Reilly talks about this child and abuse.. My problem with this is that while she spouts what she is told, it depicts religion today as being involved in Genocide.
While Christians have waged war, they have NEVER been involved in Genocide. (Way in the past) it has not occurred in this or the last century. Christianity has been the victim but not the perpetrator.
Islamic Fundamentalists who demean the religion of Islam have been involved in Genocide in this and the last century. Hitler was involved in Genocide as was Stalin. NO Christian leader in the last 150 years has been involved in Genocide and depicting the Republican party as committing genocide because it is waging a war on terror is just plain SICK.
War is not genocide. Genocide is lining people up and killing them for NO reason, IE. the Gas chambers of the Nazi's and the Slaughter of innocent people in the Balkans and in Africa.
Failure to stop Genocide by past administrations would be closer to Genocide than anything the Republican Party has done in defense of this country.
I am a Democrat saying I am ashamed of my party and my past president for not acting to stop the murder / genocide in Africa in the 90's.
We waited too long to become involved in the Balkans to eliminate Islamic People.. and yet despite our actions to protect Islamic Religion and people in the Balkans Ossama Bin Laden wants to destroy our country and kill all of its citizens..
This child's parents are using Mind Control, and outrageous actions to accuse Republicans of being Nazi's. These kind of people will be the end of this nation.
This is how Rome Fell.
That's My take on it.
Jim Dicken
OH and I sign everythign I post.. unlike you scared individuals who hide behind name handles..