From BluJesus...jim-
thousands of people who worked on the atom bomb had no idea what they were working on. need to know- that is how the military keeps secrets, each person does his job unaware of the whole picture. as far as whistle blowers- Sibel Edmonds, Michael Springman, Randy Glass, Mary Schneider, Robert Wright. but I'm sure you won't check them out due to your fear.
Yes and the people in the camp in New Mexico all knew as soon as the bomb blew. ONLY people with experience in controlled demolition are several commercial companies. THE GOVERNMENT does not do CD.. If the military wants a building down they blow it up all at once. If the government takes a building down they sell the bricks and the wood and everything else...
NOW for your Whistle Blowers.
Sible Edmonds.. ""...we fear that the designation of information as classified in some cases [brought forth by Sibel Edmonds] serves to protect the executive branch against embarrassing revelations and full accountability... Releasing declassified versions of these reports, or at least portions or summaries, would serve the public’s interest, increase transparency, promote effectiveness and efficiency at the FBI, and facilitate Congressional oversight."
Nothing here indicates a conspiracy. It simply says that there MIGHT be more evidence.. not that there is..It also indicates that the administration MIGHT be embarrassed.. but no where does anything this man brought forth indicates a conspiracy as you want to promote.
Mr. Springman says he gave out Visas to questionable people at CIA direction.
NOW for that to happen he would have had to have been there UNDER Clinton since Bush was only in office for 7 months before the attack. WHICH was planned during the Clinton administration!!! (Planning started in 1997) So as I suspected Clinton hire, and Clinton Policy help the terrorists. Clinton CIA people were still in charge during the Bush Administration. Unlike Clinton Bush did not come in and clean house.. IE.. like firing ALL of the Federal Attorneys.
RANDY GLASS: Knew more than a year before and did ot pass it on until Bush was in office. He had taped interviews with terrorists. THAT MEANS that the people he worked for KNEW before Bush took office. They listened to the TAPES...
The FBI knew something was coming, but could not figure it out...
The CIA knew where but not when but was not allowed to tell the FBI.
NOTHING indicates a conspiracy. Some stupidity but not a conspiracy.
Mary Schneider: From a whistleblower lawsuit...
The administrative judge also found that the appellant failed to prove her affirmative defense of retaliation for whistleblowing disclosures regarding “her belief that alien applicants for naturalization, green cards, and other benefits had bribed various officials at INS Orlando such that these officials were approving these applicants for citizenship despite the appellant’s contention that these applicants had engaged in fraudulent behavior (e.g., sham marriages, forgery, bigamy, perjury, etc.).” ID at 4. The administrative judge found that the appellant failed to make a nonfrivolous allegation that a reasonable person in her position could conclude that her allegations concerned violations of law. ID at 15. He also found that, even if the appellant’s disclosures were protected, she did not show that such disclosures were a contributing factor to her suspension because the agency imposed the 30-day suspension “more than five years after the appellant’s April 1998 disclosures.” ID at 15-16.
Local authorities accepting a bribe IS NOT a conspiracy. It is criminal activity. ALSO it happened when..April 1998. AGAIN under Clinton...
As for Mr. Wrigth there are about 20 on Google and NONE seem to have any connection.
NOW again I say..
Show me evidence of a C-O-N-S-P-I-R-A-C-Y that is during the Bush Administration.
Did people make mistakes which helped the terrorists? YES, most definitely. They also used our own laws against us. The FBI and the CIA not being able to share info.. the DIA and the Super Spooks at NSA not being able to share info.. that is what the terrorists used against us.
CLINTON Says he told Mr. Bush that Ossama was a danger.. Ok, but did he tell him that there was a plan in the works because it sure as hell looks like he new if the stuff you sent me too is believed. MORE.. ok I KNEW in 2001 that Ossama Bin Laden was a danger to this country.. He was in on the 1993? 1994? attempt to blow the towers. He was on the news almost every day and linked to the bombings of our embassies, and the ship in Oman. Any semi Literate person knew who Bin Laden was.
NOW I still want a name of something more than a whistleblower who was involved in the setting of the explosives.
There has to be someone because you can not do this kind of operation without someone BREAKING.
That's My Take on it.
Jim Dicken
PS.. Blu.. what is YOUR name and will YOU say what it is and stand personally responsible for what you say?